
Goddess in Gracemaria quest 7

Jun 9th, 2015
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  1. [11:13] Knight the Wanderer: The guide shakes his head, making motions towards the quarry and the animals around the area. Seems it has more work to do.
  2. [11:14] Karen Aido: "Is there anyone here who can?"
  3. [11:15] Knight the Wanderer: The guide points to the claw heading towards the north east and the beam of energy that flows in that direction.
  4. [11:17] Karen Aido: "Ah, I see. Thanks. I'd also like to get some maps, so we'll know more about the terrain."
  5. [11:17] Karen Aido: "That also means you, Alex."
  6. [11:19] Knight the Wanderer: Alex pulls out a large...Okay thats a flap of human skin... "Well lets see, All I have is this map I got from a group of horrors, about the caverns and tunnels far below. I was actually hoping to meet up with the Avengers who were shoot out to meet you. Have gifts for them and a got word to lead them to a portal back home."
  7. [11:20] Karen Aido: "They're on the Albion. The experimental soul gem was a success."
  8. [11:25] Knight the Wanderer: "Well I have another one for him, plus one that will need to bake a while longer, Mask for the Horror as well, New armor and weapons for the Flesh crafter, Improved glorian spear for the Dragoon as well as thruster boosters for his armor, New arms and Mark one personal rail rifle for the golem merged, and...Nothing for the troll."
  9. [11:26] Karen Aido starts copying the map. "Hard to build for those, isn't it? We can probably cook that one up properly aboard the Albion, unless you guys are doing something weird to cook them."
  10. [11:28] Knight the Wanderer: "Stick it in Nameless and agitate the hell out of his back. Trolls muscles and blood heat up like an oven, their blood can even be used to make fire weapons or power our suits. They'll use his blood to replenish the fuel and plant mixtures.
  11. [11:28] Knight the Wanderer: "*
  12. [11:31] Karen Aido squints at him and sighs. "We should really find a better way of doing this. People aren't forges. Speaking of which, couldn't we use a forge for this or is it just a weird aspect to soul gems for them?"
  13. [11:33] Knight the Wanderer: "We could, but they are going to be leaving before it can cook properly. Want to come see the toys? The men are already on their way here."
  14. [11:34] Karen Aido: "I figured you'd signaled them. Sure, I could start having them manufactured back home, if you need more?"
  15. [11:38] Knight the Wanderer: "Special soul stones for Special people. I'm sure that you could make them, you'll just need a large group of horrors to make them." The guide in the mean time hands you over a large, smooth orb. He holds your hand up to a ray of light so that a picture shines out upon the floor, an old ancient map of the land. Twisting the orb around shifts the shown location. It doesn't have a you are here function, but its better then nothing.
  16. [11:40] Karen Aido: "How large a group are we talking about? I've got at least a small pack of them, though if we're talking sacrificing them, no, they're basically people. Very very young people, but people nonetheless."
  17. [11:43] Knight the Wanderer: "Its hard to describe whats needed. You'll need to talk and meet Eun to see it all. Clark knows the process as well but well, hes really busy catching up and exceeding everyone else."
  18. [11:45] Karen Aido: "Ah, I see. So he finally found another unlock, huh? Saw him do it last time, it was very impressive, but I suspected it had only made him what we needed everyone to be over here."
  19. [11:51] Knight the Wanderer: "Let me put it this way. If Clark makes it back home, no child shall die from sickness ever again, no men or women grow to look ragged. Sleepy who helped make me, will most likely lose his job."
  20. [11:53] Karen Aido chuckles. "I don't know about that, I suspect the world will need him still, accidents happen, people get injured, and we need someone to perform augmentations. I think he'll have plenty of work ahead of him. Though, that is very impressive."
  21. [11:54] Knight the Wanderer: "Now my queen, shall I lead you to the entrance to the caverns? They should be clear after your mishap."
  22. [11:55] Karen Aido nods. "Sure." I'll turn to the guide. "Thank you for the map. If there's anything you want in exchange, within reason, just let us know."
  23. [11:59] Knight the Wanderer: He makes a motion for something circular...Oh right the golem cores.
  24. [12:02] Karen Aido nods. "Right. Alex, I need to show them how to make a golem core real fast." to the guide "Do you have an alchemy lab? I need a bunch of different materials."
  25. [12:02] Karen Aido: "Each golem is a person."
  26. [12:05] Knight the Wanderer: The guide has no real idea what alchemy is, this might be tough-One of the few golems that came along steps out into the sunlight. [Goddess, you forgot your tablet.] He says, carrying the heavy recording and storage device forward. Well, its not really yours, more of a spare from the airship. You still have your personal one on you, you can feel it after all.
  27. [12:13] Karen Aido blinks at it. "Huh?" I'll pull out my tablet. "Let's see." I'll start going through the data on that storage device. "An alchemy lab is a clean room full of as many different types of material and chemical as you can get a hold of, neatly organized, with additional room for tables and devices for performing experiments. Not on people, as this is an alchemy lab, not a surgery. You basically fool around with chemicals until you get your desired results, carefully documenting the results of each mixture, so that you don't repeat yourself inadvertently. You'll have containers of various shapes, sizes, and composition. You'll also need an oven, some frames for holding things in position, and anything else you can think of that you might need for your experiments." I'll provide images of each item in turn.
  28. [12:17] Karen Aido: "Yeah, these are clear." I'll hand over the tablet. "Do you have a clean and dry place? We'll set the tower-" I'll point to it "-there. You can use the tablet to scan it. Also, my name's Karen. Not goddess."
  29. [12:18] Knight the Wanderer: The guide doesn't quite understand all that, seems most of their society is based upon the old arts for survival and expansion. They are in decay as a people.
  31. [Muna said to call you by your title. If you like I could try and communicate this all down to him while you move on.]
  32. [12:25] Karen Aido sighs. "I hate this title sometimes. Yeah I suppose. If things get hairy, call us and we'll come back for you."
  33. [12:26] Knight the Wanderer: [Roger roger.] The golem says while taking the tablet back and scrolling through the images displaying metals and other things.
  35. "My brothers are almost here, we should head on down to greet them and look over their new toys."
  36. [12:27] Karen Aido nods and starts following. "Alright." Over the comm. "Muna, why are you having them call me by my title. Is it to get my goat?"
  37. [12:29] Knight the Wanderer: [Ahh she speaks, must be out of the mountain. Its because you are the goddess and Queen, and you need to show these people who you are and the power you wield. Just Karen does just zip for relation building.]
  38. [12:30] Karen Aido grumbles. "I honestly figured that being in charge of an entire fleet would do that for me."
  39. [12:31] Knight the Wanderer: [Get used to it Karen. Personal friends in private may call you by your name, but you have a job as symbol and ruler. You can't always be friends with people, including your subjects.]
  40. [12:33] Karen Aido groans a little. "That doesn't mean I can't try. Besides, it's less about being friends and more about being acknowledge as a person, rather than a title. Always has been." I'll sigh. "If you think it's for the best, fine, but... Couldn't I be called Queen/Goddess Karen at least? Or even Aido's fine."
  41. [12:35] Knight the Wanderer: [Around other Queens and Goddesses we'll all be sure to add the Aido part.]
  42. [12:36] Karen Aido: "Damnit." she grumbles all the way to wherever Alex is leading her.
  43. [12:38] Knight the Wanderer: Moving past the town and back down the silver steps you find the statue, still covered with the paint mustache, and a new statue in place behind it gazing with trembling eyes at the stairway...Wait, that statue looks...Its one of the men you saw from before, one of the guards...
  44. [12:42] Karen Aido: "What the fuck? How the hell could something so fucking innocuous have that kind of consequences? This is bullshit." I'll clean off the statue. "This is insane."
  45. [12:45] Knight the Wanderer: Alex stops you before you can touch it further. Something glows near by and dims as you are pulled away. "Okay, rule one. Don't. Touch. Things. That. Don't. Belong. To. You. Rule Two, if it looks neat, wait and look around for an owner before getting permission to touch."
  46. [12:46] Karen Aido: "I didn't know anyone lived here. For all I knew, it was just an abandoned statue, and if I didn't touch things that didn't belong to me, we'd all be dead."
  47. [12:51] Knight the Wanderer: "Point is, your alteration, the singe swipe of paint, broke and destroyed whatever hidden enchantment upon the statue, so they had to make a new one. You also had to know people lived here, after all we saw your ship from the top of the mountain. I guess its the old adventurer blood in me, but I can't quite forgive you for this, as everyone else will. Sure it sucks and its unfair and you were only trying to keep your long force of well trained and armored men safe from a single stone statue. Seems silly in retrospect, doesn't it?"
  48. [12:57] Karen Aido: "Have you been up there? You can't see a single sign of civilization from up there, which is probably the point. If we saw civilization from above, we'd probably have dropped in from above, but we couldn't, because of the grounding aura they have, and so we went in by foot. It becomes a lot less silly when one statue alerts an entire army to your position. It wasn't to protect anyone, anyway, I wanted to see if it was alive. I had no fucking clue that it was a part of their defense network, there's no signs, warnings, nothing, just a random statue in the middle of what appears to be fucking nowhere."
  49. [13:01] Knight the Wanderer: "Underground is more my specialty. And there are easier ways to check for life, a poke, sensing, magic. Did you use those? I know you have them from what people say."
  50. [13:04] Karen Aido: "It's made of stone, I don't think poking it would have really gotten me anywhere, considering that paint disrupted it, I'm pretty sure both poking it and scanning it with magic would have disrupted it as well. I mean, it's paint, children can wear it and be unaffected."
  51. [13:05] Knight the Wanderer: "So, you knew it was stone. You sensed it and found that to be it?"
  52. [13:07] Karen Aido: "I used basic adventuring tools: eyes. I didn't scan it, because I've seen creatures that become aggressive when you use magic for anything, including augmenting your senses. Weren't you in Laputa?"
