
TSW 7: Kasra Talks with Vernbeck.

Apr 1st, 2016
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  1. [18:29] IcePickLobotomy ---------------------------
  2. [18:30] Kasra (This is the guy who's been doing my psych evals and I've even told about the dreams, yeah?)
  3. [18:30] IcePickLobotomy A few hours later. Dr Vernbeck steps into the room. "Kasra, how are you?" His voice contains a hint of warmth for you.
  4. [18:30] IcePickLobotomy (Yeah, he's the SciDiv head as well.)
  5. [18:31] Kasra "I'm feeling much improved, doctor. Perhaps the nurse can leave now that you are here?"
  6. [18:31] IcePickLobotomy He nods, the nurse leaves, locking the door behind him.
  7. [18:32] Kasra "I'm not sure how much of my audio was obscured in the battle, but did you notice me saying anything...odd?"
  8. [18:33] IcePickLobotomy "Nothing stands out, but there is a lot of chatter in combat."
  9. [18:33] Kasra "Well, there's no easy way to say this, but I believe I was experiencing more low-grade hallucinations."
  10. [18:34] Kasra "And I was...responding to them."
  11. [18:34] IcePickLobotomy "I see. This phenomenon is not unknown to us."
  12. [18:35] Kasra "I was under the impression that I was speaking with the intruder."
  13. [18:36] IcePickLobotomy He pauses a moment. "And what was the nature of the communication you perceived?"
  14. [18:37] Kasra "It seemed sympathetic and self assured. It told me that I fought well and that I could just..."
  15. [18:38] IcePickLobotomy "Just?" he probes
  16. [18:38] Kasra "Um. That I could just...give up and die. With honor, it said."
  17. [18:38] IcePickLobotomy "And how sure are you of this being the Intruder and not a. . . effect brought on by the Emittor?"
  18. [18:39] Kasra "That's the reason I wanted to tell you right away. From what I know of delusions, it should have been antagonistic or belligerent, but it wasn't. I don't regret what we're doing, sir. I love it. I'm not saying it was actually the intruder, that's ridiculous, but...I don't know what's wrong with me."
  19. [18:40] IcePickLobotomy He scribbles some notes down. "Kasra, what I'm going to tell you cannot be spread to the other pilots, understand? The effects on their already poor moral would be. . . unacceptable to the continued combat performance, and I'd rather not have the Colonel barging into my office like a Russian winter again."
  20. [18:40] Kasra "I have a near perfect bill of mental health, if you don't mind me saying. But since actual deployment...I'm just worried that if this continues, I may endanger the team or METI."
  21. [18:44] Kasra "Of course, sir."
  22. [18:46] IcePickLobotomy "The very same neural plasticity that gives you all the ability to sync with the units as well as you do also means that you are, probably, at a markedly higher risk of side-effects by the emitter."
  23. [18:46] IcePickLobotomy "Whether this extends to the. . . long term effects of exposure as well is being debated."
  24. [18:48] Kasra "I understand. If there's any way that I could help further this research, I'd be happy to." Suddenly, there's a pang of shame in Kasra's expression.
  25. [18:48] IcePickLobotomy He shakes his head.
  26. [18:49] Kasra "And I...apologize for my actions in the previous synch test. It was reflex, and I am aware that I likely breached the objective parameters."
  27. [18:50] IcePickLobotomy "No, we've enrolled a few Blue level canidates for further study, no need to risk our pilot pool on something that's of a low priority." He raises a eyebrow. "I wasn't planning on bringing that up, but do you mind explaining what happened exactly? We haven't had the time to debrief off of that, and I dare say the other pilots will be reluctant to speak honestly about it to me considering...
  28. [18:50] IcePickLobotomy ...what happened."
  29. [18:51] Kasra Kasra's retelling of the events is full of kind-ofs and maybes and I'm-not-sures, but he relays what he can as best he can.
  30. [18:51] IcePickLobotomy He nods.
