
Jade swear she didn't do anything wrong

Nov 10th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: Hayley drove up to OCH in her black acura with her music playing loudly. She only shut it off when she got out of the vehicle she went to reach into the back seat to grab her books. Hayley practically ran towards the house and quickly came iniside then plopped down onto the couch, looking exhausted.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Adam was in the kitchen stirring some nice mac and cheese on the stove, watching the cheesy goodness spin in circles in the pot. Hearing the front door open, he looked over at Hayley dropping herself onto the couch, raising his brows. "Long day?" // Jade emerged from her room with Adam's wallet in her hand, her eyes peering around as she made her way down the hallway. Stopping in the living room, she sized up Hayley on the couch before quickly turning her back to her and walking to Adam in the kitchen. "Hey, I found this. I guess it's yours because your ID was in it."-
  3. Tsaaq: She turned her head and nodded. "Trying to prep for midterms and stuff so I don't have to worry about core courses after this semester-" She furrowed her eyebrows at Jade and then shook her head. "Oh good." She stood up and went to the kitchen with the two. "I have the wallet chain we were talking about." Hayley said to Adam as she reached into her jacket pocket for it.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Adam turned quickly to Jade, his smile spreading across his face. "Wow, thanks Jade. Where did you find it?" He asked as he took it from her, flipping it open to make sure all of its contents were still there, which they were. // Jade shrugged and tossed her hair over her shoulder, her eyes looking down at the chain in Hayley's hands when she approached. "It was in the couch. I dropped my phone in there so I picked up the cushion and your wallet was just sitting there. I found it earlier, but I didn't see you until now." Without a word to Hayley, she reached out for the chain, bringing it up to her eyes to examine it. "This looks cheap and easily broken."-
  5. Tsaaq: Hayley furrowed her eyebrows at Jade and snatched the chain back. "First of all, nobody asked you. Or at least I didn't. I don't care for your opinion." She said hurriedly. "Secondly, I'd appreciate if you didn't just pluck things from my fingers without asking like you're a child or something. Don't just take people's things. Please learn some fucking manners." Hayley inhaled deeply and went to stand beside Adam. "Thirdly, stay out of my personal space if you're going to be a dick. I'm emotionally fragile and would like to avoid as much bullshit as possible." She turned to him once more. "Anyways, I bought you this chain the other day when I went to Spencer's gifts. The salesperson was very nice about helping me find something that would help you not lose your wallet anymore" Hayley said to him attempted hand him the chain.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -He moved his hand to Hayley's shoulder in an attempt to try to keep her from getting worked up. "I'm sure the chain is fine." He spoke a little coldly because that was fucking rude, Jade. "Thank you, Halo." He leaned down to peck her cheek, quickly jerking back to the mac and cheese on the stove to give it a stir and stop it from burning. "Would you like some mac and cheese?" // "I'm just being concerned for the safety of his wallet, you don't need to freak out about it." She spoke with attitude, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'd like some if you have any extra."-
  7. Tsaaq: "It's not freaking out. Actually. But thanks Jade. We're fine." She said very condescendingly. "You're welcome." Hayley said, smiling. She went to look over to the mac and cheese and went to the cabinet to grab a plate. "Yes. I haven't eaten until lunch... I'm getting all jittery." She pouted. "You want some juice with it or like..." Hayley paused and looked at Jade very incredulously when she asked for food.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Adam glanced over his shoulder as he stirred the mac and cheese, giving a small shrug. "I made enough. Help yourself." He spoke, reaching for Hayley's plate so he could scoop some on there for her before passing it back. He grabbed a plate for himself and scooped out a nice helping, grabbing a couple of forks to pass over to Hayley so they could eats. // Jade watched Adam give Hayley food, frowning that he hadnt offered to serve her also. She grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and walked to the pot, scooping down into the bowl and sitting down at the kitchen table with them. "This smells good. You're such a good cook."-
  9. Tsaaq: She took her plate and went to sit down, waiting for him to sit down beside her. She started to eat before rolling her eyes. "How was your day?" Hayley asked Adam quietly in an attempt to conserve the intimacy of their conversation, also just cause Jade was all up Adam's ass for some reason. "I was thinking about nice places for us to go out to dinner. Or day dreaming I guess."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Oh. Well... I mean... it's just Kraft mac and cheese out of the box..." He said in a small voice, because its fucking POWDERED cheese. He scooped some pasta onto his fork, pushing it into his mouth. "Oh yeah? Where did you come up with? I know theres a few places in Central." // "Well I guess the way you make it is better than when I do it." She said with a smile, also eating the deliciousness.-
  11. Tsaaq: "Of course it is. I've never seen you cook. Like ever." She said softly to Jade before stifling a laugh. "I was thinking the Bistro but I don't know about the Bistro. I barely know the menu. I don't know what to wear. Would I even be let in? Is it even within our price range, you know? Dori did offer to give her the vouchers she won at the pumpkin carving thing though but I don't really just want to take it if she wants to use it." She sighed. "There are places in central. Maybe I'll take a walk around and try to see where we'd might like to go. I remember this one place we went to, remember? With the kebabs?" She began to laugh. "We went a while ago."
