
Tales from the Secret Shop (One-Shot Series)

Dec 23rd, 2012
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  1. *NOTE: This is the tale of the Secret Shop, where every item has a story of its own. This is also a series of one shots. As you can see, I list down the 'locations' of the inventory. You may request an item randomly- or you can ask for an item, and the shopkeeper can try to find the closest thing to what you want.*
  3. ---The Olden Doll (Top rack, fifth item)---
  5. >What makes a Hero?
  6. >Their prowess?
  7. >Their Intellect, perhaps?
  8. >Or...
  9. >Maybe the clothes really do make the man.
  10. >Along side with their inventory full of legendary blades and armor, of course.
  11. >But where do they come from, you ask?
  12. >Legendary items do not simply pop out of nowhere.
  13. >Unless its legendary strength is popping out of nowhere.
  14. >But you ask again, where do they come from?
  15. >Why, if you know where to look, you'd have anything.
  16. >And as for your usual case of unusual-ities, you visit the secret shop.
  17. >Go for the small corner at a town named after the country kin and follow the shadows of the sleeping homes.
  18. >The shop that only opens when the moon is high and bright-
  19. >The shop that holds the most rarest of the artifacts-
  20. >The shop without that annoying 10% tax-
  21. >Anonymous' shop of Secrets.
  23. >Scootaloo finishes reading the odd letter, as she and her two companions make their way through the town.
  24. >"'A town named after the country kin'? Wha' the biscuits does that mean, Scootaloo?" Applebloom intercepts the end of her speech.
  25. >"I dunno, maybe it has to do the cowponies?" Sweetie Belle adds.
  26. >"Cowponies? How in the tarnation-"
  27. >"Wvell, I just thought it had to do with country." Sweetie huffs.
  28. >"I don't think it means that, Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo puffs.
  29. >The three un-marked fillies make their way across the olden part of the town-
  30. >Right into the waiting arms of the secret shop.
  32. >Fate weaves events together, bringing individuals together.
  33. >You look over the dark street, catching no sign of life.
  34. >But the winds bear a different news for dear old no-name...
  35. >You dust the grey material off your stock, reclaiming the gleam the items never lost.
  36. >Inventory never go missing, just misplaced.
  37. >Like your toothbrush every day.
  38. >But you know all strings in the web of secrets tug at the center.
  39. >If someone stole for you, it will return. In which manner you are unsure, but it always did.
  40. >Besides, you had all the time in the world.
  41. >You take the last moments you have to yourself to brew a simple batch of tea.
  42. >Oh yes, the lavender scent will suit it finely.
  44. >You hear a ring of the store door.
  45. >My oh my, aren't they early.
  46. >You glance at your wrist watch.
  47. >Or not...
  48. >Right on time.
  49. >Perhaps your cookbooks aren't the only thing that is beginning to age.
  50. >You slowly make your way to the counter, keeping your steps as silent as possible.
  51. >You soon pick up a few voices in the shop... Three? Possibly three customers.
  52. >You peek through the doorway, finding no one to be seen.
  53. >Perhaps the Urn of Souls got loose again.
  54. >Eh, it would be glad to converse with the old heroes.
  55. >You take a moment to take a sip, when you hear a loud clash in the far end of the store.
  56. >Setting your cup down at the glass counter, you lean over to see beyond the racks of all kinds of items.
  57. >You just find a a mess of the fifth column, what you recall was the place you stored the Blade of the Stallion and a jar of petrified monkey dick.
  58. >Oh bonkers, the jar is broken.
  59. >You hear more scuffle across the store, causing you to look around worriedly.
  60. >Your eyes finally stop right under the counter, and you see three tiny fillies.
  61. "May I help you?" You ask, raising a brow.
  62. >"We are the- Cutie Mark Crusaders!" The fillies shout, in a voice that sounds slightly unsure.
  63. "What do you seek?" You ask, hoping that they are not window shoppers.