  53. [13:10] Karen Aido corrects herself. "I used the Eye. It said 'statue'. I figured it might legitimately be a statue sometimes, so I figured marking it would help me identify it later if it turned out to be a person."
  54. [13:12] Knight the Wanderer: "Well now you know. And maybe a child now has to walk partway down some steps to see his father, or maybe not."
  55. [13:14] Karen Aido: "You can't hold that against me. I've been adventuring for a while myself and while it's not always worked out, usually poking at things I don't know about has worked out for the better."
  56. [13:15] Knight the Wanderer: "You have been lucky. Every group I have even been with would take five times as long to go through what you do, and end up maybe losing two or three men no matter how careful we would be."
  57. [13:17] Karen Aido: "You say that like I haven't lost people."
  58. [13:18] Knight the Wanderer: "How many people have you lost on the way here? Out of all fifty thousand how many have died?" The answer to that is none, on personal missions with you and others, nobody seems to die. Its only when you aren't around, when there is a large battle or you are distracted elsewhere that your men fall and die.
  59. [13:25] Karen Aido: "On the way here? None, but not because of luck, because I can heal the injured before they are killed. I also tend to be the first one to poke at things and I imagine it does help that most of the men are upgraded using the stuff from Laputa."
  61. [13:25] Karen Aido: just because of luck*
  62. [13:32] Knight the Wanderer: "You, you have luck. More then you will ever admit. I can see it, racing around you, dancing like serpents in the wind, not to mention, all around you are blessed with extra strength and endurance, agility or will power, whatever is needed. Those in your site are the most effected, managing to somehow hold out from wounds that should have killed them, or their armor somehow manages to hold up, against all odds."
  63. [13:34] Karen Aido: "I had figured this would be the case, I'm surprised it can be seen though. I also tend to use magic to buff the people around me directly or those I can't be around, because I'm distracted by other things."
  64. [13:38] Knight the Wanderer: "Its not visible as others would see it, even your mage friend would have trouble finding it. I'm different, time and loss helped make me different."
  65. [13:40] Karen Aido: "Marcus." I'll shrug. "Time and loss? Care to explain?"
  66. [13:46] Knight the Wanderer: "Since I was a young man I have been delving into ruins, caves, temples. For lords, the church, anyone with money or a problem. My dad started me out in the job, and about three times in he died to a werebear, bit in half as I ran away. Still we came back after the bear ate his body and killed him while the bear was busy digesting the remains. First time I lost someone. I was fourteen at the time and stayed with it. Got good at fighting and exploring, eventually though Clark recruits me, after he nearly dies fighting for you. I'm forty six now, and I lost so many friends and allies in that time. Even following the rules, doing the right thing and acting when I was supposed to. I looked through Muna's recordings, from your time together. If I or anyone else did what you did, there would be no recording to recover."
  67. [13:52] Karen Aido: "You're right, it's why I prefer facing the hazards personally, rather than sending others to their deaths, except Copysnakes, those are actually kinda expendable since they are only kinda real. I think I've probably known it all along, on an instinctual level, and it's why I've tried to improve myself, always doing my best for everyone else, because I have the foresight that doing my best for everyone else is also doing the best for me."
  68. [13:54] Knight the Wanderer: "But you see, not everyone has your luck or blessing. And sometimes your luck, causes others misery."
  69. [13:59] Karen Aido scowls at that. "It's not like I have a choice in that matter. If I could share my luck with everyone, I would, but I can't. It's one of the incredibly frustrating things I have to deal with. I know the problems my very existence causes, they aren't small, and I've tried to soften them as best I can. You think it's easy knowing your existence causes discomfort, much less misery? Think about my work to date. Think about all I've done to help others. Yet still, I can't help everyone, my actions have gotten people killed, including myself, and yet it's never enough. I don't need to be reminded of these things. They are very clear and in my face all the time. We all have limits."
  70. [14:00] Knight the Wanderer: "Just think of that face next time you see try to touch something that doesn't belong to you."
  71. [14:01] Karen Aido: "I'll also think of my bracers. Though, Muna doesn't have a recording of that."
  72. [14:05] Knight the Wanderer: With the eyes, trembling and gazing at the stairs you move down to the base level where the five avengers stand, waiting for you. [Alex, I thought I'll be right down was I'll be right down, not hey, ten minutes later.] "We were admiring the scenery."
  73. [14:06] Karen Aido sighs. "Yeah. Let's see what toys you've got."
  74. [14:11] Knight the Wanderer: "This way lady and mutagens." Alex says, leading you into the foreboding slope down into the caverns.
  76. These...They are all man made it seems. Large arches and pathways with paved stone floors and rotten torches. A few heavy looking bags and a crate bearing the avenger symbol lean against a wall before many different doors. "One sec, let me check to see if our friend is still around." [Friend?] "Yes, Brother Ping, the prospector." "Why did you bring Ping?" "Wanted to see if this area had anything of worth, besides none of the monsters attack him anyway."
  77. [14:12] Karen Aido: "Why don't they attack Ping?"
  78. [14:19] Knight the Wanderer: "Hes special I guess." Nameless says while Alex walks into the door way and then out, dragging a strange hunch backed man. "Gold, useless, useless, useless. Built here for the gold, and it did nothing for them. Brass and bronze in the walls though." [Bronze isn't a raw material, its man made.] "I did not say how it was found." Ping says, his face obscured and hands peeling apart a large rock easily-No wait his fingers have mouths on them and he is eating the rock...Well thats not strange.
  80. [Ping's mutation was strange, but he is not alone in it, many of the men introduced to the Cerberus serum transform and morph in different ways. Prospectors are able to find and dig through the walls easier then most, finding the minable materials we want and need, opposed to Alex's way of digging down through the caverns and killing the many beast and monsters for them.] The Flesh crafter says while Alex busies himself digging through the bags.
  81. [14:21] Karen Aido: "Cerberus serum? The one you all took to initiate your next stage? For lack of better terms."
  82. [14:23] Knight the Wanderer: [Yes, see we were all wandering around and found a shape shifting floating monster and said, hey, this seems like a good idea.] "Don't make fun of brother Nic like that, if he had not allowed the beast to bond with him we would have been in far more trouble."
  83. [14:24] Karen Aido: "Ah, yeah, the guy who was doing what I usually do: getting into shit, usually incredibly dangerous shit. Anyway, what do we have here?"
  84. [14:28] Knight the Wanderer: Alex turns around, holding a terrifying mask with and two blue eyeballs that chill your blood for some reason, they seem so familiar..."For our newsiest brother, a wailer mask as he charges forward like a wailer to set his enemies on edge, and two pure blue eyes." The Horror falls to his knees, shaking his head. "I am unpure, I am not worthy for such sight!"
  85. [14:30] Karen Aido: "Hey, those are kinda like Citlial's aren't they?" I'll slither over to the Horror and hold a hand out to him. "You have to prove you're worthy and this mask will help you."
  86. [14:31] Knight the Wanderer: "They are actually exact copies, somehow they are stronger then augmented eyes." Alex says while the horror just backs away. [Oh stop it...Leave him be I'll install them when he next sleeps.]
  87. [14:33] Karen Aido sighs. "Fine. Hmmm...." I'll slither back.
  88. [14:35] Knight the Wanderer: "While you are busy with that, Brother, your folding spear with returning, thrusters, repairing, and all sorts of other stuff ingrained in it so the enchantment won't just fizzle out-" "Wait, I thought there was always a chance to disenchant something-" "Sushhh, Clark found a way around that, plus thrusters for your armor to help you change direction."
  89. [14:36] Karen Aido: "There is always a chance to disenchant something, but generally speaking, it destroys the object being disenchanted in the process." I'll look at it with my magical senses. "I bet this one blows up spectacularly when it is 'disenchanted'."
  90. [14:38] Knight the Wanderer: You...There is no enchantment you can possibly see upon the weapon...What in the hell.
  91. [14:39] Karen Aido quirks an eyebrow at it. "Did he do it with tech? That'd make a lot more sense." I'll use the Eye to see if it's got wiring.
  92. [14:43] Knight the Wanderer: There are no wires in the spear at all, its just a large folding stick with a great blade at the front and a thruster in the back.
  94. "Moving right along, new arms to replace your spare-Nope not in the crate, thats the armor." "So, no more cannons?" "Yep, hand held rail gun made for golem limbs with enchanted ammo." Alex says while handing over the arms...They look human and flesh but you can see, there is no actual meat on them, its all synthetic...How in the hell has Clark managed to do all this?
  96. "Mark one, treat it with care only ten in the world right now." Alex says handing over a sleek rifle with three different magazines all somehow in the same space. One breaches through armor and explodes, another stuns, and the third uses light powered rounds. Holy shit its impressive, especially as it fires with a Centurion's railgun power and less kick or recoil.
  97. [14:45] Karen Aido: "Where'd he find the ability to manufacture those?"
  98. [14:46] Knight the Wanderer: "What was once a ship wreck has become an actual base."
  99. [14:47] Karen Aido: "With manufacturing facilities I didn't know you could produce out of a ship, much less a ship wreck."
  100. [14:48] Knight the Wanderer: "The cursed land has much bounty, you just need to know where to look." The Prospector says, tossing a lump of gold ore to the ground behind him while holding up a small pebble of copper.
  101. [14:51] Karen Aido: "Ah. I guess if you're focusing on advancing and not using what you have, you can go further. Still, this stuff is in some regards better than what we got out of Laputa isn't it? Makes me feel like an ass for not just telling him to develop crap. Or was it something to do with the Cerberus serum?"
