
RevoX Chapter #161

Jan 18th, 2013
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  1. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:You're welcome to recruit for TB, just don't spam the messag
  2. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:*message. And Zenky, he's horrible either way D:
  3. [World]goldeneye:ass
  4. [Notice]Clover just received a [SS] Gold Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  5. [Notice]cuats just received a [SS] Climate Book Shard! Congratulations!
  6. [Notice]Akosiryan just received a [SS] Gold Boots Shard! Congratulations!
  7. [Notice]Akosiryan just received a [SS] Climate Book Shard! Congratulations!
  8. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I have BB and BuRgess at level 1, don't wanna train xD
  9. [World]Zenky:luffy, do warnings delete?
  10. [World]alliza:bobo mo
  11. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Eventually.
  12. [World]Zenky:lol luffy, train them u will 1 shot any1 when u build them
  13. [World].hbk:TB lvl 90+ ..autostart
  14. [Notice].hbk just received a [SS] Gold Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  15. [Notice]Roveros.s18 just received a [SS] Gold Cloak Shard! Congratulations!
  16. [Notice]Clover just received a [SS] Climate Book Shard! Congratulations!
  17. [World].hbk:TB lvl 90+ ..autostart
  18. [World]AceOfHeart:don be sad luffy may be luck awaits u in AB 2
  19. [World]Zenky:or u can just get zoro lol
  20. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I'll try with Zoro :)
  21. [World][Instructor]AD:alliza, no insulting and english only on World chat
  22. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Not gonna do ab1 again, going for ab2 when I reach 100 xD
  23. [Notice]Manpaw just received a [SS] Gold Cloak Shard! Congratulations!
  24. [Notice]Zenky just received a [SS] Gold Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  25. [World]Chanceux:hey luffy had already team.. andthey supa strong
  26. [Notice]night just received a [SS] Gold Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  27. [World]Chanceux:they call thier team.. BuRger Clan
  28. [World]AceOfHeart:that's a good decision
  29. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:LOL Chance, yo** team already out does mine.
  30. [World]Zenky:lol
  31. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Why aren't you training Kuma faster than Ace though? o.o
  32. [Notice]Roveros.s18 just received a [SS] Climate Book Shard! Congratulations!
  33. [Notice]Manpaw just received a [SS] Climate Book Shard! Congratulations!
  34. [World]Chanceux:after ace i train kuma -tot
  35. [World]CP9Mihawk:morning all am back :D
  36. [World]Chanceux:5 more lvl
  37. [World]AceOfHeart:kuma needs FG to be use ful while ace only need SG at 80
  38. [World]Zenky:tb 90 auto start
  39. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Morning Mihawk.
  40. [World]Chanceux:i will equip kuma and ace when ace become 80
  41. [World]Fandomas:Where you can find moby **** s scrolls for remodel ?
  42. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:It'll be a while before anyone hits 100 in my team.. xD
  43. [World]Chanceux:just reddem fandomas
  44. [Notice]3SwordZoro just received a [SS] Gold Helm Shard! Congratulations!
  45. [Notice]Singy just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  46. [Notice]Singy just received a [SS] Gold Helm Shard! Congratulations!
  47. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Fandomas, you'd have to buy them with crystals
  48. [World]AceOfHeart:u have to redeem from advent**e interface
  49. [Notice]DS_Slayer just received a [SS] Gold Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  50. [Notice]DS_Slayer just received a [SS] Gold Helm Shard! Congratulations!
  51. [Notice]Roveros.s18 just received a [SS] Gold Helm Shard! Congratulations!
  52. [Notice]Clover just received a [SS] Gold Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  53. [Notice]Clover just received a [SS] Climate Book Shard! Congratulations!
  54. [World]Chanceux:hey akfu why not making another FG set?
  55. [Notice]huonggiang has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  56. [Notice]Waggs just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  57. [Notice].hbk just received a [SS] Gold Helm Shard! Congratulations!
