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Unlimited Pie Works

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Dec 2nd, 2014
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  1. “Borrrrrrrr~ing,” Pinkie Pie moans, and not the fun, pussy-pounding kind of moan either. No, the usually chipper party girl is currently slouched over the lunch table, her breasts pushing up towards her chin in the process. It has taken quite a bit of work, but the other girls had managed to convince the bouncy bimbo that she needs to wear at least some kind of top to school. Today’s proudly declares ‘Spank Bank’ in big, warped letters across her chest. An arrow points up to her face, accompanied by the words ‘Drive-Thru’, while another points down and says ‘Walk-ins Welcome’. Rarity can only frown at her friend and shake her head.
  3. “Honestly dear,” she sighs, tugging the pink ribbon resting in her friend’s fluffy hair back into place, “I realize that times are tough, but you mustn’t be so wrapped up in your personal frustrations.”
  5. “But Rarity, I wanna make some unsuspecting girl into a bimbo!” Pinkie groans, wriggling her backside against the chair and making her breasts slide across the table. The perfectly primped purple-haired girl scowls a little, noting that her friend had indeed ‘forgotten’ to wear a bra again. Either that or Pinkie’s nipples have grown stiff enough to pierce the thick fabric she used for all of the girls after their changes, though it was Pinkie and Rarity wouldn’t put the seemingly impossible task past her.
  7. Sighing, Pinkie closes her eyes and clasps her hands over her chest as best she can. “Can’t you imagine it? Baking something sweet for an unsuspecting sweetie? Watching her moan and clutch at her chest as her chest starts to grow,” the pink haired girl shivers, and Rarity with her as she remembers being that girl. Left helpless as tiny orgasms rocked her slowly swelling body, until she was left with one of the most prolific chests in the entire school, even in spite of Celestia’s current control over them.
  9. “I know how you feel dear,” Rarity murmurs, her seemingly perpetually pursed lips curling up into a smile, “and that’s why I’ve been working on something, in secret.”
  11. Planting her palms on the table, the bubble-headed bimbo rises with an over enthusiastic gasp, putting herself nose to nose with her friend. Pinkie’s face is a mixture of excitement, joy, and hurt as tears sting at her smiling eyes and she stutters out, “Y-y-you mean you’ve been transforming little, sweet honeys into big, bimbo bunnies without telling me?”
  13. “Hardly,” the frisky fashionista snorts, smiling and brushing the tip of her nose against Pinkie’s, which the smaller girl returns with vigor, “you girls know I would never hold out something so wonderful on you.”
  15. “Right, right; besides, you’re too much of a stickler for the rules.”
  17. “I suppose I am, generally,” Rarity says with a purr, pulling out a small glass bottle and giving it a small shake, “but as you’ve made abundantly clear Pinkie, the chance on turning some drab, unsuspecting girl into a busty, beautiful bimbo has an undeniable appeal.”
  19. Without even asking, her frizzy-haired friend snatches the bottle out of her hands. Rarity chuckles a little, watching as Pinkie’s face contorts while she twists it about, as if she were examining an ancient artifact. After a few moments, the party girl dabs her finger against the top, smells it and then snorts before putting it down on the table.
  21. “What are you talking about Rarity, this is just perfume!”
  23. “Mhmm,” the fashionista smiles, the second syllable turning up sharply as she meets Pinkie’s eyes, “a perfume made by one of the most generous girls at CHS, from scratch, and loaded with a delightful power that she received from a friend of hers.”
  25. Pinkie shudders a little as the tip of Rarity’s tongue darts out, brushing against her swollen lips before disappearing back into her mouth. Steadying herself, the pink bimbo gives her friend a frown.
  27. “So, this is a gift?”
  29. “Of a sort; Twilight is very interested in other mediums that might be used to carry our wonderful gift to other girls, without raising suspicion. She thought the locket I gave Fluttershy was a great idea, but still far too conspicuous. This,” she whispers, tapping the bottle twice with a beautifully maintained nail, “is something no girl should be without, is an easy means of transmission, disperses easily, and should be able to augment objects to a limited degree.” After a momentary pause, she quickly adds, “In theory.”
