
Flutterrape Thanksgiving Special: Family Feast Day

Nov 28th, 2012
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  1. >It’s Thanksgiving!
  2. >Well at least it would be…..
  3. >You’re in Equestria
  4. >There is no Thanksgiving
  5. >And you are too lazy to cook
  6. >Not that you could cook a turkey here
  7. >Meat cost a bunch to import from foreign butchers
  8. >You sigh
  9. >It’s your first year here and already you’re feeling lonely
  10. >You wonder what your family is doing right now
  11. >Hear a knocking on your door
  12. >Let’s see
  13. >It’s morning and you just got up
  14. >On a Thursday
  15. >Smells like Fluttershy
  16. >Open the door
  17. >Deep Sigh
  18. Hello Fluttershy…
  19. >Ever since coming here she’s been in your life
  20. >Whether you wanted her to be or not
  21. >The first months it was stalking
  22. >She was terrible at it
  23. >Then it was forcefully creepy sexual advances
  24. >Then it was fetish guessing
  25. >She claims to be in love with you, but you’d rather she stay in her cottage
  26. >Maybe find another cutesy pony to fall in love with
  27. >Not you
  28. >While you were busy giving exposition to yourself, Fluttershy took the opportunity to nuzzle your crotch
  29. >Move away
  30. Stop that!
  31. >She squeaks and moves away
  32. Stop acting all innocent
  33. >”I’m just giving you some love…”
  34. >”D-does it feel bad?”
  35. >You have a boner
  36. It feels good ….ugh, but it’s not right. It’s also creepy and you should respect my space
  37. >How else can you put it to someone as clueless as her?
  38. Imagine if I randomly came to your cottage
  39. >She smiles
  40. Walked up behind you
  41. >Her wings shoot up
  42. And poked your …um marehood
  43. >Fluttershy beams at you, but hides behind her mane
  44. >”A-are you going to do that today? I would love it if you did.”
  45. >You frown
  46. >God damn it
  47. >”I mean! If you wanted to of course….”
  48. Well seeing as I had my daily dose of you today I’ll just close the door now
  49. >Begin to close the door
  50. >”W-wait…”
  51. >You know you’re going to regret this
  52. >Stop closing it
  53. What
  54. >”Well Anon, today is Family Feast Day”
  55. >She smiles
  56. >”Um, you don’t have a family and that’s so sad….”
  57. >She gives you a sad puppy dog look
  58. >”Would you like to eat with us-“
  59. Nope
  60. >Begin to close the door again
  61. >”Please Anon! I love you, and I want you to be happy!”
  62. >”Sweetie,I don’t want to see you all alone on today!”
  63. >Fluttershy’s sad look intensifies
  64. >”D-do this for yourself, if not you don’t want to do it for me…”
  65. >Silence for a moment
  66. No funny business?
  67. >Fluttershy gets a nervous look and you glare
  68. >She whimpers and her big sad eyes bore into you
  69. Fine!
  70. >She squees
  71. >”Oh perfect!”
  72. >She flutters around happily and mumbles to herself
  73. >”Um if you wouldn’t mind….meet me at the library. Twilight will make our trip to Cloudsdale as quick and as safe as possible.”
  74. >She flutters up to you and pecks your cheek
  75. >You’re still stunned
  76. >You just realized
  77. >Dinner …..
  78. >With the Fluttershy family….
  79. >Oh shit
  80. >It’s probably a good idea to bring your own dish before you go
  81. >Go to your kitchen
  82. >Check the pantry
  83. >Nothing but cereal,
  84. >Brand-less cereal
  85. >…
  86. >Pour the cereal into a large bowl
  87. >Put plastic cover on top
  88. >Okay your contribution to this dinner is complete
  89. >This is a terrible idea
  90. >You’re going to be shooting spaghetti from every orifice at this point
  91. >But it is Fluttershy’s family after all
  92. >They probably speak in squeaks and unnecessarily polite expressions
  93. >You shit, shower, and shave
  94. >Put on your best clothes
  95. >Well, your only pair of nice clothes
  96. >You carry the bowl with you and walk to the library
  97. >Many ponies are staring at you
  98. >You do have to admit you look rather good
  99. >But these are ponies…what about a human is attractive?