  102. [14:56] Knight the Wanderer: "Most likely the Serum helped greatly. He...He is beyond us now, reaching things we never could." Alex says while the Golem merged Avenger test out his new arms with some old weapons, keeping them on point with no weapon spread. The new weapon is loud, screeching almost but easily tearing through the stone. "Careful, can't just make ammo for that all willy nilly, speaking of ammo making though..." Alex pops the crate and you feel the armor's menacing aura, it looks similar to the Centurion armor, but you can tell its much more advanced, while also far less protective mentally.
  103. [14:57] Karen Aido: "A modified Centurion suit?"
  104. [14:59] Knight the Wanderer: "No, Mark two Controller armor. Made to enhance a supporter to control the battlefield and his brothers, monitoring their life signs and anything else really needed."
  105. [15:00] Karen Aido: "
  106. [15:01] Karen Aido: "Ah, well that sounds like a Centurion suit, but it's missing some mental protection things, even if it's overall more advanced."
  107. [15:04] Knight the Wanderer: "The mental things, were removed to help power it. See we can't make the mana fuel, thats about it. So we use troll hybrid fuel and soul curses carefully written and made to drain energy from the soul for power in boost when needed, along with locking runes for when the wearer is possessed and other actual safety measures." Alex says while the flesh crafter climbs out of his old armor-Oh he looks all weird and nasty, almost like a bunch of extra arms and tanks merged into the chest. Once he connects into the armor though everything lights up with a dull orange light and the menacing aura vanishes.
  108. [15:07] Karen Aido: "Huh. I honestly figured it'd be better if we didn't lose our troopers when someone tried mind-controlling them, but yeah, I can see how this will make do in a pinch."
  109. [15:10] Knight the Wanderer: [It feels as though it was made for me.] "It was Clark made it, he made all this stuff for you." "And as usual when he makes things I get none." Nameless says jokingly.
  110. [15:12] Karen Aido smiles and giggles a bit. "Shush, redheaded stepchildren don't get things, just more work!" Hmm....
  111. [15:16] Knight the Wanderer: Looks like everyone has what they were supposed to receive. "Alright, so follow me, keep quiet. I'll get weird deep in the tunnels so..Just listen to what I say and you'll be back as bas pumping away your frustration into some honey pot-not you brother but...Anyway lets move."
  112. [15:17] Karen Aido: "Err... okay. Did you guys want me to come with you?" if not I'll give them a copysnake.
  113. [15:19] Knight the Wanderer: "These guys are going to a portal and then I am heading to catch up with Citlial to bring him a new composite bow and greatbow. His last one is sealed away with most of his gear and hunting dragons with rocks is hard apparently but still doable."
  114. [15:20] Karen Aido: "Yeah, that sounds like him. Okay, well, I'll give both groups one of my copysnakes. They can't really help much, but they aren't completely useless."
  115. [15:21] Knight the Wanderer: Its going to drain a ton of mana to do this, I mean unless you expect action at the avenger base and with Citlial.
  116. [15:23] Karen Aido: I kinda do, actually. Unless more women have arrived at the Avenger base.
  117. [15:24] Knight the Wanderer: No meta gaming
  118. [15:24] Knight the Wanderer: Or Meta lewding!
  119. [15:24] Knight the Wanderer: I mean well.. Why not
  120. [15:25] Karen Aido: I wasn't, I read the reports! They had women in the reports, right? Talking about the gray women and how few they had.
  121. [15:25] Knight the Wanderer: Would Clark really add in breeding camps to that?
  122. [15:26] Karen Aido: He'd mention that he found some women. I know the avengers are people.
  123. [15:27] Karen Aido: Besides, it'd be worse for the men if they didn't have a breeding camp, what if the women there are being snobs, because they aren't the ones in the dominant position anymore?
  124. [15:31] Knight the Wanderer: You send two copy snakes- "Hey, its going to take a lot of time to reach the first portal, and a few days to reach Citlial's camp. I have a strict no fucking about rule and I have heard how you maintain those copysnakes." Alex says. Shit, how in the world are you going to manage their cost unless...Maybe you could try to charge them yourself?
  125. [15:33] Karen Aido: No, that'd take too long. Plus, there's no guarantee that'd work, I'd have to experiment with it some. "Oh... Damnit. That's not the only way, I can use mana or that, and no, I don't know why the power works that way. I'm going to blame this on Sheetah or the mantle, but it wasn't my idea."
  126. [15:36] Knight the Wanderer: "So they coming with and you are working a way to get them to where they need to be or?" Alex ask, looking at his palm real quick.
  127. [15:38] Karen Aido: Would it be possible to send miniature versions of them out? That wouldn't take as much energy? I could hand them gems with mana so they can take on a bigger form when they get there.
  128. [15:40] Karen Aido: "Hmmm.... I think I can figure something out."
  129. [15:41] Karen Aido summons the pair. "It's just mana after all, I get that back after every rest."
  130. [15:44] Knight the Wanderer: "Right, they fall apart, its all you." Alex says, leading the two copies down the tunnels and forcing them into legs to help avoid traps.
  132. With that done you leave the strange man made tunnels and make your way back to the cave mouth with your troops busy filing from the Sun cultist home and making their way back to the transports.
  133. [15:44] Karen Aido slithers on back to the transport. "I think we've got something of a lead, Muna."
  134. [15:46] Knight the Wanderer: [Oh, lead where? The giant beam of light? The golem I am talking too already passed that along while letting me know he is going to hang out there and talk to our new kind of allies.]
  135. [15:46] Karen Aido: "Also a map."
  136. [15:47] Karen Aido: "Clark's also full of neat ideas, I'll have to show you when I get there."
  137. [15:49] Knight the Wanderer: [Well, see you back on the ship in a few hours.] Muna says cutting off communication. Meanwhile the men start loading up onto the large transport, taking their seats and checking their gear into harnesses. You can already feel the drain on your mana starting, you have...Maybe an hour before the copies collapse and they have a good far distance to go.
  138. [15:54] Karen Aido sighs. Who's given me the most glances that I can recall? I'll sit next to them "Hello~" and start rubbing their thigh as well as the thigh of the person on the other side~ I'll use my tail to fool with another person's chest.
  139. [15:58] Knight the Wanderer: Well you were getting plenty of glances from all over-Ahh the man with the red hair, that one was staring pretty hard and gave the most answers. He'll do. There is even an empty seat next to him. "Ohh Goddess that seat-" He stops instantly as your hand starts rubbing against their armor. "Uhh...Never mind. How are you doing?" He ask, letting his hand help move yours to an area not blocked by armor. Nobody was sitting next to the open seat but they do without looking and perk up instantly as your hand starts rubbing against their crotch by mistake. Across the isle you start rubbing a golem with your tail by accident.
  140. [16:01] Karen Aido: "Oh? What about that seat? Is it held for someone?" she'll chuckle. "Maybe they could join us as well~" I suppose I'll have to pick someone else then for my tail and other hand.
  141. [16:03] Knight the Wanderer: Before your other hand can wander the man who just sat down on the other side of you grabs it. "Uhh, No I'm good your worship." He says happily while the golem helps direct your tail towards the man next to him who is busy looking at a tablet with naughty images on it.
  142. [16:06] Karen Aido rubs the red haired man's crotch. "Are you sure? I need assistance staying charged, after all~"
  143. [16:06] Karen Aido wraps her hand around the other man's hand.
  144. [16:07] Knight the Wanderer: "I can help, honest Goddess!" You can feel his erection against your palm. Most of the-okay everyone is busy focusing on you, besides the crew who are too busy getting the crawler started and underway.
  145. [16:09] Karen Aido sighs.
  146. [16:10] Karen Aido: "Show me~" She'll continue rubbing his crotch, unless he gets up. "Do we have any pads? Or should I just rely on my armor?"
  147. [16:13] Knight the Wanderer: One of the golems takes something from a nearby locker and lays it out on the walkway between the rows of seats. In a moment a large soft bed or raft inflates and takes up most if the floor. [Will this do for you?] Its even got a lip around the outside to keep all the liquids in, should prevent any mess.
  148. [16:14] Karen Aido stares at that for a few seconds. "What the hell? Why do we have something like this just laying about?"
  149. [16:15] Knight the Wanderer: [Flooding.]
  150. [16:15] Karen Aido: "....Flooding?"
  151. [16:16] Knight the Wanderer: [If the crawler slides off a hill into the water and we can't get out. Its a raft. Do you want it or not?]
  152. [16:22] Karen Aido: "I'll take it, I'm just wondering why we don't have these externally mounted all around it..." I'll shake my head. "Whatever." I'll get back to the redhaired guy. "Where were we? Ah, yes." I'll slither onto the raft-thing and test it's durability.
  153. [16:24] Knight the Wanderer: It wiggles around slightly, but other then that its nice and stable, seems to be armor tested and approved. The red haired sentinel laughs quietly while stripping off his armor and storing it in the locker behind his seat. With that done you can feel his heart beating like crazy with his erection straining in his pants towards you.
  154. [16:28] Karen Aido scoots him over with her tail and shreds his pants with her claws, without scratching him. Much. "You gonna just stand there twitching, or are you gonna do something about this?" I'll lightly flick his cock.
  155. [16:32] Knight the Wanderer: He quickly nods his head and starts running his hands through your hair lightly while moving his hips closer to your lips, pressing his cock head against them. The other near by start to quickly store away armor and clothes, one even grabs your tail tip and wraps it around his own, jerking himself off using your tail. All around sentinels and a few centurions strip.
  156. [16:36] Karen Aido looks around "Ahh~ now that's more like it. Did you honestly think I was playing games with you all? That's silly~" I'll roll onto my back, sweep him to his knees, and guide his cock into my mouth by his hips. I'll also take over for jerking that one guy off, he's going to need his hands for staying upright anyway~
  157. [16:41] Knight the Wanderer: The sentinel falls carefully and groans in appreciation. The one sitting down jerking with your tail starts rubbing the scales, playing with the thick appendage while you beat him in his seat. Someone, a centurion mounts your chest with his cock poking you in the chin, he wraps your large breast around his tool and begins to thrust slowly at first. One of your hands is quickly filled with someone's balls while he jerks his cock over your face, the other hand finds the long heavy rod of a sentinel instead. Something wet and wiggly finds its way pressing against your lower lips, and a quick peek reveals one of the many men is busy eating you out while others stand around, jerking themselves off or rubbing their cocks against your body.