  64. >Darn expensive window shoppers.
  65. >"We're just uhhhhh looking for something interesting." The orange one says, flashing a smile at you.
  66. "Do you have an idea?"
  67. >"Uhmmm, do you sell toys?"
  68. "I sell forbidden objects from places ponies fear to thread- I also sell-" You tap the fridge by your side- "Frozen yogurt, which I call frogurt."
  69. >"We just want a toy?"
  70. "Ah, then I'll have something to please the filly." You say, as you turn around.
  71. >Moving your hand across the racks, you finally grab the item, a simple, crude doll of a pony.
  72. "Take this object, and give it a look, but beware- it carries a terrible curse."
  73. >"That's bad." Scootaloo says, as she takes the doll.
  74. "But it comes with a free frogurt!"
  75. >"That's good!" Sweetie Belle bounces.
  76. "But the frogurt is also cursed."
  77. >"That's bad." Applebloom says.
  78. "But you get a choice of topping!"
  79. >"That's good!" Scootaloo replies.
  80. "But the topping contains banana extract benzoate."
  81. >"..." The three are silent.
  82. "That's bad." You add.
  83. >"Can we go now?" The fillies whine.
  84. "Yes, and that would be-"
  85. >The filles take the moment to dash out of the store.
  86. >You frown once, but it melts away when you sip your tea again.
  87. >After all, inventory never go missing- just misplaced.
  88. >You turn back to your kitchen, when your feet feels something.
  89. >Your toothbrush, lovely.
  90. >You smile and pick the dirty object up.
  91. >Like you said, just misplaced.
  92. >But this might need RE-placing.
  93. >Your shop door rings once more, and you find a familiar face coming in.
  94. >No, it can't be that pony again.
  95. >"Can I have more of your frogurt?" She says exuberantly.
  96. >You are guessing she is after something else.
  97. >But she doesn't look like the thieving kind...
  98. "Lyra, why do you visit me day after day?" You ask, just wanting to get it over with.
  99. >"I er- uhm... I really like your frogurt?"
  100. "You could at least try to lie?"
  101. >"Fine." Lyra scowls in discontent.
  102. >"Right to the point, eh, Anonymous? I like that." Lyra takes the chance to lean close to the counter.
  103. >"I REALLY like that." She emphasizes the word 'really'.
  104. "Alright?"
  105. >"Alright? Does that mean I can have your hotmmonkeydick?" She shouts, practically glowing.
  106. "Of course! Coming right up." You return with a smile.
  107. >You go over the counter, and right the downed rack.
  108. >"S-so, are we going to like- do it here?"
  109. "The business? Of course!"
  110. >Lyra blushes rather brightly.
  111. >You bend down to pick up the broken fragments of the jar- and its contents.
  112. >You show Lyra the prize, and exclaim rather happily;
  113. "I knew someone would buy the lucky Chinese Monkey dick charm!"
  115. >"Say, Scootaloo, isn't stealing bad?" Sweetie asks nervously.
  116. >"But he said he could go! He said it was okay." Scootaloo replies quickly.
  117. >"Come on, don't be such a worry billy, lets see what curse this doll holds!"
  118. >"But when do we give it back? Applejack said stealing is wrong." Applebloom urges her friend.
  119. >"I said, we'll give it back once we know what cool things it does! Come on, to the clubhouse!"
  120. >Applebloom and Sweetie Belle throw each other a worried glance, but ultimately decide to trust their friend.
  121. >The criss-cross through the apple trees, having Scootaloo by the lead.
  122. >They quickly reach the confines of their base, and already begin to prod at the mysterious item.
  124. >It was a simple make, a few patches here and there, with no sign of any out-worldly notable features to see.
  125. >No sign of enchantments, no sign of shiny after-effects, and most of all, no mechanical parts and all of that whilly-nilly.
  126. >Soon, the girls grew tired of the object, and threw it aside, preferring to play with their own toys and games.
