
Sarthiel Treasury

Aug 19th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. The Treasury of Sarthiel
  3. The Three Hags of Telzyn have come down from their northern misty lakeside to spread and evil sickness upon the great Sarthmarch forest. Setting up in the great and ancient Sarthiel treasury, long abandoned by elvenkind, they have begun to spread a cursed sickness upon the land. Along the way they have attracted many terrible creatures, not the least of which an greedy young green dragon looking to make a lair for himself. A gnome cleric of Saint Dyfed has broken the taboo of interference with elven matters and taken it upon himself to find a way to cure the sickness. It did not go so well for him and he has been captured by the dark fey infesting the ruins.
  4. Threat list:
  5. CR ½ Darklings (x 4)
  6. CR ½ Venomous Insect Swarm (x4)
  7. CR 1 Quickling (x3)
  8. CR 2 Darkling Elder (x1)
  9. CR 3 Redcap (x4)
  10. CR 3 Quickling Alpha (x1)
  11. CR 3 Twig Blight Horde (x2)
  12. CR 4 Book Golem (x1)
  13. CR 4 Crystal Golem (x3)
  14. CR 4 Assassin Vine (x2)
  15. CR 5 Shambling Mound (x1)
  16. CR 5 Hag of Telzyn (x3) (CR 13 together)
  17. CR 6 Spectral Guardian (x1)
  18. CR 8 Young Green Dragon (Trilionax) (x1)
  20. Outside Threats: A few Maddened Treants (CR 9) stalk the ruins outside the treasury. Only one by the name of Bramblebark will listen to reason for he misses his friend Thimbowald. If the players agree to find his friend he will guide them to the Treasury.
  22. Room 1: Antechamber
  23. Description: Eerily silent, the moss-covered elven statues in this grand hall gaze sternly at newcomers. The northern door has strong magical emanations sealing it shut.
  24. Encounter: Lurking in the corners, 3x Darkling (CR ½) and 1 Darkling Elder (CR 2) lie in ambush. Near the West Corridor, an Assassin Vine (CR 4) awaits the unaware.
  25. Treasure: Tucked under one of the statues, a long-forgotten satchel holds an ornate elven brooch (50 gp) and a small vial of antitoxin.
  27. Corridor A (Connecting Room 1 & Room 2)
  28. Description: The walls shimmer with inscribed runes. Their dim azure glow lights the corridor.
  29. Trap: An arcane tripwire activates halfway, momentarily transforming the ground into treacherous quicksand. DC 14 Dexterity save avoids being ensnared.
  31. Room 2: Elder Council Room
  32. Description: A magnificent fractured circular table takes center stage. Faint elven runes pulse upon it, waiting for a touch.
  33. Puzzle/Trap: To proceed, the runes must be sequentially touched. Errors summon a venomous insect swarm or awaken the Shambling Mound concealed among the ceiling's overgrowth.
  34. Encounter: Underneath the table, 2x Insect Swarms (CR ½) grow restless. Overhead, a Shambling Mound (CR 5) stirs.
  36. Corridor B (Connecting Room 2 & Room 4)
  37. Description: Elegant elven frescoes depict the grandeur of Vannoth.
  38. Feature: An imposing stone door guards the Room 4 entrance. A DC 13 Arcana check deciphers the seal.
  40. Corridor C (Connecting Room 2 & Room 6)
  41. Description: As the path narrows, chilling gusts whisper mournful laments.
  42. Trap: Successive pressure plates release volleys of arrows. DC 15 Perception detects them; DC 14 Dexterity save negates the damage.
  44. Room 3: Forgotten Library
  45. Description: Among the skeletal remnants of towering bookshelves, ancient scrolls whisper tales of yore. There is a sealed chest on a stone pedestal on one side of the room. A dark curse lies upon the contents of the chest.
  46. Puzzle: Arrange select books on a designated pedestal to disclose a concealed bookcase containing a key to the sealed chest and secret loot.
  47. Encounter: Disturbing the collection animates a Book Golem (CR 4) and summons a vigilant Spectral Guardian (CR 6).
  48. Treasure: Inside Chest: Amulet of Forgotten Dreams (Artifact), Inside Bookshelf: Spellbook (1000 gp), A critical gemstone key. for the vault door.
  50. Corridor G (Connecting Room 1 & Room 3)
  51. Description: Dust-laden histories murmur amidst cobwebs.
  52. Feature: Mysterious runes obstruct Room 3's entrance. A DC 14 Arcana check translates, permitting access.
  54. Room 4: Artisan’s Workshop
  55. Description: Forgotten crafts, abandoned mid-creation, sit beside rusting tools and fractured statues.
  56. Puzzle/Trap: A concealed pressure plate, when triggered, rains needles. Disturbing the room's peace awakens 2x Crystal Golems (CR 4) and an lurking Assassin Vine (CR 4).
  57. Treasure: A sealed box, hidden amidst the debris, contains a finely crafted elven ring (150 gp), a potion of greater healing, and a critical gemstone key for the vault door.
  59. Corridor E (Connecting Room 4 & Room 5)
  60. Description: Murmurs of flowing water grow louder as carvings depict elven gardens.
  61. Trap: Mid-corridor, an inconspicuous pit beckons the inattentive. DC 14 Perception spots it; DC 13 Dexterity save evades it.
  63. Room 5: Sunlit Cave Garden/Trillionax’s Lair
  64. Description: Verdant foliage flourishes beneath a deep sunray lit cavern. Trillionax's menacing presence overshadows nature's tranquility. Currently he sleeps on his bed of treasure, but anything could wake him.
