
Stoic Anon - Story complete

Jun 25th, 2014
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  1. >You help the stranded alicorn up to her feet.
  2. >She tries to get you to scratch her behind the ears by rubbing her head on your hand but you gently nudge her away.
  3. >The sun is setting, and it would be dark out soon, so you begin the trek home.
  4. >The alicorn, Celestia, follows right behind you, muttering things to you.
  5. >Crickets begin to come out for the night, chirping as you and your follower make your way through a road surrounded by bushes and shrubbery.
  6. >"Me being a princess, I'm obviously a helpless virgin. I wouldn't be able to do a thing if you were to ravish me right here and now. Your big monkey member tearing apart my horsey-vagina until it was a blood, beaten mess~" She says with a soft voice.
  7. >You spin around and stop in front of her.
  8. "Hey! I don't think a woman should be saying things like that."
  9. >She looks away.
  10. >"A-alright."
  11. >A while later you come to your door.
  12. >Damn, forgot the keys.
  13. >You bend down to get the spar under a rock.
  14. "AH!"
  15. >A sharp pain from your butt region makes you shoot right up.
  16. >Celestia bit your ass.
  17. "What the hell?"
  18. >She gives you a coy smile.
  20. >You go about preparing dinner for two.
  21. >The princess insisted on sitting in the kitchen.
  22. >From the little wooden table she sits, staring at you and constantly winking.
  23. >Every time you turn to grab a spice, or move to stir a dish you catch her winking at you.
  24. "Why do you keep doing that?"
  25. >"Doing what?" She asks.
  26. "Winking at me."
  27. >She spins around and lifts up her tail.
  28. >For a quick instant you see her nethers, winking as well.
  29. "Gah!"
  30. >Shielding your eyes you quickly grab a clip from the counter, pulling her tail down and clipping it to the table.
  31. "Don't do that again."
  32. >"Oh~ you're into BDSM. I bet you're waiting to slip something in my food to knock me out. Then you'll drag me down to your dungeon where I'll wake up covered in vibrators and semen.
  33. >You give her a glance of death, saying nothing.
  34. >Such a lewd princess.
  35. >You really shouldn't be putting up with this.
  36. >Why are you so nice?
  38. Celestia sips at her soup loudly, not taking her eyes off you as she eats her meal.
  39. >You've finished a while ago, but politely remained at the table with her.
  40. >"When will your monkey friends be coming by to make me touch them in bad places and touch me in bad places?"
  41. "I don't have any friends."
  42. >She looks at you with lust filled eyes.
  43. >"I can be your friend. I can also be your filthy brood mare, existing only to pleasure you and be pleased by you."
  44. >Taking a deep breath you ignore her, quickly cleaning up the table.
  46. >"What's that?" She says as you place the dishes in the sink.
  47. "Hmm?"
  48. >"You want me to help you bathe? Okay."
  49. >She bounds over to you, grabbing at your suit lapels.
  50. >"Let's get these off you first."
  51. >You shove her off as gentle as possible.
  52. "No, I'm quite capable of washing myself, thank you."
  53. >"B-but I can scrub your back...and maybe more."
  54. >She raises and lowers her eyebrows at a rapid pace.
  56. >You usher her into the only bedroom.
  57. >She's a princess, and a guest, so it's only right that she get to sleep in the bed.
  58. >Tucking her in, you proceed to make bedding on the floor.
  59. >"That's not necessary." She says.
  60. >You give her and inquiring look.
  61. >Has she got some trick up her sleeve?
  62. >"We can sleep together."
  63. >She gives you a cute smile.
  64. "I respectively decline."
  65. >"Then maybe a bed-time story? One about a pretty mare and how she was stolen away by a big monkey-man and they had tons of sex and twenty satyrs."
  66. >You glance at her with the coldest gaze you can muster.
  67. >Her warm smile repels your assault.
  68. >"Maybe just a good-night kiss?"
  69. "I've know you less than 12 hours. Not /even/ a day."
  70. >"I would be okay if you wanted your special friendship parts meeting my special friendship parts." She offers with a blush.
  72. >Ignoring that you settle down in your little nest of sheets, trying to make the best of sleeping on the floor.
  73. >After a long day of dealing with Celestia and exploring you quickly fall asleep.
  74. >[Rustle Rustle]
  75. >Hmm?
