
Date Night

Jun 28th, 2016
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  1. Bobby stepped over the scattered debris of toys that littered the lawn and walked up the stoop to the front door. He knocked a few times, but when nobody answered he hung back and waited. Spotting the curtains drawn in the window, Bobby did a quick spot check in the reflection. His hair had some of that styling product Lori liked and there wasn't anything in his teeth. Nice! Now for the outfit. A buttoned up shirt tucked into faded jeans and a tie. Not too casual, not too formal, Bobby was dressed appropriately for anywhere they decided to go. Date night was becoming a regular fixture with the couple, and he felt that things were getting pretty serious between him and Lori. Bobby was head over heels for his girlfriend, their relationship was rock solid at this point, and nothing could break them up.
  3. "Oh hey, Bobby!" one of Lori's many, many sisters opened the door and greeted him. Which one was she again? Bobby had to think quickly if he didn't want to hurt this girl's feelings. Okay, so it wasn't Leni, he went to the same school as her. He didn't think it was either. Luna? The one who was constantly bringing her guitar to school and starting impromptu jam sessions in the cafeteria. The one who was always getting dragged to the principals office when people complained about just wanting to eat in peace. But the girl in front of him had brown hair just like Luna. Bobby noticed something. Lori. Four letters. Leni. Four letters. Luna? Four letters. There was a pattern here.
  5. A black cat inside the house saw the open door and made a break for freedom, making Bobby yelp and jump to the side. "Cliff, wait!" the girl shouted. Looking back at Bobby, she noticed his prolonged silence. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Hahaha!" The girl laughed without restraint at her own joke, and Bobby found himself laughing just as hard. He got made fun of a lot in school for how easily he would bust up laughing at the simplest of jokes, but the girl made him feel like maybe he didn't have to be "cool" Bobby.
  7. Okay, back to the matter at hand. He really had to say something to her, it was starting to get awkward. A simple "hey" would suffice, but since she called him by name, Bobby felt obligated to return the favor. "What's up Luuu-" Bobby stopped himself short and went through every permutation of four letters that she could have for a name. He stalled a bit too long and the girl finished his sentence.
  9. "-an. I'm Luan! So are you gonna keep up the living statue act or are you coming inside?" She stepped to the side and allowed him in. Bobby saw that the lights were off and a TV was blaring in the living room. There were two younger kids sitting on a couch munching popcorn. One was a girl wearing a long sleeved t-shirt with a big red "1" on the front who looked to be middle school age, and the other was a younger boy with shocking white hair. That can't be natural, Bobby thought.
  11. "Hey guys, Bobby's here," Luan said. "Bobby, this is Lynn, and this is Lincoln." The two kids turned and greeted Bobby before looking back at the screen. "You can tell them apart because one is a hyper-athletic jock who's amazing at every sport ever invented, and the other one is my brother. Hahah!" Bobby stifled a laugh, unsure if it was appropriate to laugh at someone he just met. Lynn beamed at her sister's appraisal, while Lincoln just shook his head. "Lori went out a while ago to do some errands. She should be back in an hour or so," Luan explained. "You could totally wait on the sidewalk for her to like a weirdo if you wanted, but you're welcome to watch a movie with us. It's -"
  13. "Cop School! The movie about a school for cops!" Bobby couldn't hold in his excitement anymore. Cop School was one of his favorite movies growing up, and he was ecstatic to find out a rerun was playing. Luan nodded in silent approval. She had a good feeling about this Bobby kid. His taste in movies seems to check out. "Aw man, I definitely need to see this!" Bobby enthusiastically walked over to the couch and took a seat next to Lynn and Lincoln. Luan found her seat next to Bobby's.
  15. The opening credits had just finished and the movie was about to start when everyone settled in. "Have you any of you seen this movie before? It's a classic as far as old school comedies are concerned," Bobby spoke with the mannered expression of a serious film critic but then ruined his impression by laughing. Both of the younger kids just shrugged, but Luan became giddy with excitement at his evaluation.