  31. Pinkie’s forehead scrunches up ever so slightly, as though she were a struggling airhead, trying to parse out what had just been said. While that may have not been far from the truth, the Rarity had to stop herself from reaching out and teasing the thoughtful looking girl further with a gentle touch. After a few seconds, Pinkie’s eyes light up.
  33. “In theory?”
  35. “Well yes darling, I haven’t been able to test it yet; that’s why I’ve decided to give it to you.”
  37. “What?” Again with the adorable scrunch. “Why me? You have your own sister to do your weird tests on.” As if to punctuate her statement, Pinkie pushes the bottle back to Rarity. With a small huff, the pale girl pushes it right back.
  39. “My sister is a very poor subject because she attends this school. If anything about her were to change, and Principal Celestia to take notice, then we would be quickly outed and would have to formulate a new plan to reassert our position. Which means even longer until you can turn an otherwise bland little thing into a dashing debutant.”
  41. “But my sisters go to school here too!” Pinkie pouts, crossing her arms under her chest, forming a natural shelf for them to firm up against. “What makes my situation any different?”
  43. With a reluctant sigh, Rarity rolls her eyes and utters a single syllable, “Maud.”
  45. The seconds tick by as the bouncy bimbo threatens to scrunch up again. “You want me to turn my sister into a bimbo? But she’s already so much fun!”
  47. “Indeed she is,” her friend lies, trying to hurry the conversation along, “but don’t you think that having a bimbo of a sister would be even more fun?”
  49. “Ooh.” For a moment, Pinkie looks as though she’s considering the request; but only for a moment. Slamming her palm on the table, she grins. “All right, I’m in.” Clutching her fists tight, the young girl squeals, “We are going to be the best, bimbo sissies EVER!”
  51. Rarity flails her arms, trying to quiet her attention drawing friend as dissolves into a pile of excited giggles. Though things are rarely so easy…
  55. Maud Pie is less than impressed with her sister as Pinkie bounces into her room. The young geology student taps the deliciously cool graphite tip of her pencil against her lip, leaving an almost indistinguishable grey mark behind. Still pouring over her books, she keeps a watchful eye on her bimbo of a sister, absently wondering which side of the family she got her excitable personality from; to say nothing of the beautiful boulders hanging of her chest.
  57. While her first love had always been rocks, Maud had also found it hard to ignore her sister as she began to grow into a woman. A chest like that simply isn’t natural, she thought, shaking her head and glancing over her book again. But that was part of what made observing Pinkie so fascinating. Sometimes, Maud just wanted to throw her down and strip away layer after layer until she meet soft, spongy breastrock.
  59. “…Bedrock,” the bland girl mutters to herself, her voice flat and monotone. That’s right, bedrock. She liked examining rocks, not her sister. Too late however, at the quiet mumbling Pinkie is quick to perk up and give Maud her full attention.
  61. “Didja say something Maud?”
  63. “Nothing important,” the stony-faced woman responds, marking her place and closing her book before standing. Her oversized frock shifts and whispers as she turns to face her sister. “Is there something I can do for you?”
  65. “I think so…”
  67. Pinkie bites her lip and shifts her weight from side to side with her hands behind her back. An innocent appearance used to disguise the fact that behind her back she holds the untested bimbo perfume in one hand, and the heart-shaped atomizer in the other. As Maud looks on in blank disinterest, Pinkie can feel the tension coiling in her body as she prepares to strike!
  69. “Does this smell like sex on legs or what?”
  71. Without warning, she releases the atomizer and brings the bottle around, situating it between herself and her sister. The bulb follows behind, just as it ought, wriggling from side to side as the bottle moves, and as it rises into the air for the final time, Pinkie grabs it. Spritzer facing her sister, Pinkie can only grin in victory as she clutches the heart in her fist, sending a load of the pink particles straight into Maud’s face!
  73. …Or she would have, if Maud’s thumb wasn’t covering the nozzle. As the frizzy-girl gawks, the future-geologist removes her finger and flicks what little fluid escaped and sending the transformative chemical careening onto the floor. Maud glances at her close cropped nails before turning her attention to the bubbly bimbo.
  75. “Pinkie, please,” her sister deadpans as her eyebrows inch inward in a slight sign of irritation. “You know I have no interest in perfume.”