  31. [18:52] IcePickLobotomy "Interesting. We were just hoping to establish some baselines with actual scientific equipment. But that. . ." He trails off, muttering to himself in German. "
  32. [18:53] Kasra "I was particularily concerned at the loss of sense of self and Robin and Lana being...awake at the same time."
  33. [18:55] IcePickLobotomy "I think I can explain the former. Current MetaBiological theory states that the. . AT Field is the. . . think of it the data of what makes you, /you/ and your body is the. . . parts of it that actually makes use of that data to /be/ you."
  34. [18:55] IcePickLobotomy "Taken in isolation, a AT Field is just data, nothing to base a sense of "self" off of."
  35. [18:56] Kasra "The body provides...context for the data to be made sense of and categorized."
  36. [18:56] IcePickLobotomy "Exactly."
  37. [18:57] Kasra "Doctor may I ask a further question?"
  38. [18:57] IcePickLobotomy "Of course."
  39. [18:57] Kasra "If it's the data that makes us us, what are the outrider's and angel's AT fields telling us?"
  40. [18:58] Kasra "They have the data and the context, just not the mind to process it, right?'
  41. [18:58] IcePickLobotomy He smiles, thin lips pulling over worn teeth making him resemble a skull all the more strongly.
  42. [19:01] IcePickLobotomy "It is a rather. . . difficult subject to explain, MetaBiology, and while many of my. . . colleges are apt to use the term /soul/ I prefer to stay away from such superstitious thought-patterns." He leans back. "You have asked a very, very good question Kasra, and one that I am unable to fully answer but, I will tell you my own theory."
  43. [19:03] IcePickLobotomy "The AT Field, for humans, holds the data that defines what we are. But for the Angels and the Outriders, I think that they are able to. . . edit this data selectively, allowing them to alter reality in the manner we have seen."
  44. [19:03] IcePickLobotomy "They are able to alter the parameters of their existence at will."
  45. [19:06] Kasra "At will? That implies an almost human intelligence. And 'angels?' Isn't that a fairly superstitious line of thought?"
  46. [19:09] IcePickLobotomy "For the first point, hardly. Ants are able to emulate human society via instinct, but I would hardly say they are thinking creatures either. When I say at "will" I was speaking more to the capability, however such abilities may be instinctual, or pre-programmed in." He chuckles "As for the Angel, it's rather common amoung the MetBio department, and with the rather late hours we've all been...
  47. [19:09] IcePickLobotomy ...pulling, it must have slipped my mind."
  48. [19:10] Kasra "I see. One more question, and I'll end my report so you can get some rest."
  49. [19:10] IcePickLobotomy He nods
  50. [19:11] Kasra "If I could find a way to selectively edit /my/ AT field, could it be used to manipulate theirs? Some form of augmented negation field?"
  51. [19:12] IcePickLobotomy ". . . . It is in theory possiable, and the use of your field to negate their own implies that you are already doing so, but to further the effects. . ." he nods "Yes, based on what you've already shown, I see no reason why it can't be done. I'll set up a sim program for you to start testing if you'd like."
  52. [19:13] Kasra "I'd appreciate it, sir. I believe that it could have a great impact on future engagements.
  53. [19:13] IcePickLobotomy He nods, "You are quite welcome Kasra. Rest well."
  54. [19:14] Kasra "Oh, and could you give me medical clearance so I can leave? I'd prefer to meet with the rest of the lance."
  55. [19:15] IcePickLobotomy He quickly signs off a illegable note and passe sit to you. "Wave this in someone's face if they give you trouble. Young men should be off chasing girls and raising trouble."
  56. [19:17] Kasra chuckles. "Well, /I'll/ be in my room, working on my AT Manipulation theory."
  57. [19:17] IcePickLobotomy "I suppose I need to chase some nurses around to make up for you then." he sighs. "Well, have a good day there Kasra."
  58. [19:18] Kasra "Good hunting, doctor." Kasra begins his shaky trek to the nurses and with their guidance to Reagans room.
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