
Anon in Discordia - Chapter Three

Sep 14th, 2012
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  1. Chapter Three – Strong Body Smart Mind You Must Be, To Get Through The Everfree.
  7. >‘You don’t really expect me to believe that do you?’ Twilight asks.
  8. ‘I’m telling you fucking Inkie was psychotic! She fucking tried to rape and tortures me, I swear it!’
  9. >Walking down the street you previously had before, you were right in your previous claim that the buildings where farther apart.
  10. >Twilight stated the chaos abound her world was privy to change anything and making a simple walk what once took minutes now hours, that’s pretty damn chaotic in a way.
  11. >You could see the library tree house off in the distance; another 10 minutes and you’d be by it.
  12. >Thankfully you convinced Twilight being overcautious on everything like before just slowed down any progression you would make.
  13. >Still didn’t make her stop from being jumpy.
  14. >Your back was still very sore from the dog’s beat down on it along with the lump on your head that stung.
  15. >You didn’t bring up the fight though, didn’t want Twilight bitching and screaming at an ‘unnecessary death’, for all you knew it would’ve fucking ate that p0ny.
  16. >You kept your pace somewhat at a slow liberal pace to let your stinging thighs some much needed relief.
  17. >‘That just doesn’t sound like something Inkie would do, or rather from anyp0ny doing!’
  18. ‘You previously admitted you spent nearly your entire life inside a fucking castle with the princess, you can’t really say you know much about interacting with others because of that right?’
  19. >Twilight pauses from that, preparing a rebuttal to your statement.
  20. >‘I agree, that’s why the princess had me come out here to make friends and write friendship reports about my studies here on friendship!’
  25. ‘…you’re joking right? You made friendship reports back to the princess?’
  26. >‘Yes, alongside any other important letters; the princess said it would help me grow as a p0ny!’
  27. >Or just get you to understand how the world really works you think to yourself.
  28. >You just couldn’t believe that this very same p0ny talking in your head was going to attempt to save this Crayola box infused world from destruction through you.
  29. >She was just too fucking innocent.
  30. >You hope in the very least she would start to see things more realistically as time went on here.
  31. >The road you were walking on was exactly like before but with added length and hills being placed to make walking more difficult.
  32. >The buildings going down the road were so far apart it, you wondered if anything was still living inside them.
  33. >You kept looking around as you walked just looking at everything that was happening, there was so much going on here.
  34. >You were interrupted of your musings barely seeing movement down the road you were walking on.
  35. >Spotting a tree up ahead you hide behind it looking down off of a hill made of plastic grass; you see two more of those Imaginati things.
  36. >It looked like they were standing over something.
  37. >Their backs were turned to you.
  38. >Silently walking from cover and getting closer to them you see it looks like a p0ny, it was white with golden armor on it just lying on its side.
  39. >The two fuckers must’ve knocked the p0ny unconscious.
  40. ‘So what’s the plan, leave him or continue on?’
  41. >‘That’s a p0ny there and he’s one of the royal guards, of course we’re gonna help him.’
  42. >Ah, you remember Twilight before speaking of her brother being in them; a captain and all.
  47. >Being so far from the castle you presume the p0ny down there was escaping from Discord before getting caught by those two.
  48. >You make a sprint down the hill to the two creatures standing there, just nudging the downed p0ny with their feet while twiddling their fingers in the air on either side of them.
  49. >One of them turn to you for a second before resuming its stare downward, must’ve been the cloak you think.
  50. >Reaching before the two, you jump and slam a fist down with all your strength, weight and momentum into the attack.
  51. >The thing shrivels up into its cloak, a quick defeat.
  52. >The other one immediately does it’s best to back up, now seeing the danger it was now in.
  53. >It slapped air directed at you making a ball of wind once more.
  54. >The p0ny behind you gets slightly nicked from a cut but refused to budge from it, guy must’ve been really out of it not to react to the cut; you needed to get this thing away from its attacks.
  55. >Lightly running to the side away from the p0ny you tackle the thing further down the hill you sliding alongside with it.
  56. >You try for a few quick hits in but the thing had a ball of wind in one hand and one of fire in the other it was trying to shove in your face.
  57. >You did your best to hold off both arms until you both stopped rolling; immediately kicking the Imaginati from you as it blasted a glowing fire whizzing past your head.
