
Dowjin v Jake

Jul 29th, 2017
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  1. [01:45:33] * Jake - It took the vampire little effort to push open the front doors with but a thought. His arms crossed behind his back so nonchalantly. 10"Because in my sixteen thousand years of being alive, never have I ever heard of a Paladin asking for a fair trade in response to him doing his duty." 6He said before he began pushing for the tree line and making his way to the large clearing oh so close to the manor. As he walked, those behind him would notice the trail of dead grass in a five foot radius around Jacob, it seemed to come with each step, five feet extended in all directions around him, even the trees began to knarl and knot as he pushed into them. A poor jack rabbit was caught within this five foot death circle and it's screech echoed out into the area as when Jacob passed, the only thing remaining was a pile of bones. Finally stepping foot into the clearing, he made his way towards one end, intending for Dowjin to take the one opposit. Once he had stopped moving, that billowing black cloak rolled off of him, making way for the pitch black armor beneath. In the center of the chest plate for the ebony armor was a sapphire like gem, that when the sun above hit it, gave off a purpleish glow. Holding out his right hand a sword would appear; it's blade, hilt and cross guard were all black, but the center of the sword betwixt the handguard, blade and hilt was an eye, an eye that pierced whoever's soul dared peered into it, the iris of the eye was blood red, it funneled Jacob's sin of wrath as he held onto it. 10"I hope you're ready Dowjin, because one of us is walking away from the fight a bloody mess." 6With those last words uttered, a helmet appeared over Jacob's head, the helmet itself was black like the rest of his attire, but on either temple of the helm were a pair of curled horns, showing off the demonic presence the Hell Baron bore in this world.
  2. [01:49:34] * Lilith_Aensland Has a seat and gets comfortable to watch the show.
  3. [01:49:55] * Matthew held up his hand, conjuring two chairs out of thin air using Chaos. The Nephalem took a seat in one, leaving the other open for Lilith.
  4. [01:50:08] * Lilith_Aensland retracts last post))
  5. [01:50:26] * Lilith_Aensland now would have a seat then on the offered chair with a smile. "Thank you." she says to Matthew.
  6. [01:51:16] * Matthew nodded, "beats sitting on the ground, right?"
  7. [01:52:02] <Lilith_Aensland> mmhmm, I wouldn't want any ants crawling around on my skin to distract me.
  8. [01:53:32] <Matthew> That'd be a real bummer.
  9. [01:53:46] <Lilith_Aensland> yes, yes it would be
  10. [01:59:25] * Dowjin snorts. ~"I am not doing any duty here, so you are mistaken. I am not here to free anyone from their damnation in this place, I'm not here to find out who in the midst of conserting with Succubi is still innocent. All stand condemned. But lo though I myself walk through this valley of darkness it shall not touch me, for my cause is just. I am not their Paladin, I am not Your Paladin. I am the Paladin of my
  11. [01:59:25] * Dowjin loving ones, and I shall give them the Heaven I promised, yea even Zahra and Shironu, most beloved of all. And before you ask, yes, my Wife would approve."~ As he spotted the armor under Jake he clucked his tongue. ~"This is a mistake, Jake, not one time did I say a vow to spare the darkness or show it mercy. Valor will manifest, in all its radiance..."~ He growls then, and intones. ~"AEGIS!"~ And with the
  12. [01:59:25] * Dowjin golden warp of reality platemail was summoned, mana infused mithril, spawned from the wish of devas, a holy metal, laced with power. A low hum, a golden flash and bang, and the mail was upon him. A golden halo grew above his helmet, and white downy feathers peeked between his scales as if morphing into something a little less mortal.
  13. [02:01:22] <Dowjin> (( ))
  14. [02:01:24] * Lilith_Aensland Leans over towards Matthew. "Halo and feathers ppphh, that guy is more evil than I am." she says with a soft snicker. She would lean back then into her seat.
  15. [02:02:20] <Dowjin> (( ))
  16. [02:02:57] * Matthew looked over at Lilith, "even my real form isn't that cliche."
