
Satyr One-Shots (6-07-16)

Jun 7th, 2016
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  1. Hope Harem
  3. >Only the sounds of low grunts and high moans can be heard as your captivated audience looks on in awe.
  4. >With a deep groan, you pull the young satyr down, flooding her bowels with your seed. Her own body rocked with you think her fourth consecutive orgasm.
  5. >For a moment you rest, your already rehardening cock still deep in the limp girls warm tunnel.
  6. >Recatching your breath, you nudge her up, your rod exiting her with a squelching pop.
  7. "Good job, uh.." you begin, peeking at the brand on her haunches "22. That was great. You get a Good Girl star."
  8. >The exhausted satyr flashes a tired smile of pride as you press the stamp to her breast, leaving a small gold star to show off around the house.
  9. >Excusing her, she makes her way to a couch and promptly lays down while another, branded as 14 kneels to clean the mess left by her sister.
  10. >As 14 goes about her oral worship, you reach out and idly pet the head of the satyr kneeling at your side.
  11. >Your favorite, your truest daughter. Hope.
  12. "Hope, I have to thank you sweetie. These mirror clones of yours are the best gift I've ever had."
  13. >"Thank you daddy!" she beams "I just don't want some greedy mare taking advantage of you."
  14. "Don't worry about that, Hope. I'm not going anywhere."
  15. >Your response is a simple snuggle into your side.
  18. ----------------------------------------------
  19. Classical Satyrs
  21. >You sit, idly tapping your fingers as you watch your daughters play some board game or another.
  22. >Daughters dropped in your lap by a pair of green and tan ponies you can't remember the names of that you met on some night you also couldn't remember.
  23. >They didn't want to be associated with you. None of these stupid racist horses did. Oh well, your girls were excellent company. And your only company.
  24. >Snapping out of your thoughts, you watch a little longer as the room seems to become impossibly quiet.
  25. >The sound of their play becomes as thunder, your own breath pounds your head like a tornado, your heartbeat a canon.
  26. >Soon enough, a fight breaks out, complete with screaming and hair pulling. You're only too happy for the excuse to leap into action.
  27. "Alright girls! Break it up!"
  28. >"Gumdrop started it!"
  29. >"No I didn't, you liar!"
  30. "Hope, Gumdrop, stop. I don't care who started it. Now kiss and make up."
  31. >With smirks, the lusty nymphs take your advice, pulling each other into a passionate embrace, only for you to pull them apart.
  32. "There's time for that later, girls, we're going out."
  33. >The to satyrs almost literally jump for joy, as that meant only one thing.
  34. -
  35. "Yes, I'm saying you're trying to screw me. We both know wine hasn't gotten half that expensive."
  36. >"Look, I'm just trying to run a business."
  37. "And I'm trying not to punch a grifter. As much as I buy, you're making plenty of profit."
  38. >The shopkeeper tries to stare you down, but quickly remembers that it doesn't work.
  39. >"Fine, take your wine, but you freaks better stay out of my store."
  40. "Fuck the ponice, I'll see you next week. Later Berry Punch."
  41. >The three of you waddle out, each clacking from the load of dozens of bottles as you make your way home.
  42. -
  43. >You awaken with a hangover sometime in what you assume is the next day.
  44. >Half the furniture is flipped over, wine bottles are scattered everywhere, the house smell like sex, and all three of you are covered in crude writing.
  45. >Today was a Dionysian day.
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. I wonder how many dicks she sucked to buy that handbag, because as a satyr, that's obviously how she earned it
  52. >"Aww come on dad, do I have to?" Polo whines.
  53. >"Yeah, I really don't wanna." S'more chimes in. "It sounds hard and dirty."
  54. "Now girls. Peach has been doing this almost every day since she was practically a baby. I don't think one summer will hurt you."
  55. >The two satyrs seem to pout at your stubbornness, so you try to entice them a bit.
  56. "Besides, maybe you'll get you some of that nice money your sister is always rubbing in your faces."
  57. >"Fine. But only because you're making us." pout the purple haired fillies.
  58. -
  59. "Alright, look sir, you can try describing it with all the 2 bit words you like, but we both know you're only here for one reason. Now, are we going to do business or not?"
  60. >"Very well. In light of your reputation for excellence, I will ignore your boorish manners. Please lead the way."
  61. >You lead the stallion to a small collection of unassuming buildings in a shady and well kept area.
  62. >From one comes a rhythmic bumping and thumping, no doubt Peach hard at work.
  63. >As you crack open the door to one of the larger building tucked in the corner, you spot something amiss.
  64. >Trash is strewn about the area, puddles of liquid are everywhere, and many objects are marred by damage.