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Well I add milk..." He said in a small voice because this was just fucking weird to him. "Yeah, I remember that place. I really liked it there. Maybe we should go back. I wouldn't want to take Dori's vouchers to the Bistro, that feels unfair. Especially given what my pumpkin looked like." // "You don't really see me much." Jade spoke in monotone to respond to Hayley, taking another forkful of mac and cheese into her mouth.-
  13. Tsaaq: Hayley raised her eyebrows and kept her fuckin' mouth shut. Lest she respond to Jade with something shady. She turned to Adam again. "I know! That's what I told her when she offered. Like, those are yours we shouldn't really take them. She was convinced that she couldn't go because she was single." Hayley pouted. "Aw... Adam. I loved your pumpkin. It was cute." She smiled at him and nudged him playfuly. "I think we'll do the kebab place. I haven't had lamb in a while."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "My pumpkin was pathetic. Cute and pathetic aren't the same thing. They are very very different." He said with a laugh, eating more macs and cheeses. // Jade crossed one leg over the other, bouncing it under the table. "I didn't see your pumpkin. What did it look like?"-
  15. Tsaaq: She began to laugh with him. Her face going straight when Jade spoke again. "Hey Jade... I was wondeirng something. Remember a couple weeks back when Felix got in an accident and stuff?" She trailed off. "Who do you think cut the brakes on Felix's car?" She asked her innocently. "Did you see anything? You're usually home." She tilted her head. "I hope you talked to the cops."
  16. Alexithymiaa: -Adam fell into silence because serious talk yo, his eyes swinging over to look at Jade as he chewed quietly. // Jade raised her brows, assessing the obvious challenge. "That was so tragic. Poor Felix. I'm just glad he's okay. But I didn't see anything, so it must have happened while I was out or late at night. Did they ever find out who it was?"-
  17. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded her head skeptically. "Oh there's definitely some key suspects but no proof. That's only from what I've heard from Steph though." She said quietly shrugging her shoulders because she knew she was a lying whore. "But he's alright now so, yeah thank goodness for that." Hayley flashed a smile before turning to Adam. "How's SGA? I've been meaning to ask... If you're VP doesnt that make me second lady?" She tried to lighten the mood.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "I guess it kind of does." He said with a laugh, setting his fork down to rest in his plate. "Does that make Bliss first lady? i'm sure she'll get a kick out of that." // Jade rolled her eyes at Hayley's remark, twirling her finger around in her hair.-
  19. Tsaaq: She began to smile. "We should use that as code from now on." Hayley told him gently. "Like I'll call you VP when I feel uncomfortable and want to retreat. And you can call me second lady when you feel that way. And we'll escape." She suggested. "Are you finished? Want me to clean this while I'm up... Well let's be real here, throw it in the sink and let it soak?" Hayley started to snicker again.
  20. Alexithymiaa: (Hayley is me. "Want me to take your plate?" is my code for "Ill just go put this on the counter never to be touched again")
  21. Tsaaq: ((LMAOOOO.))
  22. Tsaaq: ((At least she's honest))
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Wait, why can't we just use our names when we're uncomfortable?" He asked, a little confused by this. "Is it supposed to be discreet? Because I think people know i'm the VP. Oh, sure. Thank you Halo." He said, picking up his plate to hand it to her. // Jade examined her nails before looking across the table at Adam. "That's kind of fancy. DO you get any real power with that title?"-
  24. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I just like codenames." She said. "I don't know." Hayley said. She went to put the dishes in the sink then went in the fridge and attempted to discreetly take her meds while fucking Jade tried to talk to Adam.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "I mean... we plan student events?" He kind of asked unsurely, because he didnt know what she meant by real power. "That's sort of fun and rewarding to be able to do that for people." // Jade nodded, eyeing Hayley a moment before returning her attention back to Adam. "Wow, so impressive. So all of those events the school holds, you guys plan them?"-
  26. Tsaaq: "It's SGA. Of course they plan school events." Hayley sighed and went to sit down with Adam again. "Jade." She began to say softly. "I don't know what you're doing. Don't take this the wrong way. But you're being strangely friendly to Adam and icy to me. Let's cut to the chase. I know your history with Eli and Bliss, also Steph and Felix. And I'm going to just put this out there. And honestly, I don't feel very safe with you this close to us."