  17. "Cop School is the best! Every single actor is hilarious and the movie has some of the greatest jokes I've ever heard!" Luan agreed. "It's the movie that got me into wanting to be a comedian!" After perhaps revealing a little too much about herself, she blushed and quieted down as the movie played. The premise was that in the movie, traditional police training programs weren't as effective anymore so they started a new initiative called Cop School where cops would go to class five days a week and take classes from goofy cop teachers. What followed in the next two hours could only be described as divisive. Neither Lynn nor her brother "got" the humor.
  19. "Why's that one cop putting another cop in a garbage can?"
  20. "Why do they only serve coffee and donuts in the lunch room?"
  21. "Why did that cop shoot a spitball at the teacher's head?"
  22. "Why did the cop teacher pull out a gun?"
  24. The humor was unintelligible to the kids, but the other two people on the couch loved it. Bobby and Luan were in stitches, laughing their asses off for pretty much the entire movie. Over the course of the film they ended up leaning on each other, gasping for breath as their individual laughter bounced off and heightened the other's in a positive feedback loop that would have gone on forever if the credits didn't roll. Thankfully for the younger kids on the sofa, the movie eventually did come to an end.
  26. "I had no idea you were into these kinds of movies, Bobby!" Luan exclaimed, wiping a tear from her eye. "I've tried showing everyone else in this house but no one seems to have a sense of humor around here."
  28. "Are you kidding me? I had this movie on repeat my entire childhood." Bobby responded. "You could say I found the jokes ARRESTING!" Luan's eyes went wide as she registered Bobby's joke, and without skipping a beat, she played out an imaginary rim shot causing the two of them to fall over laughing again. The kids rolled their eyes at Bobby's terrible pun, but then Bobby saw Lynn give her brother a peculiar kind of look which made Lincoln blush like crazy.
  30. "Hey guys," Lincoln said while clearing his throat. "Movie night was fun, but I think I gotta do some homework. Nice meeting you, Bobby." Lincoln got up and started walking toward the stairs.
  32. "Uh...yeah, homework." Lynn took her brother's excuse and recycled it for own sake as she jumped off the couch and followed Lincoln to the stairs. Bobby could've sworn he saw the two of them holding hands as they were leaving, but when he did a double take they were already gone.
  34. Bobby was just about to check his phone for any texts from Lori when he heard the TV announce that tonight's feature was a double bill, and that the next movie coming up would be none other than: Cop School II! Luan and Bobby high-fived at this and whooped and hollered. "Coooop Schoooool Twooooo!" they chanted in unison. Bobby asked, "Luan, which one is your favorite, the original movie or the sequel?"
  36. "Hmm, that's a tough one. Of course the first is a classic, but the second one has the amazing scene where they're short one player for the annual Cops vs. Robbers football game and they sub in a-
  38. "Police horse in a football uniform! Oh my god, how could I forget that!" Bobby laughed.
  40. "It's SO good," Luan said, reminiscing about the movie. "Okay, so it's decided that we're definitely watching this, but our snack supply is a little low. Let's go make some more popcorn!" Luan got off her butt and did a weird dance on her way to the kitchen that made Bobby do a spit take. He got up and followed her, and they returned to the couch, arms laden with popcorn, candy, and a few glass bottles of soda they rummaged from the fridge. Clinking their bottles together, Luan and Bobby sat down for another subjectively hilarious movie about cops going to school again. The jokes couldn't have been worse, but the two of them loved every second.
  42. The credits rolled for the second time that night, and Bobby stretched his arms out in the dark. He yawned a little as the glow from the television illuminated the room. Outside, rain could be heard starting to fall. Bobby felt how late it was getting. Where was Lori? What was she busy doing? What was he doing here, exactly? Watching a movie with a bunch of his girlfriend's family was probably fine, but with just one of her sisters? This could be a little suspect.
  44. He really should be leaving now. Bobby was stuck in his head searching desperately for his next move, and all the while Luan was sitting there by his side. The laughter had stopped. She watched him with a mounting sense of dread. Bobby made up his mind, it was time to go. He mumbled something about "having fun but needing to leave" and started to stand up until he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder pulling him back down.