  100. >A few of them are staring at your bowl with confused expressions
  101. >Ah that would sort of explain it
  102. >You hear the flapping of wings above your head
  103. >Rainbow Dash is above you
  104. What do you want?
  105. >”Is THAT what you’re bringing to Family Feast Day?”
  106. Um yes
  107. >She frowns and flies off
  108. >Okay…
  109. >After another minute of walking she’s above you again
  110. >She lands next to you and before you know it she’s taken off the plastic of the bowl
  111. >Raibow Dash pours in chocolate sauce
  112. Dash, you’re not helping!
  113. >You move the bowl away
  114. >Now you hear other things pouring into the bowl
  115. >Pinkie Pie is beside you pouring in cut up donuts
  116. >Not going to bother to figure out how she got here
  117. >Run off
  118. >Don’t stop for few minutes
  119. >Suddenly your bowl is out of your hands
  120. >Applejack lasso’d it
  121. >Yeah, of course that would happen
  122. Lemme guess you’re gonna put apples in it
  123. >She puts Apples in it
  124. What’s next Rarity’s gonna critique my dish now?
  125. >You see Rarity approach
  126. >Nope! Nope! Nope!
  127. >You snatch the bowl back and run
  128. >Twilight and Fluttershy are waiting outside the library
  129. >They seem confused why you’re running
  130. >You stop in front of them
  131. *pant* I’m here….
  132. >Fluttershy walks up to you and nuzzles your leg
  133. >Your bowl is magic’d out of your hands
  134. Oh boy…
  135. >Twilight shakes her head
  136. >”Anon, this is awful.”
  137. >Fluttershy looks at it
  138. >”I-I think it’s….nice.”
  139. No you don’t
  140. >”Bu-“
  141. Lying isn’t my fetish
  142. >”It’s strange…but I think it’s sweet of you”
  143. See? That wasn’t so hard, be more honest with me.
  144. >She beams at you
  145. >Twilight gives levitates the bowl to you
  146. >It now has slices of carrots in it
  147. >Take it, but you glare
  148. >God damn it
  149. >After that little exchange the hot air balloon is set up
  150. >You all get in and it sets off
  151. >It’s a tight fit and so you’re sitting down
  152. >Fluttershy keeps trying to go on your lap
  153. Stop it
  154. >Twilight clears her throat
  155. >”Let her, you’re a guest to her family’s dinner.”
  156. >You sigh
  157. >Fluttershy steps up onto your lap
  158. >Settles down happily
  159. >Nuzzles into your stomach
  160. >Kind of tickles
  161. >Smile a little
  162. >Twilight notices and gets a smug smile
  163. >You frown extra hard
  164. >Fluttershy is staring up at you
  165. >”You need to smile more, Anon.”
  166. >”E-everytime I see you frown it makes me a little sad…”
  167. >Still frowning
  168. >”I’m um…just being honest like you said…”
  169. Why don’t you just tell me all the stuff you want to tell me on this trip?
  170. >She smiles and clears her throat
  171. >Oh boy
  172. >”Anon I love you very much….”
  173. >”But you have some very bad habits.”
  174. >”Um I give you vitamins you won’t take them.”
  175. >”They’re good for you.”
  176. >Ugh
  177. >”And you have been getting up very late mister.”
  178. >”I think it’s because you’ve been staying up late at n-night.”
  179. How do you know that?
  180. >”I w-watch you sometimes.”
  181. >Ugh!
  182. >”I c-care about you very much and I want my sweetheart to be healthy.”
  183. Twilight how much longer till we arrive at Cloudsdale?
  184. >”Two hours”
  185. >Eye twitch
  186. >Half an hour passes
  187. >”Ooooh, and when you use bad language it’s like seeing a bunny do it!”
  188. >”It’s not nice to talk like that Anon, it doesn’t suit you.”
  189. >Another half hour
  190. >”You need to do the laundry more often. You just let the clothes pile up.”
