
Rust Soaked Winds Pt. 2

Mar 2nd, 2016
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  1. NOTE: This is the second part of the RP Rust Soaked Winds, following one of our members leaving for various reasons. If you'd like to see the first part, look for "Rust Soaked Winds Pt. 1".
  3. [2016-02-26 5:36:28 PM] Skilletz: +++++++++++++++++++++
  4. *The evening passes quietly, Sonata deciding to go back home to the theater, Celia going home to the mansion and Samuel left to his own devices to the night....however as he's turning in he hears a knock at his door.*
  5. [2016-02-26 5:40:20 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Oh? *walks over to the door, opening it slightly to see who it is*
  6. [2016-02-26 6:25:02 PM] Skilletz: *As the door opens, he'd see it was Joan in a pair of pink pajamas, holding a small cat in her arms....*
  8. Joan: Samuel it alright if I come in for a while?
  9. [2016-02-26 6:30:17 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *nods, a little surprised to see her* Yeah, sure, come in. *opens the door fully, letting her in* I, uhh, didn't know you had a cat.
  10. [2016-02-26 7:05:17 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *She smiled and sat at his bedside*...You had not not wish to keep you up for too long but would you mind humoring me for a moment?
  12. *The cat stares at Sam, it's eyes widening as it pawed to get out of her arms, trying to get to Sam....*
  13. [2016-02-26 7:06:48 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, sure, of course. *sits next to her, slowly reaching out to the cat* ... You mind, or...?
  14. [2016-02-26 7:18:36 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *she carefully hands him over* No, not at all, he is quite well behaved...
  16. Edward:...*he clings onto Samuel's hand, lightly nibbling it, looking contented.*
  18. Joan: ....You said..if I needed someone to speak to, you would be willing to listen yes?
  19. [2016-02-26 7:20:19 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *he flinches slightly as Edward bites his hand, it being clear he's not exactly used to it* Yeah, of course. So what's up?
  20. [2016-02-26 7:52:34 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...*she leans against his wall...*...What was your relationship with your parents...I know..your father is the one who made you what you are but...was that all your relationship was?
  21. [2016-02-26 7:57:55 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *he moves his hand away from Edward, clasping them together as he looks at the floor* ... He wasn't really much of a dad, no. Most we ever did together was he taught me how to fight... otherwise, he was just waiting for me to be old enough to let go. And my mom's not been around for as long as I've been alive. I've... not really got any good family experience. *turns back to Joan* Why do you ask?
  22. [2016-02-28 1:53:32 AM | Edited 1:54:07 AM] Skilletz: Joan: ...I spoke with my brother today about our mother, about his reasons for visiting...*she frowns* ...I do not know my biological mother...official reports claim she was a hero turned reels and films portrayed her as a war brother knew her as a sickwoman falling from her prime. Part of me knows they are not incompatible views but...I wanted to to see if there were other sides to the man who raised you. To try to help reconcile this all...
  24. Edward: *he stares and crawls into Sam's lap, staring at him intently*
  25. [2016-02-28 2:25:49 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *he looks down at Edward, petting him lightly* So, everyone else seems to not like her much, huh... I stayed away from my own dad as much as I could, so to tell you the truth, that's really all I know. Sorry. *sighs, shaking his head* ... Who was your mom, anyways? Well, biological, that is. If you don't mind me asking.
  26. [2016-02-28 2:39:13 AM] Skilletz: Joan: She was Jade, a founding member of the FEF half a milenia ago. She was the military face of my country, in many ways that legacy fell to me...
  27. [2016-02-28 2:44:23 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *blinks twice* Five hundred years, huh... Noa sure wasn't kidding when he said he's been living for three centures then, huh. Still, though, that's a heck of a legacy to live with.
  28. [2016-02-28 2:56:43 AM] Skilletz: Joan:....*she frowns*....My species lives as long as we can stomach living in a sense. But...yes such a legacy...can be oppressive. My life has revolved around this institute as much as hers did...*she shuts her eyes*
  29. [2016-02-28 3:26:33 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I can only imagine... I know you said you didn't know her, but what's your opinion on her? It sounds like you don't want to think she was as bad as everyone else seems to say she was.
