
Morph Logs #2

Apr 18th, 2016
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  1. [18.04.2016 16:35:16] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: A Nomad...
  2. [18.04.2016 16:35:27] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: Kon'banwa, youngling.
  3. [18.04.2016 16:35:39] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: I mean no harm to you.
  4. [18.04.2016 16:35:57] Hry'Kar: **'ours' sense ~pressence~ (?)**
  5. [18.04.2016 16:36:50] Hry'Kar: **'ours' motive ~friendly/harmless~ (warmth)**
  6. [18.04.2016 16:37:06] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: I know.
  7. [18.04.2016 16:37:26] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: You younglings are not aggressive towards us humans.
  8. [18.04.2016 16:38:15] Hry'Kar: **'ours' ~knowledge~ .. ~answers~ by the {void}**
  9. [18.04.2016 16:38:34] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: 'Answers by the void'?
  10. [18.04.2016 16:38:50] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Fear not.
  11. [18.04.2016 16:39:09] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: I have no intention of harming you, young one.
  12. [18.04.2016 16:39:14] Hry'Kar: **'ours' seek ~ancient wisdom~..from eternity**
  13. [18.04.2016 16:39:39] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: you refer to those that were here before humankind arrived?
  14. [18.04.2016 16:39:53] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: The...Dom Kavash?
  15. [18.04.2016 16:40:57] Hry'Kar: **{Dom'Kavash} .. 'ours' ~ancestors~.(love)**
  16. [18.04.2016 16:41:19] Hry'Kar: **{Dom'Kavash}..grants 'ours'..~wisdom~**
  17. [18.04.2016 16:41:51] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: You are young among yours, yet you grow wise.
  18. [18.04.2016 16:42:20] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: *tries to feel the morph's nearby presence*
  19. [18.04.2016 16:43:04] Hry'Kar: ::You see a flash of light - the supernova in Omega-41::
  20. [18.04.2016 16:43:39] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: Impressive...
  21. [18.04.2016 16:44:02] Hry'Kar: **'ours' seek ~balance/harmony~ .. nature**
  22. [18.04.2016 16:44:32] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: I agree with you. For I myself search for balance.
  23. [18.04.2016 16:45:24] Hry'Kar: **'yours' as (you) .. ~wise~ ... but 'yours' as (species) ~unbalaced/chaotic~**
  24. [18.04.2016 16:45:56] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: That is true. We are unbalanced, chaotic.
  25. [18.04.2016 16:46:09] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: But not all of us are like that.
  26. [18.04.2016 16:46:44] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: Some of us strive to find a small balance for themselves within these seas of chaos.
  27. [18.04.2016 16:47:11] Hry'Kar: **'ours' ~understands~..**
  28. [18.04.2016 16:47:13] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: I am between those.
  29. [18.04.2016 16:47:57] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: [Feels strange, something similar to a hug's wamth, but in his head]
  30. [18.04.2016 16:48:37] Hry'Kar: ::Mankind differentiates from the animal kingdom, as in the animal kingdom there is no Greed, no Betrayal, no Chaos::
  31. [18.04.2016 16:48:49] Hry'Kar: ::Natural balance is kept::
  32. [18.04.2016 16:48:51] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: True.
  33. [18.04.2016 16:48:58] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: I agree.
  34. [18.04.2016 16:49:19] Hry'Kar: ::You see a vision of the political crimes and schemes being done::
  35. [18.04.2016 16:49:34] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: [Sighs heavily]
  36. [18.04.2016 16:49:51] Hry'Kar: ::You see a vision of the innocents dying in result of it::
  37. [18.04.2016 16:50:15] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: [He feels his soul growling in pain]
  38. [18.04.2016 16:50:25] Hry'Kar: ::You see how the credits that mankind solely relies on, are a fuel of an engine of corruption::
  39. [18.04.2016 16:50:39] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: Yes, we humans are able atrocious.
  40. [18.04.2016 16:50:54] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: Within ourselves, and with your kind.
  41. [18.04.2016 16:51:18] Hry'Kar: **'ours' .. ~sympathize~ .. 'yours'**
  42. [18.04.2016 16:51:22] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: I for myself am striving to mantain a inner balance of mine.
  43. [18.04.2016 16:52:09] Hry'Kar: ::You feel a warm breeze, even though you are inside your ship::
  44. [18.04.2016 16:52:32] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: I feel...refreshed...
  45. [18.04.2016 16:52:41] Hry'Kar: **'ours' .. wish upon 'yours' .. ~love/safety/harmony~ (warmth)**
  46. [18.04.2016 16:53:13] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: My thanks, young spirit. If you happen to pass by Kusari again, I will be here to have a chat.
  47. [18.04.2016 16:53:34] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: [Closes its eyes, then smiles]
  48. [18.04.2016 16:53:52] Hry'Kar: ::Whenever you are in harm's path, look upon the stars. May they grant you wisdom and strength::
  49. [18.04.2016 16:53:59] Preparing to cloak...
  50. [18.04.2016 16:54:09] [HA]-Tb|Mr.Kobayashi: Kobayashi: Farewell, young one.
  51. [18.04.2016 16:54:30] Cloaking device on
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