  46. "Wait..." Luan meekly whispered. Bobby was yanked out of his thoughts and brought back to reality. He looked at the hand preventing his escape and followed it along the arm to the person it was connected to. Luan. There was something different in her eyes. Not the mirth and cheer that she naturally exuded, not the the flustered panic from a few moments earlier. Bobby saw a sense of longing. "Just...hold on. Let me say something before you go." The trembling of her voice cut to his core and made Bobby vulnerable. He had no choice but to hear her out.
  48. Luan took a deep breath before saying, "To get the obvious out of the way, you're insanely cute." Bobby stared at her and half-wondered if this was all an elaborate prank. "But I think it goes a little deeper than that. Every single day after school, I have to find Lori and get a ride home, but before we can leave I have to see you two being cute and wonderful to each other." She started speaking faster and faster. "I have to see the funny faces you make trying to cheer her up on the bad days. The awful jokes you say trying to irritate her on the good ones. And I have to pretend I can't see you, can't hear what you're saying. Because if you did, I would be laughing at full volume for an hour rolling around on the floor. I would be inconsolable. I want to laugh the way you make her laugh. I want those awful jokes. I want you."
  50. The girl fell back, exhausted, drained, spent. She fully expected rejection. Luan thought it was inevitable. "I know I'm pretty as my sister. Or as tall, or as mature or..." She trailed off mid sentence and deflated a little more. The rain had increased in severity, pelting the windows with droplets the size and weight of golf balls. Thunder rumbled in the distance.
  52. "Hey, hey. Don't beat yourself up." Bobby put a hand on Luan's back causing her to flinch but then quickly warm to the gesture. "You and Lori are entirely different people. You don't need to compare yourself to her." Bobby intended to boost her ego a little bit before letting her down easy. He thought if he flat out rejected her, she might never recover. "You're a cool person in your own right, Luan. And I think you have a great sense of humor! Before we hung out tonight, I thought I was the only one in this whole city who loved terrible movies from the 80's and cheesy jokes."
  54. His words were working a bit too well. Luan was bursting at the seams with happiness as Bobby spoke, hanging onto every word desperate to hear more. He had to admit, Luan looked incredibly cute right now. She may have seemed defeated a moment ago, but now Luan was shining so much she brightened up the word. Bobby might have even used the word 'beautiful' to describe her if the circumstances were different. Then, to his dismay, he saw her wiggling her hips and leaning towards him, the lust in her eyes pointed like arrows trained on the person directly in front of her. Time for the "letting her down" part of his plan.
  56. "You're really fun to hang out with, Luan. But," Luan stopped and became nervous at the impending news. "I'm...I'm with your sister, Lori, right now. You know this. What you told me was incredibly flattering, but even if I felt the same way about you, I can't just dump her and get with her younger sister. In her words, she would 'LITERALLY' kill you and me both. I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say other than MMMmmmf-?"
  58. Lightning arced across the sky and the interior of the living room went off like a flashbulb, capturing the moment in eternity as Luan shoved her lips against Bobby's. He had no idea what to do. The shock of it all had frozen him in place, a fact that Luan took full advantage of. As the thunder clapped much quicker than before, she wrapped her arms around Bobby's neck and planted wet kisses on and around his lips. His cheeks, chin, neck; any square inch of bare skin Luan could get to she considered fair game. She started hungrily sucking on Bobby's neck, desperate to leave a mark to remember her by. "Stop," Bobby managed to whisper.
  60. Luan brushed it off as simply playing hard to get. She bit and suckled on his neck, messily covering it with her saliva. "I said stop," he repeated with a little more courage. Luan continued paying him no mind, choosing instead to focus on giving attention to his perfect cheekbones while she slid her hands downwards toward his cute little- "Luan!" Bobby regained control of his limbs and grabbed her by the shoulders. "I said stop!" he shouted at her and mustered up a controlled amount of force to separate the two. Lightning sparked and thunder boomed as the two people on the couch fell silent. "That's...that's enough."
  62. Apologies began to spout profusely from Luan's lips. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry, fuck I'm so sorry," Luan repeated over and over until Bobby gave her a look of indignation which shut her up. Before he could get up and leave, he was interrupted yet again, this time by the TV.
