
Luna Goes Loko by Moondaffodil

Jun 25th, 2016
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  1. >It was the dead of night, and the entire Loud House slept
  2. >Even Lucy, who would often stare out her window to the moonlight for inspiration for her poems
  3. >All but one
  4. >Suddenly, as the clock hit 1:30 AM, the door swung open, and in strode a drunken Luna, Four Loko™ Gold™ in hand.
  5. >"Wha'dya thing of that!" she mumbled out, swaying ever so slightly as she grabbed onto the front door with her hand.
  6. >The night prior, she had been to a concert of a local band, and had seen some pretty lewd stuff happen between two females at the concert.
  7. >"They thinkshh they're soooo better caushhh they can flipflop between genderssh" She slurred, slowly closing the door but unintentionally slamming it.
  8. >"Wellsh...I'll show them..." She said under her breath, smiling as she took out a knife she pilfered from the after party to shotgun the Four Loko™ Gold™
  9. >She quietly snuck her way upstairs, only managing to stumble once or twice.
  10. >As she reached the stairs, she peered at the room of herself and her roommate, Luan.
  11. >"Oh...I'll showsh them alright..."
  12. >Luna smiled as she opened the door, peaking in to make sure her sleeping roommate was, well, asleep.
  13. >As she heard the snoring envelope her drunken eardrums, she crept in, slowly inching her way to the bed in which Luan slept.
  14. >"Ok girl..." She said, bring her hand to her forehead. Was she really going to do this? She HAD to prove something, that she wasn't lesser to those stupid bitches at the party who just made out on the dance floor.
  15. >Sighing to herself, Luna slowly but surely grasped at the bed sheet and slowly pulled it down below her sister's sleeping form.
  16. >She gasped as she took in the beauty of Luan for...well, the first time in her life. She slept in her underwear, and nothing was really left to the imagination.
  17. >"I-If I'm gonna do thish...I'm gonna do it now..." She said, cracking open a FourLoko™ Sour Apple™>With a quick chug of her FourLoko™ Sour Apple™, Luna placed the bitter drink to the side. Slowly, she grabbed on to the bra of her roommate, lifting it slightly over the cusp of exposing Luan's nipple.
  18. >"Ok...I got thishh..." She slurred, bringing herself face level with Luan's tit. "I'm...I'm better, dammit!"
  19. >And with that, Luan opened her mouth and covered Luan's nipple with her mouth.
  20. >Holding herself for a moment, she took in the sensation of her sister's nipple inside of her mouth before she slowly began to circle her tongue around the gland, moaning ever so slightly as she did.
  21. >Truth be told, even in her own drunken state, Luna was enjoying the idea of taking her sister in her sleep.
  22. >Her body reacted the same as her mind, as she felt her panties become quite wet.
  23. >However, even in her drunken stupor, she knew what she was doing was very, very wrong. So she was intent on just making a point for herself, as she circled her tongue around Luan, small moans escaping her sister as she slumbered.>As Lune continued her onslaught on Luan's breasts, she couldn't help but get riled up by it.
  24. >Luna had no prior thoughts of her sister in this way, but by God she was being over taken by the thoughts of her doing things to her sister.
  25. >As she suckled on Luan's tit, she couldn't help but raise her own hand to her own breast, rubbing and caressing it as she had done many nights before now.
  26. >Finally, she broke the connection she had with Luan, looking over her sister's body.
  27. >Luan was sweating and quite obviously feeling it even in her slumber. Luna noted a small spot of fabric near her sister's pelvis as she wiped her mouth with a free hand.
  28. >"I wouldn't hurt to take thishh...further...would it?"
  29. >That petty attempt at self reassurance was all she needed.
  30. >Luna gently slid a finger under her sister's panties, slowly pulling them to the side to reveal her wet snatch.
  31. >Luna couldn't help but lick her lips as she stared at what she had just uncovered, looking up to make sure Luan was still fast asleep.
  32. >"I've gone this far...would...a little taste REALLY hurt...?" She said, her voice betraying the lust she felt deep in her loins.
