

May 31st, 2016
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  41. <div style="position:absolute;background-color:grey;top:19px;right:480px;width:740px;height:896px;border:ridge red;opacity:0.4;"></div>
  43. <div style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:480px;;overflow:hidden;"><a href=""><img src="" width="746" height="170"></a></div>
  45. <div style="position:absolute;top:605px;right:490px;border: darkred solid;background-color:black;width:500px;height:300px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0px;background-color:white;width:100%;"><center><font style="font: 15px times new roman;color:red;"><B>HISTORY</B></font></center></div>
  46. <div style="position:absolute;top:20px;overflow:auto;height:273px;"><font style="font:11px calibri;color:red;text-align:left;float:left;">
  48. Little is known about Mystique's past due to the fact that she can eliminate the outward signs of aging with her shape-changing power, and it's not known exactly how old she is. She apparently learned to use her shape-changing power at a very early age, for there is no evidence known to the public or the government that Raven Darkholme ever looked like anything but a normal human being. Years ago Mystique had an affair with Victor Creed and they had a son, Graydon Creed, the recently-assassinated presidential candidate and hater of mutants. Mystique has also claimed to be the mother of Nightcrawler. At some point in recent years Mystique became the protector of the young mutant named Rogue, and looked upon Rogue as if she where her own daughter. While Rogue was under her care, she maintained the false identity of Mallory Brickman, the wife of U.S. Senator Ralph Brickman and her adopted daughter, Gloria, was a result.
  49. Mystique had concealed her superhuman powers and criminal intentions so well over the years that, as Raven Darkholme, she was able to rise rapidly through the United States Civil Service to the trusted position of Deputy Director of the Defense Advanced Research Planning Agency (DARPA) in the United States Department of Defense, giving her access to military secrets and advanced weaponry, both of which she used for her own criminal and subversive purposes.
  50. <br><br>
  51. Mystique organized the third incarnation of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, which originally consisted of herself, Avalanche, the Blob, Destiny, and Pyro. Mystique named her group after the original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, an organization founded by Magneto.
  52. <br><br>
  53. This Brotherhood first became known when it attempted to intimidate the public by assassinating Senator Robert Kelly, who was investigating what he perceived was the possible danger posed by the existence of any superhuman beings. The X-Men thwarted the assassination attempt, and the Brotherhood later clashed with the X-Men on other occasions, as well as the Avengers and other heroes. Rogue was a member of the Brotherhood for a time but finally left to join the X-Men in order to find help in learning how to deal with her superhuman powers.
  54. <br><br>
  55. Anti-mutant sentiment among normal human beings had greatly increased, and the federal government launched its own covert anti-mutant program, Project: Wideawake. Believing that the times had become too dangerous for the Brotherhood to continue its criminal activities, Mystique went to Dr. Valerie Cooper, special assistant to the head of the National Security Council, and offered the Brotherhood's services to the government. Cooper agreed to convey the offer to the President, on the condition that the Brotherhood pass a test she imposed: the capture of Magneto. The Brotherhood, now renamed Freedom Force, succeeded in bringing Magneto to the authorities (only because he voluntarily surrendered to them) and soon afterward officially entered the government's employ. In return, and as Freedom Force's leader, Mystique received a Presidential pardon for all criminal charges against her, but the pardon would be revoked if any member of Freedom Force was found committing a crime. During her time with Freedom Force, Mystique faced many new opponents such as the Grip, Avengers West Coast, and several other foes. During this stint, her team was sent to Muir Island and were confronted by the Reavers, who killed her teammate Stonewall. During the battle, Mystique charged Forge with the duty of protecting Destiny, which he did until Destiny convinced him that Mystique needed more help. After Forge left to help Mystique, Destiny was slain by a mind-controlled Legion. Afterward, Mystique swore vengeance on Forge for her friend's death, but a visit by a future version of herself convinced her to take some time off to mourn the death of Destiny. During her time off, she went on a cruise and scattered Destiny's ashes into the ocean.
  56. <br><br>
  57. Raven recently made a deal with Professor Charles Xavier. Hunted by many countries for her acts of terrorism, Xavier offered her protection from being detected by them. In exchange, she was to act as Xavier's secret operative. If she was caught, Xavier would deny ever working with her. Former lover Forge aided her by providing technology while Shortpack acted as her handler. After completing quite a few missions, Mystique ended her working relationship with Xavier and infiltrated the Xavier Institute under the guise of Foxx, a student put in Gambit's squad. Her true identity revealed by Emma Frost, Raven claimed to want to join the X-Men and have a better relationship with her foster daughter. She has since gone working with a new associate, Pulse, who she thinks is a better fit for Rogue. Mystique's true motives, and who she was communicating with while inside the Institute, remain a mystery.