  64. *****Attention, this is the Michigan Severe Weather Alert System. A severe thunderstorm is currently in progress. Due to frequent lightning strikes, it is advised to stay indoors and wait for the storm to pass. Repeat, stay indoors and wait for the storm to pass. Again this has been the...*****
  66. Bobby found the remote and shut off the television. Looking at Luan, he spat at her with vindictive anger. "Y'know. I'm halfway tempted to walk out right now and get struck by some lightning." Luan flinched at his words and cowered up into a ball on her side of the couch. "But I guess for the foreseeable future, I'm stuck here. It would mean a lot to me if you 1. Never speak of what just happened and 2. Wait in your room and allow me to wait downstairs. I know it's not polite to give orders to the host, but I think you'd agree this is a special case." Bobby delivered his mandate with less venom than before, but with a firmness that left no room for debate. Luan walked upstairs crestfallen as Bobby sat down on the couch.
  68. As Luan passed by Lincoln's room on her walk down the hall, the storm once again announced its presence, bathing the night sky with light and shaking the earth to its core with the subsequent thundercrack. She heard her brother saying something but his voice was muffled by the door and she couldn't make it out. Surprisingly, she heard someone else's voice respond to him. Lynn? What was she doing in Lincoln's room this late at night? It didn't matter. She didn't care about any of that, she just wanted to be alone.
  70. Luan made it to the end of the hall and managed to open her door without having a mental breakdown, but it was a close race. Trudging over to the bunk bed, she collapsed onto the bottom bunk and crumpled into a heap. Why did she do that? Why did she disregard all rational thought and throw herself at Bobby? He was practically holding up a giant STOP sign and she just pressed down on the gas. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Luan laid on her back and stared at the top bunk, pretending she could see through the wood panel, past the ceiling, and into the void of space. A part of her wished the storm would crash into her room and carry her away.
  72. Downstairs, Bobby's thoughts were heading in the same direction. He felt it would be rude to watch TV by himself, so he had nothing to do but sit on the couch and stare directly at his reflection in the television screen. Bobby saw a guy who just kissed his girlfriend's underage sister. He was a fucking creep. Regardless of how little he participated in that kiss, he was still complicit. He let it happen, if only briefly. But why did he let it go on for so long? Sure, she surprised him, but he should have pushed her off immediately. Yet he allowed Luan to linger, let her kiss him, felt her soft lips on his mouth, his neck...
  74. He had to vigorously shake his head to get the thought out of his mind. Why? Why was he replaying that moment over and over? Even if she was the same age as him. EVEN IF she wasn't Lori's sister. He was still in a relationship, and if anyone ever found out, the solidity he had gotten so accustomed to would be seriously fractured if not completely destroyed. Bobby's head fell in his hand and a moan of frustration, impotence, and futility emanated from his throat. What was he doing...what was he doing.
  76. Okay, Roberto, he told himself, you gotta think. What is your best possible move in this situation? Bobby got up and started pacing back and forth. He found it difficult to see in the living room so he turned on a lamp. Transparency and honesty with Lori? If it were any other girl, it would be a no brainer. Just explain what happened in a calm, collected manner and beg for forgiveness. But it was Lori, and he heard enough horror stories of ex-boyfriends to cross that off the list.
  78. His pacing increased in speed, nearly jogging back and forth at this point. He could bury the situation, hope that Luan does the same, and never mention it again? Perhaps. But if Lori were to detect even a HINT that something was out of the ordinary, she'd grill everyone involved until someone cracked. The someone would probably be him. Bobby's feet were moving at full speed now, and he almost didn't notice the lamp until it was too late.
  80. A loud crash and a sparking, popping noise rang throughout the house like a gunshot. Luan was immediately dragged out of her existential crisis. Picturing all the worst case scenarios, she raced down the to the living room to see what was wrong. Stopping at the foot of the stairs, Luan flicked on the light switch and was caught off guard when nothing happened. "H-hey um...Bobby are you okay?" She was still incredibly embarrassed about earlier, but she wasn't going to let that get in the way now. Her eyes were still adjusting to the darkness but she could see a figure hunched over on all fours next to the TV.
