
Digimanzo Worldo 3 Pasterino

Mar 20th, 2014
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  1. Hello, my name is Connor. I watched your live commentary of your Digimon World 3. I am a huge fan of Digimon and still play even at the age of 17. Let me say that you do not know how to play. I'm just saying you are not meant to play this game. My advice, use your party Digimon and level them all up together. You then can beat any AoA trainer and boss out there. I've played every single Digimon game and I know what I am talking about. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Connor B.
  3. Ey, Ridelith here, and when my speed stat is feeling small from all that RNG; I find the time to order up myself a DominosⓇ Deep DishⓇ pizza. Perfect training is a 1 in over 9000 chance but DominosⓇ pizza is a 1 in 1 chance of being delicious. So use that Blade Twister and hit home with that Galacticmon kill! It's a one-hit KO! Use coupon code: PizzerZ to save time on your wallet's splits.
  5. Hey streamer, I hope you can see this message now that the chat has died down. I wanted to say congrats! I know you can get better TP RNG but I always want to tip my blue cap off to you. Through thick and thin I will still be here to always support you. I know Counter Crest grind is a bitch, but you always come back with a good mood for resetting. I wish you the very best on your next runs, and hope you get an even better Galacticmon fight. I will continue to be here and find new strats as always. Great job streamer. I am rooting for your Blade Twisters as always! You should be proud.
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