
Lamakan Desert

Mar 24th, 2017
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  1. Couple things to keep in mind
  2. - each dust cloud advances the RNG a certain amount (might be 3 RNs at a time? I don't recall)
  3. - dust cloud spawn is a bit random and doesn't behave nicely; going around corners/changing directions can cause inconsistencies
  4. - Recall that there is a step counter counting until the next encounter; the rate that this advances is determined by GRN after a battle
  5. - There are three notches on the thermometer - when the heat gets here you get a semi-random portrait.
  7. Consequences
  8. - Impossible to route out every encounter without some kind of simplification due to the sheer complexity of it
  9. - You need to be getting the encounter roughly in the same place (to ensure same number of steps, and dust clouds etc after encounter)
  10. - Also want same dust clouds, but this is impossible
  12. Solution
  13. For each fight...
  14. - We worked out what encounters were possible, and which GRN seeds those encounters happened
  15. - We then found a GRN seed which allowed ALL possible encounters to be fleed from.
  16. - The number of attack cancels to get to this GRN seed varies depending on the encounter we get
  17. - Ultimately this meant that we definitely know the GRN seed after each fight, and can manipulate the desert accordingly
  19. TLDR; at the end of the attack cancelling/fleeing/psynergy to manipulate GRN you will ALWAYS have the same GRN regardless of the encounter you got originally. In a flow chart:
  21. Know GRN -> GRN advances a semi-random amount due to Dust -> Cluster of possible encounters -> Attack cancel to get common GRN seed -> Flee -> Repeat
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