
Keltar Devir Personality

May 27th, 2020
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  1. Keltar is a kind hearted, sociable, playful man and prefers fooling around over having any responsibility. By his own admission, his most hated sentences are "hard work" and "work hard”, he has a fairly goofy side and spends half of his fights enjoying having outsmarted his current enemy with incredibly zany schemes, which take his opponents by surprise by how silly his plans are at first sight.
  2. Even though his mentor, a former samurai, taught him the ways of the bushido, she also taught him that life is way more important than honor, as well as the downsides of that path. Although, while he will have an honorable fight against an honorable opponent, he usually doesn’t follow that path of thinking, not having any restrain on his methods during an encounter. Keltar believes that anything is fair in a fight as long as one isn't needlessly cruel.
  3. He’s always interested in any kind of gimmick that he could later use into a fight, as well as cunning ways to implement them in order to surprise his enemies, such as alchemy (again, only for warring methods), magic items, and any kind of siege technology. Keltar is also fascinated by the nature; he has survived in the wild for several months, and met many faes and druids on his travels, he is by no means an expert, but he can manage himself, although, he’s always willing to learn stuff about new ecosystems and species of animals and monsters. On his idle time, when he’s not training, he took the habit of reading from his friend Theren, he particularly enjoys reading about history, and fiction, aside from the aforementioned topics. Unlike his friend Saber, he finds commerce and economy as a really boring topic, and usually spaces out when he talks to him about it, although he’s very interested in the practical uses of magic, he’s usually bored when they explain to him how it works, which is another thing that his friend likes to ramble about.
  4. He suffers a slightly case of thalassophobia, he’s not afraid of the sea per say, and he knows how to swim perfectly, but he feels a heavy discomfort from being into the deep sea, just looking at the deep creatures from the sea makes him nauseate, he can still travel on the sea during long journeys on boat, but he’s not happy about it. He has no problems with humanoid sea creatures such as Sea Elves and Mermaids though since they’re “human-ish” enough, but he will feel a high disgust by the mere sight of a simple octopus and anything fishy.
  5. He can be very racist towards orcs and goblins, he doesn’t trust anyone coming from a similar race to the greenskins, as someone who has lived near the Spine of The World he has his reasons.
  6. Despite his usual company and friendship with religious characters, he’s not that religious himself, he can see the good from The Seldarine and Eilistraee, and he knows that following the quests and tasks they give to his friend Lewis can bring some degree of betterment to the realms, but he’s not a devout person, he knows that being too attached to a religion can sometimes lead to mistakes, such as the whole of the Drow Lolthian society, and that deities can’t be fully trusted, same goes to ideologies, that’s why he didn’t followed the bushido at all, too much discipline, although he respects some aspects of it.
  7. Keltar is also kind of childish sometimes, this might be a sequel from the early days of his childhood, where the priestesses of his house didn’t disciplined him as heavily as most other males from drow society. He always likes to play little games, and he’s always making jokes, although his humor is often seen as goofy and bad.
  8. He’s also very forgetful, often relying on the memory of his team mates to remember the given tasks at the moment, as well as the details of past events.
  9. At the beginning of his adventure, Keltar's one redeeming trait was his devotion to his family and friends. Keltar cares deeply for his deceased mentor Hoshi Kyosai, and is deeply angered when anyone dares to disrespect her legacy. As his adventure went on, Keltar also cared a lot for his friends. Keltar also has a knack for befriending people. Despite having been initially attacked by Theren as a mistake, he quickly befriended him, even though they kept some form of healthy rivalry from there, dropping it at some point to take him as his master in regards of psionic disciplines.
  10. Even though he’s a quick learner in terms of practical activities, he has a lot of trouble at concentrating, which causes a lot of desperation from anyone willing to train him further into his psionic powers; this happened a lot with Theren’s training.
  11. Keltar is something of a flirt. He regularly comments on women’s voluptuousness and is bold in his flirting with some girls he met on his travels. Keltar’s initial antagonistic behavior toward Garret during their adventures may have been out of jealousy that he could seduce girls so easily.
  12. Ever since he left the Underdark, through Astral Plane travelling using a portal, Keltar has had a lot of interest for other worlds, and he has an open mind about it. He’s been mocked for believing that “up there” in the sky there might be other worlds as well since “he came from another world from the down under”. He wants to see other worlds, and any chance for spelljämming or plane-travelling will be definitely a “yes” from him. He also feels a lot of curiosity for the far eastern realms where his mentor came from, and wants to travel there someday.
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