
Fiat Justicia 0: The Lonliest Telepath Part 3

Jun 7th, 2016
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  1. [10:32] Arkalest Sabina: "So, where to now?" Natah stands by one of the doors of the offices, watching as the spider-drone picks up the plant.
  2. [10:33] Sabina "I think this covers the psionic department correct? Should we move on to a general tour of the ready of the building in that case?"
  3. [10:35] Arkalest They nod. "Very well..."
  4. [10:35] Arkalest ----
  5. [10:36] Arkalest Sabina: "So, the camelias-" Natah is about to say something when she turns a corner- And immediately closes his mouth. "Uh."
  6. [10:36] Arkalest His tail whips side to side, and the Delphian takes a step back.
  7. [10:37] Sabina pauses and waits behind Natah
  8. [10:38] Arkalest Sabina: Their tail quietly points backwards in a weirdly humanlike gesture as she further backpedals.
  9. [10:39] Sabina backs up silently
  10. [10:40] Arkalest You hear dull thumps- Like something heavy moving. Natah quietly tracks into one of the offices, and gestures for you to come closer.
  11. [10:40] Arkalest Sabina: That's when you start to hear the buzzing.
  12. [10:41] Arkalest Sister Erica raised bees, and once Josephus took you to see them- See the open-topped warehouse, shelves upon shelves of wooden boxes, filled with bees. Their buzzing could almost drown out your brother's sharp concentration as he dragged out facts from his memory, slowly and placidly gesturing to the hives.
  13. [10:41] Arkalest Their buzzing...Had an almost melodic component.
  14. [10:41] Arkalest This
  15. [10:41] Arkalest This is angry, dissonant, low.
  16. [10:41] Arkalest Metallic.
  17. [10:42] Sabina steps closer and gives Natah a questioning look.
  18. [10:44] Arkalest Sabina: They hold up an arm, the hexagons on his coat blinking blue light that rearranges into words.
  19. [10:44] Arkalest [That is the Vorak right there]
  20. [10:44] Arkalest [Do you want to actually meet them?]
  21. [10:46] Sabina [I will have to meet then sooner or later. Is now a good time? It feels. . . Angry almost. Would it be better later?]
  22. [10:46] Arkalest [That's not angry.]
  23. [10:46] Arkalest You start hearing something like hissing- Sputtering static.
  24. [10:46] Arkalest [That's muzzy.]
  25. [10:46] Arkalest Natah lowers their head. [You don't want to hear or see angry.]
  26. [10:47] Sabina [No, no I do not. Shall you introduce us then? ]
  27. [10:48] Arkalest [One second.] Natah closes his eyes, ears twitching. [And here we go..] Her shoulders shudder as she takes a deep breath.
  28. [10:48] Arkalest "Agent Sorkis?"
  29. [10:48] Arkalest THe answer is the dull thuds stopping.
  30. [10:49] Arkalest "I am with the new agent. Mind dialing down the, ah, the mind-shield?"
  31. [10:49] Arkalest [Actually calling it a psionic well of screams offend them sometimes.]
  32. [10:50] Sabina regrets not asking Natah for advice and supresses the urge to kick herself. [That is understandable. Any advice for interacting with Agent Sorkis?]
  33. [10:50] Arkalest [They're probably sleepy.]
  34. [10:51] Arkalest [As usual] Their eyes narrow, right as the buzzing dies down considerably.
  35. [10:51] Arkalest "Thank you very much, Agent. Now, I'd like to introduce.." [Vorak also are relatively...How do I say-]
  36. [10:51] Arkalest "Are you trying to fuck them already?"
  37. [10:52] Arkalest The Vorak's voice is a weirdly high pitched rumble, Rs quite deep. It sounds more...Annoyed than anything
  38. [10:52] Arkalest [Relatively bad at sociastuff.]
  39. [10:53] Sabina makes a small strangled noise in the back of her throat. She ducks her head, hoping to hide the large blush standing in sharp contrast to the pale gray tinted skin of her face.
  41. [10:54] Arkalest Natah has.......A surprsingly strong set of pipes.
  42. [10:54] Arkalest "Totes."
  43. [10:55] Sabina tries to sink into the floor
  44. [10:56] Arkalest "YOU ARE FILTH."