  191. >She blushes
  192. >”I sometimes enjoy um sniffing it and taking a few clothes home with me but um…”
  193. >”Well, I want you to have clean clothes.”
  194. >An hour passes
  195. >”Then I would lay you down on my b-bed.”
  196. >Her wings shoot up
  197. >”Take off your clothes…slowly, to savor the moment.”
  198. >Fluttershy nuzzles into your stomach
  199. >”Oh my! And then I’d-“
  200. Stop! Please! Stop! Now you’re just telling me your fantasies!
  201. I don’t know what was worse the nagging or this!
  202. >”I’m just being honest.”
  203. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh
  204. >”We’re here.”
  205. Thank god!
  206. >You set a foot out of the balloon and nearly fall over
  207. >They gasp and you balance yourself back into the balloon
  208. Oh… right
  209. >One lecture and cloudwalking spell later and you’re following Fluttershy through Cloudsdale
  210. >It truly is a beautiful place
  211. >Fluttershy happily leads you along
  212. >Many of the ponies here are not used to you
  213. >They stop and stare
  214. >”What’s that monkey?”
  215. >Fluttershy sharply turns her head
  216. >”He’s not a monkey, he’s a human.”
  217. >”They’re apes not monkeys!”
  218. Who cares?
  219. >”I do…”
  220. >You pat her head
  221. I don’t
  222. >She whimpers at you
  223. >”It’s okay to admit they hurt your feelings…”
  224. But they didn’t
  225. >”Oh okay.”
  226. >Unfortunately she pretty much ended up correcting everyone
  227. >Everyone
  228. >It took forever to finally arrive at her parent’s house
  229. >It was actually a large cloud house
  230. >It’s bigger than your house and Fluttershy’s cottage
  231. >You look to Fluttershy
  232. >She looks at you
  233. >You look at your bowl
  234. >Suddenly nervous
  235. Hey Fluttershy?
  236. >”Yes Anon?”
  237. Are they nice?
  238. >She nods
  239. >”I’m s-so excited for you, this is your first Family Feast Day!”
  240. Actually we had something similar on Earth called Thanksgiving
  241. >”Oh, how wonderful.”
  242. We ate turkeys
  243. >Her ears flatten
  244. >”That’s okay it’s natural for you.”
  245. >Fluttershy would give you fish sometimes but she was still squeamish about creatures being eaten
  246. >You follow her to the entrance of the house
  247. >She knocks with her hoof
  248. >The door slams open
  249. >”Fluttershy!”
  250. >”You’re late!”
  251. >This pegasus had a color scheme similar to Fluttershy
  252. >Her coat was lighter though and she had green eyes
  253. >Green bows were in her hair and tail
  254. >Her cutie mark was a few flowers
  255. >Fluttershy stammers
  256. >”Um mom, we were late because everyp0ny kept calling Anon a mon-“
  257. >”What about the monkey?!”
  258. >You and Fluttershy both wince
  259. >She’s loud
  260. >”Mom, he’s a human.”
  261. >”Oh! This is that boyfriend you were telling me about!”
  262. >WHAT?!
  263. >You eye Fluttershy
  264. >She whimpers
  265. >Posey smiles
  266. >”Why didn’t you introduce me to him earlier?!”
  267. >”Well I was going to-“
  268. >Posey walks up to you
  269. >She smiles sweetly to you
  270. >”Hello dear, I’m Posey but you can call me mom if you want.”
  271. Hello I’m Anon…
  272. >You fist-bump her hoof with your free arm
  273. >”My daughter can be a bit rude at times and a little silly, but I’m glad she found somep0ny special.”
  274. Yeah about th-
  275. >Fluttershy looks like she’s about to seep spaghetti and burst into tears
  276. >You bite your tongue
  277. >Give Fluttershy your best “this isn’t over” look you can muster
  278. >”Honey, why are you louder than usual all of a sudden?”
  279. >A soft voice calls from inside
  280. >”Fluttershy is here!”