  17. [02:03:46] <Lilith_Aensland> Mmhmm, that right there is the definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  18. [02:04:55] * Matthew chuckled, leaning back in his seat.
  19. [02:06:05] * Punch ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  20. [02:07:19] * Jake scoffs lightly as he looked at the Paladin. 10"What sort of righteous asshole saves only a few when his job is to bring all those who have fallen into the darkness into the light. Or am I once again getting the definition of a Paladin wrong." 6He shook his head as he began to stride forward, his unbound bloodlust seeping out in waves, crashing against all those in the area. 10"If anything, you're an Anti Paladin who's only looking out for himself." 6He sneered as Ambrosia's eye focused on Dowjin, peering at every inch of his armor. 10"You are the weakest Paladin I have ever seen, collaring women and drawing upon their mana to fuel yourself. It sickens even me, a monster who feeds on people to stay alive."
  21. [02:08:54] * Lilith_Aensland would look on then hearing Jake and would make a slight.. "Aherm." sound before raising her hand then into the air. "ummmm... it's kind of what us Succubus do..."
  22. [02:10:29] * Matthew crossed his right leg over his left knee, "but you aren't so self righteous about it, you just do it and move on without acting like a hero."
  23. [02:11:06] * Lilith_Aensland blinked looking to Matthew and lowers her hand.. "oh.. right." and would lower her hand back down.
  24. [02:13:56] * Matthew blinked, "well, not to demean you or anything, I was just trying to not get all technical, y'know?"
  25. [02:14:19] <Lilith_Aensland> it's alright I didn't take it as demeaning.
  26. [02:18:11] <Matthew> Ok then, let's watch the bloodshed!
  27. [02:18:42] * Pandora (uid113094@Virtues.of.Sin) has joined #SuccubusExtra
  28. [02:19:19] * Dowjin pulled up the Sword of Hope, scourging flames of judgment spewing from the drake skull at its hilt. A fire that would never go out until the last soul he was leashed to faded; and he mused that such a thing might even outlast him. He pointed it at Jake. ~"You are indeed getting it wrong! For those who have fallen, only Hell awaits. For those who are worthy? The highest heaven. The Throne of Valor cannot be
  29. [02:19:19] * Dowjin mocked by your piteous cries, but if you wish to repent and solve this a different way, I give you that Grace here and now. But don't cry me crocodile tears for the unrepentant sewer that is this plane. My loving ones deserve better, and they shall recieve it!"~ He eyed Jake in kind, and began to layer in extradimensional barriers in the invisible planes, mana flooding into his armor like a burst dam, and if
  30. [02:19:19] * Dowjin his eye could see spiritually, it was dense in his bones and blood. His body was of the mythical breed of dragon, but it was the holy power matrixing with arcane mana that put him on a more divine level. He had decided rather than fix the source problem, he would simply feed ravenously, and, he supposed, that compensation would last him five minutes. ~"You do not know my pain, or my strength, I do what I
  31. [02:19:19] * Dowjin have to in order to survive indeed. But you do not know the love of the one who saved me. Nor do you see who I am saving now. Last chance."~
  32. [02:26:29] <Matthew> Generic "I'm the good guy" speech.
  33. [02:27:17] <Jake> 10"You certianly talk big Dowjin, spewing your self righteous bull shit." 6He shook his head as pools of Hell smoke began to pool up around their battlefield. 10"But perhaps I can change that, make you bleed and show you the true light of your wrong doings Dowjin." 6He spoke as his right gauntlet began to bleed from the finger tips, the drops pooling just beside him, as the fifth drop hit the puddle, the blood shot off into one of the areas around the field. Another set of five drops scuttled off before finally a third scuttled off behind Jacob. 10"This will be the grounds of your pain, you may repent by unshackling the women you have leeched on, or you can feel my blade tear your mana out of you bit by bit."