  77. “O-oh?” Pinkie gulps, offering an anxious grin. “I thought that, maybe, you know, you had a special someone to impress in one of your classes and that you might want to smell, uh, nice!”
  79. “Why would you think that? I have rocks to study in class, and out in the field. They are far more interesting.” A thin sheen of sweat begins to bead on Pinkie’s forehead as her older sister looks her over, concern beginning to register on the bland girl’s face. “Pinkie, are you alright? You seem different lately.”
  81. “D-d-different? Wh-at are you talking about?”
  83. “Just, different,” Maud mumbles, finding it difficult to put into words what seems so strange about her sister. As the seconds tick by and Pinkie begins to tremble more, the stoic girl becomes more certain that something is amiss, as evidenced by her chest formations jiggling around as though seismic activity were responsible.
  85. …Wait.
  87. With a shake of her head, Maud knocks loose the stray thought about her sister’s breasts. In the process, she also loses track of whatever thread she may have had hold of, leaving both girls staring at each other for several seconds. Until.
  89. “Supper’s on, kids!”
  91. The moment gone, Maud glances past her sister and calls out, “We’ll be down in a moment,” before looking at Pinkie again. A slight crease appears in her forehead as she struggles to regain her line of thought, before giving up entirely and placing a hand on her sister’s shoulder.
  93. “Thank you for your concern Pinkie, but I have no interest in smelling ‘nice’.” And with that, she walks out of her bedroom, leaving her still sweating sister behind.
  95. “That was close,” Pinkie gulps, letting out a slow, uncertain breath before pouting. “But how am I supposed to test this stuff out now?” If Maud wasn’t willing to get spritzed, then she would have to find another subject, but most of the girls that she knew were from CHS. Of course there was Mrs. Cake, but even that might prove to be difficult, as if she were sprayed in the kitchen then it might get into the batter and wreck more havoc.
  97. Rarity had said that it was possible for objects that were sprayed to become carriers for the transformative substance, and if that were the case than any number of cakes, cobblers, and chimmycherrychangas might be compromised. Certainly not worth the risk as Sugar Cube Corner was a place where students regularly hung out.
  99. “Which leaves Maud,” the usually bubbly bimbo sighs. “And she won’t let me do it. If only there were something of hers I could spray and see if Rarity’s right about that part. I guess I’ll have to wait until she falls asleep to try an-”
  101. Wait! There was something she could use!
  103. Grinning, Pinkie hurries over to her sister’s nightstand. There, resting in his rightful place on the edge of the table, is the one, the only, the unbreakable BOULDER! Pinkie scoots around him a couple times as though she were sizing him up, before lifting the bottle and giving him a series of healthy sprays.
  105. “Sorry old chum,” she mutters, squirting away until the rock is well and saturated with a thin sheen of sweat, smelling of orchids, “but this is for a brighter, bubblier future; I’m sure you understand.”
  107. Boulder’s cold silence is all the response she needs. As Pinkie bounds out the door, perfume in hand, she fails to notice that the stalwart stone begins to glow with a familiar pink hue.
  110. Dinner at the Pie house was always a rather subdued affair. By that, Pinkie would bounce around and help anyone who she could in any way she could, and the rest of the family would smile, letting their airheaded darling dote on them. Maud, like her sisters Marble and Limestone, couldn’t tell why their sister was so very different from them, both in attitude and appearance.
  112. None of the Pie girls were unattractive; Marble’s straight, shiny hair and the gentle slope of her chest was eye catching, while Limestone, the youngest of the four, had the most striking golden eyes and a solid backside. Maud, beneath her usually frumpy clothes, was solidly built from years of active research, leaving her with a slim waist and a cool demeanor that tended to drive her would-be paramours wild. But compared to their sister, well, there simply was no competition. Not that Maud minded. Her attention was fully set on rocks of all kinds, but especially one.
  114. “I’m back, Boulder,” she sighs, walking into her room and stripping off her frock, not bothering to close her door. While still early in the evening, there’s class in the morning, meaning she should be headed to bed if she wants to sleep like a rock. Her underwear is bland, much like the rest of her, a slate gray that leaves almost everything to the imagination. And so, with the plainest walk possible, Maud hangs up her coat and pulls on a long over-shirt from her dresser.