  30. [2016-02-28 3:34:17 AM | Edited 3:37:06 AM] Skilletz: Joan:You misunderstand. People respected her, she is a national icon...but I have seen her villianous side, one could say I was intended to be a manifestation of such...*she narrows her eyes for a moment curling up into a ball, clinging to her knees*...I..I wanted to speak to someone to see if she was more..."human" than all of that...if there was something softer beneath all that...
  31. [2016-02-28 3:59:37 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Ah, I see... *he shuts his eyes, thinking of a response* Well, why wouldn't she? She had a son and a daughter, and there's no way her whole life was centered around fighting. And even if she changed, she was still a hero. That's got to count for something, right?
  32. [2016-02-28 4:08:23 AM | Edited 4:08:35 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...Both of her children were designed as weapons Samuel. She abandoned Noa and her lover for her far as I can tell I was disposable as well...*she look over to Sam* Such evidence suggests otherwise but...I wanted to find something about the woman that was more...warm than all of that...
  33. [2016-02-28 4:38:10 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... We had really similar childhoods then, huh... I don't know what it is, but there must've been something. People... I've always told myself they can't be purely terrible. And I'm sure that's true of Jade too. I just... don't know where you could look.
  34. [2016-02-28 4:48:54 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*she let herself fall on her side* ....Noa said her insanity was likely due to part, failure and the subsequent replacements damaging her psyche...that...we likely will succumb to the same failures...
  35. [2016-02-28 5:27:19 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Part failure...? I'm sorry, I don't understand... *putting his hand on the bed, near Joan, he leans over, looking worriedly at her* ... Does it have anything to do with being one of those, uhh, 'an-droyds'?
  36. [2016-02-28 5:33:47 AM] Skilletz: Joan:.Yes.... As people become older their sight decays their hair falls out, they become less energetic because their bodies do not function well yes? If my people have defects in their genetic or mechanical design, we will suffer similar, catastrophic failures...repairing them is what caused my mother to lose her mind...
  37. [2016-02-28 5:41:40 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, but you can't replace those things... And why would that affect your mind? You're still you, all that changed was your body. Even though I don't understand why you would change it to begin with...
  38. [2016-02-28 5:53:39 AM | Edited 5:58:35 AM] Skilletz: Joan: My people do not suffer biological decay, so we would suffer until we were alive but unable to function, trapped in a body that does not work... Repairs surgeries to stem this but our souls are sensitive to such changes...even if they are defective it seeks the body in it's most whole form and strains at the mind in the do you say it...we must pick our poison...
  39. [2016-02-28 7:53:55 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Then why try to change it? Wouldn't you rather keep yourself than give it up for a few more years? *sighs* Then again, back home I was searching for a way to get my humanity back... it might not be for the same reason, but I suppose it's not really any better.
  40. [2016-02-28 8:02:01 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...I do not know...*She sighs* such things are far off for me at the very least...
  41. [2016-02-28 8:06:48 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... I wonder why your mom did that. To give up yourself so easily... she must've had a good reason.
  42. [2016-02-28 8:20:49 PM] Skilletz: Joan: I was hoping I could try to find an answer with you...*She yawns and sits up a bit...* Perhaps it may be better to accept that such things are impossible to truly brother and doctor Warwick are the only ones I know that were alive and knew her before she began such changes, and even they kept their distance...
  43. [2016-02-28 8:25:44 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Have you asked the Doc about her at all? Even if they kept their distance, I'm sure you could learn something... but yeah, with her being gone there's no way we can really know. *he smiles at her, trying to cheer her up* Still though, I'm sure she did have a human side underneath all that. I'm sure that not everyone can be COMPLETELY bad...
  44. [2016-02-28 9:20:05 PM] Skilletz: Joan: ...You've spoken to The doctor yes? Trying to gain meaningful information from her is like trying to squeeze water from a stone...*she smiles* are probably right...