  58. [Notice]Nicelos just received a [SS] Gold Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  59. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:..Time to spend 1m on low convenes in east blue bar xD
  60. [World]Akfula:who says i didnt? :D
  61. [World]Fandomas:ty ..from where ?
  62. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Keeping it safe, eh? :P
  63. [World]CP9Mihawk::D
  64. [Notice]ZBAMZBOUM just received a [SS] Gold Cloak Shard! Congratulations!
  65. [Notice]cuats just received a [SS] Gold Boots Shard! Congratulations!
  66. [World]Chanceux:so ** hiding it :)
  67. [World]Akfula:【Fire God Gun: Crimson 】
  68. [World]Akfula:yes :3
  69. [World]Akfula:its still cute and low level
  70. [World][Instructor]AD:ak. :( why you show that
  71. [World]Chanceux:yeah ** hiding it XD
  72. [World][Instructor]AD:when i was going to sleep. :( hahaha
  73. [World][Instructor]AD:revenge is a must >:)
  74. [World]Akfula:AD NO
  75. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Just know that there are many jealous people out there.
  76. [World]Akfula:U WERE GONE
  77. [World]CP9Mihawk::D
  78. [World]Akfula::DD
  79. [World]Chanceux:AD i here @.@ hide
  80. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:...Huehuehue, watch out ;3
  81. [World]Chanceux:AD look at this
  82. [World]Chanceux:>.<
  83. [World]Chanceux:@.@
  84. [World]Chanceux:m(_ _)m
  85. [World][Instructor]AD:i hope only shantie and the new one saw it -.- haha
  86. [World]Chanceux:failed
  88. [World]Akfula:hahaha :D
  90. [World][Instructor]AD:hmm. What is that? :P
  91. [World]ZBAMZBOUM:GO
  92. [World]Akfula:<3 sry love u
  93. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:1m silver, nothing.
  94. [World]Akfula:i wont show it to the others :3
  95. [Notice]Singy just received a [SS] Gold Boots Shard! Congratulations!
  96. [Notice]Nicelos just received a [SS] Climate Book Shard! Congratulations!
  97. [Notice]Joint just received a [SS] Gold Cloak Shard! Congratulations!
  98. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I still need Mohji, Cabaji, Morgan, Buggy, Sh**a, Jango D:
  99. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:That sounds so wrong, Akfula.
  100. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:LOL
  101. [World][Instructor]AD:Oh, that's kind of normal to him Luffykun :3
  102. [World]Akfula::D <3 lots of love from behind
  103. [World][Instructor]AD:WB in 10 minutes
  104. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:..Wait, what'd Shantie see?
  105. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lolwat
  106. [World]Akfula:Shantie saw it -_- and now hes dead
  107. [World]Porchy:...
  108. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:oHay Porchy
  109. [World]boymama:【[A] Huge Slingshot Shard】
  110. [World][Instructor]AD:Porchy, sir, no trolling <3
  111. [World]CP9Mihawk:Porchy is mad :D
  112. [World]Porchy:heya.. :) long time no see luffy.
  113. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I see yo** Bacon is hawt as always ;)
  114. [World]Porchy:or do we just not log in at same time XD
  115. [Notice]Zenky just received a [SS] Climate Book Shard! Congratulations!
  116. [Notice]3SwordZoro just received a [SS] Gold Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  117. [Notice]Waggs just received a [SS] Gold Cloak Shard! Congratulations!
  118. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Indeed, I'm guessing you sleep while I'm awake XD
  119. [World]Darknash:BACONNN
  120. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I'm going to sleep right after WB. o:
  121. [World]Chanceux:IF s20 & s17 s18 s19 got another merge
  122. [World]Chanceux:west will not goin to win again in <MF
  123. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:No way Chance.
  124. [World]Chanceux:never
  125. [World]Chanceux:if that happens it freaking insane
  126. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:All those homeless kids would cry if there was a merge. ;_;
  127. [World]Chanceux:illusion is Blue Diamond top player in east on s20
  128. [World]Porchy:well, I just logged in.. :(
  129. [World]CP9Mihawk:there is no other merge
  130. [World]CP9Mihawk:-___-
  131. [World]RicZ:what happen with s20?