  59. <br><br>
  61. </font></div></div>
  63. <div style="position:absolute;top:605px;right:1004px;border: darkred solid;background-color:black;width:200px;height:300px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0px;background-color:white;width:100%;"><center><font style="font: 15px times new roman;color:red;"><B>STATS</B></font></center></div><div style="position:absolute;top:20px;overflow:auto;height:273px;width:198;"><font style="font:11px calibri;color:red;text-align:left;float:left;">
  64. <I>Name<br>
  65. Age<br>
  66. Height<br>
  67. Weight<br>
  68. Eye Color<br>
  69. Hair Color<br><br>
  71. Race<br>
  72. Marital Status<br>
  73. Love Interest<br>
  74. Affiliation<br>
  75. Base of Operations<br><br>
  78. </font>
  80. <font style="font:11px calibri;color:red;text-align:right;float:right;">
  81. Raven Darkholme<br>
  82. Unknown<br>
  83. Variable<br>
  84. Variable<br>
  85. Variable<br>
  86. Variable<br><br>
  87. Mutant<br>
  88. Single<br>
  89. None<br>
  90. Brotherhood of Evil<br>
  91. Mobile<br><br>
  94. </font></div></div>
  96. <div style="position:absolute;top:175px;right:1004px;border: darkred solid;background-color:black;width:200px;height:200px;overflow:hidden;"><a href=""><img src="" width="100%" height="100%"></a></div>
  98. <div style="position:absolute;top:400px;right:1004px;width:200px;height:200px;"><a href=""><img src="" width="100%" height="100%"></a></div>
  100. <div style="position:absolute;top:390px;right:790px;border: darkred solid;background-color:black;width:200px;height:200px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0px;background-color:white;width:100%;"><center><font style="font: 15px times new roman;color:red;"><B>WEAPON</B></font></center></div>
  101. <div style="position:absolute;top:20px;overflow:auto;height:179px;"><font style="font:11px calibri;color:red;"><img src="" align="left" width="100%"><b>Equipment:</b>
  102. She has used experimental weaponry and devices, including a power-drainer that disabled Iron Man. Nanotech capable of fooling Cerebro and related tech.
  103. <br>
  104. <b>Weapons:</b>Conventional firearms and an energy beam pistol. Various skull-shaped explosives usually carried on her belt.</font></div></div>
  106. <div style="position:absolute;top:390px;right:490px;border: darkred solid;background-color:black;width:285px;height:200px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0px;background-color:white;width:100%;"><center><font style="font: 15px times new roman;color:red;"><B>WEAKNESSES</B></font></center></div>
  107. <div style="position:absolute;top:20px;overflow:auto;height:179px;"><font style="font:11px calibri;color:red;"><b>Appearance Limitation:</b> Originally, it was clearly stated that Mystique's powers were limited to appearances only; she could not assume the powers of the people she morphed into or alter her body to adapt to different situations. Although Mystique’s powers were enhanced, Mystique could never duplicate the powers of other superhumans, and she still cannot duplicate the powers of the person she imitates: for example, when she turned herself into a duplicate of Nightcrawler, she did not gain the ability to teleport. However, she can use her powers to mimic the powers of others; such as assuming the form of Sabretooth, and then using her powers to enhance her senses, strength, speed, agility, and of course naturally heal at an accelerated rate.
