
Packages that I have that you don't.

Jan 31st, 2013
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  1. 0ad-data
  2. abs
  3. acetoneiso2
  4. addon-sdk
  5. aircrack-ng
  6. akonadi
  7. allegro4
  8. alsa-firmware
  9. apr
  10. apr-util
  11. arandr
  12. arj
  13. arpack
  14. asciiportal
  15. aspell-en
  16. at
  17. at-spi
  18. audacity
  19. automoc4
  20. bamf
  21. banshee
  22. bash-completion
  23. bc
  24. blobwars
  25. blobwars-data
  26. blueman
  27. blueproximity
  28. bluez-firmware
  29. boo
  30. bridge-utils
  31. brlcad
  32. brltty
  33. buildgen-git
  34. buildgen-selfbuild-git
  35. bullet
  36. bwidget
  37. bzr
  38. cairo-dock
  39. ccache
  40. cgminer
  41. check
  42. cheese
  43. chromaprint
  44. clang
  45. clementine
  46. cln
  47. cloudprint-server-systemd
  48. clucene
  49. clutter-gst
  50. cmake
  51. cnetworkmanager
  52. coin
  53. colord-gtk
  54. consolekit
  55. cowsay
  56. crypto++
  57. cuda
  58. cups
  59. cups-filters
  60. cups-pdf
  61. cvs
  62. dasher
  63. dbus-sharp
  64. dbus-sharp-glib
  65. dee
  66. devil
  67. dhcp
  68. discount
  69. django
  70. dkms
  71. dmxproto
  72. dnsmasq
  73. dnssec-anchors
  74. dnsutils
  75. docky
  76. dotconf
  77. doxygen
  78. draftsight
  79. e_dbus
  80. ecore
  81. edje
  82. eet
  83. eeze
  84. efreet
  85. eigen3
  86. eina-svn
  87. eio
  88. ekiga
  89. electrum-git
  90. elementary
  91. embryo-svn
  92. emotion
  93. enlightenment17
  94. eog
  95. ethumb
  96. evas
  97. evas_generic_loaders
  98. eventlog
  99. exo
  100. extremetuxracer
  101. farstream
  102. ffmpeg-compat
  103. ffmpegthumbnailer
  104. firefox-aurora
  105. firefox-moonlight
  106. fixesproto-ubuntu
  107. flickrnet
  108. fltk
  109. foomatic-db
  110. foomatic-db-engine
  111. foomatic-filters
  112. fortune-mod
  113. fortune-mod-calvin
  114. fortune-mod-chucknorris
  115. fortune-mod-darkknight
  116. fortune-mod-himym
  117. fortune-mod-hitchhiker
  118. fortune-mod-matrix
  119. fortune-mod-montypython
  120. fortune-mod-multidesk
  121. fortune-mod-starwars
  122. fortune-mod-tbbt
  123. fortune-mod-twoandahalfmen
  124. freecad
  125. freecad-git
  126. freeciv
  127. ftgl
  128. garcon
  129. gc
  130. gcc-fortran
  131. gconf-sharp
  132. gdata-sharp
  133. ginac
  134. gkeyfile-sharp
  135. glpk
  136. glproto
  137. gmrun
  138. gnokii
  139. gnome-desktop2
  140. gnome-disk-utility
  141. gnome-do
  142. gnome-do-plugins
  143. gnome-font-viewer
  144. gnome-games
  145. gnome-games-extra-data
  146. gnome-icon-theme-extras
  147. gnome-js-common
  148. gnome-keyring-sharp
  149. gnome-media
  150. gnome-mime-data
  151. gnome-speech
  152. gnome-system-log
  153. gnome-vfs
  154. gnome-video-effects
  155. gnuplot
  156. goocanvas1
  157. google-breakpad-svn
  158. google-earth
  159. google-talkplugin
  160. granite-bzr
  161. graphicsmagick
  162. graphviz
  163. gsl
  164. gst-libav
  165. gst-plugins-bad
  166. gst-plugins-good
  167. gst-plugins-ugly
  168. gtest
  169. gtk-engine-equinox
  170. gtk-engine-unico
  171. gtk-qt-engine
  172. gtk-sharp-2
  173. gtk-theme-ambiance-blue
  174. gtk-theme-slickness
  175. gtk-vnc
  176. gtk2-ubuntu
