
(NN) Joking Joe

Jul 24th, 2013
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  1. "Okay, so this Saturday I'll help you and Red, Sounds good?"
  2. >AJ: "Yeah, thanks Norman. You're a real-"
  3. >SLAM
  4. >Both of you jump a little from the slamming locker. You look to see who slammed the locker between of you shut and see its Joe Bravo.
  5. >JB: "Howdy there green eyed beautiful.... Sup' Racist."
  6. >Orange gives out a huff but returns the howdy still.
  7. >AJ: "Howdy, Joe."
  8. "Its not racist."
  9. >JB: "You sure? Let me ask you this. What's the difference between an apple..."
  10. >Orange interest sky rocketed once the A word is said.
  11. >"And a black man?"
  12. >Well you aren't interested before or now.
  13. "No, clue. And don't care."
  14. >JV: "An apple sure looks mighty fine hanging from a tree."
  15. >Wow, what a racist. He should be getting shit everyday for being an actual racist.
  16. "Dude, thats not-"
  17. >AJ: "Bahahahahaha! That's so funny! *snort* Oh my sides!"
  18. >Joe wraps an arm around her shoulder and starts to guide her away.
  19. >JV: "Let me tell you about the Rabbi, a priest, and the Apple who went to the bar."
  20. >You just stand there shocked. Orange laughed at an actual racist joke. And she is flirting back to him.
  21. -----------------------------------------------------
  22. >R: "Thanks, again darling for helping me out cleaning up the Fashion Club's Party aftermath."
  23. "No, problemo. Anything for yo-cough anything for the club."
  24. >You toss out the streamers and see you're almost done. There is a small knock at the door.
  25. >JB: "Knock, knock. Hey there beautiful... Norman."
  26. "Joe..."
  27. >R: "Oh, hello Joe. Aren't you suppose to be at practice?"
  28. >He walks in and tosses some dispoasable plates away.
  29. >JB: "I came here and wanted to ask you if you could help me with getting dressed for the Fall Formal since well you know you're the most fashionable person at school."
  30. >Aryan Beauty blushes at the compliment.
  31. >R: "Well I would help you Joe, but I can''t. I need to clean this mess up with Norman."
  32. >Joe sits on a desk and grabs the garbage from her hands.
  33. >JB: "Say do you like jokes?"
  34. >R: "Well of course but-"
  35. >JB: "Just one joke."
  36. >R: "Okay."
  37. >JB: "What's the difference between a bench..."
  38. >No, he cannot be serious.
  39. >"And a black man..."
  40. >He is. Well your Aryan Beauty is a nice generous girl who wouldn't laugh at something crude.
  41. >JB: "A bench can actually support a family. Haha."
  42. >Laugh you idiot because no one is laughing.
  43. >R: "Haha. Oh my! That's so wrong!"
  44. >What? Your waifu!
  45. >Joe tosses you the trash and wraps his arm around Aryan Beauty.
  46. >JB: "Come on, I got some more to tell to you on the way to the mall. Norman can handle the rest."
  47. >R: "Haha I can't wait to hear the next one. Vice President, I'll leave you the resposibilty of cleaning the mess. Thanks, darling. See you tomorrow."
  48. >They both leave you in a classroom full of party decorations and dirty plates.
  49. "...Y-You too..."
  50. -----------------------------------
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