  58. >You quickly back away from the onslaught of attacks coming straight at you.
  59. >You easily make dodge of the attacks, they weren’t very quick and can be predicted where the trajectory is being aimed at.
  60. >The cloaked creature apparently doesn’t like you dodging its attacks and throws an underhanded swing this time, a sparkle of white shoots out its fingertips.
  61. >You see the ground under you is slick with newly formed ice and with you running you tumble face first into the ground.
  66. >Eating a face full of dirt, you sputter it out while rolling to the side, a glob of fire launched where you were lying.
  67. >Pushing yourself up while doing another side roll, you barely miss a swirl of air on your body, the cloak not so lucky as it is slightly torn.
  68. >You start sprinting quickly around the Imaginati; making tighter turns in it as it tries it’s best to hit you.
  69. >It doesn’t even think to attack where you were going, only aiming directly at you.
  70. >Finally up close to it, you grab its outstretched arm and bend it at the joint in hopes to snap it.
  71. >You couldn’t be sure if it would work what with their cloudy make up.
  72. >Surprisingly it did if it’s garbled up wail have anything to say about it.
  73. >Strange how it’s hazy form can still be interacted like an actual body.
  74. >With ease you get behind the now pain distracted creature and hold its cloaked head back, blasting out a forceful punch into its neck, you do it twice for good measure.
  75. >Its body stiffens up real quick before it gets sucked into itself and wisps away into the sky, leaving behind its cloak in your hands.
  76. >Dropping the cloak, you pant in fresh streams of air just now realizing how tiring the fight was.
  77. >You felt a little sore from the tumbling but better than the last fight.
  78. >Regaining yourself after a minute you make your way up the hill to the downed p0ny.
  79. >Damn the guy slept through all that action.
  80. “Hey buddy, you okay?”
  81. >….
  82. >The guard doesn’t respond to you.
  88. >‘The Imaginati must’ve knocked the guard up real hard. We might need to take him back to the library’ you hear Twilight speak in your head.
  89. >Great, more work.
  90. >You lean down fixing to lift him up.
  91. >You notice the slight cut from the previous attack aimed at you but hitting him; the wound wasn’t bleeding freely like you would expect.
  92. >It almost looked…coagulated.
  93. >Shit, if you were right in this…
  94. >You placed your hand over its mouth and nose, no breathing could be felt; lifting one of its eyelids back you see it’s rolled into itself.
  95. >You wasn’t sure what Twilight’s reaction’s gonna be to this.
  96. ‘Hey, um, Twilight I do-‘
  97. >‘Come on, pick him up and let’s go! The guard doesn’t need to be left here where more of those things can hurt him!’
  98. >Looking closer to his body you can see the underneath was darker looking, thick and crusty is how you’d describe it.
  99. >His armor still gleamed with bright gold as you’d expect from a royal guard, it just didn’t look right on this fella here how he is.
  100. >Going over to his head once more you notice the face was contorted in a grimace of pain and tears down its eyes, its must’ve been slow for him.
  101. ‘Twilight, I think he’s dead.’
  102. >A pause is placed before you here a harrumph from your words.
  103. >‘That is not a funny joke, now pick him up and let’s go!’
  104. ‘Twilight, he’s dead.’ You put more emphasis on that one.
  109. >A breeze of wind passes by helping accentuate with the smell you just now notice, smelt of a disgusting barbeque made of charred flesh.
  110. >‘Just lift him and let’s go!’
  111. ‘Look I could move him and bury the guy someplace-‘
  112. >’Stop fooling around and help him!’ Twilight loudly interrupts.
  113. >You look around, just realizing there are not tools for such a job, the only thing there was the road, a house off in the distance and a tree further down the hill.
  114. ‘Maybe I can move his body there’ you say to yourself.
  115. >Twilight seemed to have heard that and begins to madly scream at you to help him out.
  116. >You sigh at this; you were not going to enjoy moving the guard.
  117. >You place your hand on his body; it bore a cold, yet warm touch to your skin; you couldn’t properly describe it.
  118. >The guard’s fur felt flaky, like it was caked in grease then dry heated.
  119. >Hesitantly you raise the underside of him and try rolling his body over to get a better hold underneath.
  120. >A low sucking noise could be heard from its lift up.
