
ninja's dream

Mar 17th, 2012
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  1. ninja joined the chat room.
  2. [18:18] ninja: hi limi
  3. [18:18] Limi: my niggas have gathered
  4. [18:18] Limi: hi shnen and ninja
  5. [18:19] ninja: man i just woke up again
  6. [18:19] ninja: i had the most awesome dream eevr
  7. [18:19] shnen: nigga unite
  8. [18:19] shnen: *niggas
  9. [18:19] Limi: lol, colour me intrigued
  10. [18:20] Limi: ninja, tell us before i lose interest
  11. [18:21] shnen: ninja
  12. [18:21] shnen: i summon you now
  13. [18:21] shnen: joao augusto de souza
  14. [18:21] shnen: come
  15. [18:22] ninja: oh my dreaM?
  16. [18:22] ninja: ok but its really long
  17. [18:23] shnen: do tell
  18. [18:23] ninja: so me and family were traveling to a city called paranagua
  19. [18:23] ninja: but then we learned that there was a child kidnapper there on the loose
  20. [18:23] ninja: but we go there anyway
  21. [18:24] ninja: then we learned that the son of one of my dad's friends already got kidnapped
  22. [18:24] ninja: but we enjoy our vacation anyway
  23. [18:24] ninja: then me and my family decide that we got tired of paranagua
  24. [18:24] ninja: and decide we want to go to another city
  25. [18:24] Limi: is that a play on
  26. [18:24] Limi: paranoid?
  27. [18:24] ninja: called belo horizonte
  28. [18:24] ninja: what?
  29. [18:24] Limi: oh belo horizonte indeed exists
  30. [18:25] Limi: carry on.
  31. [18:25] ninja: so we discover there are no flights there
  32. [18:25] ninja: and then we deicde to fucking hijack a plane just to go to BH
  33. [18:25] shnen: dun dun dun
  34. [18:25] ninja: that was badass as hell
  35. [18:25] ninja: then we enjoy the vacation a bit more, but then i get separated from my family
  36. [18:26] ninja: a guy offers me a ride to the airport, to help me find my family
  37. [18:26] ninja: i accept it and sit on the passenger seat of the car, while there's a baby, that looks to be 1 or 2, in the backseat
  38. [18:27] ninja: in the middle of ride, i somehow using my nigga powers i discover the guy is the kidnapper
  39. [18:27] ninja: and the baby was kidnapped
  40. [18:27] ninja: and then i look behind and see the baby was sending text messages with his cell phone
  41. [18:27] ninja: that was badass as hell
  42. [18:27] ninja: too
  43. [18:27] ninja: cause the baby was like 1
  44. [18:28] Limi: lol
  45. [18:28] ninja: then i start to talk to the driver to distract him
  46. [18:28] ninja: we arrive at a market
  47. [18:28] ninja: and he leaves us in a place to go buy some things
  48. [18:29] ninja: when he arrives back, he sees the baby texting, realizes whats happening
  49. [18:29] ninja: and goes batshit crazy on me
  50. [18:29] ninja: like he starts punching like hell
  51. [18:29] ninja: punching me*
  52. [18:29] Limi: lol
  53. [18:29] ninja: then the baby starts to cry to draw the other people atention
  54. [18:29] Limi: you could have run away
  55. [18:29] Limi: silly dream alter-egos
  56. [18:30] ninja: bu it isnt needed, bc i'm a yellow belt in taekwondo
  57. [18:30] shnen: roflmao
  58. [18:30] shnen: that line
  59. [18:30] shnen: made the whole story great
  60. [18:30] ninja: and i then i turn the tables and imoobilize the guy
  61. [18:30] shnen: for some reason
  62. [18:30] shnen: and imoobilize
  63. [18:30] ninja: i'll save it
  64. [18:30] jrrrr: rofl
  65. [18:30] ninja: but its still not over
  66. [18:30] jrrrr: this is an intense dream
  67. [18:31] Limi: lol which line shnen?
  68. [18:31] shnen: [18:30] ninja: bu it isnt needed, bc i'm a yellow belt in taekwondo
  69. [18:31] ninja: thats true
  70. [18:31] ninja: in real life that is
  71. [18:31] Limi: i mean i don't have any belts
  72. [18:31] tennisace joined the chat room.
  73. [18:31] tennisace was promoted to room founder by ChanServ.
  74. [18:31] tennisace was promoted to operator by ChanServ.
  75. [18:31] ninja: so the guy gets arrested
  76. [18:31] Limi: but yellow sounds cute
  77. [18:31] ninja: and me and the baby are like national heroes
  78. [18:32] ninja: and then i was still in the market
  79. [18:32] ninja: and found some of my friends
  80. [18:32] ninja: and told them all the story
  81. [18:32] Limi: see, tennis
  82. [18:32] ninja: but aparently they had a school project
  83. [18:32] Limi: we got some badass guys here
  84. [18:32] tennisace: ??
  85. [18:32] ninja: and didnt care for my story
  86. [18:32] tennisace:
  87. [18:32] ninja: then i woke up
  88. [18:32] ninja: o hai tennis
  89. [18:33] ninja: actually theres also some unimportant parts i cut from the story
  90. [18:33] ninja: like what i said to the kidnapper to distract him
  91. [18:33] ninja: i remember all the dream
  92. [18:33] ninja: vividly
  93. [18:34] ninja: so guys did you like it
  94. [18:34] Limi: yes
  95. [18:34] Limi: i only have weird-ass dreams
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