
2019-07-18 Core: 3 "get" and telling stories

Jul 18th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Homework: finish exercises 3, 4, and 5, if you didn’t in class
  6. Compare your answers with a partner, and convince them they’re wrong if you disagree.
  7. part 3
  8. 1 two (more or less)
  9. 2 afraid
  10. 3 stop
  11. 4 It was difficult for me.
  12. 5 stop swimming
  13. 6 quickly
  14. a couple < a few < several < many
  15. part 4
  16. 1 - He decided to go swimming despite the storm. He had to fight against the sea and swallowed lots of water and sand.
  17. - He decided to stop swimming and return to shore. He was hit by waves and pushed underwater. He got caught in the surf zone and couldn’t get back to the beach.
  18. - He decided to let go and stop fighting against the sea. The waves carried him back to shore and he survived.
  19. 2 He writes about the sea like a person that he loves and respects.
  20. 3 The reason there are sometimes no fish is because of human activities. He’s asking forgiveness for humanity.
  21. part 5 - “reading between the lines” = inferring information that isn’t stated directly
  22. 1 F - He used to swim there every day and this story is about something that happened once, so generally it’s not a dangerous place to swim.
  23. 2 T - He says it was “a moment of Catalan bravado”.
  24. 3 T
  25. 4 F - He still panics when he thinks about it.
  26. 5 T
  27. ---
  28. Vocabulary: “get”
  29. part 6 - Rewrite the sentences with “get” using expressions from the article. (Make sure to use the correct forms of the verb.)
  30. 1 I got into the pool.
  31. 2 The weather got worse. (The weather didn’t get better.)
  32. 3 I couldn’t get to the shore.
  33. 4 I wasn’t getting (any) closer to the land.
  34. 5 We get so much from nature.
  35. 6 I’d gotten out of that dangerous situation.
  37. Get in. / Get into the car.
  38. Get out. / Get out of the car.
  39. (We use “in” and “out” for things you can be in.)
  40. Get on. / Get on the bus.
  41. Get off. / Get off the bus.
  42. (We use “on” and “off” for things you can be on.)
  44. If you are near something, you can get away from it. (If you escape a person, you get away from him or her.)
  45. ---
  46. “Get” often means “become” (and if you “become” in a place, you “arrive”)
  47. (First you weren’t _____, then you were ______, so you became _____.)
  48. They got married. (First they weren’t married, then they were.)
  49. I feel like I’m getting sick. (I wasn’t sick before, but I think I will be sick soon.)
  50. I got home at 7. (I wasn’t home before 7, and then I was home.)
  52. Another common meaning is “obtain” or “receive”.
  53. (First you didn’t have ____, then you had ____, so you obtained or received ____.)
  54. I got many presents for my birthday. = I received many presents.
  55. I got money from the ATM. = I obtained/received money from the ATM.
  56. I went home to get my umbrella. = I obtained my umbrella from home.
  57. I got a new job. (Now I have a new job.)
  58. We get a lot from nature. (Now we have a lot from nature.)
  59. ---
  60. Note: “arrive” uses prepositions of location, “get” uses prepositions of movement
  61. I arrived at the library at 6. = I got to the library at 6.
  62. I arrived in Boston last Friday. = I got to Boston last Friday.
  63. I arrived on this floor at 8:59. = I got to this floor at 8:59.
  64. How can I get from school to the airport?
  65. ---
  66. part 7 - Write six sentences about your own experiences using the “get” expressions from part 6.
  67. 1 My dog didn’t want to get into the car.
  68. 2 My sickness/illness didn’t get better.
  69. 3 I couldn’t get to the market.
  70. 4 I wasn’t getting closer to this place.
  71. 5 I’m going to get a new job.
  72. 6 He got away from his brother.
  73. ---
  74. p. 40 part 1 - Discuss these statements with your group. Which are true for you?
  75. ---
  76. BREAK
  77. ---
  78. p. 40 part 2 - Which set of expressions (A or B) goes with the photo? Why?
  79. part 3 - Listen and answer the question.
  80. part 4 - Listen again and identify the expressions that are used.
  81. part 5 - Which story do you think is true? Why?
  82. ---
  83. Pronunciation: helping verb reductions
  85. I was doing the dishes. - /wəz/
  86. They were swimming around. /wɚ/
  87. The parrot had escaped her cage. /həd/
  88. What had they done? /əd/ (We also drop the ‘h’ sound.)
  90. The parrot had had lunch already. /həd ˈhæd/ (Reduce the first one, pronounce the second one completely.)
  92. James, while John had had “had had”, had had “had”. “Had had” had had the teacher’s approval.
  93. (James, while John had used past perfect, had used simple past. The teacher had approved of past perfect.)
  94. ---
  95. part 8 - Tell your partners about something that happened to you or to someone you know. At least one part of the story should be untrue (but the rest should be true). Then your partner will guess which part is false.
  97. - Take a few minutes to think of a true story and to decide which part will be untrue.
  98. - When you have the story, tell your partners using some of the expressions from part 4.
  99. - Who is the most convincing liar in your group?
  100. ---
  101. In your new group, ask and answer these questions.
  102. 1 When and where did you first learn to swim?
  103. 2 When was the last time you went to the coast? What are some things you did there?
  104. 3 Name five things you had already done before you left your house this morning.
  105. 4 When, where, and why did the Titanic sink?
  106. 5 Name five ways of conserving water at home.
  107. 6 Name five water sports. Which ones have you tried? When and where did you try them?
  108. 7 How are a lake, a stream, and a river different?
  109. 8 Compare diving and waterskiing.
  110. ---
  111. “the sea” and “the ocean” are often the same, but specific seas and oceans are different
  112. Closed bodies of water are usually lakes and usually fresh water, but not always.
  113. Other bodies of water connected to oceans (or large lakes):
  114. gulf
  115. bay
  116. cove
  117. harbor
  118. ---
  119. - Additional practice with vocabulary and grammar from each unit.
  120. ---
  121. Homework: Make a list of the most serious problems an underwater city would have to solve, and think of some possible solutions. (Your solutions can use technology that doesn’t exist, but don’t use anything “magical” or too crazy.)
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