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- >Night CabaΓ±a Boys and Neon Sunshine on Earth
- >Be Rosewood
- >You are a big city gal making your way through the world
- >Someday, you will be a famous actress with millions of adoring fans and even more money
- >Tonight, you are a simple singer in a nightclub
- >You sit at your chair as other showponies dress and put on makeup
- >Anything for the crowd, you think
- >With a practiced hoof, you apply your ruby lipstick and add a touch of crème powder
- >It hides your disappoint well tonight as you slip into your shimmering gown
- >A familiar dancer comes up from behind you and places her hooves on your shoulder
- >"Hey, Rosy, you're looking great tonight."
- "Thanks, Night, you too."
- >"You think that guys gonna be in the crowd tonight?"
- >You think of that gentleman as you have the past few week and how strange the encounter was
- >As usual, the club was closing and you were hanging around the bar
- >He cut through the crowd to you and sat down as if he had done so a thousand times
- >His voice was dusky and smooth, like a fine espresso, and he spoke so casually with you as if you were friends from age's past
- "He shows up every Thursday..."
- >"Do you know him or something?"
- "Not really, we've talked a bit, but that's it."
- >Nightlight rubs your shoulders in small circles and you almost give into her massage
- >"Do you like him though? Like, maybe go out with him?"
- "Absolutely not. I have a career to think about and I'm not getting any younger."
- >"My point, gal-pal, I don't think you've ever had a steady coltfriend since I've known you."
- "There's a lot more to life than finding a good lay."
- >Nightlight smirks and you watch her smug face in the mirror
- >"Of course there is! You also got to find a good place to eat afterwards."
- >She is so hopelessly colt-crazy sometimes that you wonder how she can even walk without lifting her tail
- >A small bell chimes out in the dressing room and everyp0ny gathers at the stage door
- >Time to shine, Rosewood!
- >You walk out into the waiting area behind the curtains and peak at the crowd
- >You look to the front rows and, to your surprise, the gentleman is not here
- >Rationalizing everything, you think he'll be around later on tonight
- >It is not like you are hoping he'll join you for drinks again or that you even need to see him tonight
- >A smile lays flatly on your features as you nod to your inner thoughts
- >The lights drop and you feel a presence behind you
- >Nightlight peaks over your shoulder and asks the obvious
- >"Did you see him out there."
- >You let out a dry sigh without looking to your friend
- "He is not here and I don't really care."
- >"Huh, could have fooled me!"
- >You are about to scold her when the stage owner takes the stand and begins announcing the lineup for the night
- >Hands clap and hooves stomp in anticipation and you feel the rush of energy again
- >"Now, ladies and gentlemen, mares and stallions, the beautiful Rosewood!"
- >More cheers rise up and your spine tingles happily as you trot down the staircase
- >The microphone is already in your headset and you prepare to dazzle the world for another night
- "Thank you, Donny, always lovely to be here..."
- >You pepper the crowd with kisses as you slowly descend
- "... Look at all you hardworking people here tonight!"
- >Whistles can be heard from the colts and boys near the front of the stage as the audience simmers
- "I just hope you still got a little fire in you for one more dance..."
- >The music begins to rise above the stage and the sound of cheering blocks out the noise of the world
- "Last dance... Last dance, for love~. Yes, it's my last chance, for romance... Tonight~!"
- >You take the last step from the staircase onto the larger stage platform and really let go
- >As you sing on, you occasionally peak at the door for no known reason
- >The girls file onto the stage next and take their points
- >This is what you live for, what you crave; choreography and music in sync and the world applauding
- "... Oh ooh~ I need you by me! Beside me~ to guide me! To hold me, to scold me! 'Cause when I'm bad, I'm so, so bad!"
- >You step closer to the edge of the stage and sweep your hoof out before some patrons
- "Yeah, will you be my~ Mr. Right? Can you fill my appetite?! I can't be sure you're the one for me... But, all that I ask is that you dance~ with me! Dance~ with me! Dance with me~, ye~ah!"
- >The girls spin wildly as the music entrances them and all suddenly fall to the next verse
- >As if living of its own accord, the music comes to a point and the stage dims on everything but you
- >This solo is slow and authentic and you put your heart into each syllable
- >Your skin tingles with life and your voice commands the crowds as you hit each chilly note
- >The tempo picks up again as you enter the final stretch and the dancers are back in full swing
- >Focusing on the entrance again, you are still not entirely sure what you're waiting for
- >You climb back up the stage as the finale approaches
- "... Oh ooh~ I need you by me! Beside me~ to guide me! To hold me, to scold me! 'Cause when I'm bad, I'm so, so hor~ny! So, come on, baby! Dance that dance! Come on baby! Dance that dance!"
- >A dancer leaps from point to point and finishes with a twirl as each of the ten girls sticks to their mark and begin ducking down
- "Come on baby! Let's dance tonight~!"
- >The finale note is pitch perfect as your voice and the music mingle to create a sound that is utterly brilliant
- >You stand with your chest heaving as you gasp for air and look over the stage
- >The crowd roars with approval as the music fades and the lights dim
- >Wide, yellow curtains close and leave you and the other girls in darkness
- >It is such a relief to feel cool darkness wash over you
- >Not many can say, but stage lights, singing, and dancing will make a pony heat up real fast!
- >You thank the stars that they make cosmetics that won't run under sweat
- >Without much ceremony, you all pick up and walk back to the dressing room
- >Nightlight bounces quickly towards you as you take a seat to touch up
- >"Did I ever tell you how jealous I was of your voice?"
- "Once or twice..."