  27. Alexithymiaa: -Adam chewed on the inside of his cheek, moving his hand over to Hayley's hand in a desperate attempt to try to keep things in a calm and civil discussion form. // "My history?" She repeated Hayley's words, her eyes going wide. "You dont feel safe with me this close? I don't feel safe around YOU. You're the one who was like... in the psych hospital and whatever. I'm not the mentally unstable one."-
  28. Tsaaq: Hayley inhaled deeply. She squeezed his hand. "I just know that you've attempted to coerce men into being with you while they're in relationships already. And I'm not judging you. I don't know why you that. That's none of my business but I would prefer if you kept your distance. You're making me uncomfortable, and I know Adam. And he's very nice but he's uncomfortable. I can tell. And..." She paused as she looked at him. "I can't just sit here and let him feel like that." Hayley's face fell at Jade's reply. "Well..." Hayley trailed off looking very hurt and just lowering her head.
  29. Tsaaq: ((why do that***))
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing Jade's words, Adam pushed up from the table. "I think it's time for us to go upstairs to bed, right Hayley?" He asked, but he was straight up looking at Jade like a disappointed parent. He offered to help her up from his seat, turning his attention to her and not acknowledging Jade at all from that point on. // "It's not my fault that men in relationships are attracted to me. I can't be blamed for their poor choices." She said with a casual shrug, her face obviously sinking when Adam chose to get up and try to take Hayley upstairs with him.-
  31. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows at Jade. "You have to be kidding." Hayley said, shaking her head. She went to stand as well as she went rest her head against Adam. "Yes. I'd hate for Jade to feel unsafe any longer." She declared in a monotone before going towards the stairs.
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Without another word, Adam took Hayley's hand and walked with her to the stairs, guiding her to go up before him and following her up. "I'm sorry you felt attacked. Her words were unnecessary. But it's over now, and we're going to get into bed and get a good nights sleep." // Jade rolled her eyes, picking up her bowl and walking it over into the sink to just leave it there like everyone else.-
  33. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded her head. "She was only mad because I tried to talk to her about her less than positive actions and I guess... She had to say something to get me to shut up." She sighed. "I know people don't really think that about me. Right?" Hayley squinted her eyes a bit as she reached the top of the stairs and took off her jacket.
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Of course not. You made her uncomfortable, so she tried to do the same to you. Don't let it get to you." he turned to her bedroom, putting his hand on her back to usher her inside so he could shut the door behind them. He wanted Jade to be as far out of her mind as possible. "Why don't you get into your pajamas and I'll be back in a minute?"-
  35. Tsaaq: She bit her lip while digesting his words. "Okay!" Hayley said, smiling at him before kicking off her booth and running to put on her night clothes which was a basically her shorts and a band shirt. Also I'm guessing she had to get a makeup wipe and take off the glorious makeup.
  36. Alexithymiaa: -He stepped out of her bedroom and closed the door behind him because privacy, making his way into his own room to shed his clothes and put on pj pants and a t-shirt. Calling for Lady who was still going at her bone three days later, picked up her bone and followed Adam back to Hayley's room. He let the dog in and stepped inside, closing the door behind him and walking to sit down on the bed. "Are you almost ready?" He asked, sliding backwards so he could lay down.-
  37. Tsaaq: "I'm ready." Hayley called out, staring at herself in her full body mirror and taking her hair out so it could fall normally. She went to give Lady pats before she went to crawl into bed with him. Hera jumped onto the foot of the bed shortly cause she's a fucking cat. She sighed as she went to lay her head on his chest. "At least we had mac and cheee." She smiled at him.
  38. Alexithymiaa: -He wrapped his arm around her, holding her against his side. "I thought it was funny she was complimenting my mac and cheese because it really is just powdered cheese and funny shaped pasta. It's nothing worth bragging about." He said with a laugh, closing his eyes.-
  39. Tsaaq: Hayley started to giggle. "Everything tastes better when it's made by somebody who's handsome?" She asked, shaking her head. Hayley released another sigh. "I don't even know." She whispered, closing her eyes as well and going to sleep cause sleeps.
  40. Alexithymiaa: (Truth though)
  41. Tsaaq: ((xD))
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