  82. "Yeah, I'm okay," Bobby said. "It was really dumb of me, sorry. I wasn't paying attention and knocked over a lamp. The light bulb must've shattered and now there's glass everywhere." Even though Luan couldn't see Bobby, she could picture the most pathetic, hangdog look on his face. The mental image made her laugh and she spoke with a little more levity.
  84. "I hope you found the experience illuminating!" Luan laughed at her dumb joke. She couldn't see Bobby's expression, but she heard him trying his hardest to stifle his own laughter. She was happy that despite it all, Bobby still had a sense of humor. "Hang on, I'll get a flashlight." Luan walked past the living room and grabbed one from a kitchen drawer. Clicking on the light and shining it toward Bobby, Luan gasped when she noticed tiny trails of red liquid running down Bobby's forearms and hands from where he landed.
  86. "Still think I'm a cut above the rest?" Bobby joked weakly.
  88. Luan sprang into action, grabbing a broom, a dustpan, and a first aid kit from the kitchen and getting to work. "Stay where you are," she gave the order in a comforting voice, trying her best to keep both Bobby and herself calm. Luan swept the shards of glass and bits of lamp into the dustpan while holding the flashlight in her mouth. Once the debris was cleared she helped Bobby up and sat him down once more on the couch. Examining the small cuts and scrapes on his arm, Luan was relieved that none of the glass had lodged itself inside him.
  90. She dabbed some iodine onto a disinfectant cloth, the dark brown liquid seeping into the pores of the material. "This might sting a bit," she relayed to Bobby. "Just try to keep your eyes on me. I know I'll be doing the same." The tiniest giggle found its way out of her mouth and Bobby's grimacing expression eased a little bit. Appropriate or not, Luan really loved the way he smiled. Pressing the cloth to his cuts, Bobby sharply inhaled as the disinfectant worked its way into his cuts. Luan rubbed his arms up and down from his lean, muscular forearms to his strong hands. Whether intentional or not, she took the opportunity to examine those arms up close and her mind raced, wondering what they could do. How it would feel to be wrapped up in them, to be held down and restrained...
  92. Mesmerized by the thought, the cleaning cloth moved further and further up Bobby's arms, revealing his developed biceps. Luan moaned internally at the sight of his muscles and accidentally got some iodine on his rolled up shirtsleeves. "Oops! Sorry!" she quickly apologized and put the cloth aside. She took out a few bandages and cotton balls.
  94. As Luan put on the finishing touches, Bobby couldn't help but marvel at her work. She had taken care of the entire situation in as little as 10 minutes. It was as if nothing had ever happened, save for the absence of a lamp and the addition of flesh toned band-aids adorning his arms. He looked up at Luan and saw her face illuminated by the light coming in from the kitchen. Something was different about her. Or maybe he just noticed things that were always there. The way she scrunched up her nose if she made a mistake, the tiny laughs she made whenever a new joke came to mind, the slight flush of her cheeks. She was...beautiful. Without saying a word, he put his hands on Luan, drew her in close, and kissed her.
  96. The rain continued to fall.
  98. The two were frozen in this moment, their lips locked together, playful and passionate in the same breath. Bobby held Luan up to him as her own arms lay limply at her sides. If he were to let go, she thought she might collapse. Bobby's tongue timidly pressed against Luan's lips and she parted her mouth without hesitation. Their kisses engulfed each other, writhing and undulating in a frenzied dance. Luan's face burned hot with lust, each kiss stoking her fire until she feared it might consume her. She moaned into her partner's mouth, the built up anguish and dejection from earlier melting away into bliss.
  100. When Bobby pulled away, it was Luan's turn to be speechless. "Sorry for springing that on you, Luan. I just wanted to say thanks for your help." He presented his cut-up arms and smiled. "Without you, I would've been in a pretty bad spot." Bobby looked at her expecting a witty one-liner, a simple "You're welcome." Something, anything, but no response came.
