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World war two in 1864

a guest
Nov 7th, 2013
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  1. World war two in 1864
  6. Jenny was sitting in her home as it was raining outside. She looked outside the window and sighed. "Damn, I wanted to go to the forest with Marcus today" she complained. Turning on the television she saw nothing interesting on.
  7. She decided to play with her ears for the next 10 minutes or so, after finding that one special spot behind her ear, she really started enjoying doing that. Suddenly, the door bell rang. She ran towards the door, opening them.
  8. Jenny was surprised to see her old kindergarten friend. Anthony stood in the doorway, leaning back and picking at a nail carelessly. He looked up as the door opened, flicking his hand away to remove all straggling nail debris. A smile placed on his face as Jenny opened the door, nodding to her.
  9. "Hey," he said. "Howdy" she replied with a suggestive smile she always makes. Looking straight in his eyes with vicious stare, she let him in politely. Anthony sat himself on the couch that had an interesting scent to it. There was something moving within aswell. A bit grossed out by it, he knew what he came for here.
  10. Jenny asked him whether he wants anything to drink. Anthony replied positively, asking for a cup of tea with lemon in it. Jenny went to the kitchen, leaving Anthony to relax himself. She fixed his tea up, placing the lemon on it as he asked. Returning to see him with his feet propped on the coffee table, she slid in next to him.
  11. Leaving the tea on the coffee table, it freed her to edge closer to him. She started rubbing her high class fur against his human arm. She giggled when he blushed. This angried Anthony, making him strip her clothes off with a single yell. Seeing her all scared and naked, he took the lemon from his tea and ate it whole. Jenny was all shook up with fear going through her innocent eyes.
  12. The human smiled full of desperation and anger. He took the glass of tea, leaked tea over her furry stomach causing her to scream a bit. Not minding it one bit, he restrained her with his free arm and shoved the glass up her ass. She began screaming louder and louder as the glass slowly entered her anus, milimeter by milimeter, inch by inch.
  13. The glass broke to pieces, harming her insides and some of the blood leaking from under her tail. He laughed at her cries for help. No one was home but the lovebird couple. Jenny started enjoying the glass shards tearing her insides. As he was getting ready to massage her pussy, she took her paw to her anus and started touching her wound.
  14. Jenny took the paw to her mouth and started licking her own blood, enjoying it a lot. Anthony took his cock and pissed on her face. She smiled, licking the piss of her face and licking his cock a bit. "Slut!" he called her, breaking a leg from the coffee table and showing it her vagina. It penetrated her genitals going further into the body.
  15. A lot of blood was leaking out of her vagina then, yet she managed to mix her moans of pleasure with moans of pain. Anthony began licking Jenny's clitoris. Upon further investigation, he realized that it is in fact a penis. He realized that Jenny is a man and a woman dog at once with human tits. He gazed upon Jenny's large dick that was measuring 1 meter. That's over a half of a human.
  16. Jenny, half conscious due to pain heard him say "So, you think you're so good at being a MAN and a WOMAN, huh? Too bad you're going to be only one of them soon!". He began raping the penis hole of Jenny with his own penis. He used his own pants to masturbate Jenny aswell. When Jenny came, about a liter of sperm has leaked. Anthony took her and made her eat her own sperm.
  17. He licked her cock before pulling out a switchblade. He laughed maniacally, cutting her dick and balls off, leaving a visible large hole with red muscle tissue. Soon it all began squirting blood on his face. He loved it. Jenny loved it too. She began masturbating her vagina this time, despite it was shattered in glass. Anthony forced a blowjob out of her and then put the switchblade in her liver and then left.
  18. He went to his own home and then went to bed, going into his own fantasies about what has he done to poor Jenny. After he fell asleep at midnight, steps were heard coming to his room. The door opened and there stood Jenny with bleached out heads of his parents. His mother's head was shoved half-way into her pussy and his father's was lying on her sewn-back dick. It caused unimaginable fear in Anthony.
  19. He thought he killed her, but somehow she came back to life. She lifted a bottle of bleach and leaked it over his beatiful human face. What once was of it, is no more. Now is only a red muscle weave with no eyes. She took a gasoline bottle and leaked the fuel over his panicked body. He was in shock, did not know what was happening. She proceeded to let him on fire. She licked his half-melted face to the bone.
  20. Anthony was no more. She lifted his skull, eating it out completely. As for the rest of Anthony's body, well, she ate most of it leaving only his penis to serve it to her family as dinner. His headless parents were her sex dolls now. She used to fill them with ballistic gel, so as not to make them soft. Sometimes she'd sell some of the meat to the local butcher earning a little money for her weed addiction.
  21. That was the day they learned not to mess with Jenny anymore.
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