  65. Encounter: Trillionax (Young Green Dragon CR 8) jealously guards his wealth, aided by his fey entourage: 2x Redcaps CR 3, 3x Darklings CR ½, and 2x Quicklings CR 1.
  66. Treasure: Amidst assorted gemstones and human coins (Totalling 10,000 gp), a splendid elven chalice (300 gp), 4x Scrolls, Amulet of Protection, Scroll of Ancestry (Artifact), and a critical gemstone key for the vault door.
  68. Corridor F (Connecting Room 3 & Room 5)
  69. Description: Depictions of nocturnal elven celebrations illuminate the corridor.
  70. Feature: Room 5's stone door resonates with faint melodies. It yields to a DC 12 Arcana check.
  72. Corridor D (Connecting Room 5 & Room 6)
  73. Description: Luminescent moss blankets the walls, guiding wanderers with its soft radiance.
  74. Feature: Arcane symbols secure Room 6's door. A DC 15 Arcana check disengages the lock.
  76. Room 6: Dungeon
  77. Description: Oppressive gloom dominates, with haunting echoes amplifying the ambiance.
  78. Encounter: Cruelly entertained by Thimbowald's misery, 2x Redcaps (CR 3), 2x Darklings (CR ½), and 2x Quicklings (CR 1) are torturing the poor gnome cleric.
  79. Treasure: Liberating Thimbowald yields his gnome-crafted healing potion, an emerald (500 gp), a cherished holy symbol (Symbol of Saint Dyfed), and a critical gemstone key for the vault door.
  81. Room 7: Main Vault
  82. Description: An enormous chamber houses Vannoth's treasures, shielded by an arcane barrier. Ephemeral figures patrol inside.
  84. Puzzle: To Enter this room there are four gemstone keys hidden around the treasury that must be arranged in a sequence corresponding to the four seasons.
  85. Encounter: The Three Hags of Telzyn (CR 5) preside, flanked by 2x Hordes of Twig Blights (CR 3), 2x Insect Swarms (CR ½), and any surviving fey. Their most trusted minion, the Quickling Alpha, darts about the entire treasury with the hag eye, keeping a vigilant watch.
  86. Treasure: A bejeweled elven crown (5,000 gp), several potions, scrolls, and a corrupted Tethys Shard (Artifact),
  88. Special Artifacts:
  89. Scroll of Ancestry (Trilionaxx’s Treasure Horde)
  90. Amulet of Forgotten Dreams (Forgotten Library)
  91. Sarthiel Tethys Shard (Vault)
  93. Ancient Scroll of True Ancestry
  94. Wondrous Item (Minor Artifact), Requires Attunement
  96. Description:
  97. A weathered scroll that provides insight into one's ancestry. Magic script appears when questioned about lineage.
  99. Properties:
  100. Attunement: Spend a short rest studying and meditating on one's lineage.
  101. Ancestral Insight: Once per day, get advantage on a History check about your lineage or someone you allow to read the scroll. Answers questions similarly to the divination spell, but focused on one's past ancestry.
  102. Uncertain Wisdom: DM can introduce variables that provide false information.
  104. Amulet of Forgotten Dreams
  105. Wondrous Item (Minor Artifact), Requires Attunement by a Warlock
  107. Description:
  108. A gleaming silver amulet engraved with Feywild symbols and an indigo gem at its heart.
  110. Properties:
  111. Dreamwalker's Resonance: Get advantage on charm and fear saving throws.
  112. Eldritch Connection: Once per short rest, as a bonus action, delve into the dreams of beings within 30 feet. Understand their emotions and intentions as with the detect thoughts spell for 1 minute without needing concentration.
  113. Dreamweaver's Veil: As a reaction to taking damage, expend a spell slot to manifest an illusory double to take the blow. This duplicate vanishes after absorbing damage equal to double your warlock level.
  115. Curse:
  116. Restless Dreams: Sleep is plagued with nightmares. Post a long rest, roll a d20. On a 1, experience confusion for 1 minute. Such a rest becomes equivalent to a short rest.
  118. Tethys Shard
  119. Minor Artifact, Requires Attunement by an Elf (Penalties apply to non-elves)
  121. Description:
  122. A fragment of the famed Tethys Gem, this piece gleams with an otherworldly light and showcases intricate elven designs. It's a reservoir of arcane memories.
  124. Properties:
  125. Arcane Memory Reservoir: If attuned, spellcasters can deposit up to 3 magical memories by using spell slots. The level of the spell slot determines the power of the stored memory.
  126. Memory Magic Enhancement: Benefits include:
  127. Arcane Memory Infusion: Expend a memory to reclaim a spell slot of the same level as the memory.
  128. Enhanced Spellcasting: When using lower-level spell slots for casting, expend a memory to get a +2 bonus to spell DC or attack, or gain advantage on a spell attack.
  129. Spell Memory: Expand a memory, Cast spells from stored memories with the requisite spell slots.
  130. Arcane Wonder: Creative use of stored memories might achieve magical wonders, subject to DM's judgment.
  131. Memory Recall: Experience a memory from the shard with perfect clarity. This action doesn't use up the memory.
  133. Limitations:
  134. The shard's memory capacity is capped at the user's proficiency bonus.
  135. Elven users must have a robust link to their heritage for the attunement process.
  136. Overutilizing the shard or non-elf users may lead to cognitive strain or losing memories.
  138. Appearance:
  139. This palm-sized, see-through crystal carries elven designs and emits a gentle glow that changes hue based on the memories inside.
  141. History:
  142. A piece of the ancient elven artifact, the Tethys Gem, this shard is desired both by elves and artifact collectors for its unique magical properties.
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