  34. [02:37:45] * Dowjin grins to Jake. ~"Sorry, but it doesn't work that way, for I am sworn to them as much as they are sworn to me. Have you even asked any of them directly, if they want to be set free? Each for their own reasons will tell you no, because I am the servant of their wish. Even Lilith, with a mind to help her sister, said the same. And I have honored every word. You call me a leech, but by the sacrifice of my body
  35. [02:37:45] * Dowjin and being, I pay for their wishes. If you don't believe me? Look at my soul, necromancer. Because the difference between you and me is most of who I am is gone, fed into the grinder, and those pacted to me have given me their love as they wished to. But you, infernal creature, rape their souls with your dark magic. Or have all the undead you meddled with surrendered their souls to you out of adoration, as
  36. [02:37:45] * Dowjin they did to me? Tchah. But I take care of mine. Make your move, if you dare."~ He seemed to keep the same posture, he wasn't charging up anything. In fact, he couldn't. He only had what was already prepared, and it was going to trigger and discharge until spent, the prewritten destiny between him and the vampire.
  37. [02:37:45] * hana|werkwerk is now known as Hanamat
  38. [02:46:40] * Jake chuckled as suddenly a red hue in the air began to shudder, initially standing at five feet the hue pushed itself out to fifteen feet in all directions. 10"I may have studied Necromancy, but it was for nothing more than to see my family. To cheat heaven and walk into it's pearly gates to hug my daughter and kiss my wife." 6He said, that red hue, revolving around him as he began to step forward, the grass and trees, even the chair Lilith had been sitting on prior began to crumble and twist. Ambrosia's power grew with this as the energy around them began to fade into this kill ball. 10"Magic was never my strong suit, even when I was alive. I compensated by learning the ways of the weapon and the fist." 6He spoke out loudly too Dowjin as he stopped, the edge of the killing red hue just inches from Dowjin's face, 10"Do you know what you're up against boy?" 6He queried as Ambrosia eyed Dowjin with a fierce hunger, it was only inches from the mandrake and being able to suckle on his life force and mana.
  39. [03:07:06] * Dowjin let his Cloak fall in a wave of cresting Holy, the metaphysical restraint he was holding on to, before that inevitable countdown to being out of mana would begin, slipping as the Red Hue surged outwards. Ionizing air crackled, and a muted thunderclap whooshed in each direction, invisible force batting grass and Red Hue aside before the outer layers of his Realm were invaded, and he didnt bother to waste his
  40. [03:07:06] * Dowjin mana with such a large Zone, letting it shrink into a more personal space as Jake stepped foward, mana burning blue as it bled into reality between joints of armor and his scales. His blood boiled and burned, but he had lost count of the times he had since gotten used to it. His motion was physical at first, testing Jake's tracking and shoring up his armor with the discharging sequence of inner barriers. His
  41. [03:07:06] * Dowjin body lunged to the right, and then hunkered down into a charging run, around the edge, and then inward. The drain from Jake's power had eaten a couple layers on contact, but by the flare of golden sparks, there was a well about three hell barons deep to eat through. His motion was a blur to the human eye, a sudden burst of strength at the limits of what the mortal form could put out. ~"Tchah, I could ask the
  42. [03:07:06] * Dowjin same of you! You are not the first Nether Lord I've subdued, nor the Last!"~ With thundering steps he was closing to melee range.
  43. [03:14:56] * Jake chuckles as he casually turns to Dowjin, matching his speed with half the effort, one of those smoke piles swooped forward and shot upwards, forming an almost identical clone to Jacob, it raised a broadsword and swung it down as the the blade of Ambrosia opened like a mouth and began to draw in the burning blue mana to absorb and nutrilize it while also conforming it to his own power, as soon as Dowjin stepped into the kill zone, he'd immediately feel his body slow, this kill zone was created by the sword itself and not Jacob, so the thunderclap of invisible force didn't threaten the red hue, for the red hue was the kill zone. 10"You've analyzed the fact that I will drain your power, and yet you rush in to feed me?" 6He asked as he watched Dowjin closely, Ambrosia sipping the mana like an energy drink.