  177. gtk2-xfce-engine
  178. gtk3-ubuntu
  179. gtk3-xfce-engine
  180. gtkhtml4
  181. gts
  182. gucharmap
  183. gudev-sharp
  184. guile
  185. gvfs-smb
  186. hdf5
  187. hedgewars
  188. hostapd
  189. hplip
  190. hpoj
  191. hsqldb-java
  192. humanity-icon-theme
  193. humanitycolors-icon-theme
  194. hwloc
  195. hyphen
  196. ibus
  197. ibus-qt
  198. icedtea-web-java7
  199. idnkit
  200. imake
  201. initscripts
  202. inkscape
  203. inotify-tools
  204. iptraf-ng
  205. ipython
  206. ipython2
  207. jdk7-openjdk
  208. joystick
  209. jre7-openjdk
  210. jre7-openjdk-headless
  211. kate-themes
  212. kde-agent
  213. kde-base-artwork
  214. kdebase-katepart
  215. kdebase-konsole
  216. kdebase-kwrite
  217. kdebase-lib
  218. kdebase-workspace
  219. kdeedu-analitza
  220. kdeedu-kalgebra
  221. kdepim-runtime
  222. kdepimlibs
  223. kdesdk-kate
  224. kdesdk-okteta
  225. kdeutils-kgpg
  226. ld-lsb
  227. ldns
  228. lesstif
  229. lib32-curl
  230. lib32-flashplugin
  231. lib32-google-breakpad-svn
  232. lib32-json-glib
  233. lib32-libappindicator
  234. lib32-libdbusmenu
  235. lib32-libdbusmenu-gtk2
  236. lib32-libglapi
  237. lib32-libindicator
  238. lib32-libtxc_dxtn
  239. lib32-libxvmc
  240. lib32-nas
  241. lib32-nvidia-utils
  242. libbluray
  243. libbonobo
  244. libbonoboui
  245. libburn
  246. libchamplain
  247. libcl
  248. libdbusmenu
  249. libdbusmenu-gtk2
  250. libdiscid
  251. libdmtx
  252. libdmx
  253. libedit
  254. libftdi
  255. libgdiplus
  256. libgles
  257. libgnome
  258. libgnome-data
  259. libgnome-desktop-sharp
  260. libgnome-media-profiles
  261. libgnomecanvas
  262. libgnomeui
  263. libgpod
  264. libgsf
  265. libieee1284
  266. libindicator
  267. libirman
  268. libisofs
  269. libkdeedu
  270. libkgapi
  271. libkolab
  272. libkolabxml
  273. liblastfm
  274. liblinebreak
  275. liblouis
  276. libmediainfo
  277. libmikmod
  278. libmpd
  279. libmtp
  280. libmusicbrainz3
  281. libmusicbrainz4
  282. libmusicbrainz5
  283. libmysqlclient
  284. libowfat
  285. libpng12
  286. libpng14
  287. libpst
  288. libqalculate
  289. libqxt
  290. libreoffice-base
  291. libreoffice-calc
  292. libreoffice-common
  293. libreoffice-draw
  294. libreoffice-en-GB
  295. libreoffice-gnome
  296. libreoffice-impress
  297. libreoffice-kde4
  298. libreoffice-math
  299. libreoffice-postgresql-connector
  300. libreoffice-sdk
  301. libreoffice-sdk-doc
  302. libreoffice-writer
  303. libspnav
  304. libstatgrab
  305. libtool
  306. libtorrent
  307. libunique3
  308. libva-vdpau-driver
  309. libvncserver
  310. libwebp
  311. libwpd
  312. libwps
  313. libx86
  314. libxfce4ui
  315. libxfce4util
  316. libxfcegui4
  317. libxfixes-ubuntu
  318. libxml++
  319. libxp
  320. libxxf86dga
  321. libyaml
  322. libytnef
  323. libzeitgeist
  324. libzen
  325. light-themes
  326. lincity-ng
  327. linuxdcpp
  328. liquidwar
  329. lirc-utils
  330. llvm
  331. locky-git
  332. love
  333. lpsolve
  334. luajit
  335. luarocks
  336. lxappearance
  337. lxc
  338. lynx
  339. mac-os-lion-cursors
  340. mac-os-lion-icons
  341. mac-os-lion-theme
  342. mac4lin-gtk2-theme
  343. mari0
  344. mash
  345. mediatomb
