

Mar 15th, 2014
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  1. Regret
  2. Cyberkon "Male" [Counts as Donkey]
  3. Lifebinder [Necromancer/Cleric]
  4. Talent: +2 Control Machine/Computer Hacking
  6. Skills:
  7. Unbreakable Will [Racial]
  8. Reincarnation [Multiclass]
  9. Commune Machine
  10. Raise Machine
  11. Control Machine
  13. Inventory:
  14. Refined Nanofiber Robe [Shield]
  15. Arcane-Physics Staff [Catalyst, Ranged Weapon]
  16. Implanted Mental Computer w/ Dimensional Storage
  17. -Various Spare Machine Parts, A Music Box
  18. Improved Optics [Night/Infrared Vision]
  20. >Automaton [Formally Roadkill], Male Rat 5/3
  21. >Some sort of hybrid creature, possibly one that Duke had made himself. It has a battery sticking out of its back, and can be plugged into the wall.
  22. >Skills: Elementalist-Lightning
  23. >Upgrades: Voicebox, Robotic Arm, Remote Sight Interface
  25. Traits:
  26. Regret, formerly Absolutism, is a Cyberkon scientist and arcane
  27. physicist focused on non-Newtonian machine interfacing. Born
  28. thousands of years into the future, in the centuries before the
  29. great Disaster he was a Crystal Magi Artist of some renown,
  30. known for his experimentation and research into the nature of
  31. the Crystal Heart. His memories of this Age are mostly forgotten
  32. and what remains is highly fragmentary. What is remembered is
  33. this, that when the Disaster came, Regret helped the high Magi
  34. in experimenting on the Crystal Heart. His research into the
  35. Heart's infinitely complex interworkings was instrumental in the
  36. experiments on the Heart that eventually led to its destruction,
  37. and Regret blames himself for its loss. When the Heart was lost,
  38. Regret abandoned magic and magitek for the grim salvation of
  39. hard science, destroying his Soul to gain immortality through a
  40. metal body and a steel mind, imbedded on circuitry and lines of
  41. code. Seeing no escape from the incoming Disaster, and
  42. abandoned by those they once considered kin, Regret followed
  43. the rest of the Cyberkon race into the high Past, hoping prevent
  44. the Disaster by undoing the events that led to it in the first
  45. place.
  47. When the Cyberkon's first arrived in the past there was a great
  48. period of optimism, that the Cyberkon would easily destroy their
  49. kin and inherit the galaxy, that nothing would stand in their
  50. way, that a new golden age of pure Science would banish
  51. superstition and old gods from civilized space. When Ponykind
  52. proved to be more resilient than they imagined, and when aliens
  53. began making strides against them, the Cyberkons became far more
  54. pessimistic, and began looking to the long term. During this
  55. brief age of optimism, Regret was known as Arch-Physicist
  56. Absolutism, a servant of the Arch-Prince Umbra, master of a
  57. consider portion of the Cyberkon Race. Under his leadership,
  58. numerous Cyberkon worlds and structures were raised in the
  59. galaxy, dozens of worlds fell to their superior Technology, and
  60. Ponykind lost significant area to the future invaders. However
  61. when Ponykind regrouped, Absolutism's machines were undone, and
  62. Umbra was sent into withdraw. Absolutism's forces were cut off
  63. and absorbed into another Cyberkon Collective, where Absolutism
  64. helped design the Algorithm Sublime Research and Production
  65. Sphere, or simply "Algorithm", the world two meters wide.
  67. As the ages flew by, Absolutism grew more and more despondent,
  68. as his memories became lost or damaged with numerous successive
  69. deaths and failed back-ups, and as relish and enjoyment even in
  70. the purely intellectual pleasures became more and more
  71. difficult. Seeking to obtain salvation for himself from
  72. elsewhere, Absolutism defected from the Collectives, leaving
  73. Cyberkon space on a series of research missions into numerous
  74. alien and pony worlds, often in disguise. His mission was to
  75. find a way to return the Cyberkons to fleshy bodies by relinking
  76. their spirits with the Crystal Heart. However without access to
  77. the Heart itself, and furthermore afraid to risk damaging it
  78. again, Regret [as he took to calling himself] was forced to
  79. wander the galaxy, looking through old Magi archives and data
  80. caches, pilthering through data piles and seeking hints at how
  81. to undo the process and restore his lost Soul.
  83. Eventually he was captured by a group of Knights of Sorcery, who
  84. intended to take the specimen to the Nebula for further
  85. research. Disaster struck when assassins under the command of
  86. the Intelligency Agency attempted to capture Regret and
  87. decapitate the Sorcerers. In the confusion, Regret escaped and
  88. caught a way off world stowed aboard a Macro Cosmo ship. The
  89. Green Sun. When he discovered it was a recently recommissioned
  90. Merchant ship, he revealed himself to the Captain [or rather,
  91. First Officer] offering his services as the ship's engineer in
  92. exchange for sanctuary aboard the ship. Using advanced
  93. technology and his thousand-year skills at computer hacking and
  94. control, he then forged Sanctioning Files along every level of
  95. development with masterful craftsmanship, down to fake serial
  96. numbers, allowing him to pass Imperial checkpoints without heavy
  97. suspicion. For safety, he still prefers to travel with other
  98. pony officers aboard the ship, to "vouch" for him.
  100. Traits: Orderly, logical, refined, emotionless, mechanistic,
  101. sophisticated, deceitful.
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