  158. [16:52] Karen Aido's goddess form will check on the flow of mana, as the Avatar's too busy focusing on rubbing their cocks and occasionally scratching one guy's taint/perineum. Either way, I'm going to have the copysnakes write up a pair of signs saying 'is it okay if we yell a few things?'. The avatar will shudder in pleasure and writhe sensuously against the cocks enveloping my body, if there's any way I can wrap them up, I'll take it, and start rubbing them all off!
  159. [16:57] Knight the Wanderer: As soon as your avatar started this all, the flow of mana required was less. With actual sucking and jerking off the mana requirement is gone for now. That and for some reason this many men rubbing and swarming you seems right.
  161. Your copy snakes are fine, they will follow directions and head where they need to.
  163. As for all these cocks, you feel the man who was eating you out change position once you are slick enough for him, and he starts bucking into you quickly, working himself towards climax so someone else can take his place when he is done. The Centurion on your breast slows his thrusting down, enabling two sentinels to lean down and suck from your breast with his slow strokes poking your chin. The balls in your left hand pulse and jerk, moving the seed from them as you feel warm musky cum splash against your face. Seems someone got off and does it make your avatar feel fantastic.
  164. [17:06] Karen Aido just wants her copysnakes to start yelling 'harlot' 'slattern' 'slut' 'trollop' and whatever other words they can think of that essentially mean 'whore'.
  165. [17:06] Karen Aido: You know, without getting anyone in danger.
  166. [17:06] Knight the Wanderer: The ones with Alex will do no such thing, as Alex is trying to keep people alive.
  167. [17:06] Karen Aido: Ah.
  168. [17:06] Karen Aido: Damn.
  169. [17:08] Knight the Wanderer: Also why would you want to do that, Lamia are like snakes, and female snakes often end up in balls of dick
  170. [17:09] Karen Aido allows the men to cycle out as they complete. I'll work harder at sucking the redhaired man's cock, lapping at it like a particularly tasty lollipop using my tongue, as my gasping for air tickles his sack. I've always felt good about getting others off. Because I still thinks like a human, remember?
  171. [17:16] Knight the Wanderer: Fair enough, even though you know none of the men here would ever call you such things.
  173. The red Haired sentinel continues humping against your face, running a hand gently through your hair as a new cock rubs against your cheeks with balls against your forehead only to unload upon your neck. The man in your pussy speeds up and then slams his hips against yours, sending pump after pump of heavy cream into your empty womb. As soon as he pulls out someone takes his place and starts pumping heavily. The Centurion plowing your chest stands up suddenly and blows his load against the large orbs and cleavage before wandering off. Men who have already gotten off go to sit down and recoup for a few moments before getting back in line and jerking themselves, awaiting their turn.
  174. [17:25] Karen Aido: Yeah, but I would, because it amuses me.
  176. I'll start humming, as this man needs some release~ My goddess form wonders idly if I can use this to build up a reserve for them, so they can operate for a little bit without any of us having sex. As such, I'll flex my cheeks around his cock, massaging it as best I can. When the man pulls out of my pussy, it'll flex eagerly in anticipation of the next partner. I'll try to use my tail to pull them in closer.
  177. [17:30] Knight the Wanderer: The red haired sentinel bucks forward, humping your face until its laying flat on the ground. Then he cums, flooding your throat and sending all that creamy treat into your stomach. As for building a reserve, all that ends up happening is the currently stored cum seems to vanish somewhere in heaven. Shit looks like you'll need to keep this up a bit longer till you figure it out.
  178. [17:40] Karen Aido: Crap! That means I'll have to keep experimenting. Alright. Let's put it in a container using Earthly materials, I'll steal something from my lab and send the next load into it.
  180. I'll continue sucking his cock even as he's blowing his load, trying to milk him dry. Whoever finds their way into my pussy next will find it full of my own warm cum, but likely none of their brother's, it even spurts out a little onto the next participant.
  181. [17:45] Knight the Wanderer: The red haired sentinel slowly pulls out, his cock growing hard once more while he moves off to go get some water as a larger, heavier domed head tries to strain-holy shit a Soldier! Before you can think any more his cock pops into your mouth painlessly and starts to work its way in and out, in and out gently.
  182. [17:50] Karen Aido stares down from heaven from this "What? Is my Avatar part elf or something?" I'll check to see if anything's damaged. What's he doing inside anyway?
  184. Lift and shift~ By which I mean 'I'm sucking this dick as well', I'll wrap my tongue around his cock, and start jerking him off in my mouth. I'll start humming louder, occasionally brushing my teeth against his length, lending their shaking to it.
  185. [17:54] Knight the Wanderer: Nothing, Lamia have jaws that can unhinge after all, as for what the soldier is doing.
  187. You feel the soldier squat down, shoving his cock deep into your throat and then start to stand, stop with the head stuck inside your mouth and squat back down. Seems he is carefully fucking your throat as the rest of the men continue to fuck your breast, suck them, fuck ass and pussy, all while sometimes spraying their cum on your sexy body.
  188. [17:59] Karen Aido didn't think I could unhinge her jaw, but I'm okay with this, I wasn't sure I hadn't accidentally evolved that away at some point. If I see too many men waiting in line, or anyone about to climax without me, staring from heaven, mind, I'll summon down another copysnake. I'll give the soldier a very tiny sample of liquid 'feel good' not lewd, cuz lewd backfires sometimes. I'll also apply it to my claws, so it'll drip down my fingers.
  189. [18:04] Knight the Wanderer: An extra copy snake would require you to somehow sexually please a small town right now, they will need to deal with what they have, but with the liquid feel good each man gets off easier and quicker, along with feeling good.
  191. For a couple hours you engage in these acts, until the crawler pulls up to the Albatross and loads up. Then its time to clean up and waft away all the smell but by that time your heavenly form has found a way to keep the excess sexual power to sustain the Copysnakes for a few days.
  192. [18:05] Karen Aido: Ah, good.
  193. [18:07] Karen Aido: Then they can start sustaining themselves.
  194. [18:07] Karen Aido: I'll be sure to flood the compartment with cleaning spell before straightening everyone out.
  195. [18:09] Knight the Wanderer: Well, Sustaining themselves will require they do the deeds, for now though they are fine.
  196. [18:11] Karen Aido: That was the point of sending them out. That and help advise/look where I can't literally be.
  197. [18:14] Knight the Wanderer: With the crawler mostly clean and the crew somewhat thankful, though down a raft as they said no matter how clean the goo makes it, they will always see sweaty soldier ass clapping as one plowed you across the floor.
  198. [18:16] Karen Aido: Ah, that's fine. We'll just mark that one as 'damaged' and then recycle it. Aside from that I'll confiscate the record from the golems.
  199. [18:17] Knight the Wanderer: From all of them? Are you going to let those that participated keep one?
  200. [18:19] Karen Aido: ... I didn't know golems had or could participate.... sigh... Fine I'll let them keep the record on condition they A) give me a copy, cuz I know you want one and B) they don't share it with anyone.
  201. [18:20] Knight the Wanderer: I was talking about the men there.
  202. [18:22] Karen Aido: Oh, that, derp. I misunderstood what you said. Hmm.... I suppose.
  203. [18:23] Knight the Wanderer: So about twenty five copies and one for you...Panic sets in but would you take the recordings away from Knight?
  204. [18:24] Karen Aido: No, I meant, I suppose I'll let them have a copy/.
  205. [18:25] Knight the Wanderer: So yes to the men who jerked off on you getting a copy or no?
  206. [18:25] Karen Aido: Yes.
  207. [18:29] Knight the Wanderer: Still, thats a lot of copies of your first group sex tape...People could say something is what you would normally say, but it felt good and everyone enjoyed themselves. Perhaps you'll have to do this with all girls next time.
  208. [18:30] Karen Aido shrugs, maybe. Probably do a mixed venue. Depending on what they decide.
  209. [18:31] Knight the Wanderer: Part of you remembers how shy and worried you usually are, perhaps you are just still on the high or just finally got over it?
  210. [18:33] Karen Aido wonders if it's something about the goddess' mantle. Normally this would bug the shit out of her.
  211. [18:40] Knight the Wanderer: Maybe, you are just accepting the lewd-Nah goddess mantle has to be.
  213. Muna greets you at the interior bay with no quips, insults or jokes. [So it seems the sun and moon cult are from a single village at some point in time, possible the first human civilization ever. Anyway they worshipped and worked with the shards of creation, giving sacrifice and tribute. Theses shards are the giant golem like beings we see. It seems it was a mistranslation that they were at some point smaller.]
  214. [18:41] Karen Aido: "I think they're the heart of the golems. The cores, but yes. I agree."
  215. [18:46] Knight the Wanderer: [Heart, mind, soul, whatever they are, something happened to break them and remove all trace of them from the other side of the world.]
  216. [18:47] Karen Aido: "Likely the goddess, using them like she supposedly did the humans on this side."
  217. [18:47] Karen Aido: "That's their theory on it anyway.
  218. [19:01] Knight the Wanderer: [We can look later, but its still very interesting. Perhaps our side of the world was not yet populated.]
  219. [19:02] Karen Aido: "Possibly. Only a handful of people would know and they're either dead or not talking."
  220. [19:05] Knight the Wanderer: [Anyway, they relied upon these giant creatures for nearly everything, so when they failed they had no science, no art, nothing to fall back on, yet each time a tribe is destroyed, a new settlement of pure humans appears out of nowhere speaking the local tongue with no understanding of what has happened before. I think one of the shards is around and malfunctioning.]