  132. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I'll log out in like 30-ish :(
  133. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I shall miss you bbycakes
  134. [World]Chanceux:nah illusion on that serve is fvcking rich!
  135. [World]CP9Mihawk:that's enough 3 servers lol
  136. [World]Kiyumi:CP9
  137. [World]RicZ:what lvl he is chance/
  138. [World]CP9Mihawk:hi
  139. [World]Chanceux:he is blue diamond vip
  140. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:RicZ, it's because s20 has a blue diamond vip xD
  141. [World]Porchy:Admin AD, give me f**y shell please.
  142. [World]Chanceux:109
  143. [World]alliza:e WTH
  144. [World]CP9Mihawk:93
  145. [World]walakiki:a pokemon
  146. [World]alliza:LAG
  147. [World]alliza:LAG
  148. [World]Chanceux:he got already almost 3 set of FG
  149. [World]CP9Mihawk:what is it Kiyumi?
  150. [World]Kiyumi:do you have server22?
  151. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:LOLOL You'll never get a reply from AD.
  152. [World]Chanceux:he got 104980 powewr
  153. [World]CP9Mihawk:no only this
  154. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:..But he'll probably get bombarded with mails asking for
  155. [World]Chanceux:too bad for him akfula had better crew
  156. [World][Instructor]AD:GM Porchy, give me gold please
  157. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:items now.
  158. [World]Chanceux:so if they going to fight that 's a good fight
  159. [Notice]【Aomine】 upgraded 【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  160. [World]Chanceux:swordsmna Vs. Sniper
  161. [World]RicZ:what is blue diamond vip?@@
  162. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:What level is he though Chance? o.o
  163. [Affiliation]Akfula:100% enhance :D
  164. [World]Fandomas:sorry again where is the sea andent**e shop ?
  165. [World]Chanceux:if u ask me who gonna win at this moment
  166. [World]Porchy:admin AD transfer my char to s27 now!
  167. [World]RicZ:what??104k power?@@
  168. [World]Chanceux:akfula :)
  169. [Affiliation][Instructor]AD:you're like 54 minutes late :3
  170. [World]Chanceux:yes ricZ but akfula definitely win againts him
  171. [World]Chanceux:coz his Ab2 crew is sanji and brook only
  172. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Illusion probably has like 500k gold to spare though. LOL
  173. [Affiliation]Crissytot:lol
  174. [World]RicZ:wah if he come to this server
  175. [Affiliation]Crissytot:it should be over now :p
  176. [World]RicZ:east ill be strong@@
  177. [World]Chanceux:and it's too low lvl
  178. [Notice]DS_Slayer just received a [SS] Gold Helm Shard! Congratulations!
  179. [Notice].hbk just received a [SS] Climate Book Shard! Congratulations!
  180. [Notice]CryMe just received a [SS] Gold Helm Shard! Congratulations!
  181. [World]RicZ:500k g!!!???
  182. [World]Chanceux:and his using ace boa mihawk till now
  183. [World]CP9Mihawk::DDD
  184. [World]Chanceux:yes he is blue diamond vip
  185. [World]Chanceux:if that happen i protest XD
  186. [World]RicZ:pls give some to me :p
  187. [World]Armodios:adentee leei h aderfh re
  188. [World]Akfula:they should sell server change passes mouhahha :D
  189. [World]XienXien:【Rene】
  190. [World]RicZ:what is blue diamond vip?
  191. [World]RicZ:what is blue diamond vip?
  192. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:That'd make this game like WoW XD
  193. [World]MasterYI:its when **e vip11
  194. [World]Porchy:sell it for 300k gold and only VIP13 can buy.