  45. [2:59:23 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Hey, you're made of metal, if anyone can do it it'd probably be you. Squeezing water out of stones, that is... but I'm sure you could get something out of Doc, heh.
  46. [3:05:14 AM | Removed 3:06:06 AM] Skilletz: This message has been removed.
  47. [3:06:14 AM | Removed 3:06:17 AM] Skilletz: This message has been removed.
  48. [3:08:12 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *she stretches and spreads out laying on the bed* It is not so easy I fear...did you decide yet? Whether or not you wish to stay? What you will do if you remain...?
  49. [3:10:07 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... I don't have any reason to go back home, Joan. I don't know what I can do here, with how behind I clearly am, but... I already have more for me here than I had back home.
  50. [3:38:37 AM] Skilletz: Joan: .....(I am sorry, Lucius...) ....I wish I could give an easy could become a fisherman, something simple perhaps?
  51. [3:46:01 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *he smirks , shaking his head at Joan's response* Heh, perhaps. That'd be funny, wouldn't it? A fish who catches fish for a living... what about shipping? Boats're still important, right? ... Maybe there's something I can do here...
  52. [3:56:11 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Shipping routes are...dangerous, our naval power has diminished in recent years but...more than that...if I may impose...*She pulls an arm infront of her face, peeking over it with one eye...* ...I want you to stay close all possible..
  53. [4:02:21 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Ahh... *lays down next to her, putting his arms behind his head as he looks at her* If that's what you'd prefer, then fishing's probably out of the question... So, maybe there's something I can do here, then? You're the boss, right? There anything a simple fishman can help with around here?
  54. [2016-02-29 4:14:47 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...(He is too close....) *She covers more of her face...* you know how to cook m-maybe...?
  55. [2016-02-29 4:23:20 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I can fend for myself well enough, but I dunno if I'm good enough to be an actual cook... what's up, embarrassed I asked? I thought you said you wanted me to stay close, didn't you?
  56. [2016-02-29 4:31:09 AM] Skilletz: Joan:....S-so I did. (I did not mean litterally Lucius!)...*She scootches slightly away, against the wall...*...U-um...if that is the could enlist, yes?
  57. [2016-02-29 4:43:02 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *he gets partially up, leaning on one arm* ... Hey, look, if you didn't want me near ya, you just had to ask. *he gets up fully now, backing off from her a bit* But yeah, I suppose I could do that, if nothing else. Guess you can always make use of someone with a sword.
  58. [2016-02-29 5:21:38 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *She reaches out, grabbing Samuel by the arm, a blush clear swept across her cheeks...* L-lucius it is...not like that at all...I-I do not know how to say this but...I-I very much enjoy your company... *she winces slightly as she says this, hiding her eyes behind her bangs...*
  59. [2016-02-29 10:19:16 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: A-ah... *surprised, his face turns a deep red as she grabs onto his arm; he then smiles* ... Tell the truth, I also really enjoy your company... you can make all my problems vanish like they never existed. *at this point he shifts himself over, and lies down on his chest as he looks at Joan's covered face* I can come as close you want me to, just say the word.
  60. [2016-02-29 11:37:55 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...U-understood.... *She stared for a few moments, and quietly laid next to Samuel, inching over to his side, until their sides were touching*....I-I do not know how to describe my feelings but....I-I wish to have you by my side if at all possible....
  61. [2016-03-01 10:15:39 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Fine by me... I think I know the words, but it might be too soon to say them.
  62. [2016-03-01 3:41:48 PM | Edited 3:44:42 PM] Skilletz: Joan:Is....that so....? *she rests her head in her arms* think it is time, I wish to hear them from you then....
  63. [2016-03-01 10:57:10 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Heh... well, you know how to put pressure on me, huh? *he takes a deep breath as he looks at Joan* ... You should really uncover your face, you know. At this point, there's nothing to be embarrassed about.
