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a guest
Mar 23rd, 2012
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text 5.42 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off
  2. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  3. echo.
  4. set d=f
  5. set color=dull
  6. set name=None
  7. if "%1" == "" (set d=t)
  8. if "%1" == "/?" (set d=t)
  9. if "%d%" == "t" (
  10. echo.Usage: screenfetch [-b] [-s location] [-d]
  11. echo.
  12. echo.Options:
  13. echo. -d Normal colors
  14. echo. -b Make the art use bright colors instead of dark.
  15. echo. -s location Save a screenshot to location.
  16. echo.
  17. echo.Thanks to:
  18. colous Writesec "[2] Arashi [10]!1IXzW.VjDs"
  19. colous Writesec "[2] SaladFingers [10]!SpOONsgtAo"
  20. colous Writesec "[2] sk8rjwd"
  21. colous Writesec "[2] Anonymous"
  22. colous Writesec "[2] Developer"
  23. echo.
  24. colous Writesec "[15]And a special 'fuck you' to [2]Xyl2k [10]!Xyl2k1blhM [15]for not sharing."
  25. echo.
  26. echo.CMDfetch v.1.1
  27. goto EnOF
  28. )
  29. set dirtowrite=None
  30. if "%1" == "-b" (set color=bright)
  31. if "%2" == "-b" (set color=bright)
  32. if "%3" == "-b" (set color=bright)
  33. if "%1" == "-s" (set dirtowrite="%~2")
  34. if "%2" == "-s" (set dirtowrite="%~3")
  35. if "%3" == "-s" (set dirtowrite="%~4")
  37. if not "%dirtowrite%" == "None" (call :writedir %dirtowrite%)
  38. if not "%ret%" == "" (goto :EnOF)
  39. ::goto :EnOF
  41. :main
  42. for /f "tokens=6,8,10 delims= " %%A IN ('uptime') DO (set var=%%Ad %%Bh %%Cm)
  43. set b=1
  44. set p=1
  45. for /f "delims=" %%A IN ('systeminfo') do (call :do "%%A")
  46. set osname=%v2r:~28%
  47. set osvers=%v3r:~28%
  48. set ram=%v24r:~28%
  49. set bios=%v17r:~28%
  50. set mobo=%v12r:~28%
  51. set mobomodel=%v13r:~28%
  52. for /f "delims=" %%A IN ('wmic cpu get name') DO (call :do2 "%%A")
  53. set cpu=%c2u:~1%
  54. set ostype=%v14r:~28%
  55. for /f "delims=" %%A IN ('wmic desktopmonitor get screenheight') DO (call :set %%A height)
  56. for /f "delims=" %%A IN ('wmic desktopmonitor get screenwidth') DO (call :set %%A width)
  57. for /f "delims=" %%A IN ('wmic diskdrive get size') DO (call :set %%A hddsize)
  58. if "%color%" == "bright" (
  59. set color1=12
  60. set color2=9
  61. set color3=10
  62. set color4=14
  63. ) ELSE (
  64. set color1=4
  65. set color2=1
  66. set color3=2
  67. set color4=6
  68. )
  69. ::npx
  70. colous Writesec "[%color1%] ,.=:!!t3Z3z., [7]%userprofile:~9%[15]@[7]%COMPUTERNAME%""
  71. colous Writesec "[%color1%] :tt:::tt333EE3 [7]OS: [15]%osname:~0,-1%"
  72. colous Writesec "[%color1%] Et:::ztt33EEE [%color3%]@Ee., .., [7]OS version:[15] %osvers:~0,8%"
  73. colous Writesec "[%color1%] ;tt:::tt333EE7 [%color3%];EEEEEEttttt33# [7]Uptime: [15]%var%""
  74. colous Writesec "[%color1%] :Et:::zt333EEQ. [%color3%]SEEEEEttttt33QL [7]Shell: [15]cmd.exe"
  75. colous Writesec "[%color1%] it::::tt333EEF [%color3%]@EEEEEEttttt33F [7]Resolution:[15] %width%x%height%"
  76. colous Writesec "[%color1%] ;3=*^```'*4EEV [%color3%]:EEEEEEttttt33@. [7]Window Manager: [15]DWM"
  77. colous Writesec "[%color2%] ,.=::::it=., [%color1%]` [%color3%]@EEEEEEtttz33QF [7] Architecture: [15]%ostype:~0,-1%"
  78. colous Writesec "[%color2%] ;::::::::zt33) [%color3%]'4EEEtttji3P* [7] Kernel version:[15] %osvers:~0,8%"