  281. >Posey screams back
  282. >”Oh our little angel is here…”
  283. >”And her hummie boyfriend!”
  284. >”How exciting!”
  285. >A stallion appears at the front door
  286. >He’s got an orange coat and bright red mane
  287. >His cutie mark is two lightning bolts
  288. >He nuzzles Fluttershy
  289. >”How have y-you been doing Fluttershy?”
  290. >”Oh just fine daddy, um this is my boyfriend….”
  291. >You glare
  292. >”Anon.”
  293. >”Oh my. He’s quite tall…is he an animal?”
  294. >”Not at all, he’s just like us and I l-love him.”
  295. >”I’d like to b-be introduced if that’s okay with you.”
  296. >”Of course.”
  297. >….
  298. >Oh god
  299. >That’s where she gets it
  300. >Fluttershy’s dad goes up to you
  301. >”I’m ummmm *mumblemumble*”
  302. I’m Anon and I didn’t quite catch that
  303. >Posey sighs
  304. >”His name is Hurricane….”
  305. >Posey then motions everyone inside
  306. >”We’ve got food to eat, let’s go!”
  307. >The parents go to the kitchen and before Fluttershy can follow you glare
  308. >She whimpers
  309. >”I-I love you and-“
  310. So you lied to them
  311. >She blushes
  312. >”N-no…”
  313. That’s not cool Fluttershy!
  314. >”Please Anon! I wanted to make sure they would let you come over…and um I-I hope after this we really will be….um a couple.”
  315. Ugh…….
  316. >You both enter the house
  317. >You set the bowl of….whatever the hell you made onto the table
  318. >Hurricane heads into the kitchen
  319. >Posey motions for the two of you to sit on the couch with her
  320. >”Well, Fluttershy you’re lucky that you came late.”
  321. >She grumbles
  322. >”The food isn’t going to be ready for a few more minutes”
  323. >”So I’d like to show your boyfriend your foal pictures”
  324. >Posey squees
  325. >Fluttershy suddenly starts making nervous gestures
  326. >She looks between the photo album, her mom, and you
  327. >”Um no that’s okay uh-.”
  328. >Posey has already opened up the album
  329. >The first picture is of a baby Fluttershy sucking on a stuffed bunny
  330. >It’s adorable
  331. >Fluttershy is blushing and stuttering
  332. >”Isn’t she just the cutest?”
  333. >You nod
  334. >Posey flips the page
  335. >Takes a while because hooves
  336. >Next picture is Fluttershy in the pony equivalent of potty training
  337. >Still really cute
  338. >”Um! Uh *eep!*”
  339. >She’s reduced to a bunch of squeaking while you subconsciously pet her mane
  340. >You two are too distracted by the pictures to realize this
  341. >Posey was about to go to the next page when Hurricane calls from the kitchen
  342. >”Um Posey, dear I need some help in here if you wouldn’t mind.”
  343. >”I do mind!”
  344. >”What?”
  345. >”I DO mind!”
  346. >”W-why?”
  347. >”I’m busy showing Anon here her potty training pictures!”
  348. >”Huh?”
  350. >You turn to Fluttershy
  351. >She’s bright red and looks like she’s about to faint
  352. >”Oh! I need these plates carried to the table though….”
  353. >Posey closes the album and sighs
  354. >”Well you two sit down, we’re going to eat now.”
  355. >She goes into the kitchen
  356. >The seating is awkward because the chairs are so small
  357. >A few minutes of silence pass
  358. >Posey and Hurricane place plates of food on the table
  359. >Stuffing
  360. >Yams and marshmallow
  361. >Mash potatoes
  362. >Green beans
  363. >Corn on a cob
  364. >Everything you would see at a Thanksgiving dinner
  365. >Except turkey and other meat…
  366. >Posey sits at one end of the table
  367. >Hurricane on the other
  368. >You’re sitting across from Fluttershy
  369. >She gives you bedroom eyes
  370. >You roll your eyes
  371. >There isn’t much talking at first you eat some yams
  372. >Fluttershy is still giving you the bedroom eyes
  373. >She’s balancing a corn on the cob between her hooves
  374. >She takes a bite
  375. >Looks at your reaction
  376. >She spreads some butter on it
  377. >Fluttershy then licks it slowly and bites into the cob
  378. >Is she seriously trying to seduce you at this moment?
