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indust+ high invite medic, aka hitler

a guest
Aug 27th, 2013
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  1. 04:06:56
  2. |Mdk| silk218: I'm what ever you want me to be? Is that what turns you on? You want me inside you baby?
  3. 04:07:39
  4. Fzero: your accent give it away
  5. 04:07:49
  6. |Mdk| silk218: You want my hot tamale inside your warm taco?
  7. 04:08:15
  8. |Mdk| silk218: yeah? your accent is really cute too
  9. 04:08:21
  10. |Mdk| silk218: do you have a boyfriend?
  11. 04:08:25
  12. |Mdk| silk218: you sound really sweet
  13. 04:08:35
  14. Fzero: have both, does that help lol
  15. 04:08:51
  16. Fzero: depends on how I feel that week
  17. 04:09:15
  18. Fzero: still the fact of the matter is this
  19. 04:10:09
  20. Fzero: you want to tlak about my mother that died while helping those in the twin towers
  21. 04:10:15
  22. Fzero: at
  23. 04:10:25
  24. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: yo i got a 9/11 joke
  25. 04:10:29
  26. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: yo check it out
  27. 04:10:31
  28. Mr.Grajauskas lft medic: someone can crate eu lobby?
  29. 04:10:43
  30. Fzero: wow
  31. 04:10:47
  32. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: what was the last thing that went through the WTC jumpers' heads?
  33. 04:10:56
  34. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: their ankles bro
  35. 04:10:59
  36. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: ANKLES
  37. 04:11:27
  38. |Mdk| silk218: I doubt they jumped head first
  39. 04:11:28
  40. Fzero: I feel like no one here was even old enough to see that
  41. 04:11:32
  42. |Mdk| silk218: probably lander on their sides
  43. 04:11:39
  44. |Mdk| silk218: landed
  45. 04:11:50
  46. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: no it's because their bodies collapsed, not feet fell onto the heads
  47. 04:12:01
  48. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: depending on how they fell
  49. 04:12:07
  50. |Mdk| silk218: Fzero did your mom jump?
  51. 04:12:16
  52. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: lol
  53. 04:12:47
  54. Fzero: wow, really
  55. 04:12:51
  56. Fzero: firefighter
  57. 04:12:59
  58. |Mdk| silk218: firefighter killed her?
  59. 04:13:12
  60. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: she died while making sandwiches for the firemen?
  61. 04:13:15
  62. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: give her a medal yo
  63. 04:13:36
  64. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: but seriously bro, that was kinda harsh
  65. 04:13:40
  66. ⊰Industr¡al⊱: condolences
  67. 04:13:42
  68. Fzero: good luck with your life you two
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