  45. [10:57] Arkalest There seems to be a righteous amount of anger in Natah's voice, and she lurches forward, tail whipping and contracting angrily.
  46. [10:57] Arkalest "And you should stop yelling. It's four AM and people are trying to, y'know."
  47. [10:57] Arkalest A rumbling, echoing yawn.
  48. [10:57] Arkalest "Sleep."
  49. [10:58] Arkalest The Delphian casually lets out a sharp, bestial hiss.
  50. [10:58] Arkalest "IN WHICH STATE ARE YOU?"
  51. [10:58] Arkalest "Mostly sober. Mostly dressed."
  52. [10:59] Arkalest Sabina: You are pretty sure Natah is clenching all five of her prenshile appendices. Hard.
  53. [11:00] Arkalest "WHAT WOULD THE CHIEF CONSTABLE SAY?!"
  54. [11:01] Arkalest "That's bullshit" or "You are fired?"
  55. [11:01] Arkalest "Actually"; says a third female voice. "I'd ask you what you are doing in the break room in the middle of the night."
  56. [11:01] Arkalest Natah flat-out freezes, eyes wide as saucers- A feat, considering how narrow they are- And irses shrunk to pinpricks.
  57. [11:02] Sabina goes even more still, clutching the glaive like a lifeline to sanity
  58. [11:02] Arkalest Sabina: There's a distinct smell of violets and lavander in the air- Thick, rich, almost plantlike. You hear someone speak out in low,dangerous tones- With an exotic, flowing accent. Then there's a series of thuds, and the buzzing flat out ends.
  59. [11:03] Arkalest Natah remains utterly still for a fair few seconds.
  60. [11:03] Arkalest Sabina: then you hear a soft, amused chuckle.
  61. [11:03] Arkalest It's no the nice kind of chuckle
  62. [11:05] Arkalest "You can move out, agents. " You hear the sound of wood clicking against the pavement.
  63. [11:05] Arkalest Natah slowly lowers their head. "Of course, madam."
  64. [11:06] Sabina remains as she was, not sure what to do.
  65. [11:16] Sabina "Hello Agent Sorkis." Savona bows her head "I am Sabina Norland."
  66. [11:16] Arkalest Another soft chuckle. "Sorkis is gone, miss. "
  67. [11:16] Arkalest "I am Chief Constable Madeline Tuissant."
  68. [11:18] Arkalest Sabina: And Tuissant is...
  69. [11:18] Sabina "Oh. Hello ma'am. I am at your service." She bows more deeply to the chief.
  70. [11:19] Arkalest ....Less tall than you are. Clad in a purple silk skirt and black silk pants, she seems to be a canine morph or some disposition- Sharp, long muzzle, floppy brown ears and long, curly dark brown hair. She has her hands on thehandle of a wooden cane, lips quirked in a smile and green eyes focused on you.
  71. [11:20] Arkalest Sabina: Her thoughts cling tightly to her like a shimmering shroud, grey wisps encircling her head and hands. "I am terribly sorry for Sorkis' behavior, miss."
  72. [11:20] Arkalest "They are still getting used to the life on the Precinct."
  73. [11:21] Sabina "I did not take offense, I was simply caught off guard."
  74. [11:21] Arkalest You catch a glimpse of actual, blazing consterntion within the shroud- Sparkling quietly among the other grey threads.
  75. [11:23] Arkalest "It was my fault, madam. I should have assumed the Agent did not know-"
  76. [11:23] Arkalest Tuissant silences Natah with a flick of her wrist, eyes closed. "Oh, worry not. You put faith in Sorkis, and Sorkis repaid you by being their usual self."
  77. [11:25] Arkalest "Now-" She turns her attention to you as the alien bows their head. "How are you finding our humble abode?" Tendrils of curiosity flex off her, and you smell a hint of sweat clinging to her- Salty, and ripe with rain.
  78. [11:25] Arkalest ...In fact, she /does/ faintly smell of wet dog.
  79. [11:28] Sabina It is interesting. Lively, not in a bad way. . . I like the flowers." She adds the last somewhat hesitantly
  80. [11:29] Arkalest "Aaaah, these. " SHe tilts her head. "I am more of a rose and violets person myself, sad to say."