  379. >With her parents here?
  380. >You subtlety motion to her parents and frown at her
  381. >She doesn’t take the hint and adds more butter to the corn on the cob
  382. >Fluttershy is barely balancing it now
  383. >She tries to eat it seductively but it slips from her hooves and lands on her plate
  384. >Her parents look at the two of you
  385. >Hurricane smiles
  386. >”Aaaaw how sweet of you Fluttershy, sharing your food with him like that.”
  387. >Seriously?!
  388. >Well, ponies do have awkward table manners
  389. >Not that they’re slobs or anything
  390. >It’s just the lack of hands and stuff like that makes passing food and eating it slow and strange
  391. >Posey is currently chasing the sprouts on her plate
  392. >You’ve been holding in laughter at that
  393. >Posey stops and looks at you expectantly
  394. >You look down at the corn on the cob
  395. >It’s covered in too much butter, pony spit and bite marks, and not just any pony
  396. >Fluttershy of all ponies
  397. >You don’t want to look like a dick so you eat it
  398. >Eeeeew
  399. >Fluttershy looks extremely pleased
  400. >Her wings flap a little
  401. >You’ve mostly lost your appetite after finishing it
  402. >But you continue to eat
  403. >Eventually Posey eyes the bowl you brought
  404. >Uh oh
  405. >”Is this some dish from your country?”
  406. >What do you say?
  407. >That is was something you threw together last minute
  408. >And your friends tried to improve it?
  409. >…
  410. It’s a strange dish from my world
  411. >Hurricane and Posey look excited
  412. >”Another world?”
  413. Yeah, but that dish isn’t ver-
  414. >They serve themselves some of it
  415. >Fluttershy slowly serves herself some
  416. >You’re the only one not eating it
  417. >Posey chokes up
  418. >”This tastes…..interesting…”
  419. >Hurricane nods
  420. >”It’s nice…”
  421. >Fluttershy makes a face
  422. >”Lying isn’t his f-fetish.”
  423. >You whisper
  424. What the hell are you saying?
  425. >Fluttershy stutters
  426. >”It’s what you told m-“
  427. No, that’s just not something you say to your parents
  428. >”Oh okay…”
  429. >You think of how to clear this up to the parents when you see Posey gagging
  430. >Hurricane is also gagging
  431. >Fluttershy barely ate any of hers
  432. Should have just brought some cider…
  433. >Fluttershy goes back to staring at you
  434. >Or not
  435. >A drunken Fluttershy sounds like a nightmare
  436. >Her parents don’t eat any more of your culinary abomination
  437. >In fact Posey throws the bowl off of Cloudsdale
  438. >She takes her seat and things calm down
  439. >Hurricane smiles at the two of you
  440. >”S-so when did you to meet, if you don’t mind me asking?”
  441. >Fluttershy brightens up
  442. >”Well I first heard about a cute new creature appearing in the Ponyville Library.”
  443. >She blushes
  444. >”But um I was being a bit sh-shy….so I just followed him for a few weeks…”
  445. >Fluttershy fumbles with her hooves
  446. >And looks very anxious
  447. >”Um well a few months actually…I uh kept running away because I was too n-nervous to talk to him.”
  448. >Posey facehooves
  449. >You sigh
  450. >You remember those times
  451. >Cute yellow pony that followed you everywhere
  452. >Boy, were you in for a surprise when she confessed that she developed feelings for you
  453. >Posey interjects
  454. >”When did you two actually meet?”
  455. >Fluttershy smiles again
  456. >”Well I decided it was time to be bold, and I approached him one day.”
  457. >”Do you remember Anon?”
  458. >Oh god you do
  459. >”I said: ‘Hello I’m Fluttershy, I l-love you, do you want to have sex with me?’”