  65. >And amidst it all lie two young girls, alive, but clearly dead to the world.
  66. "God dammit! You two were supposed to be making booze, not drinking it!"
  67. >Today was a less tragic Dionysian day.
  71. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. Kimmy Mera Selfcest Bumper
  74. >"Oh come on, you can't say you're not at least a little curious."
  75. >"Not in the leassssst."
  76. >"I don't believe you." Kimmy states as she exerts her will over her smaller sister, forcing her into position.
  77. >"After all, if you can't be honest with yourself...."
  78. >"I...I don't want thissss..."
  79. >"Shh." the young hybrid says with boat motherly whisper, and a light, predatory growl. >"Just relax, Mera."
  80. >The young snake feels the smooth pads of her sisters paws brush along her scales.
  81. >Despite her better judgement, she does as she's told, and waits.
  82. >The sisters lips meet, feelings of shame and contentment flood her. As does a curious feeling of somehow being more in tune with her other half.
  83. >Mera feels her resistance melt, and her forked tongue flicks out to taste her siblings.
  88. -----------------------
  89. Hive of the Loving Father
  91. >The lights surge on as you enter the room, numerous magically maintained candles and braziers sparking to life.
  92. >Your children filter in past you as you take in the sights.
  93. >Large, cavernous and opulent, your "bonding room" as your wife calls it, is a sight to behold.
  94. >Piles of pillows, beds and couches of changeling silk sit on the polished stone floor, and on high alcoves along the walls.
  95. >The stone itself is engraved with intricate channels designed to drain fluids off, where they collect for obscene fountains.
  96. >The walls are decorated with your childrens art, and a number of very fine molted carapaces polished to a shine.
  97. >From above shines a skylight, lit by sunlight transported by a magical collector on the surface.
  98. >The stained glass, made by your daughters, depicts you embracing their mother as several of them watch on.
  99. >Marching towards the center, you take your place on your throne, filling the you shaped dent in the fabric.
  100. >Already, piles of flesh and chitin are forming, toys are being taken from their holders, and jars of lust honey are being opened.
  101. >Reaching off the side of your throne, you pull a few slips of paper from a small container.
  102. "Numbers 2712, 583, 17199 and 86."
  103. >Only one of the girls, 17199 comes up, the others likely not having joined this orgy.
  104. >Setting their numbers back into the container, you draw more numbers until four changelings stand before you.
  106. >17199 is a halfling, transitioning from human to insect at the waist.
  107. >Two of the others look like normal changelings.
  108. >The fourth and final looks like a human child, except that her eyes are glowing compound structures.
  109. >Tossing the winners numbers go into a separate box to stay out of the drawing for a while, you beckon them over.
  110. >17199 quickly straddles you, her young slit rubbing against your length.
  111. >Her chest lays against yours as her hands trace the contours of your body, and her sex shows its eagerness by winking wet "kisses" onto your rod.
  112. >Your hands work their way through her hair, down her face, briefly play with her flat bust, and down the smooth skin of her sides.
  113. >Finally reaching the slightly pliable chitin plates of her legs, you grab her small rump and lift her.
  114. >As your daughter is skewered on your length, you watch through her transparent belly as you slide through her insides, the tip of your cock kissing the entrance to her womb.
  115. >Her sisters take the girls moans as their cue.
  116. >Looking down, you can see your fully insectoid daughters each take one of your balls into their mouths, suckling them with reverence, encouraging the orbs to produce as much seed as they're able.
  117. >In the center, your human looking daughter peppers any exposed part of you and her sister with kisses and tongue work.
  119. >Trusting your perfect little angels to take care of you, you lean back to relax and let the sensations carry you away.
  120. >17199, moaning loudly, places her tiny hands on your shoulders, burying her face into your chest.
  121. >Energy surges through your form and out through your crotch as the wonderful scents of pine and wild flowers waft from your daughters silky hair.
  122. >"DADDY! DADDY! I LOVE YOU DADDY! MORE PLEASE!" she almost screams as her work becomes more and more frantic.
  123. >The observing crowd of your vast progeny watch with intense interest as their sister's depths are plunged.
  124. >With a loud, incoherent cry, she has an intense orgasm, the copious fluids of her release cascading down her siblings faces, encouraging them.
  125. >The wisps of orange and green, lust and love are pulled from the child and into the bellies of the girls as your feet.
  126. >But not yet fulfilled yourself, you take 17199's thighs in your hands, and lift her before dropping her.
  127. >The halfling shudders with overstimulation, dancing the line of pleasure and pain as you attempt to finish.
  128. >The raucous sounds of the crowd grow with your sexual fervor, your efforts becoming less gentle, more needy, the resulting mixture of feminine release and pre encouraging her siblings.
