
PF timestop + deku bubble beehive setup

Jul 12th, 2015
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  1. setup for timestop + deku bubble for PF beehive
  3. - time stop
  4. - run past cutscene to the right of the window
  5. - cancel timestop
  6. - target wall (the wall with the window)
  7. - be as far right as possible
  8. - shield turn turn 90 degrees right
  9. - crouch stab wall
  10. - shield turn turn 180 degrees
  11. - target + slash sword once (vertical slash)
  12. - put on deku mask
  13. - press B to aim, put the top of the center of the IGT clock on the 2nd black dot (2nd from the bottom)
  14. (the black dots are lined up vertically to the right of the bars with a brown/orange background
  15. - blow a small bubble
  16. - hope it hits beehive (may take a few tries)
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