  102. "So...a kiss for performing medical care. If that is all it takes, allow me to fetch some knives from the kitchen..." Luan quietly mumbled, staring blankly at her feet. "It always helps to be...prepared." Her expression was unreadable, her gaze was locked on the floor and her words came out monotonous and frightening.
  104. "Whoa whoa whoa, what?" Bobby sputtered in a panicked voice. He backed up and cowered away. Oh no, he thought. She cracked when I yelled at her earlier and now I'm gonna be a murder victim on the late night news. They're gonna have a candlelight vigil on this very couch. This is it, this is how I die. Bobby started praying internally until he heard the girl start to snicker.
  106. "Got you!" Luan's blank, murderous expression returned to normal and she threw her head back in laughter. "Hahaha! Oh man, I can't believe you fell for that! I've been imitating my sisters since I could talk but I didn't think you'd fall for a 'Lucy' so easily!" Luan slapped her knee and continued congratulating herself on her performance. She could not have been prouder of how that went.
  108. Bobby was initially hurt and confused at her deception but put on a defeated smile when he registered the joke. "C'mere you," he said and wrapped his arms around Luan. She cuddled into his broad chest and breathed in deeply, relishing the moment. Luan felt at peace, everything about this was perfect. And then the tickling started. Bobby's fingers sprang into action and worked their way up and down Luan's body, tickling her mercilessly. He targeted any potential weak points and gauged her reaction. Armpits, sides, the back of the neck, each vulnerability revealing itself with how her laughter modulated and increased in intensity.
  110. "Ahahah! Stop! Hahah stop! It's too much! Hahahha!" Luan was laughing nonstop at this point, tears forming in her eyes as she wiggled about. Bobby's fingers were working a devilish sort of magic on her. She had never been tickled like this before. The fits of laughing were uncontrollable. "No Bobby, I'm serious! You gotta -pfft- hahah! You gotta stop! I'm gonna pee myself!" Up to this point, Bobby was grinning maniacally as he wreaked havoc on the girl's midsection and armpits. But this was an interesting development, and he weighed his options carefully. Was she bluffing? Was she really going to piss herself if he kept it up? Did he want that? He wasn't sure.
  112. After much deliberation, Bobby decided that he had already gone this far, why not keep going and see what happened? He carried on assailing his victim, making Luan squeal with laughter as she kicked her legs this way and that. She was laughing so loud that her voice was starting to turn hoarse. "Oh my god, Bobby! Hahaha you're so evil!" she panted between bouts of laughter. "I am so -hahaha!- gonna get you for this!" Luan put on an angry expression that quickly dissolved into more giggles. Bobby couldn't stop himself if he tried. His fingers were on a mission, and he would see this to its conclusion. "Bobby! Oh fuck, haha!" her expression had changed and her face was blushing red.
  114. Without realizing it, his hands had drifted away from Luan's armpits and drifted toward her chest. Despite being covered by a white shirt and presumably a bra, whenever Bobby made contact with her budding, young breasts, her body tensed up and Luan's laughter increased to an even more fervent pace. "I...haha! I changed my mind hahah!" Luan's expression had turned wild with pleasure. Her mouth hung agape in a display of continuous pleasure. "Whatever you do, don't stop. Ahahaha!" Bobby took that as a signal to give her everything he had. He alternated between tickling, stroking, and pinching the material right above her bare chest, desperate to see where this could go. Bobby bit his lip as he felt his pants become much tighter than before.
  116. Luan was lying on her back, her legs were spread wide and kicking in the air, and through Bobby's gradual shifting, he found himself right in between them. Her slender calves and thighs flailed about on either side of him, and subconsciously or not, she had angled her hips up so that he had a clear view up her skirt. Going through the motions of trying not to look, Bobby still had an unobstructed view at Luan's pristine white panties. He saw that she had become incredibly wet, the moisture making the fabric cling to her body, which created a near perfect outline of her petite girlhood. He could make out the faintest trace of her two lips and the forbidden line drawn between them. This was doing a lot to Bobby, and he felt his cock straining to be free from its confinements. He was struck like a freight train by an overwhelming desire. He wanted her. Now.