  121. > Before you could stop your motion you hear a popping sound coming out; immediately with absolutely no effort, now you’re holding its top section as its bottom is left imprinted on the ground
  122. >The charred remains could be seen undercooked and scorched through its bottom half, the smell overpowering your senses.
  123. >The top layer you’re now holding glistens red and black, you can see his ribs protruding inside.
  124. >Didn’t even lift the body three inches and the body gave way like that.
  125. >You hear a long, loud screech heard in your head.
  126. >You drop the body as fast as humanely possible and scurry backwards, doing your best to wipe the blood off your hands on the ground.
  131. >You slowly breathe in and out to calm yourself better.
  132. >Twilight mumbles gibberish trying to find words to speak, her intake of air increases quickly.
  133. >The guard lies still once more, but now there’s a line cut straight across his underbelly where it split.
  134. >Out of her incoherent speaking you can hear her question how the p0ny died, but barely.
  135. ‘Those, Imaginati’s must’ve burnt him up and turned him over for the other side before I came.’
  136. >She tries her best to calm down as well, but isn’t as successful.
  137. >‘Hu-b,b,but he’s a guard! He, he sh,sh, he, sh-sh,’
  138. ‘Everyone’s susceptible to death’ you interrupt quietly catching her from speaking further, ‘everyone…even the strongest of individuals.’
  139. >More gibberish from the unicorn accompanied by rapid breaths, it slowly morphs into mumbles and cries.
  140. >You can barely make out her words but princess and brother kept popping up more.
  141. >She must be thinking they met the same fate as this guard.
  142. ‘Twilight, I don’t think they’re dead. Your brother or the princess’s’
  143. >‘How do you know?!’ she yelps out high pitched, her breathing hard on your hearing.
  144. >Taking the mirror out of your pack quickly you could see her shaking uncontrollably her face streaked in tears.
  145. “Do you really think they can be killed so easily? Right now you just….need to have, well, faith in them that’s all.”
  146. >God that sounded really cheesy to you.
  147. >The words seemed to of helped seeing her slowly calming down.
  153. >Her body slowly stops shaking altogether, her face directed at you staring.
  154. >”Faith?” Twilight questions.
  155. “Yeah, faith. Just, well, believe in them.”
  156. “I’m sure they’re alright and hanging on. We just need to find those artifact things and move on, okay? That should help stop all this, okay?”
  157. >Standing up, you move over to the cloak left beside the body and drape it over the guard; the least you could do since you now realized there was no way to move the guard.
  158. >Sniffling sounds can be heard from the mirror as you look down at the deceased p0ny.
  159. >Placing the mirror back into your pack you turn making your way to the road once more in the direction Twilight gave you.
  160. >You can only hear more sniffles from her as you walk on; she just needs time to herself for now you think.
  161. >You can’t exactly comfort her in any way with a mirror as a barrier.
  162. >Slowly walking along you see It’s getting very dark now, time is trudging along by so you figured you’d be in the dark for a few days or so like the sun; can’t be too sure with how it really pans out in the end.
  163. >You know it’s gonna be hell walking into a forest that dark but thankfully the stars, which are starting to show and flurry about the sky in strange patterns, are bright enough to give you sight.
  164. >Fortunately Twilight began speaking once more, though you can tell she’s still worried about the guard’s death.
  165. >You do your best to keeping her in high enough spirits, though you weren’t very good at this kind of thing.
  166. >She talked about her friends and their little adventures they’d have around the place.
  167. >The parasprite one made you laugh, her joining alongside though weakly.
  173. >Walking for another hour met you with a condensed outlining of trees.
  174. ‘This is the Everfree Forest you were talking about?’
  175. >‘Yes but it looks so much massive then before.’
  176. >The entrance way looked dark and wide with trees on either side skyrocketing what looked like a mile high into the sky.
  177. >None of the foliage looked edible like in town, just more menacing and foreboding how it was so large.
  178. >You could hear noises coming from the place, birds and animal’s hollering about.
  179. ‘So where exactly IS the artifacts you were talking about?’ you ask, looking at the enormous area, even the grass was affected, looked like it was ten inches.
  180. >‘They are both located inside the old royal princess pony castle that resides deep in the forest.’
  181. >’One of them should be inside the royal vault where it was sealed away and that’s the one we will go after first.’
  182. ‘And the other?’ you question.