  44. [03:32:07] * Dowjin sacrificed to the Red Hue the outer shell of barriers that the burst had afforded, but as soon as Ambrosia began to feed in earnest, mana discharged in response. Less like he was casting spells, and more like tripwires snapping, reflex and willpower discharging each thought into reality. ~"Then choke on it!"~ He roars, and between step slips between dimensions in a pop and bang, closer, past the smoke pile,
  45. [03:32:07] * Dowjin reappearing in mid-leap to Jake's 4'oclock side, a fusillade of magic bolts blasting in a shotgun spray from an open left palm, to maim or at least plow into defensive warding, before the holy fire of Hope's blade would come sweeping down behind it in a path for Jake's collarbone. Another magical charge was zipping to completion, either another burst, or translocation. He could not prevent being fed on, but
  46. [03:32:08] * Dowjin he could scourge with irreperable damage, to where he hoped there was no benefit to Jake's feeding.
  47. [03:37:21] * Jake locked those cold blue eyes to Dowjin. The smokepile, now clone, with the speed faster than the human eye it's broad sword coming down on Dowjin's right wing to toss him off balance, with a pivit Jacob's sword came out, absorbing the magical bolts effortlessly. 10"You are but a child, and here you are throwing your life away." 6He said as he flicked Ambrosia to his side, letting a few blue drops of mana hit the ground before he brought the sword upwards in an arc to intercept Dowjin's sweep. 10"A novice in swordplay, I can read your moves like one reads a book."
  48. [03:40:01] * hana|shower is now known as Hanamat
  49. [03:51:09] * Dowjin bruising force tenderized the wing the broadsword hit, with the squeal akin to electricity warping in protest as gold sparks flash. The wing went limp rather than let him loose balance, it wasn't bearing his weight after all. But he hissed to the pain, and as Jake's blade hit his, he continued with his motion, bladea sliding together, until his was past the other's; left bucklered fist puched up high over
  50. [03:51:09] * Dowjin the man dragon's chest with the crescent notch to catch Jake's sword, the dragon's own sword arm wheeling straight down in an efficient path for the back of Jake's knee. Space compressed as the translocator fired, planar magic pooling the weight of mountains coming together, even planes, as if the striking edge of his blade would smash into Jake with heaven itself. No mana was spared, he hemorhaged it
  51. [03:51:09] * Dowjin wildly, this had to end quickly.
  52. [04:00:11] * Jake watched Dowjin, bring his sword down towards his knee, but it was futile. Lifting the combined weight of their weapons as well as the force behind it Jacob moved to push the man dragon back towars the pool of five drops of blood, which had begun to slowly circulate and bubble. Slowly another figure rose, one even more similar to that of the smoke clone. This blood clone had everything Jacob had, except Ambrosia. The blood clone rushed forward, taking to Dowjin's left, it's right palm growing sharper than a sword as it chopped down into Dowjin's left wing. The blue pulsating eyes of the original watched as the smoke clone brought it's sword up to slam into Dowjin's rib area, though it wasn't like meeting Jacob's sword it'd still feel like a truck was smashing into the right side of the dragon's ribs.
  53. [04:27:55] * Dowjin as soon as Jake pushed him up and off, seeming effortlessly, he winced and vanished into smoke, shadows evaporating like the mana used to blink him to the opposite side of Jake. He grit his teeth and hissed through a groan of pain, overchanneling to keep pumping those spells through wide open Gates. Barriers tried to separate the smoke clones from the two of them with a solid wall. Even as he felt the Red
  54. [04:27:56] * Dowjin Hue sucking his spirit away, that indomitable thing was to the last moment flaring brightly, daring the vampire to feast, and choke on the overflow of so much Holy, an anathema to the undead, daring the other to truly bite down and burn away the vampire's own soul with the wish of the man dragon's own heroic spirit. It was true that it hung over a precipice of darkness, and his spirit teetered into the Realm
  55. [04:27:56] * Dowjin of blackguard, yet it absolutely refused to fall no matter the price, not until some promise was done. For that was how the Pact Primeval worked. It was a promise. Following the violent interjection of barriers bursting to life, he would with the precision, and lack of any hesitation in the way of any keen master swordsman, would flip the point of his blade back and drive it into Jake's hopefully exposed
  56. [04:27:56] * Dowjin chest. [Smite] flared to ahnihilate the undead with explosive Holy mana. A nova of power forced the well of mana gushing from him to discharge into [Chain Lightening], its destructive power amplified to its peak and cracking in every direction, the searing light of it laced with a divine hand, as if the bolts had burst forth from the Gate of Glory itself. He was counting down the time by each swing, moment
  57. [04:27:56] * Dowjin by moment, as that window of opportunity wouldn't last forever to Manifest at this level.
