
She Was My Mentor

Sep 24th, 2013 (edited)
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  1. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (Right. Coplayers. Introducing myself, or do you know of me already?)
  2. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( More the latter, but we've never formally introduced ourselves. I'm Echowen Ardowen. Echo, or 'Cho. It's a pleasure to be able to play with you. )
  3. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (Epic E-Peen "Riley" Kim, Seer of Mind native, co-Seergate instigator, co-god king of Corpse Fiesta and server monkey (you can blame me for the otters), inexplicably good at Heart due to seven-year Ring voyage, and apparently insufferably Mageish sometimes. By which I mean all the time.)
  4. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( ...you appear to have dropped a name, from when I learned of you from Myra. May I ask why? )
  5. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (What?)
  6. <epinephrineElectrified> [No seriously, /what/?]
  7. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (Okay what did she tell you about me.)
  8. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( I was curious about people she'd known in the past. She didn't really let me know anything about you that she wouldn't have for anybody else. But she didn't call you Riley. E-Peen was mentioned, yes. But. )
  9. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (...but what?)
  10. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( But you're E-Peen in the same way I was Trollgirl. A pet name, pretty much. )
  11. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (Right. Yes, I've dropped a name.)
  12. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (I prefer it that way.)
  14. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Zei" (why did Myra tell someone else about me after she dropped me)
  16. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( Because I asked to know about who she'd taken to beforehand, and didn't let her get away with nonanswers? I was a Thief of Mind, natively. I was pretty good at getting the answers I wanted, when I felt like it. )
  17. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (Right, right. Next you'll say you stole the memories from her.)
  18. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (When she didn't tell you outright.)
  19. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (Very funny.)
  20. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (What kind of relationship did you have with her?)
  21. <epinephrineElectrified> [You're making random stabs in the dark at this point.]
  22. <epinephrineElectrified> [The fact that one of them hits will almost certainly go unacknowledged. At least for now.]
  23. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( What, and give you the impression that I was that bad at getting my way? I'd have told you she gave them to me~. )
  24. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( She was my mentor. )
  25. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (She was /my/ mentor.)
  26. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( Mmhmm. Last I checked, people can take on more than one mentee. )
  27. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (What right have you to just - just /waltz/ /in/ and tear open the reality I've so carefully stitched together for myself?)
  28. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (I had even almost moved on!)
  29. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( So, what. )
  30. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( I should lie, when you ask me direct questions? )
  31. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( Hide the fact that my Native session was the one she killed herself in? )
  32. <epinephrineElectrified> [...]
  33. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (We're not going to have a productive conversation right now. I'll go calm down and dunk my head in the bathtub, and when we're both ready, we can try again.)
  34. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( Sounds good. I've got to go play the worried fiancée anyways. Figure out just how badly-hurt Sk- Spenih is. )
  35. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (Who's Sk?)
  36. * epinephrineElectrified PMs serpentLinguist (Wait nevermind I said I stopped talking.)
  37. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( Sk- is the first two letters of Spenih's given, and family, name. )
  38. * serlin|online PMs epinephrineElectrified: ( Hey, if you'd like, we can babble about unrelated things. I'm familiar with both of our other coplayers. )
  40. <epinephrineElectrified> [You're shaking. Why are you shaking? This was supposed to be a good session with competent people in it, not...]
  42. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Zei" (fuck it all)
  43. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Sorry, Underling decided to try and eat my face. Had to punch it through a wall. )
  44. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Zei" (My coplayer)
  45. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Zei" (was Myra's last mentee.)
  46. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( So. At a guess? Someone either badgered her 'till she told them, /or/ she was considering picking you back up. Or both. )
  47. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( ...the fuck? )
  48. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Zei" (Straight from the horse's mouth and into the notebook.)
  49. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( The /fuck/. )
  50. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Zei" (Exactly.)
  51. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Zei" (Now if you don't mind I'm going to go throw oranges at the shower until I'm too sticky and exhausted to be angry.)
  52. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  53. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Have fun making orange juice. )
  54. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Zei" (I'm not sure I'd call it fun right now, but...)
  55. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Zei" (/me hugs)
  56. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me cuddles )
  57. * epinephrineElectrified has disconnected from the server!
  59. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( I'm working on my jambalaya recipe. I can send the most recent try over, if you like, with the recipe I was using at the time, if you like. )
  60. <staApp|online> [You missed him by a second. Damn.]
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