  129. >The excited din of the audience hits its crescendo alongside your orgasm.
  130. >Leaning back, you watch through the clear chitin of your dazed daughter's belly as you paint her young womb white with a loud sigh.
  132. >The air explodes with orange and green, breaking into a vast web that is quickly devoured by the countless, hungry mouths of your children.
  133. >But all you can focus on is 17199's tight passage, instinctively clamped down like a vice, muscles rhtymically milking you for seed, greedily collecting it in her hybrid womb.
  134. >Regaining your senses, you tap of your knees tells you flanking children to release your testicles from their warm mouths.
  135. >Pulling 17199, still impaled on your length in close, you give her a tight hug, a gentle nuzzle, and a small kiss on the forehead.
  136. >Tired, she simply returns a dopey, content smile before pulling herself off and wandering out of the bonding room as her orally assigned sisters meld back into the piles of bodies around you.
  137. >Resting only a few minutes, you begin drawing numbers once more, ready to repeat the process.
  141. -------------------------------------
  142. Hope and Gumdrop get sloshed.
  144. >"Did you get it?" the minty satyr asks.
  145. >"Daddy didn't suspect a thing." her cream furred sister responds with a hint of pride.
  146. >In her hands is a dark red bottle, sealed by a cork.
  147. >Several minutes of fumbling with the corkscrew later, the satyrs are pouring themselves a cup of the wine.
  148. >"Well, Gumdrop? Are you going to taste it?"
  149. >"Are you?"
  150. >The ten year olds stare at the dark fluid, unsure how or if they should proceed.
  151. >"You stole it. You should do the honors."
  152. >Nodding, the girl takes a deep sniff before downing a mouthful, her lip quickly turning up.
  153. >"Well?"
  154. >"Grapey. It smells and tastes like grapes, except kinda bitter and weird." she claims before taking another sip. "And it's making my face warm."
  155. >With her sister's assurances, Hope brings the cup to her lips as well.
  156. -
  157. >With your ear to the door, you secretly supervise as your girls have their first drink.
  158. >When you noticed them skulking around your drink cabinet, you made sure to make the easy to snag stuff all cheap and weak.
  159. >You'll teach them about responsible drinking later, for now, they can have the thrill of the taboo.
  160. >Over time, however, their exaggerated drunken chatter becomes more sporadic and their attitudes change till it's nothing but giggles and grumbling.
  161. >Figuring it's time, you pop open the flimsy privacy lock with a coin and open the door.
  162. >Your daughters, Hope sitting on a bean bag chair with a sour expression, and Gumdrop splayed out on the bed with her head hanging off the side with a dopey look, slowly meet your gaze.
  163. >"Oh great. He...the old manshs bushted ush."
  164. >"Relaksh. Leasht he's hot." she says with loud giggle, before rolling off the bed with a thud.
  165. "Owww!"
  166. >With a faux-disappointed laugh you grab the nearly empty bottle from the floor.
  167. "I see you two have been busy. Well, I hope you brats saved room for coffee.
  168. >No response. They seem too out of it try justifying.
  169. >As you walk down the hall, you smile. Oh to be young and dumb again.
  174. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  175. Mera's Venom
  177. >Readying themselves, Mera sinks her fangs into Kimmy's throat, releasing a controlled dose of her psychedelic venom into their bloodstream.
  178. >Feeling the sympathetic effects as it flows into Kimmy's brain, Mera squeezes her coils tight around her twins neck, trapping the blood there, removing her oxygen, and signalling the next step.
  179. >Kimmy, quickly fading, flips a switch, causing their anal plug and the numerous egg vibrators on their breasts, teats, and in their cloaca to buzz wildly to life.
  180. >Unrestrained moans emanate from the chimera satyrs as Kimmy deeply fingers her snatch with one hand, and roughly kneads the soft flesh of her small udder with the other, her blunted claws adding just the right amount of pain to their pleasure.
  181. >Mera does her best to stay focused, multitasking on keeping her serpentine coils tight, gulping down enough air to prolong their fun, and keeping track of her sister's condition.
  182. >Kimmy however, is free to delve into the vivid imagery of the venom and asphyxia as she pleasures the both of them.
  183. >Finally, it comes to a head as a series of incredibly powerful, rapid fire orgasms rock the two of them.
  184. >As they come down from their incredible high, Mera's coils loosen as she slinks onto her sister's chest.
  185. >The drugged blood now invading her own mind, the two of them slip into a restless, addled sleep, the vibrators haunting them with overstimulation.
  190. --------------------------------------------------------------
  191. Darcy x Uncle Anon
  193. >Darcy watches the scene before her with a bright smile.