  460. >Her parents blink
  461. >Fluttershy realizes what she just revealed
  462. >She stammers but keeps going
  463. >”Then Anon, you said….”
  464. >You said that you would never have sex with a pony
  465. >Fluttershy whimpers
  466. I forgot…
  467. >She sighs in relief
  468. Um enough about us….how about you two?
  469. >Posey thinks about it
  470. >”Well I used to be part of the
  471. Guard.”
  472. >Hurricane responds slowly
  473. >”I um work at the weather factory….I specialize in m-making storm clouds and controlling their electrical properties.”
  474. >Posey smiles
  475. >”He guessed my fetish and we’ve been together ever since.”
  476. >You were munching on some mashed potatoes and nearly choked at that remark
  477. >Fluttershy smiles at you
  478. >That explains so much
  479. >Also you’re simultaneously intrigued and horrified about the fetish her parents indulge in
  480. >Posey gets a mischievous look
  481. >”So have you two guessed each other’s fetishes yet?”
  482. >Hurricane gasps
  483. >”Posey that’s private!”
  484. >”I’m just curious on how often these two will attempt at making us grandkids”
  485. >You’re blushing now
  486. Uh Ms.Posey we can’t have kids
  487. >She sighs
  488. >”Oh…right…”
  489. >Fluttershy looks quite sad
  490. >”We can always try to find a way Anon…”
  491. >You’re about to lose your cool
  492. >It’s bad enough that she’s deceiving her parents
  493. >Her making passes at you while doing it is rubbing you the wrong way
  494. >Time for another subject change…
  495. Fluttershy told me about how she came to care for animals…
  496. What happened after that? The family?
  497. >Posey purses her lips
  498. >”Well, we were so worried.”
  499. >Hurricane nods
  500. >”The staff at the flight camp couldn’t find her…”
  501. >Fluttershy gets a guilty look
  502. >”I’m sorry mom and dad, I never wanted to leave the ground again.”
  503. >”All those animals, the sights, and the friends I made.”
  504. Did you think Fluttershy had died?
  505. >Posey shakes her head
  506. >”Oh not at all.”
  507. >She grins at her daughter
  508. >”She may not be the best flier, but she has an unstoppable resolve.”
  509. >Hurricane nods
  510. >”We knew that wherever she was, our daughter was strong enough to survive. That she can succeed.”
  511. >Fluttershy blushes at the praise
  512. >”I came back to them as a strong mare. I was a bit scared to see them again, but you never give up on family.”
  513. >They get up from their seats and embrace
  514. >Fluttershy gives you an inviting look
  515. >But you turn your head away
  516. >She just wants an excuse to hug you
  517. >That’s all
  518. >You were getting this feeling you didn’t like
  519. >One that you tried not to feel
  520. >Watching them embrace like this…
  521. >You don’t care
  522. >So, why did you ask in the first place?
  523. >”Anon? Don’t you want to join in?”
  524. >That feelings getting stronger
  525. No, I have to go excuse me
  526. >You quickly walk outside of the house
  527. >You’re not sure what you’re doing
  528. >But you walk for a few minutes until you come to a more secluded spot
  529. >You can see the sunset from here and part of the ground below
  530. >You sit cross legged and just think
  531. >Trying to think of other things, but your mind keeps wandering back
  532. >To family…
  533. >What is yours doing right now?
  534. >Probably eating on some turkey
  535. >You smile as you imagine what some of your relatives are doing
  536. >You wonder if they’re thinking about you
  537. >For their sake you hope not
  538. >You hope they’re just happy and yet
  539. >That feeling comes back
  540. >You shake your head
  541. >You’re so distracted you don’t hear those soft hoof steps behind you
  542. >Fluttershy settles down beside you
  543. >”Anon are you okay?”
  544. What do you want? I’m fine…
  545. >She shakes her head
  546. >”Please, I don’t want to see you hurting.”
  547. Hurting? Hah! It’s nothing I’m just thinking
  548. >She continues to look at you with concern
  549. >You put on a smile
  550. About my family
  551. >”Oh sweetie...”