  118. Operating under the guise of wanting to tickle her back, Bobby leaned forward toward Luan and clutched her with both arms. She was perplexed at this sudden closeness but got Bobby's picture pretty quickly. The bulge in his jeans pressed against her cotton panties and Luan let a decadent moan escape from her lips. "Ohhhh my god," she said, and clutched onto Bobby for all he was worth, trying to drag him closer to her. His bulge dug even further into her panties, pressing just the smallest amount of the white fabric inside of her pussy. She needed more leverage. Hooking her ankles behind Bobby's back, she used her lower body strength to shove him into her with as much force as she could manage. Then, operating on instinct and hormones, Luan started moving her hips back and forth, grinding on the bulge. Bobby grunted out loud as his cock was massaged by her dripping wet slit. The tension was driving both of them mad. It was time to stop playing games.
  120. Bobby pulled his hands away from Luan and fumbled impotently with his zipper, somehow unable to pull the damn thing down. Luan saw him struggling and decided to take things into her own hands. With the same level of skill she had demonstrated minutes prior, Luan undid his belt buckle, the top button, and his zipper in a matter of seconds. She looked up at Bobby with a mix of pleading desperation and hesitation. She wasn't...sure what happened next. Bobby gave Luan a reassuring look, as if to say that it's going to be okay, he could take it from here.
  122. Reaching down inside his pants, Bobby freed from his bulge the most impressive looking thing Luan had ever seen. Of course she had done some research on the topic in her private time, but it was an entirely different experience to see one staring down at her, aiming to fill her to the brim. It was magnificent, tremendously long and thick, it pulsed with arousal and gave off a musk that drove Luan fucking mad. Bobby saw hearts in her eyes. Without saying a word, she pulled her skirt up and slid her panties to the side. Bobby looked down and was amazed at her girlhood. Petite and slightly puffy from arousal, her folds were coated slick with her yearning. Her sex was calling out to him, screaming for him. She spread open her lips with one hand and guided his cock toward her with the other.
  124. Delicately, cautiously, she pressed the head of his dick against her opening, lubricating the tip with the abundant amounts of wetness that coated her pussy. She wanted him inside of her immediately, but physics told her that rushing things might split her in half. Bobby sensed her trepidation and took things slow at first. Pressing inside as gradually as he could manage, Luan winced in pain as the enormity of the situation started becoming clear. She didn't care. Entirely over the idea of foreplay, Luan hooked her ankles together even tighter and shoved him inside.
  126. Finally taking the plunge, Bobby moaned without restraint. He had never felt anything so tight. Her supple walls hugged at him firmly, and to their surprise, he was able to shove his cock all the way up to the hilt. Luan gasped at the sensation, and tears started welling up in her eyes. Trying her hardest to fight through this, she looked up at him after a few minutes and put on a weak smile. Gasping, she asked him, "Are you -huff huff- gonna keep going or what? We're a little -huff- TIGHT on time, and it might be HARD to fit you in later."
  128. Bobby looked at her blankly before busting up laughing. He started laughing, she started laughing, all the while his cock was in her pussy. When they finally regained her composure and the laughter ended naturally, Bobby looked at Luan. He took in everything about this moment, her disheveled hair, her flushed red cheeks, her goofy smile. She...Luan...she was perfect. "Okay okay, that one was really good, but you have to stop telling jokes now," he told her.
  130. "Why's that?" she asked quizzically.
  131. "Because if I'm laughing, I won't be able to fuck you as hard as I want to," he answered, grinning.
  132. "Oh! M-message received," Luan said, blushing an even deeper shade of red.
  134. Feeling pleased with himself, Bobby slowly, gradually, tentatively pulled his cock out of Luan and was amazed to find how much trouble that proved to be. Her pussy's natural tightness and wetness created an intense level of suction, which almost seemed to suck him back in. Every inch he pulled out would result in half that length being sucked right back in. "F-fuck, babe, you're so tight." Bobby inadvertently called Luan by Lori's pet name, and this only heightened both of their arousal. Something about that turned on Luan to an unbearable extent. She arched her back and ground her pussy against his waist as cum squirted out, covering the two of them. Her girlhood spasmed and constricted around his cock, trying to milk him prematurely. The sensation was incredible and Bobby nearly lost control. After Luan's orgasm faded, she looked up at him.