  116. At last, she flops down face first onto the bed before turning towards the silent stone. They stare at one another for a short while before Maud finally initiates conversation, “I suppose you’ve had a pretty long day as well.”
  118. Yet again, Boulder says nothing. While somewhat unusual for her pet rock to be so quiet, Maud doesn’t think much of it; riding around in her pocket was a rather exhausting exercise, and he was still young. Only a few hundred years old and with a whole life of erosion in front of him.
  120. “Poor guy,” Maud mutters with as much kindness as she can muster, reaching out to touch the small stone just the way he likes it. As her fingers make contact however, there’s a sudden flash of pink behind the stoic girl’s eyes. Her hand flinches backwards, and she becomes acutely aware of the unfamiliar flowery scent that fills the room. Had Pinkie-
  122. At once the flash fades, leaving Maud rather stupefied. What had she been doing? Glancing down at her hand, she wonders if something had happened to her to make her jerk her hand away from Boulder. A quick inspect confirms that no damage has been done to her elegantly purple painted nails, truly a relief as they stretch out nearly two full knuckle lengths from the cuticle. It isn’t easy working with rocks and maintaining ten lengthy nails, but they have been a point of pride for her for many years. And the wonderful clacking sound that they make when she drums away on something always sounds so delightful.
  124. Brushing the sensation off as simply and oddity, Maud again reaches out for her old friend. There is no resistance this time as her hand closes around the familiar firm figure and cradles it close to her chest. One part of her knew that it was strange to have a rock for a friend, but the other simply couldn’t be bothered to care. The small stone brings her comfort in an otherwise difficult world, and had seen her through some of the most difficult times of her life. Like when she was feeling lonely in school because none of the other girls wanted to be friends with the ‘freak’ who spent all her time reading about rocks.
  126. Trembling, Maud takes a deep and trembling breath, forcing the memory down, back into the depths where it belongs; where it can’t hurt her. And as she does, Boulder begins to glow and the scent of orchids fills her nose again. Maud breathes, and with the exhale something begins to change inside of her.
  128. It had been difficult growing up as the eldest Pie. She was expected to be a trailblazer, to see things through for her sisters to follow. Of course her parents had been more than happy to help her when they could, but when she entered middle school and began to go through puberty, that help hadn’t been enough.
  130. The Pies had been slim for generations. Working on a rock farm had a way of toughening one up and allowed them to stay compact. They had small chests, small rears, but tight enough to make any woman envious; until Maud came of age.
  132. With all the subtlety of a freight train slamming into a stalled truck, the drab Maud had quickly outgrown her mother’s hand-me-downs and set about blazing a trail wider than any Pie before her. It got to the point where the family’s limited budget simply couldn’t keep up with her explosive growth, and she was forced to trade in what few nice outfits she had for a plain, unassuming frock. Even still, without money for clothes, the simple dress had done little to hide her regularly engorged nipples, pointing out lewdly for the entire world to see.
  134. The end result was a young girl so hyper-sexualized that she couldn’t fit in with her peers, and dressed in such a way that painted an enormous target onto her back. The subject of relentless teasing, the once somewhat social Maud Pie had been cut adrift in the school system. It was only finding Boulder that helped to give her life a sense of reason again.
  136. “That’s right,” Maud mumbles, opening her eyes and giving her old friend a long, doting smile. Boulder is the same as he was when Maud found him, roughly ten inches long and four around, save for one end which flares out lewdly into an almost phallic head shape. Even still, the dour girl manages a smile and tilts the crafted tip towards her lips and plants a kiss on it.
  138. The cool stone feels delightful against her flushed skin, and so Maud decides to continue on as is wont to do; slipping the head into her mouth and suckling gently, while rolling her tongue over the unusual crease down the middle of the tip. The tension and anxiety that had been working up in her body begins to fade, and as Maud gently pumps the phallic stone in and out of her mouth, the lingering magic begins to take hold.
  140. Still feeling hot, Maud squirms on her mattress and considers taking off her night shirt in order to cool down. Even as the thought crosses her mind, the gray shirt dissolves off of her body, leaving the young woman in only her bra and panties, which wasn’t unusual at all. Wearing too many clothes tended to get in the way while she slept.