  183. >‘That one…is a tad more difficult to get. That’s why I’ve been charging these crystals since it’s gonna take one of them to activate the spell to access it.’
  184. “Anything I should know before entering?”
  185. >‘Yeah, just make sure to keep an eye out for any dangerous creatures I’ve mentioned before like Manticores here.’
  186. >Keeping in mind that more vicious creatures would be habituating this area, their home, you grudgingly make your way into the depths of the forest.
  191. >Well this was very strange indeed.
  192. >You’ve met some of the creatures here already but they, just like everything else so far, changed along with the chaos.
  193. >A group of ‘Timberwolves’ was the first creature you met here.
  194. >They were exactly as Twilight described them, made of twigs and wood and being somewhat violent to attack if met.
  195. >But with chaos the Timberwolves you met were imbedded into the trees, taking swipes or making gestures to bite towards you.
  196. >It was somewhat creepy to see a wolf face trying to eat you from inside a tree.
  197. >You screamed out at the first one you saw, smacking it and running away from the other trees with similar wolves.
  198. >You ran like nuts to get out of that until they were very, very far behind.
  199. >And now you were lucky enough to be facing down one of the Manticore creatures that Twilight had also mentioned.
  200. >A lion’s body, scorpion tail and wings are the makeup of this carnivorous being.
  201. >Very ferocious looking indeed….if it wasn’t the size of a Chihuahua.
  202. >The thing was trying its best to scare you away, roaring at you.
  203. >You just found it very silly to say in the least.
  204. ‘So the big bad Manticore is a bit underwhelming to my expectations.’
  205. >‘Be lucky it’s shrunk or you’d be in trouble.’
  206. ‘But look at it, the thing’s so tiny and its roaring is so darn squeaky!’
  207. >The Manticore roars once more and proving your point it’s very high pitched, sounds like a little kid had sucked on helium and yelled at you.
  213. >You can hear Twilight giggling at its sad attempt to look menacing.
  214. >You try going around it but the Manticore keeps stepping in front of you trying its hardest to making you flee.
  215. >You’d figure it would’ve attacked if it wasn’t for the size difference right now.
  216. >Walking up to it, you grab it by its tail, careful not to get pricked, and chuck it up high into one of the tree’s canopy.
  217. >‘That wasn’t very nice!’ Twilight exclaims loudly.
  218. ‘Hey, it has wings. It can just fly back down. And I’ll be off before that happens.’
  219. >You’ve been walking for what felt like several hours by now.
  220. >The place felt overwhelming; if you had to describe how it felt it was almost like someone dumped you in the middle of an African jungle.
  221. >The darkness was not as intense as you would think in the forest.
  222. >You can feel yourself getting tired, you told Twilight this and began looking around for somewhere to sleep.
  223. >Didn’t take long for you to spot a carved out hole in a wall on the side of a rocky surface
  224. >Inspecting it you see it was fairly small but would do well for shelter, better than staying out in the open and such.
  225. >It wasn’t extremely big but would do for the night to stay in.
  226. >It was a tight fit, had to take of your cloak so it wouldn’t rip.
  227. >You hung it on the entrance, made a good doorway to keeping yourself from being seen to uninvited visitors.
  228. >Lying down you had more than enough room to sleep.
  234. >Your stomach begins to protest for a meal, something you haven’t had since Mr. Cakes prior feeding for you.
  235. >Leaning over to the side you open up the pack, thinking food while you reach in.
  236. >Taking your hand back you see a slice of cake wrapped in plastic wrap.
  237. >You sigh at the sugary treat, you were hoping for something like a sandwich, not more sugar.
  238. >Quickly eating it you reach in once more, a bar of fudge.
  239. >You glare at the treat, all its confectionary smells hitting your senses sickly.
  240. >‘Well what did you expect? You did go into a sweets bakery, not like they’d have anything else to offer.’
  241. ‘Could have offered what they had for their own food’ you grumble, eating only a small piece before putting it back inside the bag.
  242. >‘Well beggars can’t be choosers and all that, just rough it out for now.’
  243. >You let out a sound of protest to eating sweets as a nutritional diet for you, the absurdity of it you think.
  244. >You scoot as far back as you can in your dwelling and start dumping out everything in the bag you could lying it before you.
  245. >‘Why are you doing that?’