  221. [19:07] Karen Aido: "Really? I didn't know about that part. Hmm..... Very interesting. there's definitely something not going on right here."
  222. [19:08] Knight the Wanderer: [How else do you explain that all the humans are not either enslaved, dead, or horrors?]
  223. [19:09] Karen Aido: "I'm not jumping to conclusions, I'm leaving it utterly unexplained until I can find more evidence to build a theory with."
  224. [19:10] Knight the Wanderer: [Right, still something like that would be fascinating to find and study. Right now though we are trading information with the people you met and teaching them science, magic, they already grasp and know match pretty well.]
  225. [19:12] Karen Aido: "It's more like we're teaching them how to get there and other places, through our own methods."
  226. [19:20] Karen Aido: "Anyway, lets get this show on the road."
  227. [19:49] Knight the Wanderer: Muna already sent the coordinates ahead to your other ships on where to find the heart of the jungle and they have slowed down in order to regroup with your forces and head there in mass. It takes a few hours, which you use to meditate and reflect on...What?
  228. [19:51] Karen Aido: [s]Why the fuck I was settled with the Succubus template.[/s] The evidence we have about what happened here, maybe when we learn more we'll be able to help these people.
  229. [19:52] Knight the Wanderer: [s]Succubus queen get it right[/s]
  230. [19:52] Karen Aido: [s]Fine, succubus queen template.[/s]
  231. [19:53] Karen Aido: [s]I bet Love did this.[/s]
  232. [19:53] Knight the Wanderer: [s]All you[/s]
  233. [19:53] Knight the Wanderer: [s] hue hue hue[/s]
  234. [19:56] Knight the Wanderer: Its not good, but from memories and visions, there looks to have been nothing on the other side of the world except...The primordial beings...
  236. The goddess needed forces to assist her so she took some humans and fled to the other side of the world but would be weak to the creatures waiting there. She most likely was forced to curse and alter the land to weaken anything Aeons might try and also give herself a power boost.
  237. [19:57] Karen Aido: Hmm... So maybe the cursed undead humans are the ones holding Aeons back?
  238. [19:59] Knight the Wanderer: Well they are halting much of his progress, from what you say these cursed being are reinforced by Aeons magics and harmed by what harms his forces. This would cause great problems for your enemy.
  239. [19:59] Knight the Wanderer: They also seem to target most, if not all life from Clark's reports.
  240. [20:00] Karen Aido: Would this include our undead and golem units? I consider them life, but most others don't.
  241. [20:03] Knight the Wanderer: Anything with a soul seems to be a target, some things with them seem to be exempt, like Ping.
  242. [20:04] Karen Aido: Huh.
  243. [20:04] Karen Aido: So dumb golems are perfectly fine.
  244. [20:07] Knight the Wanderer: Some seem to be able to walk about just fine, some of the cursed creatures however care not and attack them anyway.
  245. [20:08] Karen Aido: Weird. Well, some golems seem to develop souls after a time, or were built off a fragment, maybe that's related.
  246. [20:08] Karen Aido: Anyway, we could theoretically use them to assist us in a few ways, but let's see where these sun cultists take us.
  247. [20:11] Knight the Wanderer: Right now the path is over jungle and river, ruins and village. The number of any horrors seen is few if at all, though you pulled your scouts up to make better time.
  248. [20:14] Karen Aido: Yeah, I don't know if they'd fuck with this place anyways, it seems like a bad idea.
  249. [20:19] Knight the Wanderer: Bad idea or not, there is no sign of them.
  251. A couple hours later your group manages to make contact with the other group of airships and begins heading at full speed towards the supposed hear of the jungle and source of all civilization.
  252. [20:23] Karen Aido: Ah. On the way, I'll make sure Muna gets to fool with the map. Then I'll make sure we're flying our flag and that when we get there we'll slow down.
  253. [20:29] Knight the Wanderer: Its a big heavy flag you fly under the airships, but any who gaze at it shall see the winged serpent and cross. Muna mean while examines the strange map stone, turning it this way and that, filtering the light through it to show different maps or layers of the earth. [Amazing.]
  254. [20:30] Karen Aido: "Yeah it's really neat. I figured you'd be able to make the most use of it."
  255. [20:45] Knight the Wanderer: [Well, these maps are older then I am, so they are mostly useless.]
  256. [20:46] Karen Aido: "Oh... Well, they might have some use, like where some of the ancient shit is hidden."
  261. [12:47] Knight the Wanderer: While the ships slowly plod along, your copy snakes finally reach the separation point. Through traps, giant monsters, and all sorts of strange happenings you find yourself before a strange swirling vortex of strange teal and white motes of light. "Right, just right on through there, then follow Ping home. Karen do you have a smaller form that you could take so I could just sprint and carry you on my person?" Alex says, questioning the copysnake that is to go with him while your other one follows ping and the others through the strange portal.
  262. [12:49] Karen Aido's copysnake nods. "Yeah." she'll take Garden Snake form. "H-how's th-this?" I had intended that we slowed down when we got near, say within 10 miles, to the Sun Cultist capital, not take our sweet time getting there. I also don't want the flag unfurled until the same time.
  263. [12:58] Knight the Wanderer: Alex gently pets the copy snakes tiny head and helps deposit you in a large messenger bag so that you can ride along his side. "Get comfy, from here on its two to three days of constant running and sprinting. There should be some snacks in there and I hope you can magic away your waste."
  265. Meanwhile your other copy finds itself in a large open tunnel with several archways full of dancing motes. "Hurry hurry, this way this way." Ping says, leading your party quickly around the room and through many long and tight tunnels full of dead humans and monsters. "Alex cleared this out for us before he brought all the gear along, we'll be good but one or two things always pops back up if you aren't careful."
  266. [13:02] Karen Aido's Garden copy nods. "S-same w-way I d-deal wif sh-sheddin'. I-I learned cl-cleaning early." I'll coils around one of his arms.
  268. "Alright, I'll keep an eye out for that." I
  269. [13:02] Karen Aido: I'll use my magic senses to keep an eye out for anything becoming mobile again.
  270. [13:05] Knight the Wanderer: In about four days these things will be back up-
  272. Shambling about, grasping slowly and weakly through the dark for the golden bell dancing and twirling around with a silver blade, they are no match for it but the chance to taste life, sweet life drives them on. In moments it is over with Alex walking over their bodies, carrying heavy equipment to the portals.
  274. So, these things are some of the easiest it seems, from the reports that means you are all close to the surface.
  275. [13:08] Karen Aido: "Huh... Well, that's interesting... Most of these won't be back up for four days."0
  276. [13:09] Knight the Wanderer: "Yes, some play dead through, very smart, that or they become tired."
  277. [13:09] Karen Aido: "Not sure what to make of that."
  278. [14:52] Knight the Wanderer: "They are strange cursed beings, its best to not try and understand them." Ping says while the dim green light starts to grow until you finally find yourselves outside in a dusty and grassy hillside. "The Argarma and beaches should be a bit further north-" [Its alright, we know the way. I take it you are staying down in the tunnels.] "Yes, need more bloody iron and I sensed a vein through one of the portals." [Take care then brother. Goddess the path is this way.] The Flesh crafter says while leading you around a small trail on the hill.
  279. [14:53] Karen Aido sighs. "Alright, lead the way."
  280. [15:05] Knight the Wanderer: Its nice to be able to breath the fresh air instead of moldy mildew that was the caverns. You notice that the dust seems to actually be ash, and it all blows around from the north. Cresting the hill you see why.
  282. What looks to be a dragon lies on its side, torn open in several places. Its dead and just a husk now but a great fire roars within its body. [Nothing here decomposes right. No bugs as you heard so it all sits around and just becomes disgusting. We keep some to the side to experiment on and the rest of the dead go into the dragon furnace to burn away to ash.]
  283. [15:07] Karen Aido: "Right, but I honestly figured we'd have brought some pests with us inadvertently, they get everywhere after all."
  284. [15:09] Knight the Wanderer: [What pest live in a metal drydock or can survive the new Laputain sealing and container test?]
  285. [15:11] Karen Aido shrugs. "Don't know, just know that they tend to find a way, but I guess if we don't have to worry about them, then it's for the best. This weird effect is actually something we should probably duplicate, right?"
  286. [15:13] Knight the Wanderer: [Well we'll need them eventually, we only think of them as pest in the small sections of our private lives.]
  287. [15:14] Karen Aido: "I know we do. I don't mean pests as in they're a bother, because while they are, life can't continue on without them. I'm amazed anything has survived here without them."
  288. [15:17] Knight the Wanderer: [Well the plants I could see yes, but they adapted or well.. Died. Anyway past this dragon carcass is the route to a floating checkpoint, then we can get a raid to the Argarma from there.]
  289. [15:18] Karen Aido: "Ah, okay. Is the floating checkpoint literally floating or does it just wander around?"
  290. [15:25] Knight the Wanderer: Walking past the broken wing you can see it does literally float off the ground, using the earths own mana currents and some stabilizing thrusters. Its a big checkpoint too, about the size of a large village. A large metal vehicle pulls up from the other side of the dragon and parks under the floating base, in a few seconds the area starts to glow blue with the large metal wagon and a thin plate elevating through the air until they pass into the underbelly of the checkpoint. [Now we go, wait and they'll lower the platform and pull us back up.]
  292. The reports you got from this place says their were down on their last leg, how in the world did they turn it around so well and so quickly?
  293. [15:27] Karen Aido: "So, the reports I got said you guys were pretty well boned, this doesn't look remotely like that, I guess whatever most recently happened to Clark turned things around? Are you going to explain or let him do it?"
  294. [15:28] Knight the Wanderer: [He can explain it better then we can. And since this place seems to be operating like it is, I expect he is here tuning it, or well, at least one of him is.]