  552. >She gets closer to you
  553. >You don’t pay attention and keep talking
  554. I’ve been gone for quite a while now. That discussion of your separation with you parents….
  555. It made me think. Do they know I’m still out there? I couldn’t stand the thought of, o-of
  556. >Fluttershy rubs your back
  557. >”It’s okay to say it.”
  558. I couldn’t stand the thought of them assuming I’m dead. It would make sense for them to do so, but I’m not dead.
  559. >You sigh
  560. I don’t want them to think I died and I’m lost forever. Huh, they might have already had a funeral…yeah, and then maybe today they’re praying for me…
  561. >Your false smile fades
  562. >You continue to stare off ahead
  563. And I can’t tell them…I can’t see them again. Go home, show them that they don’t need to pray. That I’m alive and well….
  564. >You turn your head away
  565. That I…love them
  566. >You feel something trail down your cheek
  567. >It’s a tear
  568. >Fluttershy looks at this and looks about ready to cry
  569. >”Anon, I’m so sorry and I’m sure they love you very much.”
  570. >”I care about you with all my heart.”
  571. No you don’t! *snf* You’re just some pony who wants to get in my pants!
  572. I’m just a lost freak to you, I’m not something special. I’m all alone in this strange place, and the people who really cared for me aren’t here……and they never will be!
  573. >For the first time since coming to Equestria you begin to cry
  574. >You actually feel truly alone now
  575. >And it’s an awful feeling
  576. >You suddenly feel yourself in a tight embrace
  577. >Fluttershy is hugging you tightly with tears forming in her eyes
  578. >She looks into your eyes
  579. >”Listen to me mister! You are not a freak!”
  580. >”You’re not just something to me you’re somep0ny special!”
  581. >”Don’t you ever say such demeaning things again!”
  582. >”*snf* You’re hurting and I want you to know.”
  583. >”That your family loves you very much!”
  584. How do you know?
  585. >She smiles a little
  586. >”Because no matter what happens you don’t stop loving them, they still have hope.”
  587. >”And they will always remember you fondly….”
  588. >She hugs you tighter
  589. >”Besides your family here loves you too.”
  590. >She strokes your face
  591. >You tear up more
  592. >Does she really mean that?
  593. Fluttershy do you really-
  594. >She pulls you into a kiss
  595. >Her warm and soft lips caress yours
  596. >It feels a bit strange, being kissed by a pony
  597. >But the comfort she’s giving you makes up for it
  598. >This kiss wasn’t just for physical enjoyment
  599. >You felt her love
  600. >”*smek*”
  601. >She pulls her lips back
  602. >”Mmm I love you”
  603. >Then she kisses you again
  604. >”*smek*”
  605. >Fluttershy pulls away slowly and exhales
  606. >You feel better…
  607. >You wipe away your tears
  608. >”Come along Anon, you’re my family and it’s Family Feast Day.”
  609. >You nod
  610. >And follow her back to her parent’s house
  611. >You still aren’t a couple
  612. >It’s still Fluttershy after all…
  613. >But you’ve become part of a family
  614. >You enjoy the rest of the holiday eating and having fun with them
  615. >Today was a good day
  617. >You are now Rarity
  618. >Sweetie Belle is late to dinner with your parents
  619. >You’re about to go out looking for her when you see her galloping off in the distance
  620. >She approaches you with a big grin on her face
  621. >What’s that on her back?
  622. >As she approaches you see a familiar bowl
  623. >Oh no
  624. >Sweetie Belle smiles
  625. >”I found this yummy stuff!”
  626. >”It came from the sky!”
  627. >That is definitely the horrid….thing Anon made
  628. >You’re about to dispose of it until your mother appears beside you
  629. >”Oh Sweetie that looks good!”
  630. >”Put it on the table with the rest!”
  631. >You shudder
  632. >There is no arguing with your parents over this sort of thing
  633. >You sit down at the table
  634. >Everyp0ny else sits down too
  635. >You look at the bowl….and everything else
  636. >It’s all similar mushy gunk
  637. >All of it
  638. >Or it’s burnt
  639. >Your eye twitches
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