  246. ‘I need to see what’s here.’
  247. >Nothing but fucking sugar everywhere.
  248. >You spot some watered bottles, at least you had something to drink down the ‘food’ with.
  249. >You also spot basic supplies like bandages, blanket, soap, a rope and the mirror.
  250. >There wasn’t a whole lot to it though….
  251. ‘I thought this was supposed to store more in it.’
  256. >Grabbing the bag you shake the bag down roughly a bit seeing if anything was lodged in there.
  257. >Your action must’ve done something; you notice multicolored gems dumping out quickly all over the place.
  258. >The entire place was full of them now, making it hard to move.
  259. >You felt very claustrophobic being like this.
  260. ‘What the fuck is this?!’
  261. >‘Aahhhh… I may have, sort of, let it slip my mind that I tested this out with gems before and maaaay have forgotten to empty it?’
  262. >Fucking Twilight.
  263. >You start shoving out the gems, kicking them outside the entrance as quick as you could.
  264. >Some of your food is now flattened from the weight of the gems.
  265. >You place everything but the blanket back in, upset at the thought more could’ve been put in if Twilight hadn’t fucked that up.
  266. >You wrap the blanket around you attempting to go to sleep.
  267. >‘Anon?’
  268. “Yeah?” you speak aloud, still upset.
  269. >‘What was your life like?’
  270. >You scrunch your face up at the question.
  271. >“Why you so curious of me all of a sudden?”
  272. >‘When you, well, when…” you can hear Twilight grunt out, trying to find the right words.
  273. >‘Back at the library you said I chose you for this without asking you, going with what I could use here…and you were right.’
  274. >’I just wanted to get to know you better, more properly.’
  279. >Not chose, taken you think to yourself.
  280. >Still, you find it strange anyone would want to know you.
  281. >Other than fighting you didn’t find yourself very interesting.
  282. >You sigh to yourself, grabbing the bag and pulling out the mirror.
  283. >Placing it near your sights as you lied down, you see the unicorn’s image coming into view.
  284. >She’s sitting there looking directly at you, waiting for a response.
  285. “So…..what do you want to know?”
  286. >You see her smiling visage looking back at you.
  287. >She was very inquisitive to everything around you.
  288. >Her eyes bulged out when you told her about your people going off into space and even landing on the moon; she kept questioning why anyone would willingly go there.
  289. >She saw your confused face and recanted the Nightmare Moon story; it was your turn to freak out when she said the princess ponies controlled the moon and sun.
  290. >Twilight was fascinated by whatever you had to say really, from your electronics to even what you ate.
  291. >You tried showing her the iPod still in your pocket and miraculously it was unharmed, but the charge seemed to be dead.
  292. >You placed that along with your wallet in the bag; the envelopes seemed to have disappeared though.
  293. >Must be back at the bakery, with Inkie there, whom is probably holding on to it; definitely not going back to get those anytime soon if ever.
  294. >Twilight got really excited when you told her some of your life, how you grew up, went to college, dropped out for a low income job and finally the fights.
  295. >Twilight kept asking you about your schooling, clearly intrigued on what you studied and what could be used for them.
  296. >She never thought that machinery could be used for a replacement of magic so effectively.
  300. >After a multitude of questioning from her, you can see Twilight struggling with the next question, hesitating on asking it.
  301. >“Anon, how do you…well how, do you handle someone dying?”
  302. >She must be referring to the guard.
  303. >Must still be upset at actually seeing a dead p0ny.
  304. >So how do you answer this one you think?
  305. >You could always bullshit it and act manly, but you think she’s probably intelligent enough to pick up bullshit like that quickly; you were never very good at acting.
  306. >So what just spit it out like it is?
  307. >Fuck…you hated being emotional like this.
  308. “Well, I cried a lot, that’s for sure.” You grumble out.
  309. >Twilight sat there motionless; you could see her waiting patiently for what you had to say.
  310. “It helped, to get past someone dying, the crying. There was a funeral held.”
  311. “I can remember the, bodies, were placed in caskets and lowered into the ground.”
  312. “I placed a flower on top of each one of them and cried some more…”
  313. >You swallow in some air hard, fuck you hated remembering this shit.
  314. >“Who…died?”
  315. >You look back at the mirror.
  316. >Twilight can be seen staring at you, tears in her eyes.
