
Even More Delightful Premise

Jan 11th, 2014
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >It has not been long since you became stranded in Ponyville.
  3. >You have managed to do reasonably well for yourself, however.
  4. >You spend a lot of time working for Twilight Sparkle.
  5. >She found a loophole in the law against experimenting with dangerous magic on ponies.
  6. >It doesn't technically apply to humans.
  7. >You have no idea where she gets the bits, but she pays well.
  8. >You haven't even been injured yet. Not seriously, at least.
  9. >The only thing that you are having difficulty adjusting to is the total unavailability of meat.
  10. >You would kill for it, if you could find something to kill that didn't talk. It literally haunts your dreams.
  11. >This is not the sort of thing that you can bring to the attention of your herbivorous hosts.
  13. >Twilight answers your knock on the library door.
  14. >"Anon! You are here early today. I like that kind of enthusiasm."
  15. "Twilight, I have a toothache. Do you know any spells that can cure it?"
  16. >"Sorry Anon, but your best course of action is to go to the vet."
  17. "Why not the dentist?"
  18. >"Don't be silly, Anon. Dentists are for ponies."
  19. >Of course.
  20. "Thanks anyway, Twilight."
  21. >That is the last thing you wanted to hear.
  22. >The vet is Fluttershy.
  23. >Fluttershy has developed a crush on you.
  24. >More of an obsession really.
  25. >You aren't sure you would contemplate such a relationship even if you had given up all hope on returning home.
  26. >Really you feel worse for her than for yourself.
  27. >"Anon, would you be willing test out some spells before you go?"
  28. >"This is the perfect opportunity for a few particular ones I have had in mind for a while now."
  29. >"If your teeth get ruined you won't have to make any extra trips to get them fixed!"
  30. "Sorry, Twilight. It's hard to argue with that reasoning, but I really need to get this taken care of fast."
  31. >Get out while you still can.
  33. >You present yourself at Fluttershy's cottage, which also serves as the veterinary clinic.
  34. >Angel bunny shows you in, and has you fill out a medical questionnaire.
  35. >Soon he takes you to the dental exam room.
  36. >Fluttershy is ecstatic.
  37. >"Angel, be a dear and cancel all of momma's appointments today."
  38. >"Anon, please take a seat and tell me which tooth hurts."
  39. >You are impressed/disturbed that she happens to have a human sized exam chair.
  40. >"Oh you poor thing! You need to have that cavity filled right away."
  41. >"You really should have come to see me much sooner!"
  42. >She gently but forcefully holds a mask to your face
  43. >Gas begins hissing ominously.
  44. >You want to struggle, but before you can react effectively you feel...funny.
  45. >You hear yourself giggle a little as the floor seems to fall away.
  46. >Gradually you settle into the detached sensation of watching yourself from a distance.
  47. >As Fluttershy fills your tooth she tells you all of the things you will do together when you get married.
  48. >She has *really* thought about this.
  49. >Fortunately her erect wings don't interfere with any of the equipment.
  51. >When the procedure is finished Fluttershy climbs up on your lap and nuzzles your chest.
  52. >"Anon, what a very brave human you have been today!"
  53. >"I think you deserve a reward before the laughing gas wears off..."
  54. >She moves in for a deep kiss...
  55. >Try not to enjoy it...
  56. >Enjoy it a lot.
  57. >Shiver with pleasure as she grinds against you.
  58. >Nibble on her ear...
  59. >"Oh Anon, your teeth are so sharp!"
  60. >Move on to her neck...
  61. >Fluttershy gasps in ecstasy.
  62. >Bite a little harder...
  63. >"Ow Anon! Be more gentle. I feel like you are trying to eat me!"
  64. "Don't worry Flutterhsy, humans don't eat ponies."
  65. "They only eat cows... and pigs... and chickens... and fish..."
  66. >You keep rambling under the effect of the gas.
  67. >Fluttershy gets a horrified look and quickly jumps away from you.
  68. >She stutters incoherently as she backs out of the room.
  70. >Come to your senses.
  71. >Decide that you have only one hope.
  72. >Get to the library as fast as you can and lock the door behind you.
  73. "Twilight, before I tell you this I want you to remember that I am an endangered species."
  74. >She gives you a blank stare.
  75. "Humans are apex predators."
  76. >"Anon, are you trying to imply that you consume flesh!? How could you joke about something so revolting!?"
  77. >"I truly expected better of you! Besides, the idea is not even remotely plausible."
  78. >"If you had ever done that, Fluttershy would have learned about it immediately from her animal friends."
  79. "I have not indulged myself since coming to Equestria."
  80. >Explain the situation to Twilight.
  81. >"Don't worry, Anon. I wouldn't let anything happen to my only lab monkey."
  82. >"However, I need to write a letter to Princess Celestia."
  83. >"Does anypony else know about this?"
  84. "Only Fluttershy."
  85. >"Good. Then we shouldn't have any trouble."
  86. >"Spike is in town running errands. Wait here while I go find him."
  88. >Within minutes Twilight rushes back into the library.
  89. >"Anon, we have a problem."
  90. >"When Fluttersy learned about your predilection she immediately set out to find me."
  91. >"However, she encountered Rainbow Dash first, and thought she could get the message here faster.
  92. >"Rainbow Dash was less sympatheic to your predicament, and things got a little out of hoof."
  93. "How out of hoof?"
  94. >"You need to sneak out the back before the angry mob gets here. I will do my best to misdirect them."
  95. >Why does Rainbow Dash always have to be such a bitch?
  96. >You don't get very far before the angry mob is hot on your trail.
  97. >They chase you for hours.
  98. >You manage to lose them in the Everfree forest, but collapse from exhaustion.
  100. >The blistered land writhes in the sunless dawn.
  101. >A dark equine silhouette approaches slowly in the distance.
  102. >You are gradually overcome by a terrifying realization.
  103. >You are struck by a grim realization.
  104. >This is it.
  105. >You have died and been sent to pony Hell.
  106. >Your fate is endless torment at the diabolical hooves of the pony devil.
  107. >You hope it doesn't involve Fluttershy.
  108. >"Be at peace human. No harm will come to you within my domain."
  109. >Princess Luna seems disconcerted by the way the smoldering horizon draws your gaze.
  110. >"I was intrigued by Twilight Sparkle's reports of an unusual monster, but your dreams repulsed me."
  111. >"I had come to believe you were a creature of perpetual nightmare.
  112. >Her expression softens for a fleeting moment. "As once I was."
  113. >"Now I appreciate your dilemma. I understand the distinction between darkness and desire."
  114. >"Tonight you will have reprieve."
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