
pastebin monday april 2

Apr 2nd, 2018
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  1. Pastebin Monday 02/04/2018
  3. Speedgames:
  5. I did runs of Ratchet PS4 and Rayman Origins at BrAT, an IRL brazilian speedrun marathon in my city. It was really fun; meeting everybody was very cool and my runs went well. I also watched some live runs which were a lot of fun and very exciting to watch in person.
  7. I've finally learned Yooka-Laylee 100 Pagies, and I'm doing runs kinda frequently. I've yet to complete one because they always die to stupid shit which frustrates me and discourages me from continuing. Maybe one of these days I'll get a run I'm happy with. The run itself is very fun, I'm just really shit at it at the moment.
  9. SGDQ games list comes out in 2 days, as of writing this. Lemme tell ya, i'm scared fucking shitless. My best chances are RaC PS4 and Rayman Legends. Hopefully one of those makes it in but the possibility is slim. I'm still planning on going regardless, but it's giving me the heebie jeebies thinking about my chances (especially since my mom is kind of annoyed that I might go without my presence being 100% necessary).
  11. I don't know whether any of my games will get into Keizathon, games list is gonna come out around the 8th so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  13. ----------------------------------------
  15. IRL:
  17. Nothing much to say. Shit's been fine, I guess.
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