  76. >You blink your eyes open to find Celestia on top of you.
  77. >"O-oh~ So that's what it looks like." She mutters to herself.
  78. >In a flash you're simultaneously covering yourself up and getting Celestia out, grabbing her by her scruff.
  79. >"I didn't think it would be there. Back of the knee maybe."
  81. >Next morning you wake up bright and early to shower.
  82. >The princess is still snoozing, you observe, gathering your towel.
  83. >You stroll into the bath and start up the shower.
  84. >It's nice to wash off in the warm water.
  85. >You didn't get a chance last night with all the commotion.
  86. >It's nice to have a moment to yourself as well.
  87. >Being hounded by a princess is harder than you thought.
  88. >As you're scrubbing you hear the door slide open.
  89. >Quickly you cover up and spin around, damn near slipping.
  90. >The fog on the glass door obscures all but Celestia's lust-filled face.
  91. >There is the princess, in the door-way, tongue out.
  92. >"Let me wash you, Human!"
  93. >Tossing open the shower door you're exposed to the cold air.
  94. >You cover yourself up with a bar of soap, but the small thing doesn't really get the job done.
  95. >She scurries toward you with remarkable speed, wings flapping and tossing feathers around like a chicken.
  96. >Thinking fast you do the only thing you can.
  97. >Deftly you the shower head and give her a blast of cold water, she tumbles to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
  98. >Before she can recover you're on her, lifting her up to put her outside.
  99. >"Oh~ I can feel your /warmth/ pressing my buttside."
  100. >You're quick to hold her at arms length, as difficult as that is.
  102. >By the time you're done washing up and clearing out feathers an hour has past and you're really hungry.
  103. >Walking into the kitchen you find Celestia bent over your kitchen sink, tail up.
  104. >Blocking your vision with your hand, you advance.
  105. >She gasps and turns to you, luckily covering herself.
  106. >"I made you breakfast."
  107. >With a smile she places a plate of pancakes on your side of the table, and a glass of chocolate milk next to it.
  108. >"I made the milk too~"
  109. >Your face curls in distrust.
  110. >She sits down wither her own plate and starts stuffing her face.
  111. >There is a catch here, somewhere, but you take you seat and arm yourself with a knife and fork.
  112. >Your stomach eggs you on to eat.
  113. >What's the harm, right?
  114. >Tentatively you cut down the stack of flapjacks, creating three triangle pieces that you proceed to spear with your fork.
  115. >She urges you to eat with a nod.
  116. >This is going to kill you or something isn't it?
  117. >You stuff the pancake in your mouth, tears welling in your eyes.
  118. >The touch, the feel, the pancake on your tongue.
  119. >So good...
  120. >It's heavenly.
  121. >This shouldn't be so good.
  122. >Pants are getting a little tight.
  123. >Didn't you already pop your morning wood?
  124. >Why is this happening?
  125. >Her face curls into a smile.
  126. "What did you put in this?"
  127. >"Love and care." She replies with her horn sparking a bit.
  128. >You begin blushing as you feel your erection poke the underside of the table.
  129. >Celestia sinks in her seat and tries to slither under the table, but you kick out and manage to drag her out from under there (being sure to treat her gently, she's still a princess).
  130. >Accidentally, you poke Celestia in the rip when you pick her up.
  131. >"Oh no! I've done something bad, are you going to punish me?"
  132. "You're going to my room."
  133. >"Finally! You'll take me like I took the underwear from your laundry."
  134. >For that comment you have to pause and give her a look of disapproval.
  135. >She gives you her best impression of a cat face.
  137. [Bonus: Celestia as Pat from 2 Best Friends]
  139. >"Why are you putting it!?" Celestia groans.
  140. "I-I don't know about this. I think I'm not going to do that."
  141. >You have two hands on the princess' hips and your pants very much on.
  142. >"Do it. Do it ya wimp."
  143. >You begin to shake, erection and fear doubling in size.
  144. "I think I'm going to not."
  145. >"Do it, it'll be the hypest shit."
  146. >With a deep breath you unzip your pants and position yourself.
  147. >"Never done this before."
  148. "I thought you said you had? You said it was hype!"
  149. >"Well it will be, just start moving back and forth. God. You're so stupid."
  150. "You don't have to be such an asshole."
  151. >"No you're such an Asshaul."
  152. "What?"
  153. >"Just start moving! Pump it!"
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