
Streaming with Dazzle: sicko convo

Jun 3rd, 2011
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  1. <Blechy> have you tried virtual audio cable stuff
  2. <sicko> um no
  3. <Blechy> ok one sec
  4. <Blechy>
  5. <Blechy> download, install, run that
  6. <Blechy> you installed the pinnacle studio software that came with it right? do you get audio through that?
  7. <sicko> hm its not downloading coz there no seeders or w.e
  8. <sicko> lol
  9. <sicko> yea hi get audio through the studio bullshit
  10. <Blechy> the site says there are 58, it should crank up soon
  11. <sicko> nvm its going
  12. <Blechy> once that's going open up the one that says "Audio Repeater (KS)"
  13. <Blechy> for Wave In choose Dazzle blah blah
  14. <Blechy> for Wave Out choose Virtual Cable 1
  15. <sicko> wait
  16. <sicko> 1s econd
  17. <sicko> lol
  18. <sicko> installing
  19. <Blechy> coo
  20. <sicko> ok
  21. <Blechy> you set those 2 things? you can leave everything else default
  22. <sicko> ok
  23. <sicko> now do i open up xsplit
  24. <Blechy> before that let's make sure it detects the sound. hit start, and dick around in mario and see if the left two bars in VAC move
  25. <sicko> ya
  26. <sicko> they moving
  27. <Blechy> ok good
  28. <Blechy> now xsplit it up
  29. <Blechy> one of your sources is called dazzle right?
  30. <sicko> wave in is
  31. <sicko> dazzle dvc 100 audio
  32. <sicko> or some shit
  33. <Blechy> I mean in xsplit
  34. <sicko> for audio?
  35. <Blechy> hmm, I mean in scene sources where it'll list your different screen regions and stuff, one should be dazzle
  36. <sicko> yeah
  37. <sicko> my video is there
  38. <Blechy> ok right click that
  39. <Blechy> go to cam, configure
  40. <sicko> ok
  41. <Blechy> crossbar
  42. <Blechy> switch output to 1: Audio Decoder Out
  43. <Blechy> and then Input to 5: Audio Line In
  44. <sicko> ok
  45. <Blechy> and um, I think that's it. if that doesn't work I'll try and remember more
  46. <Blechy> stream and let's see
  47. <sicko> cool
  48. <Blechy> yeah all set
  49. <sicko> thanks lol
  50. <sicko> that was alot of help
  51. <Blechy> sure. it was annoying to figure out, there were a million guides out there but each one only described one step of what I just said
  52. <sicko> ah
  53. <sicko> i see
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