  142. The thought, while not true yet, is quickly beginning to become realized. Maud’s modest chest begins to swell, growing firmer and larger until they reach the shameful size that had brought her so much grief growing up. Her modest bra has given way to something much more dynamic, a diagonal strap that serves to provide additional support, while hiding her nipples from the world. She ought to stop here, Maud thinks, knowing that if she goes on then she will have to keep going until she finishes. But still the bimbo-to-be suckles away on Boulder, beginning to move him deeper into her mouth with each shallow stroke.
  144. In spite of herself, Maud’s fingernails dance around her still covered nipples. The fabric, while thick, can only do so much and barely manages to keep the hardening nubs hidden. Even with all the teasing, she could never bring herself to hate her body, not when it brings her so much pleasure. A small pop fills the room as Maud release’s Boulder from her mouth and gives the stone a sultry stare.
  146. “Boulder, you bad boy,” she murmurs, flexing her shoulders and pushing her breasts together. “I told you I don’t like it when you’re between my breasts.”
  148. Nothing could be further from the truth. Watching the stone phallus get swallowed up inside her massive cleavage was one of her favorite things to do; in fact she often kept Boulder snug in between her breasts when she was out in the field. The sensation of the smooth rock sliding up and down between and against the soft, tender skin of her chest was enough to leave the geology student buzzing for hours. Cocking her head to the side, Maud smiles at Boulder’s ‘response’ and gives a mock sigh.
  150. “Well, all right then, but only once. I have class in the morning, remember?” Of course he did; he never forgot. Placing the stone between her breasts, the usually deadpan girl brings her hands to her chest and pushes them up and around Boulder, throwing him into darkness. As Maud begins to slide her hands up and down, she makes small, breathless noises as though to encourage her stoic stone lover.
  152. “That’s it, that’s it,” she mutters, biting down on her lip. “It’s only natural you’d feel at home here, surrounded by to big boulders. Tell me when you’re about to cum, okay?” As Boulder glows again, Maud’s chest jiggles with another rush of growth, pushing her well past her bimbo-sister and into a class that has previously been reserved for the teachers of CHS.
  154. As before, in high school Maud was always the biggest, without any exception. Over time, she had learned to modify her frock so that she fit in with the only group that would give her the time of day; the Goths. With her dry, disinterested humor and generally dour nature, she had naturally attracted a following of awkward boys and girls who thought she had the entire scene down. It wasn’t much, but it had been enough to provide a supplement for Boulder’s nightly attentions.
  156. She had learned a great deal about how to make herself up to be one of them, and as she continues to mutter words of encouragement to her stony lover, she can almost feel the imaginary orgasm building up inside of him. Panting for air, she whispers again, “Come on, Boulder, come on. You know what I like.” That he did.
  158. Some of the magic inside the once small stone surges forward out of the slit in the tip, splashing Maud’s face in a cloud of pink. The girl either doesn’t notice or pays no mind as she gives a trembling sigh, her slightly plumper lips lining themselves with graphite colored lipstick, while her eyes become coated in an unquestionably slutty dose of eye shadow and mascara. With her usual bored expression successfully transformed into a sultry stare, Maud hefts Boulder from her valley and plants a kiss on him.
  160. “That’s my big boy,” she teases, making a show of wiping invisible spunk off her cheeks and sucking her fingers clean. It wasn’t the same as having the stiff, unyielding stone dick in her mouth, but she knew that a blowjob would never be enough to satisfy him. Or her for that matter; Boulder had long since spoiled her with his attentions.
  162. The two need no words as she slides him lower. Her hungry lips part easily as Boulder presses against them, as though he was expected. The chilly intruder sends shivers up Maud’s spine, and for a moment her eyes nearly roll back into her head. But still she maintains control, rocking the stone dildo in and out of her aching slit. Meanwhile, Boulder is beginning to have issues.
  164. He isn’t about to bend or break, that much is certain, but the magic coursing through the altered object is already beginning to weaken. Even remaining inside the confines of Maud’s history has drained much of the energy that resides in the stone and so with little left to work with, the magic begins to improve and refine what already exists.