  194. >The family, gathered from far and wide, are enjoying themselves.
  195. >The foals are playing. The adults, single and herded alike are socializing, cooking, and catching up. And the elders are just generally catching up and gossiping, being the busybodies they are.
  196. >Even Cider and Utah are getting along with everyone, and everyone is fawning over baby Peach and Pear.
  197. >Standing, the satyr gives herself a look over in the dim Hollow Shades light, brushing dirt and debris from her clothes.
  198. >But before she's able to rejoin the crowd, a tug on the waist band of her dress gets her attention.
  199. >A quick glance confirms her suspicion. Her uncle. And she knows exactly what she wants.
  200. >He casually mentions to a not so distant barn away from the party, scarcely visible in the persistent gloom of the town.
  201. >She nods in confirmation as he slips away, only for her to follow several minutes later.
  202. -
  203. >As she suspected, she found him in the loft, watching the party from a distance.
  204. >She watches him for several moments, hoping he'll initiate.
  205. "Darcy. I assume you know why you're here, right?"
  206. >"Well. A romp in the hay, of course."
  207. "Of course. Have you thought about what I asked you the other week?"
  208. >"Umm, what about again?"
  209. "Us. You're almost 17, Darcy. And we've already been doing this, what, two years now? Do you remember how it started?"
  210. >"I...kept askin' ya till you said yes."
  211. "Alright. And how do you think this is supposed to end."
  213. >"I don't...don't know. I wish I could just jump in your herd with aunt Jackie and Bloom so it didn't have to be a secret. But I don't know if we can."
  214. "And why do you want that?"
  215. >"I, well, you've been the only person that's really a friend to me growin' up. I've never been that comfortable around ponies, Ma and Pa are Ma and Pa, and the only other 4 satyrs in the world are just so much younger than me."
  216. >He sits in silence for a long, agonizing time.
  217. >Anon could understand. Darcy was the closest thing to a woman to be found who wasn't his sister or his daughter.
  218. >As much as he would always deny it, he'd often considered it too. Darcy was just the one to say it.
  219. "Fair enough. One day, I promise we'll try to bring it up with everyone. Now come give your uncle Nonny a big, inappropriate hug." he says as he stands.
  220. >Darcy beams as she trots up to the object of her affection. As Anon parts her hair, he leans in, planting a small kiss on her lips.
  221. "I don't know if I ever told you this, Darcy, but you've grown into a very beautiful young woman."
  222. >Darcy giggles. "Dad says I'm the spittin' image of mo-" she almost finishes before Anon shushes her.
  223. "Please don't make this weirder than it needs to be, sweetie."
  224. >The man slowly lowers his hands, unbuttoning the girls blouse, freeing her palmable breasts.
  225. >He fondles them a bit, their size and jiggle feeling just right in his grasp.
  227. >Leaning in, he gives a small suckle on one of the nubs, much to Darcy's amusement.
  228. "Alright darlin', hike up that skirt."
  229. >"Here?" She asks, her vision drawn to the reunion nearby. "What if we're seen?"
  230. "They can't see into the dark this far away, especially not with all those lanterns."
  231. >With a gulp and a nod, the satyr complies as her uncle wastes no time in lining himself up behind her.
  232. >With but a little bit of teasing poking and prodding, he easily slides himself into her elastic equine pucker, drawing a small gasp from the girl.
  233. >Using the brief moment she's allowed to adjust, she savors as Anon peppers small kisses on her neck, and the dominating warmth of his breath.
  234. >Soon, one hand finds it place on her breast, while the other briefly squeezes her smaller teats below her belly, before sinking down to her already winking marehood.
  235. >Two fingers plunge in, seeking to hammer her g-spot as he begins doing much the same to her rear.
  236. >Darcy tries to maintain composure, hissing stifled moans through clenched teeth.
  237. >Her gaze, focused on the gathering below, fills her with dread and a little excitement at the prospect of exposure.
  238. >Every time someone looks towards the barn, she worries deep inside that she's be seen. Of what her family will say. Even as her uncle coaxes copious quantities of pungent fluids from her nethers.
  239. >Finally however, he reaches his peak.
  240. >Giving her winking button and breast a rough tweak to draw out her largest orgasm of the session, and treat himself to a pleasant clench, he unleashes, painting her bowels white with his lust.
  241. >Holding the groggy girl for a moment in the afterglow, he slides out of her as easily as he slid in before they lay in the hay to rest.
  242. >They've still got a party to get back to, and they need to clean, since both their legs are are coated in Darcy's fluids, but that's a problem for later.
