
Fuck The Flash

May 14th, 2011
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  1. The Flash (Wally West to be specific), gets his powers from the Speed Force. He is arguably the fastest being that has ever existed. He is able to break the sound, light, time, dimensional, and speed force barriers. Because of the speed force, the Flash and his loved ones have decelerated aging, granting them eternal youth. He can use the Speed Force to create solid objects such as armor or pressurized debris. He can "lend" his speed to anyone or anything. He can "steal" speed or momentum from anyone or anything, turning people even as fast as Superman into statues. Once he took the speed from an entire planet and its population.
  2. He is surrounded by the Speed Force Aura, which protects him and anyone he wants from friction, attacks, and any form of kinetic energy. He has superhuman endurance and is nearly inexhaustible. He was able to run non-stop faster than the speed of light for over 10 days straight through time and space across existence (Everywhere from the fourth dimension to the Big Bang was their track field.) at speeds so far beyond light and so unimaginable, he was constantly breaking through all the barriers. He can survive in any environment such as space without any hindrance.
  3. The Flash can run at any speed he thinks is possible. He can run across water, up walls, and on air in any direction. He has been able to casually move beyond the speed of though, move so fast an attack the speed of light is standing still, and can scan the face of over five hundred thousand people for a specific expression in less than a picosecond (0.000000000001 of one second). He was able to easily save and carry over half a million people 35 miles away from a nuclear bomb that had already detonated, including the people at ground zero in 0.0001 seconds. He is able to move so fast he exists everywhere at once. He has moved and ran so fast, that he was capable of outrunning and defeating death itself by outracing it to the end of time/space, past entropy, the next Big Bang and into the next Universe. His speed is so immeasurable that he has moved and reacted by the attosecond (an attosecond is one quintillionth of a second. To put this in perspective, one attosecond is to one second, what one second is to the age of the universe.), and has even reacted and calculated by the zeptosecond (Which is one trillionth of one billionth of one second.)
  4. He is able to use his speed to make his punches hit with a force greater than that of a white dwarf star. He can instantly traverse through time and all dimensions with ease. He can accelerate his healing factor to instantly heal from any injury. He can control his speed at the molecular level, allowing him to run through any object. If he wishes, he can transfer his kinetic energy into that object, making it explode. He can vibrate so fast that light does not reflect off him, making him invisible. He can run in frictionless environments, such as space, as easily as he can run on the ground.
  5. By running in a circle, the Flash can create a vortex that can suck air in to suffocate an enemy, levitating whoever is in the center, or send anyone or anything into another dimension. He can alter his perceptions so that anything appears to stand still. This includes falling objects, people, and the entire Universe itself. He can break through the time and dimension barrier at any time instantly, to be truly beyond time/space. He can alter his perception of time so greatly, that a second can pass for millions of years. His mental abilities are also increased, allowing him to make millions of immensely difficult calculations in less than a second.
  7. The Flash is overpowered.
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