  166. Maud’s belly, slim and firm from years of watching what she eats and constant labor shifts from toned to outright muscular; a feminine six-pack defining itself beneath her soft, squishy breasts. Likewise her legs and rear gain a little muscle and softness, making them more appealing while remaining inside the acceptable range of normal. However the most dramatic change is the girl’s pussy.
  168. Serving as an entrance for the otherwise hampered magic, every push to swell her legs or define her belly travels through the tight passage. As a result, her mons begins to puff up, becoming larger, more noticeable, and certainly more sensitive. Maud’s hurried thrusts increase in pace, her fingers toying with her exposed and stiff nipples as she rushes towards an orgasm.
  170. When it finally arrives, Maud’s toes curl and she gives a small, pleasured cry as her eyes clench shut. Boulder rides out the quaking of her pussy, giving one last push of magic into her body that reaches down to her toes and forms a pair of purple heels deserving of a gothic bimbo.
  172. Breathless, the blissed out bimbo gives a gentle smile and pulls Boulder out from her quivering quim. While she’s exhausted, the silent stone is still as hard as ever, ready to go for another round. As much as she would like to, Maud knows that she’s too tired to even think of taking him in again.
  174. “Sorry buddy,” she whispers, pausing long enough to lick him clean of her juices before closing her eyes, “I just don’t have another one in me tonight.”
  176. As she lays in the gathering gloom, a thought flickers to life inside her head. Boulder, her dear friend, was frustrated. It was obvious from how stiff and hard he was that he desperately needed something that she couldn’t give him. A gentle scowl etches itself onto Maud’s face as she holds the dildo up towards the ceiling and listens.
  178. Even though she hears nothing, the strangest idea enters into her head. That perfume from earlier, that Pinkie was trying to hit her with, it doesn’t seem nearly as bad anymore. Perhaps she can try a little, maybe spray some on Boulder and see if he likes the scent. At the very least, it might settle him down for the night. With a newfound determination, Maud slips from her bed and adjusts her underwear.
  180. Despite the thick fabric covering her chest, her plump nipples still stand out firmly against it; rock hard and just how Boulder likes them. Likewise, her puffy pussy proudly proclaims itself between her legs, a lewd cameltoe announcing the presence of an eager, wet, waiting hole. Maud shivers in delight at the thought of Boulder penetrating her weak body again.
  182. Pinkie is fast asleep, as to be expected of a baker. She’ll be up in a few hours to help the Cakes before school, but until then she’s sleeping like a rock. The perfume bottle is easy enough to find, as it simply doesn’t match Pinkie’s style and after an experimental whiff, Maud decides to take it with her, just for a little while. As she walks down the hall, spritzing her friend, she feels her nipples growing harder, unaware that her already plump areola are spreading out wider until they begin to peek out of the sides of her bra.
  184. An unbidden idea rises up from the depths of her mind; marching to school in just her underwear, or even nothing at all, and reacting with the same cool demeanor that she’s always maintained. The thought of showing off her lewd body gives the girl such a thrill that she stops in the hall to rub her aching pussy. Perhaps she did still have one more round in her tonight. But as she stands there, she feels something. Glancing down at the stone phallus, she realizes that there’s only one reason. Turning her head to the side, she sees that she’s stopped in front of Limestone’s room.
  186. A slow smile creeps across her face as she quietly murmurs, “Boulder’s hungry.”
  189. “Well, it works!” Pinkie giggles, bouncing up beside Rarity the following morning. A look of mock surprise crosses the pale girl’s face before she smiles.
  191. “Well of course it did, Darling; while I may not be as skilled in perfume making as I am at sewing, a little magic certainly has a tendency to go a long way.” The two girls embrace, sharing a brief kiss and a little bit of grinding before Rarity smiles. “Now, what happened?”
  193. “Omigosh, you should see Maud,” Pinkie says, her eyes alight with excitement. “I came down this morning and she was stark naked, just standing in the kitchen placing ice on her nipples. When I asked her about what she was doing, she told me her nipples were bothering her again, and I can see why! They were so thick and fat that she couldn’t wear any of her bras. And her cunny was so big and juicy it looked like it would swallow up a g-string for breakfast; I almost went down on her right then!”