- >You smirk at her and she gives you a hug
- >"If any mare deserves to be a star, it's you, Rosy."
- >A feeling of glumness takes hold of you and Nightlight looks back with concern
- >"Hey, are you OK?"
- "Me? Oh, yeah, I am great... Never better."
- >"You didn't take my compliment! You always do... What's wrong?"
- "I said it's nothing, Night."
- >"Yeah, but -somep0ny's- got a frowny face after her big performance..."
- "It's just... Well, he wasn't there."
- >"Wait, who wasn't? You mean that guy?"
- >She smiles at you with a wicked sort of grin, but you nod all the same
- "It's weird, right? I don't even know him..."
- >"I bet he'll show up, just give it some time!"
- >Another two songs come and go for the night and the crowd keeps you pumped for most of it
- >Still, you find it impossible to not scan the door every few minutes while on stage and you know it is going to effect your work if it keeps up
- >Your manager, Donny, comes behind the set and calls you over
- >You comply readily and smile
- "What's up?"
- >"Nothing, what's up with you tonight? You seemed really distracted on that last number."
- "Me? No, never! I just had... Something in my eye?"
- >He stares at you once before waving you off
- >"Go get some eye drops and be ready in ten, alright?"
- >You try to smile and head off to touch up for one last song
- >The excitement of the night fades over the next few minutes and you grow a little sadder as you think things out
- >Reading the schedule again, the next song is too cheery and you are afraid your heart just isn't in it right now
- >You quickly step out and search for Donny
- >He's in his usual spot, that is, behind his desk with a stack of cash to count and you quickly plead to him
- "Donny, I don't know if I can sing the next song tonight."
- >"What? Why not?!"
- "I don't know, I'm just... Just not feeling it right now."
- >"Look, we got good, paying customers out there who want a show. I pay you to give them that show. Get it?"
- "Can I sing something a little slower?"
- >"Yeah, soon as you open up your own bar. Stick to the schedule, babe, and let me do the thinking for the shows."
- >You stomp out of his office and scowl harder than you thought you could
- >It dawns on you that you are acting irrational tonight and that letting your emotions get the best of you is not good for you health
- >A knot in your stomach seems to twist once more as you think about so many things
- >You just want to throw up right now from the tension, but that would ruin your voice for the night
- >Taking a sip of water from a nearby fountain, you sigh and proceed to the stage
- >The human, disc jockey Blak-N-Whyt, sits idly by as he plays around with his instruments
- >"Rosewood... What's shakin'?"
- "Nothing at all..."
- >"Whoa, you OK?"
- "Not really... I am kind of depressed."
- >"It's that guy, ain't it?"
- "Why does everyp0ny know about this guy I've been speaking to?!
- >He chuckles a rich, throaty chuckle
- >"Girl, ain't no one ever seen you so happy until that guy showed up. We thought he was already signing the prenup."
- >You don't even care that you are an open book right now
- >All that matters is that you see Anonymous tonight and he hears you sing again
- "Hey, B. W., do you think you can do me a favor?"
- >"Depends, will I lose my job?"
- "M-maybe?"
- >"Ah, what the hell? What's up, baby-girl? What can ol' DJ Blak-N-Whyt do for you?"
- >You divulge your plans to him and he smiles quickly
- >"No biggie, we got a few minutes to prep."
- >With that, you are off to tell the next part to the dancers
- >When all is said and done, you have effectively gotten yourself fired
- >It doesn't matter right now, you just don't care about working here anymore
- >You tell yourself that you were going to leave soon anyways and that you'll find money somewhere else
- >Your brain nags at your heart for a moment as you draw nearer to the stage
- >The lights dim and the curtains roll back; show time!
- >As the stage comes into view, you hear the sound of a piano play up and a spotlight shines down on you
- >You glimmer and shine as you climb down the steps and the sadness stirring inside you finally has a place to go
- "So far away... Doesn't anyp0ny stay in one place anymore? It would be so fine to see your face at my door..."
- >You look longingly at the main entrance as you sing and the crowd looks slightly confused
- "... One more song about moving along the high~way... Can't say much of anything that's new."
- >You turn slowly and the light breaks around you
- "If I could only work this life out my way, I'd rather spend it being close to you~!"
- >The song burns in your mind and your passions ignite with the anger of abandonment
- "But, you're so far away! Doesn't anyp0ny stay in one place anymore?! It would be -so- fine to see your face at my door! And it doesn't help to know... You're so far away..."
- >As you finish the song, you sink down to your knees on stage and the spotlight bears down upon you
- >At first, the world is silent and still
- >Suddenly, a small sound of distant clapping rises into the air and you look out into the crowd
- >There stands a man at the threshold of the door in a sharp, black suit cheering excitedly at your performance
- >"Encore! Encore!"
- >Anonymous moves swiftly to the front where an empty seat awaits him
- >As he cheers, others begin to follow and the whole room is filled with the sounds of approval again
- >You look to the DJ and smile with tears in your eyes
- >The music picks up and you see Nightlight offstage wink with her typical toothy grin
- >She mouths to you what looks like, 'I need something to dance to, thanks!'
- >A beat overtakes the stage and you see Nightlight slide into view with an eager smile on her face
- >Another two dancers follow her and they stand just behind you
- >A happy flow of electric groove flows down your back and straight through your hooves as you smile to Anon
- "No sleep last night~... Been dreamin' of you~... Please hold me tight~, 'cause I can't help the way that I feel! I just -can't- help the way that I feel!..."
- >You sing on into the night to the one you've come to adore
- >He's definitely paying for your drinks tonight!
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