  195. [World]Chanceux:if would be intereting if he is west :) good fight againts
  196. [World]CP9Mihawk:782k prestige :D
  197. [World]Chanceux:thsi two monster
  198. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:And make people like Evolver a threat to new servers D:
  199. [World]RicZ:s**e he's a rich guy@@
  200. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:But that doesn't mean he's a skiller guy :o
  201. [World]DoFlamongO:of co**se
  202. [World]RicZ:transfer him to this server luffy@@ lol
  203. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:*skilled, fuhh I wanna sleep
  204. [World]Chanceux:the problem he is EAst.. so we never will win in mf if that
  205. [World]Chanceux:occ**
  206. [World]RicZ:i wanna see who'll be the shici lo
  207. [World]Levi:"fuhh"
  208. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lol no way xD
  209. [World]AceOfHeart:couldbe game123 staff who promote spending
  210. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:East would become OP. ;_;
  211. [World]Levi:Luffykun, did you by any chance get that D: emoticon from
  212. [World]Chanceux:lol
  213. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:""fuhh""
  214. [World]Levi:Imythedral?
  215. [World]Chanceux:for me for now akfula will win
  216. [World]RicZ:akfula vs zoro vs him @@
  217. [World]CP9Mihawk:321*
  218. [World]CP9Mihawk:D;
  219. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:What emoticon?
  220. [Notice]【Anthea】 upgraded 【Thunder God Boots】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  221. [World]RicZ:it'll be intreseting @@
  222. [Notice]【Anthea】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  223. [World]CP9Mihawk:triple threat match :D
  224. [World]walakiki:i'll just beat them all lol
  225. [World]RicZ:and it'll be a heaven to east :p
  226. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:WB time gais
  227. [World][Instructor]AD:WB in a few
  228. [World]Porchy:well, imagine all VIP10+ in top 32
  229. [World]Levi:That awkward moment when two instructors say opposite things
  230. [World]Levi:WB time now
  231. [World]CP9Mihawk:xDDDDDDDd
  232. [World]CP9Mihawk:Levi
  233. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Mayun. I wanna sleep asap v.v
  234. [World]Akfula:Awkward moment when I pull out of Levi
  235. [World]CP9Mihawk:made my p.attk shadow lv 10 yesterday :D
  236. [World]boymama:【[A] Huge Slingshot Shard】
  237. [World]AceOfHeart:time to say good bye to croco boy
  238. [World]AceOfHeart:though I like him so him
  239. [World]Levi:D:
  240. [World]NaniHolly:I need more gold to flip the cards.. for get accino
  241. [World].hbk:lag
  242. [World]AceOfHeart:*much'
  243. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Reign[West] recruiting 65+ active/donating players.
  244. [World]Imythedral:Akfula <3 Levi much
  245. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I'll get rid of Croc in a heart beat.
  246. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:But Smoker. <33333 He can't go anywhere.
  247. [World]Akfula:Reign[East] Recruiting 70+ active/vip players.
  248. [World]Levi:(╯°□°)╯
  249. [World]Odysseus:Akfoola!
  250. [World]Akfula:□ O:::::::::::
  251. [World]AceOfHeart:I hate it when u spend so much time training a crew
  252. [World]AceOfHeart:then have to replace him half way
  253. [World]Akfula:Ody
  254. [World]Akfula:V__V
  255. [World]Imythedral:♒((⇀‸↼))♒
  256. [World]Odysseus:Whatchu want?!
  257. [World]CP9Mihawk:I like the wb at this time
  258. [World]CP9Mihawk:bcoz i can get 1m silver :D
  259. [World]Odysseus:[W] Reign recruting 65+ active/donatng members;
  260. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:No gold spenders?
  261. [World]Odysseus:Reign: As seen on World Chat.
  262. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Snapz, we're doing good today.
  263. [World]CP9Mihawk:they always use gold on the wb 12 ho**s from now
  264. [World]CP9Mihawk:idk why -_-
  265. [Notice]【Monmartre】 upgraded 【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  266. [World]Akfula:Nos had to prove you wrong :D
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