
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 28

Dec 15th, 2014
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  1. >''Man, where the fuck you been, nigga? A brother been stuck here waiting for your sorry ass for so long, my ass is grown' roots!''
  2. ''Yeah, sorry about that. Had a bit of a hold up there, I'll tell you about it later.''
  3. >Slamming the door behind you, you grab your coffee and hand the tray to Ty, currently riding shotgun with an annoyed look on his face
  4. >''Thanks for the tea, ese.''
  5. >Santiago sips his tea with a satisfied 'ahh' and starts the engine, the coming to life with a happy roar
  6. ''No problem. So, Ty, you find out anything?''
  7. >Ty shrugs, tossing the now-empty tray out of the window
  8. > Fiddling with the volume on the stereo until you feel the bass reverberating in your chest, he turns to you
  10. >''I don't know, brother. Ain't found out much, you know? Just bits and pieces.''
  11. ''Enlighten me, man.''
  12. >Ty sips his coffee, smacking his lips in appreciation
  13. >''Damn, that's good. Thanks. Anyway, our guy lives in Em, that's for sure. One of the two-stories somewhere-''
  14. ''That way.''
  15. >You give Ty a winning grin, pointing towards the direction Scootaloo showed you
  16. >''Sheeiit nigga, how you know that? Hey Santiago, drive that way, man!''
  17. ''Long story, man, long story. Anyway, go on.''
  18. >''Alright, whatever you say. So, lives in Em Hills, two-story house, green van, lives with his mom, unemployed.''
  19. ''Lives with his mo- you know what, never mind.''
  20. >So-''
  21. >Tyler unveils a huge grin and slurps some more coffee, motioning for you to continue
  22. >''What else you found out, brother?''
  23. >You take a deep pull from your coffee, the bitter black liquid having cooled a bit
  24. ''Not much, actually. But-''
  25. >You raise your hands theatrically, the smile on your face now gone
  26. >''Yeah?''
  27. ''What I heard is pretty fucking creepy.''
  28. >''Come on, nigga, tell me.''
  29. ''Alright. So I met this chick that worked at Home Depot, and get this, the guy's a regular there, dig? He's bought concrete, shovels, you know, usual building stuff.''
  30. >''Alright, so he's building a pool or some shit. What's so bad about that, man?''
  31. ''Well, he's been buying lots of other stuff too. Namely, duct tape, and get this, lye.''
  32. >You glare at Ty intently, waiting for the realization to sink in
  33. >Despite your expectations, his face stays blank
  34. >''And that is?''
  35. ''Man, it's lye! You know, body dissolving stuff! Shit man, I almost flunked Chem and I still know that.''
  36. >Ty's eyes widen in realization as Santiago sharply yanks the wheel, barely missing a drunken woman in the street
  37. >''Oh, yeah, you mean sodium hydroxide? Why didn't you just say that, nigga?''
  38. ''Sodium my ass, man! You know what this means? This guy's some serial killer motherfucker!''
  39. >''Yeah, I get that, brother. But ain't no point in yelling, aight? Let's just find this guy's place first, and you can take it out on his ass.''
  40. ''Yeah, I guess. Sorry, man, this shit is just kinda getting to me, you know?''
  41. >''Yeah, I feel you, man, I feel you.''
  42. >Sitting in silence for a while with the music pumping, you feel yourself calming down a bit
  43. >You are still on edge from the coke, but you're still fairly positive
  44. >As long as you think about the details of your predicament, that is
  45. >Celestia was kidnapped by some guy who bought jugs of lye every weekend, and you have a feeling he's not just using it for drain cleaning
  46. >Fuck
  47. >''So, brother, what was that about some chick from Home Depot?''
  48. >Ty gives you a grin that you can only describe as 'filthy'
  49. ''Chill out, bro. She was like fifteen or some shit, okay?''
  50. >Ty bursts out laughing, and is soon joined by Santiago, the laughter echoing in the Impala
  51. >''Oh shit man, this some Dateline shit or what?''
  52. ''Yeah, ha-ha, very funny. Now, do you want to hear what happened or not?''
  53. >You grin despite your indignant tone
  54. >''Yeah, yeah, nigga, I wanna hear.''
  55. ''Alright. So anyway, I met this chick outside the gas station, asking me for a cig…''
  57. ''So then, after introducing myself to her friends, we talked for a bit, and came back here.''
  58. >Ty and Santiago both grin and nod appreciatively, Santiago breaking his long silence
  59. >''Shit ese, you floored two guys in ten seconds? That's pretty good, eh?''
  60. >You shrug and scratch your neck, slightly embarrassed
  61. ''Oh, it ain't no biggie. I mean, guys were like sixteen, tops. But still, yeah, ten seconds fl-''
  62. >You pause, an extremely bad taste invading your mouth
  63. >Washing it away with a pull from your coffee, you speak up again
  64. ''And that's pretty much all that happened.''