  108. <br><br>
  109. <b>Unchangeable Body Mass:</b> While she can make herself look exactly like a person who is physically bigger than herself, she will not weigh as much as the real person does.[55] Although she can maintain the form of a person of her own height, weight, and build indefinitely, the longer that she maintains the form of a person physically bigger than herself, the greater the strain she feels.</font></div></div>
  111. <div style="position:absolute;top:175px;right:750px;border: darkred solid;background-color:black;width:240px;height:200px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0px;background-color:white;width:100%;"><center><font style="font: 15px times new roman;color:red;"><B>ABILITIES</B></font></center></div>
  112. <div style="position:absolute;top:20px;height:179px;overflow:auto;"><font style="font:11px calibri;color:red;float:left;text-align:left;">
  114. <b>Metamorph:</b> Mystique can psionically alter the formation of her biological cells at will. As a result, she can cause herself to look and sound like an exact duplicate of any human, humanoid, or semi-humanoid being of either sex, wearing virtually any kind of clothing. Her control is so exact that she can precisely duplicate another persons retina pattern in her own eyes, finger, palm and skin-pore patterns on her own hands and skin, smell to overlap the original being, and vocal cords to match voices to the point of corresponding voice prints.<br>
  116. <b>Metamorphic Adaptation:</b> After her enhancement Mystique showed the ability to adapt her body depending on her situation at the time. She was able to to camouflage her body according to her surroundings, shift her organs into her lower extremities, and mimic the textures of metals (when she took on the form of Magneto and his helmet). She also clearly stated that she was always naked and simply made her skin look and feel like other materials to fool others<br>
  118. <b>Enhanced Physical Attributes:</b> Able to enhance her strength, speed, agility, reflexes, and senses.<br>
  120. <b>Accelerated Healing:</b> Mystique's nature allows her to repair wounds and regenerate herself from minor to near death injuries in a short span of time, much faster than an ordinary human.<br>
  122. <b>Toxin & Disease Resistance:</b> She is also able to develop resistance and immunities to toxins and diseases.<br>
  124. <b>Retarded Aging:</b> Her metamorphic powers have retarded the degenerative effects of aging. She has always had this ability even before her enhancement; she is either close to or over one hundred years old.<br>
  126. <b>Psychic Defence:</b> Mystique's nature also provides her with a natural defense against telepathic intrusion.<br>
  128. <b>Expert Combatant:</b> Mystique is a highly skilled combatant.<br>
  130. <b>Trained Actress</b><br>
  132. <b>Expert Marksman</b><br>
  134. <b>Multilingual:</b> Mystique has stated that she knows at least eleven languages; besides her presumably native German and English, she has demonstrated fluency in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Farsi and Czech.<br>
  136. <b>Covert Operative:</b> Strategist in terrorist and commando operations.<br>
  138. </font></div></div>
  140. <div style="position:absolute;top:175px;right:490px;border: darkred solid;background-color:black;width:240px;height:200px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0px;background-color:white;width:100%;"><center><font style="font: 15px times new roman;color:red;"><B>PERSONALITY</B></font></center></div>
  141. <div style="position:absolute;top:20px;overflow:auto;height:179;"><font style="font:11px calibri;color:red;">
  142. Mystique has often been described as a heartless terrorist. She has gained this reputation from being an intense fighter for mutant rights. One could in fact say that Mystique lives the life of the stereotypical mutant outlaw, rebel and freedom fighter. She feels that all mutants are oppressed and hunted by mankind, and that the mutants have to strike back for their own protection. She is a capable and confident leader as long as her goals are clear, and as long as her leadership position is not threatened. She will easily resort to extreme, questionable tactics.
  143. <br><br>
  144. She believes in staying emotionally cold and physically hard on her missions, to better do the job at hand. She is driven to extremes by her own inner anger and pain. She trusts no one, and is herself very untrustworthy; she is bound to turn against you in the end (if for no real reason then just for the heck of it). With her strong opinions, she prefers to lead or to work as a free agent. She seems to believe in the adage that doing the thing yourself is the best way to get the thing done.
  145. <br><br>
  146. She will kill to get the job done, but she has a hard time hurting people when she recognizes some of herself in them (hinting at deep personal issues). Pleading to her sense of nostalgia might work.
  147. <br><br>
  148. She does not enjoy killing other mutants, but will do so if they are considered beyond ’rescue‘ or working for the ’other side‘. Having been adventuring for several decennia, Mystique is more than a little paranoid ; it is easy to convince her that someone is after her. Offering her freedom and protection or even amnesty, like the government did or Xavier does, seems to make her really interested in working with anyone. She is not beyond working as a double agent either, just for the heck of it.
  149. <br><br>
  150. She may alter her appearance a million times a day, but she never really changes. She is rarely seen in her true form. The reason for this is, in fact, that she hates her own real looks. She has several common aliases that she uses, complete with their own personality quirks, and which are known by well-informed authorities. She often reveals her true self before her opponents in the field, even more often so before combat, and considers this revelation to be her ’game face‘; she appears to like the confusion and surprise that this causes.
  151. <br><br>
  152. In any threatening situation, she is prone to change form and bluff her way out, or interrogate people while being their best friends. She seems to gain pleasure from exhibiting behavior that indicates a marked decrease in her mental stability; it is unclear when she really is mentally ill and when she is only playing at being ill. In her free time she likes to read (particularly Oscar Wilde), and club around in one guise or another. The saying goes, she can be anything you want her to be, except predictable.
  154. </font></div></div>
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