  127. >What the girls failed notice was the fact that the doll stood up, and have made its way to them.
  128. >It awkwardly bent its knees to copy their sitting position, Scootaloo's to be specific.
  129. >Only after a moment of defeat on Scootaloo's side (In a game of a Monopoly), the trio figured out the doll was watching them.
  130. >"Hey, who put the doll here?" Scootaloo asks, slightly surprised.
  131. >The doll's head suddenly animated, and turns to Scootaloo, looking at it with its empty button eyes.
  132. >A mouth suddenly rips open on its snout, and it mimics Scootaloo.
  133. >'Hey, who put the doll here?' It echoes.
  134. >By now, the girls have dragged back to each corner of the room.
  135. >The doll takes are few glances around, and follows their suit, occupying the last corner.
  136. >It still looks around like a curious bird, taking note of each of everyone's actions.
  137. >The fillies scream once, seeing how it was moving and all.
  138. >The doll takes a moment of pause, before screaming back in the most dreadful shriek the fillies ever heard.
  139. >The girls cover their ears quickly at this, which the doll mirrors rather quickly.
  140. >After what seemed like an eternity of a stare-out, the four go into motion again.
  141. >This time, the doll copies them in a split-second.
  142. >"Why is it following us?" Applebloom whispers to Sweetie Belle.
  143. >Applebloom catches the doll doing the exact same thing.
  144. >"I-I don't know!" Sweetie Belle whispers back, which comes off more like a shout.
  145. 'I don't know!' The dolls goes about.
  146. >"M-maybe we should make a run for it?" Scootaloo whispers to the two.
  147. >They nod in unison, and waste no second.
  148. >The three dash out of their clubhouse with all of their might, running across the orchard in a full, single-file gallop.
  149. >Scootaloo turns around to check for the doll.
  150. >To her surprise, it is closing on her, running at an unbelievable speed.
  151. >Fear provides the three a new burst of stamina, helping them zoom across the late-night town.
  152. >"Girls, I have an idea! Let's split up!" Sweetie Belle shouts.
  153. >"Great idea! You go left, and Applebloom go right. I'll go straight! We go straight for our homes! Come on Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Scootaloo orders.
  154. >In some feat of 'team'-work, the three separate at the same time and rush away at their own direction.
  155. >The doll pauses right at the point where the gang split off.
  156. >It looks around with its large black buttons- in that same quizzical look it always had.
  157. >It gives itself a little shake, only to draw out a small wooden frame on each of its sides.
  158. >It flares out into a tiny pair of wings.
  159. >And then-
  160. >It takes the path in the center.
  162. >Scootaloo slammed the door of her room, ignoring the call of her mother- asking what scared her so much.
  163. >She then quickly jumped into her bed, and draped the warm blanket over her face.
  164. >She felt safe in there, hidden from the sight of that wicked item.
  165. >What was it anyway?
  166. >Her rapidly beating heart eased soon enough, and the cold sensation at the end of her hooves died away in the heat.
  167. >And before she knew it, she was fast asleep.
  169. >Scootaloo woke to a noise coming from her window.
  170. >She slowly turned towards it, her heart racing once more.
  171. >She was practically dragging herself into the position, too afraid to see what she know she'll see.
  172. >A light screech was heard at the glass, and some taps were heard.
  173. >Scootaloo closed her eyes as she felt the soft moonlight on her face.
  174. >Only after a moment she dared to open her eyes, but shut it again, in case she would actually spot it.
  175. >A second take revealed nothing was there, just a rogue tree branch tapping and scratching the glass.
  176. >Scootaloo drew a breath of relief, and smiled as she tried sleep once more.
  177. >She realized one thing too late.
  178. >Her door was open.
  180. >Scootaloo moved about in her position, trying to rouse herself to sleep again.
  181. >Turning over to the cooler half of the bed, Scootaloo finally saw it.
  182. >She saw her room door open, like a gaping mouth of a monster- like an opening to the void- like a trap waiting to spring.