  195. Rarity rubs her chin and frowns in thought. “Fascinating, perhaps we can use it to increase one’s bimbo nature? How many times did you spray her?”
  197. “I~didn’t!”
  199. “Oh?”
  201. “I sprayed her rock and it turned into a dildo. She was walking around this morning with it resting in her cleavage with the tip in her mouth, sucking away like a baby.”
  203. “Mm,” Rarity purrs, giving herself a little touch at the thought, “and yet she’s still somewhat, ah, normal?”
  205. “Oh yeah, same as always! Except, you know, with massive titties and sucking on a stone dildo.” Pinkie grins and bounces in place. “So who are we gonna spritz next?”
  207. “I wish I knew,” the pale girl mumbles, crossing her arms and tapping her foot. “We’ll have to report to Twilight of course and see what she thinks about the viability of using this as a way of spreading our little gift. But your work is greatly appreciated. Now where is it?”
  209. The bouncy bimbo gives her friend a vacant stare. “Where’s what?”
  211. “The bottle, dear?”
  213. “What bottle?”
  215. “The bottle of perfume that I gave to you to transform your sister into a bimbo like you?”
  217. Another thoughtful moment passes and the dreaded scrunch returns. When the gears finally click into place, Pinkie smiles.
  219. “I lost it.”
  221. The trembling starts in the delicate arches of Rarity’s feet and quickly work their way up to her knees. By the time they reach her thighs, she’s all but collapsed forward onto her friend, who is laughing anxiously and attempting to hold her up. Putting on her fiercest expression, the fashionista glares at her friend
  223. “You did WHAT?”
  225. “I dunno,” Pinkie shrugs, pouting, “I just woke up this morning and it was gone.”
  227. Rarity hangs her head and sighs in a most pitiful manner.
  229. “An entire week’s worth of work, gone, and so many of my beautiful orchids too.”
  231. “Aw, come on Rarity,” the bubbly bimbo laughs. “Things aren’t that bad!”
  233. At once, there’s a quiet rumbling as the loudspeakers crackle to life.
  235. “Pinkie Pie, please report to the Principal’s office. Pinkie Pie, Principal’s office.”
  237. The two bimbos share a look. Perhaps things were worse than Pinkie thought. This concern is only compounded when she is quickly ushered into the room and faced with the scowling Celestia.
  239. “Pinkie Pie.”
  241. “Principal,” she whispers, awkwardly shifting her weight from one leg to the other. With a small huff, the Principal reaches behind her desk and pulls out a small perfume bottle; complete with heart-shaped atomizer.
  243. “Do you have an explanation for this?”
  245. Twisting her head from side to side, Pinkie puts on her most innocent face. Maybe someone had found it on accident and used it. If Celestia couldn’t trace it back to her, then-
  247. “What about that?” the Principal sighs, nodding to the corner. Glancing over her shoulder, Pinkie’s jaw drops as two long haired bimbos wave at her.
  249. “Hi sissy,” Marble coos, her enormous chest heaving and beautiful hair covering half of her face. She bounces over in a too small black corset and snuggles up to Pinkie. Limestone is right behind, and behind and behind, her rear threatening to jiggle out of the black hotpants at any moment. She too worms her way under the party-bimbo’s arm and nuzzles herself against Pinkie’s chest. The stunned bimbo can only stutter out a short question.
  251. “W-what happened?”
  253. “Boulder got hungry,” both girls respond, giggling as they do.
  255. After giving things a moment to sink in, Celestia leans forward over her desk and pulls the perfume back, hiding it under her desk. She fixes the airhead with an angry glare and says in a flat voice, “An explanation as to how your sisters ended up like this would be a good place for you to start talking, Pinkie.”
  257. Glancing about, Pinkie scrambles for some escape avenue. If she could get away from the school and make it home, then she would be safe. …Except for when Maud came home and would probably change her into some giggly, flathaired bimbo like her sisters. Even though the thought made her wet, she was still unsure of what Maud was going to try and do to her. But if she stayed here, she risked the wrath of the Principal.
  259. The usually bubbly bimbo trembles as she realizes where she’s landed.
  261. Between a rock and a hard place.
  263. And so, with a deep breath, she begins her story…
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