  346. medit
  347. mencoder
  348. mercurial
  349. metasploit
  350. mlt-python-bindings
  351. monaco-linux-font
  352. mono
  353. mono-addins
  354. mono-upnp
  355. mono-zeroconf
  356. mplayer
  357. muffin-wm
  358. mutagen
  359. mx
  360. mysql
  361. mysql-clients
  362. nasm
  363. net-snmp
  364. netkit-bsd-finger
  365. networkmanager-openconnect
  366. networkmanager-vpnc
  367. nginx
  368. nmap
  369. notify-sharp
  370. nvclock
  371. nvidia
  372. nvidia-bl
  373. nvidia-cg-toolkit
  374. nvidia-utils
  375. obexfs
  376. obexftp
  377. obextool
  378. octave
  379. octave-symbolic
  380. omg-suite
  381. opal
  382. openbox
  383. opencascade
  384. opencl-headers
  385. opencl-nvidia
  386. openconnect
  387. openmpi
  388. openshot
  389. openssh
  390. opentracker
  391. opentracker-open
  392. orage
  393. orbit2
  394. osx-aluminium-icontheme
  395. pacman-color
  396. parallel
  397. parcellite
  398. pdcurses
  399. perl-gd
  400. perl-gdtextutil
  401. perl-xml-libxml
  402. perl-xml-namespacesupport
  403. perl-xml-sax
  404. perl-xml-sax-base
  405. php
  406. physfs
  407. pivy-hg
  408. pms
  409. pngcrush
  410. polkit-kde
  411. poppler-qt
  412. portaudio
  413. postgresql-libs
  414. preload
  415. printproto
  416. prison
  417. ptlib
  418. pycups
  419. pygoocanvas
  420. pyqt-common
  421. pyrex
  422. pysmbc
  423. python-configobj
  424. python-distribute
  425. python-docs
  426. python-m2crypto
  427. python-pybluez
  428. python-virtualenv
  429. python2-apsw
  430. python2-docs
  431. python2-ecdsa
  432. python2-httplib2
  433. python2-netifaces
  434. python2-pycurl
  435. python2-pyqt
  436. python2-reportlab
  437. python2-sip
  438. python2-slowaes
  439. python2-south
  440. q4wine
  441. qbittorrent
  442. qca-ossl
  443. qdjango
  444. qhull
  445. qimageblitz
  446. qpdf
  447. qr-code-creator
  448. qrencode
  449. qt-doc
  450. qtcreator
  451. quodlibet
  452. quodlibet-plugins
  453. razor-qt
  454. reflector
  455. ristretto
  456. rsvg2-sharp
  457. rsync
  458. rtorrent
  459. ruby
  460. ruby-msgpack
  461. sandfox
  462. sane
  463. screen
  464. sdl_gfx
  465. sdl_mixer
  466. sdl_net
  467. seahorse
  468. seed
  469. serf
  470. shared-color-targets
  471. sip
  472. smpeg
  473. soqt
  474. spandsp
  475. sparsehash
  476. speech-dispatcher
  477. sqlheavy
  478. sqlitebrowser
  479. subversion
  480. suitesparse
  481. supertuxkart
  482. swig1
  483. syslog-ng
  484. system-config-printer-common
  485. systemd-ui-git
  486. tablelist
  487. taglib-sharp
  488. tcllib
  489. telepathy-farstream
  490. telepathy-mission-control
  491. texlive-bibtexextra
  492. texlive-core
  493. texlive-fontsextra
  494. texlive-formatsextra
  495. texlive-games
  496. texlive-genericextra
  497. texlive-htmlxml
  498. texlive-humanities
  499. texlive-latexextra
  500. texlive-music
  501. texlive-pictures
  502. texlive-plainextra
  503. texlive-pstricks
  504. texlive-publishers
  505. texlive-science
  506. texmaker
  507. thunar
  508. thunar-archive-plugin
  509. thunar-media-tags-plugin
  510. thunar-volman
  511. tk
  512. totem
  513. traceroute
  514. transifex-client
  515. translate-toolkit-git