  79. colous Writesec "[%color2%] :t::::::::tt33.[%color4%]:Z3z.. [%color3%]`` [%color4%],..g. [7]Memory:[15] %ram:~0,5% MB"
  80. colous Writesec "[%color2%] i::::::::zt33F [%color4%]AEEEtttt::::ztF [7]BIOS: [15]%bios:~0,34%"
  81. colous Writesec "[%color2%] ;:::::::::t33V [%color4%];EEEttttt::::t3 [7]MoBo: [15]%mobo:~0,-1% - %mobomodel:~0,10%"
  82. colous Writesec "[%color2%] E::::::::zt33L [%color4%]@EEEtttt::::z3F [7]CPU: [15]%cpu:~0,35%"
  83. colous Writesec "[%color2%] {3=*^```'*4E3) [%color4%];EEEtttt:::::tZ` [7]Primary HDD: [15]%hddsize% Bytes"
  84. colous Writesec "[%color2%] `[%color4%] :EEEEtttt::::z7 "
  85. colous Writesec "[%color2%] [%color4%] 'VEzjt:;;z>*` "
  86. if not "%dirtowrite%" == "None" (
  87. echo.
  89. Set /P var=Taking screenshot in 5... <NUL
  90. timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL
  91. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X64" (nircmd64 beep 500 200)
  92. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X86" (nircmd32 beep 500 200)
  93. Set /P var=4... <NUL
  94. timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL
  95. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X64" (nircmd64 beep 500 200)
  96. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X86" (nircmd32 beep 500 200)
  97. Set /P var=3... <NUL
  98. timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL
  99. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X64" (nircmd64 beep 500 200)
  100. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X86" (nircmd32 beep 500 200)
  101. Set /P var=2... <NUL
  102. timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL
  103. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X64" (nircmd64 beep 500 200)
  104. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X86" (nircmd32 beep 500 200)
  105. Set /P var=1... <NUL
  106. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X64" (nircmd64 savescreenshotfull "%tpath%\%tname%")
  107. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X86" (nircmd32 savescreenshotfull "%tpath%\%tname%")
  108. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X64" (nircmd64 beep 700 600)
  109. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X86" (nircmd32 beep 700 600)
  110. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X64" (nircmd64 trayballoon "CMDFetch" "Screenshot Taken!" "shell32.dll,-1001" 15000 )
  111. if /i "%ostype:~0,3%" == "X86" (nircmd32 trayballoon "CMDFetch" "Screenshot Taken!" "shell32.dll,-1001" 15000 )
  112. )
  113. goto :EnOF
  115. :set
  116. if not "%~1" == "" (2>nul set %~2=%1)
  117. goto :EOF
  119. :do
  120. set v%b%r="%~1"
  121. set /a b=%b%+1
  122. goto :EOF
  124. :do2
  125. set c%p%u="%~1"
  126. set /a p=%p%+1
  127. goto :EOF
  129. :writedir
  130. if "%~1" == "" (colous Writesec "[4]ERROR: No path or filename defined for '-s'"&set ret=%random%&exit /b)
  131. set tname=%~nx1
  132. set tpath=%~dp1
  133. if not exist "%tpath%" (colous Writesec "[4]ERROR: path for '-s' does not exist"&set ret=%random%&exit /b)
  134. goto :EOF
  136. :EnOF
  137. set var=
  138. set vr=
  139. set color=
  140. set d=
  141. set ret=
  142. set color1=
  143. set color2=
  144. set color3=
  145. set p=
  146. set tpath=
  147. set tname=
  148. set color4=
  149. set name=
  150. for /l %%A IN (1,1,%b%) DO (set v%%Ar=)
  151. set b=
  152. exit /b
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