  81. [11:31] Sabina "Those are quite pretty as well, though I favor the water-lilies from my mother's guarden."
  82. [11:33] Arkalest "We actually have some of these in our ponds, if I am not mistaken. Natah?" The delphian simpl nods, and the Chief nods as well- Hands still on the black hilt of her wooden cane. Mahogany, you think.
  83. [11:34] Sabina "Oh, I will be sure to visit that when I have the chance. It sounds quite lovely l."
  84. [11:36] =-= WolfieBed is now known as Pale_Wolf
  85. [11:37] Arkalest "And I see you've already made friends among the arboreal parts of our divisions..." She quietly touches her right ear, pushing some curls away.
  86. [11:40] Sabina "Yes, they were quite kind and it was refreshing to speak them."
  87. [11:42] Arkalest "Did they seem to be particularly morose or pushy?"
  88. [11:44] Sabina "No. Curious and kind. Well a little morose when they saw the statue." She relays that part of the conversation.
  89. [11:45] Arkalest "Ah. That." She closes her eyes.
  90. [11:45] Arkalest "....Would you mind walking with me and Natah? I can explian the significance of that statue to you."
  91. [11:46] Arkalest With the corner of your eyes, you see natah's eyes widen and contract rapidly.
  92. [11:49] Sabina "No ma'an, not at all."
  93. [11:55] Arkalest ------
  94. [11:55] Arkalest Sabina: Natah hovers at the corner of your vision as you and the Chief make your way back to the elevator. "So."
  95. [11:56] Arkalest "how much do you know about the Ashen Age?"
  96. [11:57] Sabina "Rather little. A few stories that have been passed down the clan."
  97. [11:59] Arkalest "Storis of excess and luxurious waste, I'd wager."
  98. [12:02] Sabina "Yes, those, and of great warriors and wise men and woman who saw things with clarity. Our Ancestors saw what was happening with forsight and saught to avoid the worst of it."
  99. [12:02] Sabina "We owe our peace and safety during that age to them."
  100. [12:04] Arkalest Tuissant calls down the elevator with a wave. "And so you avoided the worst of the dying gasps of that particular age." She leans against the wall, tail brushing against her legs. "It was back then that the statue was made."
  101. [12:04] Arkalest "I suppose you have read its grim message, have you not?"
  102. [12:05] Sabina nods
  103. [12:06] Arkalest She nods at Natah. "Natah could not read it."
  104. [12:07] Arkalest "Nor could Sorkis, for that matter. Or some of the Ringvolk among us."
  105. [12:09] Arkalest The morph taps her temples, knuckles slightly scarred under the light hazelnut fur. "We have yet to discover how it works, but it apparently is based on psionic wavelengths. Only certain human psionics can see it."
  106. [12:10] Sabina "Oh. That is rather strange."
  107. [12:11] Arkalest "Not really. " She taps her cane against the floor once. "It has a clear message. This was place was built by humans, for humans."
  108. [12:12] Sabina nods
  109. [12:14] Arkalest The elevator disgorges you three in a similar environ to the psi department's offices- Only this time the room is far wider, and the spiral staircase is curled around a massive stone spike covered in dozens of carvings.
  110. [12:15] Arkalest Angular, sloping ones, runes and letters- Numbers and geometric figures. There's a smell of incense clinging to the whole floor- Something that barely hides the smell of coffee and stimulants and strong cleansing liquids.
  111. [12:20] Arkalest Sabina: The stone is a blackish thing, tarnished by gouges, furrows and small impact craters. Tuissant stops, shoulders straight. "The statue alludes to the habitat's s supposed primary function as a stepping stone for further colonial endavors."
  112. [12:22] Sabina "That makes sense, a reminder for unity as they would go to distant stars."
  113. [12:25] Arkalest "And a reminder that there is always a central authority, if we want to be less charitable."
  114. [12:26] Sabina nods in agreement
  115. [12:30] Arkalest "We more or less agreed to agree thast for us it means being true to the spirit of the Constables- Or at least, the few of us that canr ead it."
  116. [12:30] Arkalest Natah snorts at this."
  117. [12:30] Arkalest *forget the "
  118. [12:31] Sabina "A message with many meanings.:
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