
Chronomancer Felix

May 28th, 2013
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  1. Name: Professor Felix Bookmarks
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Unicorn
  4. Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  5. Class: Mage
  6. Hits/Wounds: 5/5
  7. Mark: Open Book and Quill(+2 knowledge checks)
  9. Skills:
  10. -Improved Spellcasting
  11. -Elementalist: Warp Elemental [You freeze opponents in space and time. Crit range is -1 (crits on 9 instead of 10) Successful crits disable enemy completely for 1 turn.]
  12. Unicorn Telekinesis(Racial)
  13. -Improved - Improved Telekinesis(Racial)
  14. Haste
  15. Improved - Time Dilation
  17. Invetory:
  18. Thick Glasses (-2 perception when removed)
  19. Book bag (Full)
  20. -7 Random Lore books
  21. -1 Old Spellbook
  22. -Old Journal with loose pages
  23. -2 Blank jounrals
  24. -Research Notes (2 copies)
  25. -Tome of Timebending
  26. Professor's Robe of Useful Things.(extra-dimensional pockets)
  27. -Saddle Arabian Dagger
  28. -Cricket Bat
  29. -Time Cube(Catalyst)
  30. Chronomancer Abilities:
  31. Space Warp
  32. Time Phase
  33. Flow Walking
  34. Weakness: Due to the dangerous nature of time travel, failing on Time Phase will propel the caster into the future a number of rounds equal to their failure [5 is none, 4 is 1, 3 is 2, 2 is 3, 1 is 4], during which he must roll a save DC 6 or take one wound, each round. You cannot act for the number of turns you propel into and in normal space you appear frozen and “glitchy” rendering you somehow untouchable(i.e you cannot be attacked but you still take wounds for being propelled into the future.) If you a reduced to 0 wounds instead of death you are trapped for eternity in the space between milliseconds. In the real world you are effectively erased from existance.
  36. Traits:
  37. This old unicorn is light brown with a black mane and beard that is flecked with grey. Behind his thick glasses shine lavender eyes. A single silver earring can be seen in his left ear. He wears scholars robes and a red turban.
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