  65. >Santiago grins and spits out of the window, quickly rolling it back up to deflect the icy blast from outside
  66. >Fiddling with the aux cord, Santiago leans back with a satisfied look on his face
  68. >''Bring me along next time, okay? Way too long since I been in a rumble, vato.''
  69. ''Uh, yeah. But it ain't like I plan any of this, you know?''
  70. >''Yeah, but you could. Those two pinches mayates gonna need a beating, eh?''
  71. ''Two what?''
  72. >Santaigo chuckles and shakes his head, an amused look on his face
  73. >''Never mind, homes.''
  74. ''Alright, sure. And yeah, they do, I just gotta find out who they are first.''
  75. >''Yeah, yeah, I know. Anyway, you see any vans around?''
  76. >Looking out through the windows, the trailers have disappeared, small two-story suburban homes taking their place
  77. >This part of Em was definitely livable
  78. >The walls were clean, there were Priuses in the driveways and the lawns, while not manicured, at least existed
  79. >Still, the place was eerily quiet, the bare, almost skeleton-like trees reaching up through the light mist lending a ghastly atmosphere to the area
  80. >Cruising down the street, you scan the driveways for anything van-like, but to no avail
  81. >Wherever Celestia was, it sure seemed like she wasn't here
  82. >Although you had a few leads, you feel that your new plan is rapidly sinking
  83. >Fuck
  84. >You really need to piss, and a new bump wouldn't hurt either
  85. >Scratch that, make it two
  86. >You really need something to kick-start your brain again
  87. >Help you think more clearly
  88. >You vaguely feel that you're going to regret this
  89. >But finding Celestia would be worth it
  90. >You'd apologize, she'd apologize, and she'd stay with you again
  91. >Everything would be back to normal
  92. >Maybe, with enough time, you'd manage to convince Teapot that what you're doing isn't that bad
  93. >Thinking back to the altercation in the alley, you still feel his words stinging
  94. >You weren't poisoning Slateside, the place was poisoning itself
  95. >Sure, you sold crack, and various other items
  96. >But you weren't to blame
  97. >If anything, the economy was to blame
  98. >Sighing quietly, you dismiss the train of thought, and go back to scanning the cars
  99. >No point in over-complicating things
  100. >But, three things were still clear
  101. >You needed to find Celestia
  102. >You needed to take a leak
  103. >And, last but not least, you needed another line
  104. >You shake your head briefly, dismissing the thoughts again
  105. >You didn't need a line
  106. >You wanted one, but who could blame you?
  107. >Finding her was hard work, and you had to be alert at all times to do so
  108. >Turning to Santiago in the quiet of the Impala, you clear your throat
  109. ''Hey, uh, Santiago?''
  110. >''What's up, ese?''
  111. >Not taking his eyes off the road for a moment, he replies in the same cool tone as always
  112. ''You mind, uh, pulling up for a moment? I really need to piss, man.''
  113. >He doesn't grace you with a reply, but nevertheless parks the car next to an old oak tree, it's branches waving in the freezing wind
  114. ''Thanks, man.''
  115. >Santiago 'mmphs' in response, the throaty sound the only thing disturbing the quiet of the suburb
  116. >Opening the door, you step outside, slamming the door behind you as you do so
  117. >The wind is colder than before, sending shivers down your spine, and you pull your zipper up to protect you from the cold
  118. >Walking through the light dusting of mist on the pavement into a small, park-like clearing, you unearth the baggie and give it's contents a long look
  119. >You could've sworn there was more here the last time you looked, but that might just be you
  120. >Coming to a halt in front of a large tree, you look behind you quickly to make sure you weren't too visible to the car
  121. >And also, to check for any possible attackers
  122. >It isn't paranoia if you have reasons to do so
  123. >Satisfied with the emptiness of the park, the only inhabitants some squirrels squabbling over food in the gazebo in front of you, you open your zipper
  124. >With a muffled 'Ahh', you let fly, the small clearing echoing with the sound of water cascading into the snow
  125. >The feeling of pressure leaving you, you smile contentedly, stowing your piece and zipping up your jeans
  126. >Now, to part two of the plan
  127. >Grabbing the small baggie, you pour a small pile of white powder on the flat of your hand
  128. >Bringing it to your face, you decide to go no-frills, and inhale greedily, vacuuming up the coke like so many times before
  129. >Carefully wiping your nose, you zip up the baggie and lick any errant specks of cocaine off your hand, the familiar head rush building inside you
  130. >From the first moment, you notice you may have overshot the dosage by a little bit
  131. >Scratch that, you may have overshot it by quite a lot
  132. >With a muffled moan, you lean against the tree and close your eyes, your mind currently rising hundreds of feet above you
  133. ''Jesus Christ, yes…''
  134. >You slowly open your eyes, your mind now back where it belongs
  135. >The darkness of the park greets you, the bluish tinge of snow covering the ground
  136. >The park is as quiet as ever, the two squirrels having taken their disagreement elsewhere
  137. >Satisfied with the quiet, you turn around with a chuckle, only to be greeted by a gray shape in front of you
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