  136. "Can you call me babe again?" she requested meekly.
  138. He reached down and kissed her. "Sure thing ...babe." Bobby managed to pull his cock completely out of Luan before quickly hilting her again and again. Luan was going crazy from the pleasure and all sorts of lewd noises started emanating from her lips. As Bobby thrusted in and out, his balls swung back and forth, slapping against her pussy. Luan was in heaven. Her head fell back as she sought to enjoy this as hedonistically as possible. Her eyes glazed over and her tongue started lolling about in her mouth as Bobby fully imposed himself over her. He felt Luan's almost restrictive tightness give way, allowing him to pump in and out with ease.
  140. Building up momentum, Bobby's cock pistoned in and out of Luan. He had planted his hands on either side of her head and used the leverage to pound her with an astonishing amount of force. The couch squeaked in loud protest with every downward thrust. Luan's mind was nearly gone at this point, her orgasms were rolling in and out with increasing frequency, starting just as soon as the last had finished, snowballing into one long continuous state of ecstasy. Bobby felt a familiar tightening in his core and knew what would happen next. But he wasn't sure if Luan was on the same page.
  142. "B-babe...something -unf- is gonna happen soon. -Unf- What do you want me to -unf- do?" Bobby articulated the question as best he could in between thrusts. Luan was brought out of her orgasmic daze and began to realize what Bobby was talking about. She considered all of her collected knowledge from health class, her older sisters, and her mom, and weighed the alternatives. The entire time, Bobby was staring at her dumbstruck, unsure of what to do but desperate to keep going. "Babe? Are you listening? It's uhnf, about to happen!"
  144. Thinking quickly, Luan reached out with both hands and pulled Bobby in for a kiss. She locked her legs into place, preventing his escape. Bobby tried to say something in a hurried, panicked tone, but gave into warm moans of lewd decadence. He thrusted one final time, burying his cock as deep as he could as his balls constricted and he shot his load deep into Luan's pussy. Over and over, his cock spasmed inside of her, painting her inner walls with his sperm. Letting instincts take over, he sought to plunge himself deeper than ever before, and he felt a strange sensation. Despite already being inside her, he felt another opening press against his cock. Unsure of what it was, but needing to go even further, he shoved his cock inside, causing Luan to shout out in pleasure.
  146. Flashbulbs went off in her eyes brighter than the Fourth of July as they shared an orgasm powerful enough to bring the house crashing down. Bobby poured an endless amount of his seed inside of Luan as he kissed her, his moans jerky and uncertain, timed with the aftershocks of their orgasm. After what seemed like an eternity, Bobby collapsed, spent. Luan couldn't help but smile. This moment right here, with Bobby laying peacefully on top of her, nothing could take that away. She could feel his erection fading, but a warm reminder of their embrace lingered within her.
  148. "That was..."
  149. "Wow."
  150. "Yeah."
  151. "And the part where you..."
  152. "Mhmm."
  153. "Oh my god."
  155. Bobby and Luan were so intimately connected at this moment that they could speak in a verbal shorthand. The full sentiment didn't need expressing, they were already on the same wavelength. Bobby leaned up to get another look at Luan. His Luan. He bent down to kiss her, and she giggled as he came near. "This changes things, you know that, right?" He broke from the kiss and put on a serious face. Luan was deathly afraid of whatever Bobby would say next, she could only gulp and look at him expectantly. His stoic gaze softened into a playful smile as he nibbled on her ear and whispered, "Movie night, next week. My place."
  157. Luan was giddy at the prospect of seeing him again. Laughing with glee, she threw her arms around his neck and planted kisses on his face with reckless abandon. Luan's laughter was infectious and Bobby found himself laughing too. He started tickling her again, eliciting high pitched giggles from the girl below him. They were laughing so hard that they didn't notice the sound of flip flops flip-flopping up the pavement, or the creak of wood as someone walked onto the porch. But the next sound they heard perfectly well: the metallic clicking and sliding of tumblers as Lori unlocked the door.
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