
festival mozume-kisaragi

Apr 16th, 2016
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  1. [usual disclaimer:]
  3. Mozume: It sucks the festival we've been waiting for has become like this.
  4. Kisaragi: Don't worry mother! There's plenty of time! I think we'll be able to play a lot even after we defeat the bandits.
  5. Mozume: You're right. Let's hurry up and get rid of them then.
  6. Kisaragi: Ah, that's right! Mother, I've got a favour to ask!
  7. Mozume: A favour? What kind of favour? Oh well, today's festival is to celebrate our children growing up so unless it's something impossible you can ask for anything you want.
  8. Kisaragi: You see mother...I want to work with you at the fields.
  9. Mozume: Ahaha, what an unusual request. Aren't you kind of a prince?
  10. Kisaragi: Hmph, that's irrelevant. I'm just asking because I want to do it.
  11. Mozume: Ok ok, you're right, I'm sorry. But why do you want to work the fields?
  12. Kisaragi: It's because of what father said. How he was able to realize how wonderful you are when he worked the fields with you.
  13. Mozume: Ta-takumi said that? I-I'm getting kind of embarrassed...
  14. Kisaragi: I also want to see more and more of mother's wonderful points. So please! Let me work the fields with you too!
  15. Mozume: Well all right...I can't turn you down when you ask like that. So if you want to help you're welcome to. But this isn't an easy job you know? Can you really do it properly till the end?
  16. Kisaragi: Leave it to me! I'm pretty confident about my physical strength!
  17. Mozume: Ahaha, that sounds great. Let's start tomorrow immediately then.
  18. Kisaragi: Yay! Thanks mother!
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