  295. [15:29] Karen Aido: "One of him? He's like a swarm of hims now?"
  296. [15:31] Knight the Wanderer: [He can explain better, though we did have a hydra mutagen but he is working at the different bases as communication and defense. He would rather be out there fighting instead.]
  297. [15:32] Karen Aido: "I'm aware of how he intended the Avengers. We're working on getting more troops up here to help you guys, so you can become a sword again."
  298. [15:38] Knight the Wanderer: [No no, The Hydra is far better for defense. Besides the locals become as good as sentinels overnight in a pod.]
  299. [15:39] Karen Aido: "In a pod?"
  300. [15:45] Knight the Wanderer: [You'll see when we get to the Argarma.] The flesh crafter says while the metal plate lowers once more and you all step aboard it. Slowly you start to change elevations, rising upward until the ground fades anf you are enclosed in metal.
  301. [15:45] Karen Aido: "Neat. If I'd get one of these installed in my castle if it was taller."
  302. [15:46] Karen Aido: "However, we should install one in some of our other castles."
  303. [15:50] Knight the Wanderer: "Well the castle would first need to float, I mean unless you meant different floors, then yes you could." Comes a very familiar voice. Clark steps out from behind a panel dressed in a simple craftsmen's uniform, though many of the tools on his person are very different. He looks, smells, and even his soul is the same. "Men, see you all got your new gear, still its strange that you would come here Karen like this. Unless it was magic. But magic doesn't smell anything quite like salt and copper..."
  304. [15:52] Karen Aido: "I meant the lift thing we're on. Hey, Clark. This is a copy, it's magic. I call it a Copysnake. You look more normal than I expected you would."
  305. [16:01] Knight the Wanderer: "Get the men out of their armor and most of them look perfectly human. Its all by coincidence though. I'll get looks done after we upgrade them all and defeat Aeons. Sorry about the rude delivery though, or Alex."
  306. [16:02] Karen Aido: "Nah, it's okay, gotta do what you gotta do. Also, that man is missing his arms. What do you mean 'get them out of their armor'?"
  307. [16:03] Karen Aido points to the man missing his arms.
  308. [16:04] Knight the Wanderer: Hey got new ones remember
  309. [16:04] Knight the Wanderer: They look like normal arms
  310. [16:05] Knight the Wanderer: "Well these are more or less battle bodies. Each man far to transformed for normal everyday life has a body that reflects how they once looked, ready for use in public. Sort of an astral projection body but for the real world."
  311. [16:06] Karen Aido: I know he did. "Ah. I see. Is that how you're doing what you're doing here?"
  312. [16:18] Knight the Wanderer: "Not quite, more like how you are doing you right now but not. Anyway the ferry should be here soon to take us across the waste to the main base and the Argarma."
  313. [16:23] Karen Aido: "Ah, alright. So... How are you doing all of this? What changed everything from 'we're fucked' to 'we're basically fine, if not happy, because we aren't smashing faces'?"
  314. [16:25] Knight the Wanderer: "Citlial was a big help. With him working and attacking our enemies they could no longer build momentum against us. This game me the breather I needed to reflect, work, and pour all our resources on a do or die venture. It was successful and now there are about five of me running around, building things, or fighting."
  315. [16:30] Karen Aido: "Ah, how useful. There was also a guy named Nic who helped, apparently?"
  316. [16:33] Knight the Wanderer: "Yeah, hes around, helping to train and grow the Reavers, uhh kind of like the Preventor type, except giant apex predator that can teleport and transform like a Grotesque. Not as durable as them though."
  317. [16:37] Karen Aido: "Ah, okay. What is this thing anyway? How'd you build a floating village?"
  318. [16:42] Knight the Wanderer: "Oh, lots of resources from the caverns. Some salvage from the nightmares and dragons. Really right now until we figure out a way to seal some tunnels or tunnel entrances floating cities are the way to go."
  319. [16:43] Karen Aido: "Ah, I see. I meant the mechanic you're using. Is it the same as what we use on the ships or something else?"
  320. [16:45] Knight the Wanderer: "Ship stabilizers for balance. Two main propulsion systems waiting to boost when needed. Coasting upon excess mana over a ley line node. Disabling the nod would take out the mana in the entire area for a good amount of time so that prevents idiots from attacking it."
  321. [16:53] Karen Aido: "Ah. Neat. I'd be careful, some people don't care about magic at all."
  322. [16:55] Knight the Wanderer: "We are, its why I have normal thrusters waiting to keep the ship aloft until they are needed."
  323. [16:57] Karen Aido: "Did you convert them to using the local fuel
  324. [16:57] Karen Aido: ?"*
  325. [17:00] Knight the Wanderer: "Yes with back up Golem cores to last an hour before it slowly plummets to the ground. So about ten days and an hour. By them we will have come in and recaptured it or whatever."
  326. [17:01] Karen Aido: "Oh, good. Just wondering how well you covered your bases."
  327. [17:04] Knight the Wanderer: "Its alright. Shall we head topside and wait for the ferry to retrieve us?"
  328. [17:05] Karen Aido nods. "Yup."
  329. [15:02] Knight the Wanderer: Clark leads you both up topside while the rest of the avengers stay behind to clean up and do other things
  330. [15:04] Karen Aido: "This is really impressive. I would like to have some quarters here, temporarily speaking at any rate."
  331. [15:05] Karen Aido: "I don't mind sharing."
  332. [15:05] Knight the Wanderer: The top of the floating check point has a large reinforced stone wall surrounding it on all sides with a strange transparency enchantment upon your side. There are special rooms inside the walls linked to several point defense and anti dragon weapons that help defend from attacks. Behind the walls on your side is also a very large airship cannon angled to fire far into the distance and hit approaching ground targets. Besides that there are only a few buildings and a large gate connecting to the ferry way.
  333. [15:06] Karen Aido: "Has this been tested in battle?"
  334. [15:07] Knight the Wanderer: "Us ten, Aeons zero."
  335. [15:08] Karen Aido: "Oh! Do you have recordings?"
  336. [15:09] Knight the Wanderer: "You have something to watch them on?"
  337. [15:10] Karen Aido: "... I left my tablet..."
  338. [15:11] Knight the Wanderer: "Well, when we reach the Argarma you can watch them there then."
  339. [15:13] Karen Aido nods "Okay. How many people are aboard this?"
  340. [15:15] Knight the Wanderer: "Normally, thirty men at the most. At least one Marcus is on board any station or defensive point."
  341. [15:16] Karen Aido: "One Marcus? How does that work?"
  342. [15:19] Knight the Wanderer: "Marcus is a psychic hybrid, a Hydra type that seems to always have at least one body and creates more naturally over time. They are all semi connected and sync hourly. Each one also has the ability to function like golems do when maintaining a large defensive frame and can man all weapons and communications by themselves. I got some of my ability to maintain multiple Clarks from him."
  343. [15:21] Karen Aido: "Oh, sorry, I was thinking Marcus, my first magic teacher."
  344. [15:21] Karen Aido: "Interesting."
  345. [15:27] Karen Aido: "How fast does it move?"
  346. [15:37] Knight the Wanderer: "The Argarma, Ferry, or this Checkpoint?"
  347. [15:37] Karen Aido: "In that order, yes. Though I suspect the Argarma doesn't move anymore."
  348. [15:38] Knight the Wanderer: "It flies once more. We are almost finished shaping the final sections of armor and then we can start Patrolling with it. I'll just need a suitable pilot. See its quite the beast now and even Marcus has troubles controlling it."
  349. [15:40] Karen Aido: "Ah, got anyone in mind?"
  350. [15:42] Knight the Wanderer: "I don't. I was actually hoping you or Muna knew someone."
  351. [15:45] Karen Aido: "I don't know, can't think of too many people faster than you. Maybe Ace? Since Strider's gone."
  352. [15:46] Karen Aido: "Strider, maybe."
  353. [15:47] Knight the Wanderer: "Any golem that has tired to use it ends up getting disconnected and glitches for a bit. They are alright in a few days, but the system might be to advanced for them right now."
  354. [15:49] Karen Aido: "Ace, Strider, Muna, Knight, myself, maybe Isaac, and Newton."
  355. [15:51] Karen Aido: "Pravin, but he's way up north."
  356. [15:51] Karen Aido: way east of here*
  357. [15:52] Knight the Wanderer: "Really its not about speed, its...Control. Citlial tried it and got frustrated, said it was like bickering with a young stubborn woman. I tried and I rammed the ground and nearly flipped it."
  358. [15:54] Karen Aido: "What's the control scheme?"
  359. [16:02] Knight the Wanderer: "Seat, elevation lever, control stick with thruster directional assistance on top, Various programmable foot pedals, and really each pilot can change it how they want nothing works and its keeping me baffled."
  360. [16:03] Karen Aido: "Hmm.... Then I think Praven might be your best bet all things told. We don't really have anyone that understands the subtleties of ships as well as he does.
  361. [16:03] Karen Aido: "*
  362. [16:04] Knight the Wanderer: "Maybe. Guess that means we need him to come to us, or us to him. Though with the way those mountains formed not to long ago I guess his forces and yours will eventually need to meet up with us."
  363. [16:06] Karen Aido: "How the mountains formed?"
  364. [16:06] Karen Aido: "Did they crop into existence or something?"
  365. [16:10] Knight the Wanderer: After Aeons was kind of defeated, the ground shook heavily and large near continuous peaks formed, making a sort of funnel that leads into Aeons held land. We built a large artillery base near the entrance to shell them but they keep building and striking out from there daily. There are two other funnels like it, one to the north and one to the south, trapping us in this area slightly but letting us still build up."
  366. [16:10] Knight the Wanderer: "*
  367. [16:13] Karen Aido: "That's not weird. We'll have to take the south entrance then. I'll see if I can get a line to him."
