
The Marionette

Oct 8th, 2012
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  1. “You're fuckin' kiddin' me.”
  3. “Look, I know we're not really good friends, but you're the best I could think of on such short notice!”
  5. It's Saturday morning, and you're at your front door dealing with your frantic neighbor, a middle-aged woman with a pet carrier beside her left leg on the porch.
  7. “Dis box dumb!” a voice says from within. “Babehs scawed! Gif Iwis owside!”
  9. As you've learned, the carrier contains the woman's pet fluffy, a blue-gray unicorn mare with yellow eyes and a pale pink mane and tail, apparently named Iris. The carrier also contains her recently-born children, three foals that you didn't see when you ducked down to look in. Iris hid them in her fluff and stuck her tongue out at you.
  11. “I barely even know ya!”
  13. “But you work at that fluffy shop! You're good with them, right? Please? Nobody else wants to take her!”
  15. You sarcastically wonder why that would be. The few times you've been outside when Iris has, she's sounded like an utter bitch. Not even the few ferals that wander around here want much to do with her.
  17. “I will totally pay you! It's just for the weekend! I can't leave her by herself!”
  19. You rub your eyes and grumble. You don't have any fluffy ponies of your own at the moment, and were sort of looking forward to the peace for once. Still, money is money.
  21. “Fine. Give me the damn carrier.”
  23. “Oh, thank you!”
  25. After five minutes of waiting for her to shut up, you haul the carrier inside. Iris protests loudly as you carry it, as do her three kids in broken, squeaky sentences. Once you get to the empty safe room, you set it down and open the door.
  27. “Yay, Iwis owside!” she chirps, waddling out after a few seconds. Her three foals, speaking nervous words with the occasional chirp, are sunk into her back fluff. “Iwis no wike dis pwace. No smeww pwetty.”
  29. Of course it doesn't; the people haven't come to clean the carpet yet, and the scents of fluffies past still linger. Iris waddles around, her nose in the air, before turning to you.
  31. “Dis pwace no goo' fo' babehs,” she states. “Iwis' babehs onwy haf bes' pwace.”
  33. “Mumma!” her bright green earth foal chirps, wiggling around in his mom's fluff.
  35. You stare blankly at Iris for a second before walking out and shutting the door behind you. Your plan is to ignore her for as much of the next 48 hours as you possibly can. Iris, of course, has other ideas.
  37. “Dumb hooman come back! Iwis say no wike dis pwace!” she barks, pounding softly on the door. “Gif bes' pwace to Iwis o' Iwis gif big owwies!”
  39. Your countenance grows dark quickly, but you're not going to beat this woman's fluffy pony into a bloody, writhing pulp. You don't want the hassle. Unfortunately, your suspicions about Iris are correct. For three hours, she's loud as hell, barking and scratching at the door, only stopping occasionally. Probably, you surmise, to feed her foals. Once she's done, though, it's back to bitching. And bitching. And...
  41. ...what's that smell? You get off the couch and go back to investigate. Once you open the safe room door, that ungodly odor pummels your nose.
  43. “Iwis gif sowwy poopies to dumb hooman!” she says, lying on the floor with her babies playing beside her.
  45. Eye step over the pile and enter the room. Iris hugs her foals to her chest. They really are beautiful ponies...bright green, deep orange, and a gorgeous yellow pegasus with a white mane tuft and tail. You sit down and look at them.
  47. “Gif Iwis goo' pwace fo' babehs!” she demands again, even though there's a big, soft bed, and a pristine litterbox. Even the water bottles are full, as your plan was to go the shop tomorrow and buy some new victims, before Iris came and started bitching at you.
  49. “This is a good place.”
  51. “No smeww pwetty!”
  53. You reach out to interact with the yellow pegasus, who is waving her forehooves at you and chirping 'huggies!' Just as your fingers arrive to pet her head, though, Iris leans down and bites them.
  55. “Dumb hooman weave babeh 'wone! No can haf babeh huggies!”
  57. You look at your fingers. A faint mark, no blood. You look back at Iris, who blows you a raspberry. Her green foal follows her lead and does the same. You fold your arms and stare, but not just any stare. Iris doesn't understand at first, ignoring you for the most part and tending to her children. Soon enough, though, the silence begins to raise red flags.
  59. “Why dumb hooman no talkies?” Iris asks, finally looking you in the eyes again. When she does this, she gasps. Your blue orbs shoot icy daggers at her; if hate could be bottled, your eyes would be a faucet.
  61. “...w-why hooman scawy wook?” she stutters. Her foals, playing on the carpet at her belly, suddenly stop.
  63. “Mumma owwies?” the orange earth foal asks, misinterpreting her frightened tone for pain. He tries to hug her right rear leg. “Huggies!”
  65. “Always get what ya want, eh, Iris?”
  67. “Iwis bes' fwuffy!” she says, trying to sound haughty despite her nervousness. “Mommy gif bes' nummies an' bes' beddies an' gif babehs!”
  69. “Isn't that nice. Ya must be a very good fluffy to get all that stuff.”
  71. “Iwis bes' fwuffy, mean dumb hooman gif pwetty smeww pwace now?” she asks hopefully.
  73. You smile that smile. Iris begins to tremble a little.
  75. “I think ya need to learn the score, kid,” you say, scooting closer. “I'm not gonna hurt ya. Or your babies. I don't want your 'mommy' to bitch at me for it. Let's get something straight right now, though; I can end you. I can take your babies and crush 'em to death. I can take your legs. I can set your foals on fire and laugh as they burn. I can eat 'em. I can throw 'em out the window and watch 'em starve. I can drop 'em in the trash can. I can make 'em disappear while ya sleep.”