  247. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  248. Masochist Gumdrop
  250. >You look down at the helpless form of your young daughter, bound wrists, waist and fetlocks to a medical gurney, a heavy leather blindfold stealing her sight.
  251. >A large pillow under the small of her back forces her crotch in the air, her meaty clit forced into a permanent wink by a long metal bar.
  252. >She is completely at your mercy, something you have little of.
  253. "I hope you're ready, you little whore."
  254. >"Y..yes daddy, I'm ready."
  255. >Grinning, you give no warning as you produce a cat-of-nine-tails.
  256. >Feeling the tools heft, you admire the several leather strips, each ending in cruel knots.
  257. >It doesn't take much force for it to leave raw, red welts and inflict incredible pain.
  258. >A fact you readily demonstrate.
  259. >With a gentle flick of your wrist, the leather digs into your childs budding breasts.
  260. >A load cry fills the air as she strains a bit against her binds.
  261. >Another flick, another yell. But this doesn't last long. The moment her tits are appropriately decorated with welts, you move on.
  262. >Your eyes instead turn to the jet black flesh of her sex and teats, starkly contrasting the pale flesh of her human portions.
  263. >A light blow tears into the delicate, hairless region, drawing a piercing scream from Gumdrop.
  265. >Her cries are ignored as blow after savage blow is lavished on her defenseless flesh, her tears flowing like a river.
  267. >A final, much harder blow to her tortured sex split the air, catching Gumdrops voice in her throat, leaving her silently panting in agony.
  268. >Setting aside the whip, you hover your hand above her nethers.
  269. >You can feel the heat pour off her flesh in steamy waves as moisture mats the fur of her legs, and the hardened ridges of the numerous raised welts.
  270. >Clamping your hands down, you begin roughly fondling and masturbating your little girls breasts and folds, eliciting pained grunts and groans through clenched teeth.
  271. >Pulling your hand away, you admire the thick, off-yellow fluid clinging to your hand in long strings, tinged slightly pink by tiny droplets of blood.
  272. "Taste it." you order, bringing your fingers to her lips.
  273. >Gumdrop obediently complies, taking your digits into her mouth, dutifully sucking her shame from them until you pull away.
  274. "How does it taste, sweetheart?"
  275. >"Like...like old hay and copper, daddy." she says between small sobs.
  276. "That's right, Gumdrop." you commend her with a slight tussle of her curly hair. "Let's get back to it, then."
  277. >She shivers slightly.
  278. >Not waiting long, you open a box of assorted needles with decent stoppers.
  279. >The first one you pull out is very long, picking your target for you.
  280. >Your baby girl whines and moans in pain as the thin needle travels through the fatty flesh of her breast, until it peeks out the other side, skewering it completely.
  281. >Small droplets of blood slide down from where they break the skin.
  283. >Gumdrop endures several more skewers in her chest through ragged breaths and streaming tears.
  284. >Finally, drawing a shorter one prompts a change. You line the needle against your daughters large, exposed clit, and push.
  285. >The satyr screams for mercy as it travels slowly into her most sensitive of flesh, her raw, oversensitive nerves firing in agony.
  286. >"PLEAAAAAASE! DADDY PLEASE! I CAN'T! STOP!" she frantically continues as you work the needle through. "MANGO! MANGOMANGOMANGO!"
  287. >The safeword flips your attitude like a switch. Carefully but quickly, you retract the needle and remove her blindfold.
  288. >Her beautiful blue eyes, bleary and bloodshot meet yours.
  289. >"Daddy? Sorry, but I'm done for now."
  290. >Nodding, you lean in and plant a kiss on her forehead before wiping away her tears.
  291. "Alright baby girl. Give me a second, and I'll get you up."
  292. >Giving you the go ahead, she grits her teeth as you carefully remove the needles from her breasts and remove her piercing, allowing her swollen button to finally retract.
  293. >After remove her bindings, you heft the satyr into your arms, knowing how sore she usually is after a session.
  294. "So." you begin as you begin for the bathroom to clean the exhausted girl. "What do you want for dinner?
  295. >"PIZZA!" she exclaims. "As much meat as you can get them to put on it."
  296. "Sure thing, Gumdrop." you say as you pull her into a small hug.
  297. >"Hey dad?"
  298. "Yeah?"
  299. >"I had fun."
  305. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  306. Yuzu Vampire Bat
  308. >"Daddy?"
  309. >"Daaaaaddy."
  310. >"Dad. I have a favor to ask."
  311. >With a sigh, you lower your book and look down at your young daughter.
  312. "If it's what I think it is, the answer's no."
  313. >She recoils slightly, but presses the issue.
  314. >"But daddy. I really, really need it. Please?'
