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Nov 3rd, 2015
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  1. 350 - Nulcear symbol, poisons the room as you enter
  2. 351 - Earthquake bean, Space bar
  3. 365 - Lost Fly, heads for a wall and skims it dealing damage
  4. 367 - Bomb. Apparently sticks to enemies and flies release upon explosion (Thanks to TheSwiftTiger)
  5. 371 - I think it was giving me The Tower effect on getting hit?
  6. 378 - Chance to make poop bomb on firing tears (Thanks to TheSwiftTiger)
  7. 385 - Bumbo, familiar, eats coins, gets bigger as it eats. Starts shoots once it makes it's first transform
  8. 390 - Seraphim, familiar, just fires tears I guess?
  9. 398 - Mushroom, shoots a blue tear (based on luck?) that shrinks an enemy if it hits
  10. 403 - Spidermod, familiar, crashes without a fix atm.
  11. 415 - Crown of something, lets you shoot diamond tears. Getting hit removes the effect and the crown goes grey
  12. 416 - Some kind of passive item, not really sure.
  13. 419 - Gold teleporter thing. Brought me to a room with enemies and upon using it over and over would keep bringing me to the same room until the enemies were killed? space bar item
  14. 420 - Salt dropper, you leave a trail of salt(i guess it's salt) and when you form a circle, it creates a pentagram and anything in it gets damaged. not sure about dmg level and it looks like the trail fades, so the faster you are the bigger the circle you can make?
  15. 426 - Obsessed Fan, familiar, on a 3 second delay, follows your movement, same way Multidimentional Baby does.
  16. 429 - GREED HEAD - you shoot fucking coins. tested giving myself 10, 50 and 99 coins, dmg did not appear to go up.
  17. 430 - Papafly, familiar Same as Obsessed Fan in movement (3 second delay, follows your movements) but when near an enemy fires tears
  18. 435 - Lil Loki!! Familiar with Loki's Horn tear effect (4 way cross shot)
  19. 436 - Milk familiar. When hit makes a milk puddle. No idea what the puddle does.
  20. 439 - Some kind of box that drops a random trinket when you use it.
  21. 441 - Mega Satan Brim, active, shoots a giant mega satan brim for what seems to be 15-20 seconds, and makes it very hard to move.
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