  33. >Unbeknownst to Luna, Luan's eye was slightly open and looking intently at Luna as she stared at Luan's precious bits.
  34. >'F-Finally...!" Luan thought, suppressing a moan as Luna ran a finger over her clit. 'T-Took her long enough...!'
  35. >For the longest time, Luan had waited for her punk rock roommate to explore her sexuality, knowing that eventually some event at the rock concerts she frequented would trigger something within Luna.
  36. >As Luan peered at Luna, she quickly shut her eye as Luna smiled.
  37. >"O-One taste won't hurt..." She whispered to herself, lowering her face down to just in front of Luan's privates.
  38. >Within a moment, Luan was rocked with the sensation of Luna gently licking at her pussy, having to quell moan after moan to make sure Luna wasn't any the wiser.
  39. >Luna, for not knowing how to please a fellow woman, was pretty good at working Luan's cunt, licking up and down and pausing to suckle at her clit every once and awhile.
  40. >Despite her best attempts, even Luan wasn't able to suppress every moan, her juices leaking out freely onto the bed she laid upon. Luna was none the wiser as her heartbeat and panting rose, her fist balling up the fabric she could grip onto.
  41. >Luna finally made the decision to plunge her tongue within Luan's folds, eliciting quite a long moan from Luan as she arched her back every so slightly
  42. >Luna, smiling at her sleeping sister's reaction, decided to work her way inside her sister by moving in slow, drawn out circles.
  43. >Luna savored the taste of her sister, giggling every so often to herself at how easy it was to adapt from male to female genitalia for her.
  44. >Luan, however, was struggling to moan out Luna's name as she gripped the sheets even tighter than before. Luna worked her tongue even deeper into her sister, almost as if trying to make sure that even in Luan's slumber, she knew her sister was ravaging her in her most unprotected of times.
  45. >Finally content with removing her tongue from her sister, she looked upon her sister's lower half, and smiled at the mess she had created.
  46. >"Heh, I shure...showed them..." She cooed, wobbling ever so slightly as she looked down.
  47. >Luna happily obliged, instead of savoring her taste this time, she simply reveled in it, her tongue rapidly darting around inside Luan as she tried to get every bit of her.
  48. >Luan was reacting accordingly, her leg lock applying pressure to Luna as she struggled to keep herself from yelling. The last thing she needed to do was to have the whole house awaken to their sins.
  49. >Luna couldn't hold back any longer, diving her hand down between her thighs. She was already insanely wet, but she had to take care of herself after all, and she needed to. Now.
  50. >As Luan stared down at Luna, tongue deep within her and going to town on herself, it finally dawned on her how simply fucked up the situation was.
  51. >Her sister, tongue fucking her as she made sure she had no escape from it.
  52. >Luna going to town on the idea of eating out her own sister.
  53. >But Luan didn't care.
  54. >She wanted to push it further
  55. >"Come now, sis..." Luan hissed out, smiling as she loosened her lock on Luna's head, "I know how much I love a tRIBBING, so why don't you take the lead for today?" She asked, giggling as she suddenly spread her legs wide.
  56. >Luna at this point had stripped off any pretense of 'getting back at those girls', instead in it for the raw pleasure she was getting from 'bonding' with her sister.
  57. >Luna giggled a bit, reaching over for her FourLoko™ Sour Apple™ and finishing it in one gulp. She placed the empty can down, unintentionally missing the side she was supposed to put it down as it clanged against the floor.
  58. >"Oi love..." She hissed, slowly crawling her way on top of the jokester of the house. "You believe you can handle me, luv'?"
  59. >Luna made sure to postion herself between the legs of her roommate, waiting for whatever response the joke master of the house could give back.
  60. >Luan ;et out a giggle, always entertained by her older siblings downright awful accent. As she spoke back, she even put on her own voice.
  61. >"If ya love me as much as ya' tea..." She said, narrowing her eyes towards Luna. "Then ya' better dock before it fall into tha' harba'~"
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