  368. [16:14] Knight the Wanderer: "I suspect your men will be coming up that way anyway, which means if we work together we can crush the enemy and take a naturally fortified area from Aeons and ensure a safer location for portals and civilians."
  369. [16:18] Karen Aido: "Yeah, hopefully. If it works out, we can deny him the southern half of this world, steadily isolating him and stripping him of things he can use."
  370. [16:21] Knight the Wanderer: "He will still have forces in the caverns and tunnels. That much would be impossible to guard all at once."
  371. [16:23] Karen Aido: "This is true, but all we can do about it is set our walls, and guard them as we move forward."
  372. [16:37] Knight the Wanderer: "Was there anything else you wanted to speak about while we wait for the ferry? Things running late, one of the passengers needed to be rushed back, back ruptured from a bad augmentation."
  373. [16:38] Karen Aido: "Ack! Are they going to be okay?""
  374. [16:39] Knight the Wanderer: "Eventually. It was just a bad gasket in their body."
  375. [16:40] Karen Aido: "Ah. Well, I'll help them out when I get there. How long is it going to be?"
  376. [17:15] Knight the Wanderer: "It will be a quick change, remove the harness and spine assembly and connect a new one. Sort of like taking out a Soldier brain and putting a new one in, except the brain is in the head and they just completed the procedure."
  377. [17:18] Karen Aido: "Who do you have doing the surgery anyway?"
  378. [17:18] Karen Aido: "If you say 'me, myself, and I' I'm going to deck you."
  379. [17:19] Knight the Wanderer: "Eric, Steven and Michael."
  380. [17:19] Knight the Wanderer: "I trust my people with installation and creation of minor things. Myself I reserve for the stuff only a master should touch."
  381. [17:21] Karen Aido: "Ah. Speaking of which, I've been staring at your weaponry, and we could really use your touch on a... larger scale. Like, equipping all of the armies scale."
  382. [17:29] Knight the Wanderer: "Yes, I was planning on finishing my munitions and armament factory back at the main base, but I am still lacking in many parts to finish the forges, molds, and automation of it all. That and the raw supplies I want. If you can get your men up here to help finish my portal to your other bases I should be able to get the supplies I need. Also bad news, that strange wall seems to prevent portals from across the sea, meaning you will need to ferry them through the tunnel. Its a shame the entrance was destroyed though, I guess Citlial was right that would happen."
  383. [17:33] Karen Aido: "Good. Yeah, we're setting up a portal now, so that we can teleport them through the tunnel. We're also setting up trains to run it, The city there is New Haven, it's going to be modeled after Andre's great citadel. From there, we'll build a route coming up north so you can have a solid supply line."
  384. [17:34] Knight the Wanderer: "The portal at one end to the other will fail, the train is a good Idea."
  385. [17:35] Knight the Wanderer: That means you can teleport supplies right to the station, send them through, and then once they reach New Heaven teleport them around.
  386. [17:37] Karen Aido: "Well, even if we can't portal things through it, we can portal them elsewhere, so it's going up no matter what."
  387. [17:38] Knight the Wanderer: "Don't let me try to stop you."
  389. Was there anything else you wanted to look at or see for this Checkpoint?
  390. [17:38] Karen Aido: Hmm... no, not really. I'll probably poke at the individual systems while waiting, get to know the people some. "How long was it before the ferry arrived?"
  391. [17:43] Knight the Wanderer: "Its going slow now, just in case."
  392. [17:44] Karen Aido: "Fair enough, can you show me the sensors?"
  393. [17:50] Knight the Wanderer: "Which ones? Most are mental and visual from Marcus, the rest are simple golem sensors on the ground near the platform and those further away that look like they are connected to small animals.
  394. [17:52] Karen Aido: "Oh! Then I wanna see Marcus, I want to see this psychic stuff you've been talking about, maybe the gems I saw are psychic in nature."
  395. [17:54] Knight the Wanderer: "Right, this way then." Clark says leading you toward the giant cannon and towards a door at its rear. After entering a code the door opens to reveal a small corridor leading to a tiny ladder, looks like its time for legs.
  396. [17:55] Karen Aido swaps to legs and slides down the ladder after Clark goes.
  397. [18:02] Knight the Wanderer: The Ladder leads to a small dome like area that is heavily chilled, making even you shiver. "The Marcus men suffer from weakened immune systems, meaning their body sucks at fighting off infections so they are sealed behind a chill zone well below zero and that also works to keep all the equipment nice and cool, along with all the ammo. We unchill the Ammo in the gun before firing."
  398. [18:04] Karen Aido: "Ah, I'd figured as much. Hmm... I'll see what I can do about helping them out. Walking through the chill zone is unpleasant isn't it?"
  399. [18:07] Knight the Wanderer: "Very for most, my body is all artificial so I know the chill is there but it doesn't affect me."
  400. [18:08] Karen Aido sighs. "I'm not sure how well my defenses are going to work here, my Copysnakes aren't as tough as I am. Got any clothes I can wear to help out?"
  401. [18:11] Knight the Wanderer: Your copy snakes share the same elemental resistances and general world wide survivability you do, its just fucking cold in here. "Using what we learned from your schematics involving cooling we were able to get it far colder then anywhere else in the world and maintain it with a small amount of Mana and power."
  402. [18:13] Karen Aido: "Oh, well, yeah, it's still going to be horridly uncomfortable. We either go fast or I get some extra pants."
  403. [18:17] Knight the Wanderer: "Its like this for a few more feet then we enter a chamber and heat up slightly then say Hi to Marcus."
  404. [18:18] Karen Aido sighs. "Fast then."
  405. [18:21] Knight the Wanderer: Clark leads you quickly through the small corridor and into an archway that quickly seals behind you both. A heavy chunk and cracking noise reverberates through the seal as vents open and spray in heated air, still below zero but nowhere as cold as before.
  406. [18:23] Karen Aido steps in quickly. "It's still cold in here!"
  407. [18:24] Knight the Wanderer: "Bacteria can live at temperatures around zero degrees. so we are still below them. I am sorry but this is to protect my men. I know you would do the same."
  408. [18:28] Karen Aido: "Yes and I'm saying that you should have handed me something that will protect me." Sigh... I'll try to enhance my defense against the cold.
  409. [18:35] Karen Aido: "Anyway, let's move this on."
  410. [18:38] Knight the Wanderer: With is not being as cold as it once was, your defenses are working like normal. The Heated air stops blasting and a new door opens ahead of you, revealing a large sort of dome which slowly opens at various angles to reveal a man inside who is missing most of his head. The face is towards you all while the brain and spine are connected through tubes and hanging along the top of the dome. "Hello sir. What is the purpose of your visit today?" "Informal, meet and greet." "Very well, setting aside current surveillance and tracking." The top dome slides down and the brain and spine connect to the body sitting down. Marcus shakes his head a few times and looks around differently. "Hello sir, Your Highness. Is there anything you need?" "No, just wanted to say hi." "Ahh, thank you for coming to visit, I hope my shell personality wasn't to displeasing." "It was fine and very zombiesh, work on making it more lively so it can actually interact while you are busy working."
  411. [18:42] Karen Aido: "Eh, you're a busy person. I'm not going to hold it against you if your avatar isn't right." I'll nod and smile. "It's nice to meet you, I was also hoping to see your psychic powers in action. I want to see how they work, if that's okay?"
  412. [18:47] Knight the Wanderer: "They are working right now, they are more passive, just general scanning and probing around. That and I placed the code in Clark's head so that he could enter. Communicating with my other selves and Clarks to establish patterns of patrol that are needed and report injuries to the main base and its doctors from the ferry or dragon corpse where we send most of if not all our trash."
  413. [18:48] Karen Aido sighs and continues filtering for a bit, hoping to get some sort of ping. "You use that to burn the trash, I assume?"
  414. [18:59] Knight the Wanderer: You can't sense anything from him, no matter what you check, but from Clark's reaction and that of the human super computer you can tell they sense you. "You lack the right parts for it Karen, the Gracemarian people actually have a few differences, most of them being the ability to be psychic and all pretty much perfect human templates that can be anything you want using the Cerberus Serum, exception is the Hydra and Ethereals."
  415. [19:02] Karen Aido: "Ah, what does it take to be those?"
  416. [19:02] Karen Aido: "I mean, aside from a bond with a psychic super predator?"
  417. [19:03] Knight the Wanderer: "Looking into it still, very rare though as there are exactly one of each. I just stole parts from both."
  418. [19:07] Karen Aido: "Ah. I can also see why they would have a compromised immune system." I'll start staring it over looking for what I can do to improve the Hydra's design, so that Marcus can go outside again, without an avatar.
  419. [19:10] Knight the Wanderer: ...Looking at the system you have never seen anything so complex and advanced naturally. There are organs you have never seen that do things you have no idea, more then just blood running through veins that crisscross through them and all around. Something that looks like a heart but isn't and then a smaller more powerful heart that pumps only a few times a minute.
  420. [19:11] Knight the Wanderer: That includes none of the augments of course.
  421. [19:12] Karen Aido: "Hmm.... Yeah, I'm going to have to catch up some if I want to get you your freedom back. Though, I think the artificial bodies might work, we'd just have to detox them each time we wanted to pull you out for whatever reason."
  422. [19:18] Knight the Wanderer: "I am fine where I am. Really, I am more free then I ever was before the change."
  423. [19:18] Karen Aido: "Yeah, but I want to be able to evacuate you when the shit hits the fan."
  424. [19:24] Knight the Wanderer: "I have more then one body, if they cut me down two more will grow to replace what was lost."
  425. [19:25] Karen Aido: "I know, I'd just rather we were able to hold onto an asset as potent as one of your bodies."