  315. >Raising your bandaged arm in front of your face, dried blood still staining the most recent one, you try to get through to the satyr.
  316. "Yuzu. You know I love you, but you're draining daddy dry. You're almost 8, far too big and old for me to feed you directly so often."
  317. >"But.." she starts with a small hiccup, tears welling in her eyes. "But your blood is so much better. That animal blood tastes so icky."
  318. >Looking down at the small, pajama clad batyr, her eyes practically begging, her wings drooping, you can't resist for long.
  319. "Fine. But this is the last time this week, you need to learn to eat your vegetables."
  320. >Yuzu jumps in excitement, her hooves clacking against the wooden floor.
  321. >In the blink of an eye, she's in your lap, cuddling into your chest as you unwrap your arm.
  322. >Your fists clench as her fangs sink in with a painful sting.
  323. >Picking up Yuzu's favorite bedtime story, you settle in as fatigue begins to creep up on you.
  327. --------------------------------------------------------------
  328. Dragon Tails
  330. >Ash carefully runs down her checklist, ensuring she has everything she needs.
  331. >Clean water, flat surfaces, bandages, ample supplies of hardwood chips and a wickedly sharp knife.
  332. >Taking a deep breath, the dragoness grabs her tail, gives it a rough tug, and clenches all the muscles in the base as tightly as she's able.
  333. >The ring of bone, scales and tendon quickly split at natural weak points as her tail is separated from her body.
  334. >Pain rolls up her spine, but to a significantly less degree than the grisly scene would imply.
  335. >Quickly collecting her composure, Ash jumps onto the amputated appendage, holding it still as it tries to thrash, fearful of the powerful muscles damaging the house.
  336. >Finally, the misfiring nerves dye down and the tail goes still.
  337. >Wiping the sweat from her brow, the young dragoness quickly cleans and bandages her new stump.
  338. >Though a feeling of loss tinges her thoughts, knowing it will be several months before her tail fully regrows, she's sure it will be worth it.
  339. >After taking a moment to adjust to her altered center of gravity, Ash produces her knife, made from worked dragon bone, and carefully begins cutting.
  340. >First, the valuable scales are separated from the flesh and laid out to be dried, before the flesh is sliced between the bone segments.
  341. >In the end, several slabs and the tapered tip remain.
  342. >The slabs quickly find themselves on the large, dragon fire fed grill pit, while the tip finds itself in a stew pot above it.
  344. >The better part of the day is spent nursing her wound, and tending the flames in an attempt to cook the heat resistant flesh.
  345. >But finally, deep into the night, it's done. The rare cooked flesh is pulled from the coals and brought inside.
  346. >Setting the steaks and stew on the smooth marble counter, she looks around, not seeing her father anywhere in the den she shares with him.
  347. "DAD! Can you come here?"
  348. >Minutes later, the man makes his way into the room from the chamber where the woman keeps her modest horde. Though aging, he retains an appearance of youth.
  349. >"Yeah?" he begins groggily?
  350. "I made dinner. Your favorite!"
  351. >"My favorite? I...Oh." he trails off with realization as he notices the stump of her tail. "Oh, Ash, you didn't need to do that for me." he says a little sadly.
  352. >A few moments pass in silence before he gives the half-dragon a kiss on her forehead.
  353. >"Thank you."
  357. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  358. Ponut Inspection
  360. >Adjusting your cap, boldly branded with a golden PI on the front, you look down at your daughter.
  361. >The curly haired princess bounces happily beside you, her favorite "cocksock queen" shirt lifted slightly by your spawn growing in her womb.
  362. >She probably liked it because she takes it literally, fancying herself the alpha mare in your herd.
  363. >Nodding, you silently beckon her to follow as you make your way deeper into the crystal palace.
  364. >Reaching the outside of her little mare cave in the wing she shares with you, her presence is quickly confirmed by her guard patrolling the general area.
  365. >More of a skeleton crew, honestly, as she does not have, nor attempts to have any real importance in the empire politics.
  366. >The guards silently salute the two of you as you pass, allowing you to stealthily enter the room.
  367. >Inside, amidst the bit of mess sits the neet princess, Dagger. Your niece, herd member and cocksock.
  368. >Her attention is focused on some online racing game, leaving her ignorant to your presence.
  369. >Slowly, you and Cotton make your way closer to the girl, until finally you're so close you can smell her.
  370. >Despite her lifestyle, the satyr is rather well kept, thanks to the efforts of her assistants.
  371. >Even her cute, lazy mohawk is barely ruffled, the strands keeping to the proper side of her half-shaven head.
  372. >In a fluid motion, you vault over the couch, taking the now flailing satyr by the shoulders and forcing her onto the coffee table.