  58. [04:37:43] * Jake let out a sigh as the helmet faded from place, showing a look of disappointment on the vampire's features. Perhaps, if he had met this man dragon a few thousand years ago this would have been a true life or death fight, but as he was now? No, simply not even close to the parils he fought daily. The twin clones dispersed into their respected elements, The smoke clone exploded forth, wrapping itself around the chain lightning, like a child would wrap themselves in a blanket. The blood clone returned to Jacob before it's element shot forth, stopping Dowjin's stab in mid air, the blood took a hold of the tip of The Sword Of Hope and held it there, keeping Dowjin well in place unless he wished to lose his sword. 10"You've only been feeding my weapon dear Paladin." 6He said as he took a step forward, Ambrosia seeing itself to snuggly slip into Dowjin's armor and begin to press into his stomach.Though only the tip pierced the dragon's stomach, it would be enough to begin to drain the mana from him.
  59. [04:38:24] <Jake> (perils*)
  60. [04:49:24] * Dowjin blinked, and then blew a breath out the chainmail vieling his mouth down the bottom half of the helm. About to release the next solvo of spells, a battery of discentegration, enough to erase even pieces from divine beings when overchanneled. But he grips his sword tight, and halts that tide of power, sucking it back in as he watches Jake hold his weapon with blood that should have burst into flames upon
  61. [04:49:24] * Dowjin contact; yet did not. Listening to his voice and realizing. Then he huffed a laugh, and then laughed a little harder. ~"Oh, so that is the trick?"~ He was amazed at how simple the powers countering him had been operating, and shut down the flows of mana around him with the concentrated stare of him willing into release the held charge for [Dimensional Anchor] and suddenly the dynamic would change, as
  62. [04:49:24] * Dowjin Ambrosia was stopped an inch away by some unseen force, and nothing came out for Jake to feed on. The man dragon then found it quite easy to draw his sword out of the blood's grip, and held it at his side half-cranked as if contemplating the merits of another good swing. ~"Ssssahhh, an interesting diversion, I thought it was strange you could stop a Holy Relic."~
  63. [05:12:19] * Jake lowered his sword as he watched Dowjin, those smoke piles along the battlefield all begin to rise up and form clones. 10"You're one of the more persistant ones I've had the chance to swat down." 6He said, that big fifteen foot kill ball still absorbing whatever energy it could, even draining the power from the world around them. 10"Though now, if you don't mind, I'd like to end this." 6He said as the helmet once again remerged and covered his head, in that instant it was like time had stopped, Jacob had vanished, appearing behind Dowjin before the clones and the piles all vanished. 10"Let this be my lesson to you dragon." 6He said, and with a swift cut, he slashed through a good chunk of the dragon's tail. 10"I'd start thinking of releasing 10your women from their collars else I might have to visit you again." 6And with that Jacob began to walk back towards the manor, the sun was much higher than when they started, and he was getting rather sleepy.
  64. [05:14:23] * Dowjin would laugh as Jake's weapon banged and sparked harmlessly off of the space above his tail. ~"Your are as impotent as you are ignorant, your trick wont work twice."~ And with that, he vanishes into smoke and shadow.
  65. [05:15:26] * Jake raised Ambrosia and licked the tether of blood that it had managed to get from slipping between the Dragon's armor. "He should probably close up all those holes."
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