  77. Iris, shaking fiercely, scoops up her brood and hugs them to her chest. They squeak 'owwies' in protest of her tight grip, but she ignores them, her eyes never leaving yours.
  79. “I know ya might own your mommy, but I ain't your mommy. Your life is entirely in my hands. So if ya bite me again, or give me 'sorry poopies',” you hiss, leaning in closer. “You'll wake up and a baby will be gone. You'll never know where it went, just that it ain't there. And I'll keep takin' babies until you realize that I'm in charge. Understand?”
  81. “Iwis...Iwis wuv babehs...” she whispers shakily. “Dumb hooman no take babehs...”
  83. “I take what I want. Now, I'm gonna clean up this shit. When I come back, you'd better be a nice fluffy.”
  85. You stand up and leave, retrieving the paper towels. Iris stares at you as you wipe up the pile, but says nothing, hugging her foals tightly. You leave again to dispose of the towels, but when you go back to the safe room, you're greeted with the sight of Iris in the doorway, cheeks puffed and stomping her forehooves. Her foals, crying 'munsta' quietly, are huddled together in the soft bed in the corner.
  87. “Dumb hooman is munsta!” she says. “Wan' huwt babehs! Iwis no wet babehs haf owwies!”
  89. You idly look down at her for a second, then cast a glance at your watch. It's eighteen after two in the afternoon. At this moment, class is in session, and you have just the lesson in mind. You walk away from the door, not even bothering to close it.
  91. “Iwis make munsta go 'way!” she cheers. “Dis Iwis' pwace now!”
  93. The room she didn't want three hours ago is now hers. That makes you smirk as you enter your bedroom and open your nightstand drawer. Grinning, you take the taser back down the hall.
  96. By the time you get the call from your neighbor Sunday evening, Iris' foals lay on the safe room floor in a bowl, crying bitterly with hunger. Even though they were denied only two days of milk, they're in a poor physical state. While the developmental effects are minor, the dehydration isn't; they expel bursts of runny shit into the bowl that Iris put them into, the act of which causes them to chirp with agony. They couldn't climb out to get to the water bowls, and even if they could, they probably wouldn't be able to figure out how they worked. Of course, to avoid any suspicion, you left Iris' brattiness intact. She continued to berate you all weekend for the safe room not smelling nice, her overloaded teats dragging the carpet as she waddled. She was easy to ignore. Any time the babies cried for their mother, she yelled back at them.
  98. “No am mumma! Dumb babehs! Iwis haf bes' babehs!”
  100. Just like you reprogrammed her.
  102. Now you're on the phone with her owner, explaining the situation.
  104. “I dunno, she just stopped feedin' 'em,” you say. “Says they're dumb babies. I ain't got any foal formula, and I can't make her give 'em milk.”
  106. “I can't believe she'd do that...she loved her foals! What could have happened?”
  108. “No offense, but she's a bit bratty. Maybe one of 'em pissed her off or something.”
  110. Silence on the other end for a moment. You can just hear Iris yelling at her babies from behind the closed safe room door.
  112. “...damn it, I should have expected this. She gets tired of things really fast, of course she'd get tired of her babies. You know what? I'm not having a murderer as a pet. Do whatever you want with her.”
  114. “What about the foals?”
  116. She sounds pissed now, as if the realization she's been played by a fluffy pony all this time is slamming into her all at once. “More little bastards to shit in my heels? Keep them. I don't even care anymore. I'm getting a cat instead.”
  118. After she hangs up, you grab the taser and return to the safe room. Inside, Iris is blowing a long raspberry at her crying children, even turning her back on them to play with the big fluffy-safe blocks.
  120. “Dumb hooman make dumb babehs go 'way!” she demands as you arrive. You kneel down and reset her.
  122. “The babies in the bowl are your babies. You love your babies very much.”
  124. When she comes back to lucidity, she shakes her head and turns to the source of the crying. “Babehs! Mumma wuv you, no cwy!” she gasps, waddling quickly over to the bowl. “Nuuuu! Babehs make poopies! Mumma cwean babehs!”
  126. She pulls the fetid foals out, one by one, and licks them clean despite complaining about the taste. They cry bitterly for milk, and she takes the first two to be cleaned, the green earth and the yellow pegasus, and places them to her teats.
  128. “Hewe babehs! Mumma gif miwk!”
  130. They suckle furiously, but the damage has been done. The milk almost literally goes straight through them, their damaged digestive tracts unable to process it any longer. Not ten minutes after being fed, they cry again, begging to eat, and excreting almost totally undigested milk. Iris, feeding the orange earth foal, moves the green one back to her other teat, since it's currently the loudest.
  132. “Babeh haf miwk! Why babeh make hung'y cwy?” she asks, frustrated.
  134. “You didn't feed 'em for two days.”
  136. Iris looks up at you, ready to hurl an insult, but a flash of recognition streaks across her face. “Goo' babehs...dumb babehs? Dumb babehs goo' babehs now?” she asks, putting the memories into the only way she can understand them.
  138. “Yep. You called 'em dumb babies and didn't give 'em a drop of milk.”
  140. “Why?!” Iris shrieks, scaring her starving foals. “Why Iwis no gif miwk to goo' babehs?! Why Iwis be bad mumma?!”
  142. You don't answer her at first, instead electing to watch as she desperately tries to feed her dying children.
  144. “Why...why Iwis huwt babehs, wuv babehs, babehs goo'...”
  146. You smile.
  148. “'Cause, Iris, you are my fuzzy little puppet.”
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