  183. >A light knock was heard on the wooden floor.
  184. >Another followed.
  185. >Tap.
  186. >Tap.
  187. >Tap.
  188. >The noise was getting louder.
  189. >Tap.
  190. >Tap.
  192. >Tap.
  193. >TAP.
  194. >Scootaloo instantly turned to the other side, already shaking.
  195. >She was buried deep in her blankets again, cowering from what followed her.
  196. >A sudden shift in the balance of the bed took Scootaloo by surprise, as if something climbed onto the bed.
  197. >Scootaloo quickly spun around to face the doll staring right back at her.
  198. >Scootaloo screamed and jumped off her bed, crawling away from the doll.
  199. >There was something wrong with the doll.
  200. >She noticed and recognized the button eye right away, but the coat.
  201. >The coat had changed colour.
  203. >Scootaloo dragged herself up, her trembling legs not helping.
  204. >She silently crept up away from the bed, cornering herself on her study table.
  205. >The doll was statuesque, unmoving and completely stiff.
  206. >It just rested in her bed, looking straight into her eyes with its unblinking buttons.
  207. >Scootaloo soon found will to break the stare, and began to move away.
  208. >She half expected the doll to follow her, but it stayed still.
  209. >She had no clue what to d-
  210. >Wait! The odd salesman! He could help her!
  211. >Scootaloo gulped down a mouthful of spit, and began to make her way towards the door.
  212. >She moved in an arching position, trying her best to stay away from the bed.
  213. >As soon as she declared herself home-free, she made a run for it.
  214. >She ran out her house, and made her way to the mysterious store.
  215. >She suddenly tripped, falling flat on her face.
  216. >Scootaloo looked over the road to see what tripped her- only to find nothing.
  217. >What she noticed, however-
  218. >Was a quilt patch on her grey leg.
  219. >Scootaloo tried giving it a shake, but it did not move.
  220. >She couldn't feel her left back leg.
  221. >Scootaloo gave it a harder shake, only ripping the seams on the patch.
  222. >Small fluffs of cotton fell out through the rip, touching the ground without a care.
  223. >Scootaloo tried getting up, but her new leg just crumpled without any resistance.
  224. >She had no choice to drag herself to the store, and did so with all of her might.
  225. >Pebbles and dirt grind against her skin, causing more tears on her doll leg and tiny wounds on her other.
  226. >Good thing the store was in sight, Scootaloo had to get help right now.
  227. >Scootaloo saw the welcoming mat of your store, and began to bash against the door.
  228. >Her lower body had lost feeling now, and that affliction was crawling up her body.
  229. >Tears were flowing out of her eyes, as Scootaloo begged for help.
  230. >Her wings scrunched up to nothing.
  231. >Now- she could only move her neck.
  232. >And after that brief moment, the longest pause was heard in the shady alley of Ponyville.
  234. >Waiting for your new batch of tea, you open your store door to take a fresh scent of the morning.
  235. >Ah yes, one good thing about this small town was how unsoiled it was.
  236. >Fresh air every time you opened your door.
  237. >Better than any Pine air freshener you had.
  238. >Your hear your tea boil in the kitchen, and you turn to head back in.
  239. >Your feet feels something.
  240. >You look down to see the doll back.
  241. >Touching its wet cheeks, you bring it in to set it on the counter.
  242. >Did it tear a leg?
  243. >You'd fix that later.
  244. >You save your morning tea just in time.
  245. >You blow on the hot liquid, before taking a sip.
  246. >Then you just can't help but to smile.
  247. >Inventory never go missing.
  248. >They just get replaced.
  250. >Anonymous looked over his collection of items.
  251. >A bag of pure rainbow, an alicorn's horn, changeling's chitin- and ah! Of course.
  252. >The newest addition- a doll of a pony.
  253. >And like this very doll, every of these items have a tale of their own.
  254. >But that- is a tale for another time.
  256. The end.
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