  516. tree
  517. trojita
  518. tsmuxer
  519. ttf-ms-fonts
  520. ttyqr-git
  521. tumbler
  522. ubuntu-mono
  523. unace
  524. unison
  525. unvanquished
  526. ussp-push
  527. valgrind
  528. varka-bzr
  529. vbetool
  530. vim
  531. vim-runtime
  532. vinagre
  533. vpnc
  534. w3cam
  535. w3m
  536. warmux
  537. warmux-data
  538. whois
  539. winegame
  540. wnck-sharp
  541. wow-2-themes
  542. wow-themes
  543. wxcam
  544. xaw3d
  545. xbindkeys
  546. xerces-c
  547. xf86-input-acecad
  548. xf86-input-aiptek
  549. xf86-input-keyboard
  550. xf86-input-mouse
  551. xf86-input-vmmouse
  552. xf86-input-void
  553. xf86-video-apm
  554. xf86-video-ark
  555. xf86-video-ast
  556. xf86-video-chips
  557. xf86-video-cirrus
  558. xf86-video-dummy
  559. xf86-video-fbdev
  560. xf86-video-glint
  561. xf86-video-i128
  562. xf86-video-i740
  563. xf86-video-mach64
  564. xf86-video-mga
  565. xf86-video-neomagic
  566. xf86-video-nv
  567. xf86-video-r128
  568. xf86-video-rendition
  569. xf86-video-s3
  570. xf86-video-s3virge
  571. xf86-video-savage
  572. xf86-video-siliconmotion
  573. xf86-video-sis
  574. xf86-video-sisusb
  575. xf86-video-tdfx
  576. xf86-video-trident
  577. xf86-video-tseng
  578. xf86-video-v4l
  579. xf86-video-vesa
  580. xf86-video-voodoo
  581. xf86dgaproto
  582. xfburn
  583. xfce-theme-greybird-mac
  584. xfce4-appfinder
  585. xfce4-artwork
  586. xfce4-axe-theme
  587. xfce4-battery-plugin
  588. xfce4-clipman-plugin
  589. xfce4-cpufreq-plugin
  590. xfce4-cpugraph-plugin
  591. xfce4-datetime-plugin
  592. xfce4-dict
  593. xfce4-diskperf-plugin
  594. xfce4-eyes-plugin
  595. xfce4-fsguard-plugin
  596. xfce4-genmon-plugin
  597. xfce4-mailwatch-plugin
  598. xfce4-mixer
  599. xfce4-mount-plugin
  600. xfce4-mpc-plugin
  601. xfce4-netload-plugin
  602. xfce4-notes-plugin
  603. xfce4-notifyd
  604. xfce4-panel
  605. xfce4-power-manager
  606. xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin
  607. xfce4-screenshooter
  608. xfce4-sensors-plugin
  609. xfce4-session
  610. xfce4-settings
  611. xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin
  612. xfce4-systemload-plugin
  613. xfce4-taskmanager
  614. xfce4-terminal
  615. xfce4-time-out-plugin
  616. xfce4-timer-plugin
  617. xfce4-verve-plugin
  618. xfce4-wavelan-plugin
  619. xfce4-weather-plugin
  620. xfce4-xkb-plugin
  621. xfconf
  622. xfdesktop
  623. xfwm4
  624. xfwm4-theme-prelude
  625. xfwm4-themes
  626. xinetd
  627. xlockmore
  628. xmlrpc-c
  629. xmountains
  630. xonotic
  631. xonotic-data
  632. xorg-appres
  633. xorg-docs
  634. xorg-fonts-100dpi
  635. xorg-fonts-75dpi
  636. xorg-smproxy
  637. xorg-utils
  638. xorg-x11perf
  639. xorg-xcursorgen
  640. xorg-xdpyinfo
  641. xorg-xdriinfo
  642. xorg-xev
  643. xorg-xinit
  644. xorg-xkbevd
  645. xorg-xkbutils
  646. xorg-xkill
  647. xorg-xlsatoms
  648. xorg-xlsclients
  649. xorg-xpr
  650. xorg-xprop
  651. xorg-xvinfo
  652. xorg-xwd
  653. xorg-xwininfo
  654. xorg-xwud
  655. xpdf
  656. xsane
  657. xscreensaver
  658. xsel
  659. xulrunner
  660. yasm
  661. yelp-xsl
  662. zenity
  663. zqr
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