  374. >"AHH!" she screeches as she thuds against the surface. "Uncle 'Non? What are you doing?"
  375. "Surprise ponut inspection, sweetie. Try to relax."
  376. >The pudgy satyr takes a deep breath as her tail lifts and her hands seek the controller, intent on not loosing her game.
  377. >You won't make it easy for her.
  378. >Gripping the base of the large plug in her rear, you give it a rough tug, causing Dagger to let out a breathy moan.
  379. >Slowly, the rubber slides from her obsidian flesh, glistening in the dim lit den.
  380. >As hoped, the tight ring of muscle holds a gentle gape, waiting for further use.
  381. >Slipping a few fingers into the warm hole, you spread her wide, exposing her innards to the light.
  382. >The young satyr doesn't fight as her rear is carefully scrutinized by her uncle and cousin.
  383. >Satisfied that Dagger has kept herself properly clean, you pull your fingers out of her before lining yourself up and seizing the girl by the haunches.
  384. >In a single, fluid movement, Dagger is pulled from her stomach, and into a sitting position in your lap, her tight ring snugly fitting your throbbing erection.
  385. >Giving a few pumps of your hips, Dagger warms up a little despite herself, causing her wink audibly.
  386. >Cotton Candy takes this as her cue, burying her face into her cousins groin.
  387. >"U..uncle Anon! Please! I'm, ah, a little busy!"
  388. >Your response is a firm thrust, releasing a small gush of fluid into her cousins waiting mouth.
  389. >With a small grunt, and a gritting of teeth, Dagger goes back to her game, even trying to continue in vain to hold up her conversation on mic.
  390. >Her friends, as is normal of pre-teen girls, giggle and joke amidst mixed conversation, some discussing the difficulties of being a cocksock, and some wishing to become one.
  392. >Thankfully, her friends by no means take it easy on her.
  393. >Every twist and turn Dagger makes is accompanied by a shifting of weight, each bump accompanied by a squeeze.
  394. >It quickly grows to be too much, pushing you ever nearer your edge.
  395. >As Dagger approaches the end, neck and neck with other racers, she begins clenching hard in anticipation.
  396. >Her warm anal walls squeeze you like a vice, preventing any action save for holding her belly and thrusting desperately.
  397. >Releasing into her in heady spurts, the warm sensation combined with Cotton's ministrations forces Dagger over the edge.
  398. >Though she crashes at the last second, she finds it hard to care, far more concerned with riding out her orgasmic high, plastering her cousins face with thick, off-yellow mare cum.
  399. >As you come down, you pull the satyr from your softening member and lay her beside you to catch her breath.
  400. "Good job, sweetie." You begin. "You passed your inspection."
  401. >"Th..thank you, sir." she groggily mutters.
  402. "I'll see you at dinner. Have fun with your game, alright?" you tell her, standing to go.
  403. >"See you, Daggy!" Cotton Candy echos, planting a gentle kiss on Daggers ponut, leaving a lipstick mark as she does. "Later."
  404. Sitting back up, Dagger is quick to pop her plug back in, holding her uncle Anon's seed inside like a good girl.
  405. >"Sorry about that, girls. Anyone up for another race?"
  407. ----------------------------------------------------------
  408. Ariana Urethral Sex
  410. >You sit on your shared bed, calmly reading as you wait.
  411. >The steam flows from beneath the crack of the nearby door, roiling in the cool air of the bedroom.
  412. >After some time, you hear the shower shut off, followed by several minutes of rustling and the clacking of hoof on time.
  413. >Setting down your book with a smile, you lean back as the door opens.
  414. >From within the bathroom steps a tall silhouette, obscured by steam.
  415. >She steps forward with an intentionally sultry gait, giving you a good view of her.
  416. >At just under nine feet tall, she towers over you, her curvy body adorned with numerous pieces of jewelry.
  417. >Golden bands on her horns, caps on her cloven hooves, beads made from precious stones woven into her silky brown hair, and oh so many bangles, bracelets and piercings.
  418. >Most notably, rings through both human nipples, a short chain dangling from a clit ring, and a fine leather collar with a single attachment point.
  419. >Clothed otherwise only in scant layers of sheer silk, the goat girl slowly begins to slowly move and gyrate her body, picking up speed into a full dance.
  420. >She moves and sways to a silent song in her head, keeping a steady rhythm as she shows off her young body, frequently moving her hands down her sides or across her breasts.
  421. >Her numerous adornments glint with her movements, producing a dazzling display, and each turn flashes the large, silver and sapphire buttplug planted firmly in her rear.
  423. >Aided by her natural caprine balance and agility, the arimaspi hybrid displays a degree of grace one would never expect from such a large creature as her dance becomes increasingly complex.