  317. >You let out a long winded sigh.
  318. “My parents.”
  324. >You see her visibly flinch, a little hitch in her throat.
  325. >You can see Twilight trying to find something to say looking remorseful from her question.
  326. “It’s alright; I’m past that right now.”
  327. >You grab the mirror up close; your face was probably all she saw there.
  328. “You need to stop worrying so much and help me get these artifact things. The sooner the better this can all stop, right?”
  329. >You pull off a small smile doing your best to reassure her before placing it back down.
  330. >She just stares back at you.
  331. >Feeling tired right then you move the blanket over yourself concluding the conversation there.
  332. >Lying there as you try to fall asleep you think back on this whole crazy ass trip through p0ny land.
  333. >It’s strange to you how you’ve adapted so quickly to her and others being ponies.
  334. >Maybe it’s because they’re still emotional in a sense?
  335. >Or they can think?
  336. >Apart from Inkie the ponies weren’t all that bad, definitely better than how you’ve been treated back home.
  337. >Twilight was a nice girl here; the ponies at the bakery weren’t all that bad just scared of you, hell that Lyra pony was really cool.
  338. >If it wasn’t for all this crazy shit happening right now and how Twilight described how everything used to be this would probably be a nice place to live in, sans the no humans but you thing.
  339. >Those people back at the fight probably already found your place and trashed it; you’ll have to move to another area when you get back.
  340. >Once you fix all this and get a portal back home that is.
  341. >Your feel your thoughts becoming cloudy and tired as you willingly fell asleep.
  346. >Waking up from the nap, you stretch a bit trying to get any kinks out.
  347. >Looking at the mirror you see Twilight wrapped in on herself like a dog, but more adorable looking.
  348. >The mirror must follow her form like her spell follows you, interesting.
  349. >You notice her mane and tail was slightly floating a bit in the air though, how odd.
  350. >Quickly packing up, you make a quick meal of the remaining fudge and water it down before scooting over to the entrance way.
  351. >Taking down the cloak you notice it was still very dark out.
  352. >You sit outside beside the previously deposited gems looking up at the sky.
  353. >It didn’t take long for Twilight to wake up afterwards, you were back on your feet with Twilight leading the way.
  354. >You’ve been walking through enormous shrubbery and trees while avoiding shrubbery.
  355. >You didn’t stop until you saw the long sticks up ahead.
  356. >Thick straight pieces of wood were speared into the ground with cloaks shredded on top of them.
  357. >It wasn’t very intimidating to you; it was just clothing and not heads or anything.
  358. ‘So Twilight, do we go around or move through this here?’
  359. >‘Can’t go around, don’t know how long it would take.’
  360. ‘How are you even sure where to go?’
  361. >‘I’m going off of memory here, okay? Now follow ahead.’
  362. >Fantastic.
  363. >Pushing past the sticks you make your way onwards through the giant forest.
  368. >Walking further on you could see spots of burned trees or ground, some of it looked shredded.
  369. >Must’ve been one hell of a fight here, probably from those Imaginati things.
  370. >Maybe that’s what those cloaks were back then, but why were they hung up like that?
  371. >It was obvious to you whatever hung them up like ornaments won.
  372. >You slow down a bit just realizing the meaning to the cloaks; shit, that was warning to anyone entering here from before wasn’t it?
  373. >You tense up, looking around while moving forward.
  374. >‘Why are you acting like that?’ Twilight questions through your head.
  375. ‘Something’s here and they’re most likely watching.’
  376. >You were now intruding on an area that those Imaginati things lost to; the victor must still be around this area and close.
  377. >Without any warning you could see a blur moving off your side up above and veering right to you.
  378. >Moving off to the side it nicks your shoulder, cutting into it.
  379. >You gasp at the sudden pain, gripping the injured area as you look around for the attacker.
  380. >It comes again, blurring at you once more aiming into your chest with what appeared to be a blade of some type.
  381. >Right as it came close enough you slipped to the side of its body and quickly slap both hands at the body hard and fast.
  382. >A grunt could be heard as it shoves off away from you on the ground sliding.
  383. >You position yourself for a follow up attack not wanting to charge the bladed wielder.
  384. >As it stood up you see it looks p0ny shaped wearing a full on brown cloak around it, pouches slung on its side, another Imaginati perhaps but p0ny shaped?