  426. [19:31] Knight the Wanderer: "You are worrying about me as though I was one of the normal men or women that vanish after death, and that is very touching. I thank you for the thoughts and know that I will eventually walk in the sun once more because of your insistence. Also, you were broadcasting the thought out aloud so it wasn't really mind reading."
  427. [19:33] Karen Aido sighs and puffs up her cheeks. "And? It doesn't change the fact that what I said is true and there's other things to worry about. Like getting captured...
  428. [19:33] Karen Aido: "*
  429. [19:38] Knight the Wanderer: "Do you see where I am? The only person who knows the code is me and I give it to the person before they enter and they forget it after they put it in. I am the safest person in the world right now, and if I wanted to the real me could crush this one's mind and destroy it utterly so there would be nothing to salvage."
  430. [19:40] Karen Aido: "I'd still feel a hell of a lot better if we could evacuate all of you, if we have to. It's important to have backups and safety features. To continue forward like nothing bad can happen is a bad idea. Which I was hoping would be a message passed around my forces, but it's apparently not, and instead, my attempts to appear confident has made my men overconfident...."
  431. [19:47] Knight the Wanderer: "He who has a weak rhythm, follows the one with the strongest drum beat. Its a saying here, meaning the weak follow and act like the strong, if their actions be kind or otherwise."
  432. [19:49] Karen Aido: "Maybe, but I still don't want to see someone with your kind of power making the same mistakes they are. Especially if I can help you avoid it."
  433. [19:52] Knight the Wanderer: "Mistakes? What mistakes am I making helping keep my brothers and friends alive?" "Calm down Marcus. The Queen has a problem with doing the whole do as I say not as I do."
  434. [19:55] Karen Aido: "As your brother Alex said: if people do what I do, they'd have died... a lot. So I'd rather people would act more safely than I do."
  435. [20:02] Knight the Wanderer: "Karen, Marcus is floating in a well fortified metal and stone base, contained behind a giant gun and hidden past several feet of below freezing tunnels with large heavy doors to block access. He is plenty safe out of all my men."
  436. [20:03] Karen Aido: "I'd still rather have a backup plan."
  437. [20:05] Knight the Wanderer: "How about you try to worry about those who you can possibly convince to be more safe, like the Dragoons or trolls."
  438. [20:07] Karen Aido: "Because I feel like I'd fail. If I can't convince you, what chance do I have with them?"
  439. [20:08] Knight the Wanderer: "Because you can suggest things or come up with things to help them were I am already as perfect as the bird egg."
  440. [20:09] Knight the Wanderer: "Bird eggs are pretty good."
  441. [20:09] Karen Aido quirks an eyebrow. "Sure, but your boss here should also stick to fighting behind walls. What can I say to him?"
  442. [20:11] Knight the Wanderer: "Well I have more then one of me and my standalone military power is more then enough to sway a battlefield into my favor against a force of at most one thousand horrors or five hundred nightmare. I actually have a duty to fight with that power scale."
  443. [20:11] Karen Aido: "True, but you have to know when to run away, and I know how you think, you'll charge rather than retreat."
  444. [20:14] Knight the Wanderer: "Karen, I can equip a sun-mass bomb mark five or a paradox bomb mark two in my chest and use that if things get to heavy. The fact that I can create more of myself only increases my battle rating and ensures I must fight to the last unless the results of the bombs detonation are not worth the materials required to create it, or that of the body I made."
  445. [20:15] Karen Aido sighs. "See? Absolutely pointless, I can't convince anyone otherwise."
  446. [20:17] Knight the Wanderer: "Karen, you can't convince me because I am acting through a copy. A singular me would retreat, as would my men thanks to Citlial's teachings of the old forms of battle and stances once practiced by the light and dark. You are simply barking up the wrong tree, or hissing."
  447. [20:18] Karen Aido: "Woof. Oh, so he's finally taught what I was trying to teach with my book? Good. I'll have to have you guys retrain everyone back home when I get the chance."
  448. [20:20] Knight the Wanderer: "Its not quite what your book says. You'll need to talk to him about it. Its very case by case basis and lots of fear and worry not heaven awaits but be smart as the goddess will judge your death against your accomplishments. No sacrificing for no reason."
  449. [20:22] Karen Aido: "It's probably better than my book, because I'm not military, never have been. Smart? Muna called me dumb and I make a bunch of dumb mistakes. Like what I did earlier outside that village."
  450. [20:22] Knight the Wanderer: "Whatever it was we have no idea."
  451. [20:23] Karen Aido creates an illusion of what happened. "It's easier to show than tell."
  452. [20:30] Knight the Wanderer: At the end Clark is facepalming and Marcus is a little confused.
  453. [20:32] Karen Aido sighs. "Yeah, I didn't exactly expect those results, I couldn't see shit from the statue, so I thought 'maybe it can disguise itself against my senses, so let's mark it to find out'. If I knew about the statue, I wouldn't have messed with it. Though I am curious about your reactions."
  454. [20:36] Knight the Wanderer: "Why...I guess its because I was raised in it and you weren't, but I learned early never touch anything or mark it unless you know what it does or have some record of it from the locals."
  455. [20:38] Karen Aido: "And I've been farting about in what is essentially the wilds where you should mark things that look like traps. Doing otherwise could be dangerous. Though, you see what I was talking about earlier, I hope?"
  456. [20:51] Knight the Wanderer: "Not really. In the wilds you want to mark them mentally on a map or something else."
  457. [20:52] Karen Aido: "I'm not alone though."
  458. [20:59] Knight the Wanderer: "So, instead of using your large pool of men you instead used some paint and hoped someone would then notice it move on the off chance it moved forward instead of back and then wiped the paint off only to once again take its place."
  459. [21:00] Karen Aido: "You ever been painted while you were asleep? Did you notice it until you saw your reflection?"
  460. [21:01] Karen Aido: "Plus, I think it's tactically retarded to split off people to watch what could just be an ordinary statue."
  461. [21:05] Knight the Wanderer: "I think it is advernturally retarded to not have men work in groups when you can to observe the statue and then let the last men walk backwards while being guided and still keeping an eye on the rear. See I can also call your idea stupid."
  462. [21:06] Karen Aido: "Yeah, but I didn't want to split anyone off."
  463. [21:07] Knight the Wanderer: "You had over fifty men. You stand here and watch this, when the last man reaches you go with them. Not that hard."
  464. [21:08] Knight the Wanderer: "Its a single line moving in a row, not keeping one guy at a separate cave."
  465. [21:10] Karen Aido shrugs. "Or I could paint it and not worry about it."
  466. [21:11] Knight the Wanderer: "And later find out you killed a man."
  467. [21:14] Karen Aido sighs. "Hindsight's 20/20 all I can do is avoid making the same mistake twice. My ability to see the future is unreliable at best, remember? I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just saying that it was something that was impossible to forsee and it wasn't completely retarded. Anyway, what modifications have you made to the cannons?"
  468. [21:18] Knight the Wanderer: "Plenty, increased size of the rounds, no longer using powder charges, all magnets or in some cases air."
  469. [21:19] Karen Aido: "Air? How does that work?"
  470. [21:19] Karen Aido: "I wasn't able to get a tube that we could rely on to not fall the fuck apart when using magnets. I suppose building it bigger might work."
  471. [21:21] Knight the Wanderer: "Better material as well. Just because something is good for defense doesn't make it good for offense. And the Air is a ram pump for closer targets, working off a design for launching torpedoes from a ship, just multiplied by a hundred or so. Not really but you get the point."
  472. [21:23] Karen Aido: "Hmmm... Yeah, I'll need to see it up close if I want to use it better. Curious, how'd you come up with the personal weapon design?"
  473. [21:28] Knight the Wanderer: "The smaller rail gun. Based it off the strange gobbo guns and the Golem weapons we saw. Small yet powerful rounds are hard to crush, the increased speed makes up for their lack of mass and all that, plus the enchantments which I stole from your rifle."
  474. [21:30] Karen Aido: "Oh, right. That's fine. I don't use it very often, because I have that bow. I like the gun, but I don't think it quite competes with the bow unless fighting opponents which are immune to magic."
  475. [21:37] Knight the Wanderer: "Opponents who are immune to magic are quite rare, still its a great idea to be prepared. I'd make you one but I am getting my best marksmen armed first. You understand."
  476. [21:38] Karen Aido: "Yeah, I've only ran into one, so I bet there's more down the line." I'll hold out an image of it. "When it hit me my mana exploded. It was unpleasant."
  477. [21:42] Knight the Wanderer: "Those are the strange golems we saw. They aren't so much immune as super charged by it to the point of immunity. What happened was it overloaded your mana ley lines and caused you extreme harm."
  478. [21:44] Karen Aido: "Yeah, needless to say, next time I see them, I'm using the rifle, not the bow."
  479. [21:49] Knight the Wanderer: "Next time you see them make sure you have as little mana in your body as possible."
  480. [21:50] Karen Aido: "The one I saw didn't seem to be able to used ranged attacks in conjunction with that power. Have you seen ones that can?
  481. [21:50] Karen Aido: "*
  482. [21:51] Knight the Wanderer: "Its a golem of some kind Karen. They are made for various purposes and can switch out limbs on the fly. I am sure if given the chance it would have managed to mount a cannon on its arm and shoot you."
  483. [21:52] Karen Aido: "That doesn't mean the effect would ride it. I know how to dump mana in a hurry though. A shitload of copysnakes."
  484. [21:53] Karen Aido: "Or I could flood a section of the tunnels in purification golems."
  485. [22:08] Knight the Wanderer: "Thats up to you. All I know is when that attack hits you want to be as a dry well when lightning strikes."
  486. [22:29] Karen Aido: "Yeah. I'll be ready for it next time."
  487. [22:31] Karen Aido creates an illusion of the crap she's ran into out here, along with explanations for their power and the scale at which they strike. "Time to exchange information, have you seen all of these before? What else have you seen?"
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