  424. >Finally, however, your not so little girls dance comes to a close as she takes a small bow before flashing you a smile.
  425. >While most of her face is hidden behind her lengthy bangs, you can feel her gaze scanning, more than anything, for approval.
  426. "That was wonderful, Arie." you tell her with genuine enthusiasm.
  427. >The giantess smiles with glee, her enlarged, gold capped canines glinting with an unintended menace.
  428. >"I'm glad. I worked hard on it." she says, offering you one of her blunted claws.
  429. >Sad to see it end, but eager to move on, you grab the digit, letting her help you to your feet.
  430. >Pressing your face against her trim belly, you take in the delicate, floral aromas of her shampoos mixed with her natural earth scent.
  431. >Dropping down, you feel her lithe, powerful muscles flexing beneath a layer of pinchable chub.
  432. >Further down, beyond Ariana's waistline, you enjoy the light, velvety fuzz on her udder.
  433. >For a moment, you cup the object, fairly small on her body, kneading the perky, mottle toned flesh, a gasp signaling your daughter's approval.
  434. >As you sink lower, the potent musk of her need wafts into your nose, encouraging your efforts.
  436. >Snaking an arm behind one of her powerful thighs, you plant your face into Arie's moistening sex while your hand find hold on the dangling chain above you.
  437. >Keeping her close, using the chain as a guide, you grope her perk rump as you plant small kisses along her delicate folds and inside her thighs.
  438. >Slowly but surely, you can feel her body begin to twitch under your ministrations as you push her every closer towards orgasm, but refuse to let her over the edge.
  439. >Satisfied with your work, you stand, chain still in hand as you slowly turn her back towards the bed.
  440. >She looks down at you, her crimson cheeks betraying her need as she awaits your orders.
  441. >With but a gently push on her belly, you answer, and she allows herself to fall back onto the massive bed.
  442. >You waste no time.
  443. >Freeing your turgid length from your pajamas, you generously slather your shaft with lube.
  444. >Spreading Ariana's waiting slit, you spot your target. Glinting right below her clit sit a gem studded rod of stainless steel, about the size of your index finger.
  445. >Giving the retrieval ring a gently tug, it readily slides from the satyrs urethra.
  446. >Another squirt of lube in hand, you gently slide a finger into the small hole.
  447. >Ariana moans with quiet satisfaction as you massage her interior, carefully rubbing the lube into her.
  448. >Teasing for several minutes, you manage to work the goat girl into a state of restrained squirming as she once again dances on the edge of orgasm.
  450. >Finding her suffering satisfactory, you remove your finger and look at you.
  451. >She meets your smile, knowing what's to come as you line yourself up, and she gives an eager nod.
  452. >With a single slow by constant push, you slide your way into your little girls tightest hole.
  453. >Pausing for a moment to let her adjust, and to enjoy the incredible snugness and warmth surrounding you, you simply take in the moment.
  454. >Gold shimmers from behind Ariana's bangs as she meets your eyes, smiling, enjoy being able to be so close to you.
  455. >Placing your hands on her thighs, fingers digging into her thick pelt, you pull back slightly.
  456. >Her body resists your retreat as she lets out an audible "Mmmmph".
  457. >In turn, she accepts your return thrust eagerly, drawing now silent gasps from her.
  458. >Quickly gaining pace, balls slapping against her wet sex, the fire hot, vice-like hole saps your energy like a blizzard saps heat.
  459. >Ariana, submitting to her extacy, roughly tweaks her breasts as her moans become ever louder, slowly degenerating into a mix of animalistic bleats.
  460. >Once more at her edge, the satyrs hips begin to thrust slightly, her size making your affections difficult.
  461. >Taking tight hold of her clit chain, you pull roughly, sending a jolt of pain through her spine and over the edge of orgasm.
  462. >In her passions, she wraps her legs around you, pulling you roughly into her deepest depths, the sudden squeezing pushing you over the edge yourself.
  464. >Pleasure flows through you in waves as her urethra milks your seed, your balls churning to deposit as much as they can give into her waiting bladder.
  465. >Each time it seems over, one more wave hits you, again and again until overstimulation has you teetered on the line between pleasure and pain.
  466. >With a loud, satisfied sigh, you pull out, the hole quickly closing itself.
  467. >Setting her urethral plug on the night stand to be cleaned, you crawl towards your daughter.
  468. >She doesn't resist as you pull the loop of her collar, bringing her into a short, loving kiss.
  469. >Looking into the glint of gold beyond her bangs, you both smile as your daughter brings you against her large body, cuddling with you.
  470. >"I love you, dad."
  471. "I love you too, Arie."
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