  385. ‘Twilight, you have any ideas?’
  386. >It holds the blade under the hood, probably with its mouth, can’t hold that with a hoof and all apparently.
  391. >Quickly diving into its pouch it pulls out a small bottle and slams it at your feet.
  392. >A bright glow of light is produced making it hard to see.
  393. >You barely make out the creature diving straight at you, blade poised in a slash.
  394. >Just as it came in close to your body you acted on instinct and push the head wielding blade to the side holding it in place while grabbing the cloaked body in the air
  395. >The damn thing was strong though, pushing its blade harder into you.
  396. >‘Wait, that’s…I think that’s Zecora!’
  397. “Zecora?!” you question aloud hoping it’ll stop her attack.
  398. >The cloaked figure jolts from hearing the name and slams both its hind hooves into you, slashing at your exposed hand.
  399. >You grunt and kick the thing away, hand bleeding freely from the attack; damn thing got it straight across the palm.
  400. >You see the cloaked figure standing only a few feet away from you examining its blade in what looked like confusion, if you reading its body language had anything to say about it.
  401. >Dam things blade had some of your blood on it, fuck that thing was sharp.
  402. >“You bleed when there is no need….” You hear it speak out.
  403. >How the fuck is that thing speaking with a blade in its mouth?
  404. >You can see it hesitating on what to do here.
  405. >No need to bleed?
  406. >Oh wait a second, those cloaks from before, the fuckers just shrivel up when killed.
  407. >“I see no reason for this to be…but you must not be Imaginati”
  408. “Well gee, thanks for understanding that!”
  413. >You grasp your palm tighter together thinking it would help stop the blood flow, it hurt like hell.
  414. >May as well dump some fucking vinegar and glass shard inside the damn thing you think.
  415. >She pulls her hood back revealing her black and white head with a pretty fucking wicked mohawk you had to admit; lots of gold jewelry on her too.
  416. >You see the…Zecora thing staring at you. She looked off, sort of like a p0ny but not.
  417. “What the fuck is a p0ny living out in the forest anyways thrashing about with a goddamn sword in hand, er, mouth.”
  418. >She just blinks, tilting her head slightly at you.
  419. >“You my strange beast are sadly mistaken, zebra is my characterization.”
  420. >Fuck her and her rhymes.
  421. >You pull your hood back showing off your face to her.
  422. “I am no beast, you hear me?”
  423. >She just stares at you some more.
  424. >“…I see, a monkey.”
  425. “Fuck you! I’m a fucking human goddamn it!”
  426. >You can hear Twilight giggling in your head, must think this is real funny with you feeling pissed off and bleeding right now.
  427. “Shut the fuck up Twilight, it’s not funny.”
  428. >‘It’s a little funny. Why didn’t I think of that before though you DO look like one! Too bad they went extinct a long time ago otherwise I’d see if you’re related to them.’
  434. >You just grumble out curse words at Twilight as she continues to laugh.
  435. >The zebra twitches its ears at you, eyes slitting slightly from hearing what you said.
  436. >Fuck, you really need to stop talking aloud like that.
  437. >“You speak as though she were in your head,” she puts the sword strapped on her side hidden under her cloak, must not think you’re a threat anymore “may I ask of what has been said?”
  438. “She’s just laughing right now….wait a second…”
  439. >Zecora stares at you as you move your head around, listening to Twilight and conversing back in your head.
  440. “Twilight says you’re a friend of hers and if you can help direct me to the old royal princess castle.”
  441. >You stare down at your damaged hand.
  442. “Oh, and help cleaning this mess up, since you did cut it up in the first place and all; and the shoulder as well.”
  443. >She just looks down at your hand almost curiously, and then slowly gazes up to the shoulder with barely any interest.
  444. >What’s so fascinating about it, you fucking cut it!
  445. >She must be enjoying herself doing this shit, it pisses you off.
  446. >She returns her hood to her head and immediately turns around walking off into the trees.
  447. >“Follow me to our destination and be close, when we arrive the wounds I shall dispose” you hear her call out to you.
  448. “Fucking following a rhyming zebra through a giant’s forest...” you grumble out, lightly jogging and catching up to her.
  449. >She better fix this damn cut when you get to, wherever the hell you’re going now.
  455. ~End Chapter Three~
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