  64. [2016-03-01 11:47:16 PM] Skilletz: Joan: Mn...*She looks up to him, peeking her head up...*
  65. [2:11:26 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *looks into Joan's eyes, a brief moment of silence between them as his composure breaks* (Dare I tell her? Maybe it's too soon, maybe it'll spoil the moment, maybe... ah screw it, I said there's nothing to be embarrassed about right? Here goes nothing...) *he quickly gets himself back together* ... Joan, I love you.
  66. [1:14:10 PM] Skilletz: [ /setupkey *Lib/Conversation/EnableWiki 0]
  67. [1:29:47 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *she twitches staring into Samuel's eyes for a moment* ...I...umm..w-well then...this is....*she swallows*...Could you not wait until you were dressed at least...?
  68. [1:36:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *immediately turns red, looking away* S-sorry, I-I was caught up in the moment a-and you had to go put pressure on it and... look, I'm sorry! F-forget I said anything! *he immediately hides his own face in his other arm, cursing to himself under his breath*
  69. [1:54:07 PM] Skilletz: Joan: I-I am not opposed to this...*she reaches over and rustles his hair*
  70. [1:59:45 PM | Edited 1:59:50 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *a muffled deep breath & groan can be heard as Samuel continues to lay down face-first, before he turns his head a bit to look back at her* ... I probably could've picked a better moment to say it, I was just caught up in the moment... I-I've not really felt like this before.
  71. [2016-03-02 5:14:31 PM] Skilletz: Joan: Neither have I...I am glad that you feel this way, truly. *she sits up* I need time to affirm my own feelings if that is alright...
  72. [2016-03-02 5:18:25 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right... don't feel pressured about it, right? I-it's probably late now, anyways. *he gets up and yawns, stretching his arms above his head*
  73. [2016-03-02 11:09:28 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...*She hugs him...* I get up early tommorow, I will be free in the*She lets go and crawls off the bed, occasionally glancing back as she heads off...*
  74. [2016-03-02 11:11:46 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *seems quite surprised by the hug, and thus barely even can respond in kind* Y-yeah, sure, just take your time. I won't cause any trouble, I promise. *waves as she goes out* Good night!
  75. [2016-03-02 11:59:59 PM] *** Show messages from: March 3, 2016 - March 4, 2016 ***
  76. [2016-03-04 12:35:11 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *sighs* I guess she's a deep sleeper. Alright then, you can stay the night with me. I'll just return you tomorrow. *heads back to his room*
  77. [2016-03-04 12:46:25 AM] Skilletz: ++++++++
  78. *With no further interruptions, Sam would crash with Edward...The next morning he would awaken, Edward curled up against his head.....his phone seemed to have new messages but nobody seemed to be in a rush to wake him unlike the day before*
  79. [2016-03-04 1:03:02 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *sitting on the side of his bed, stares at the phone for a bit, unsure what to do with it, before getting up & dressed* Wake up, kitty, we gotta go return you to your owner.
  80. [2016-03-04 11:36:21 AM | Edited 11:43:08 AM] Skilletz: *checking the phone it happily chirped and displayed the messages*
  82. Admiral Redstroke: Hey Tiger, meet me at the mansion when you get a chance! PS: Wear pants!
  84. Admiral: PPS: Shirt optional but preferred. <3
  85. [2016-03-04 11:38:04 AM] Skilletz: Edward:*twitches slightly but doesn't move*
  86. [2016-03-04 12:12:58 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: And of course I'm needed somewhere, huh. *sighs, grabbing one of his extra ties* Alright kitty, we're going on an adventure it seems like... actually, what even is your name... *he checks Edward's name tag* ... Oh, Edward. Well, I can't really leave you here, so.... *wrapping the extra tie around his wrist & Edward's collar, he picks up the sleeping cat & grabs his phone* Whatever you do, don't try to run away, got it? *heads out for the mansion*
  87. [2016-03-04 1:57:17 PM] Skilletz: Edward: *He sleeps through the ordeal, occasionally snorting in his sleep*
  89. *Making his way to the mansion, Samuel would encounter little resistance, eventually arriving at the mansion door, slightly open. He could hear voices coming from the kitchen...*
  90. [2016-03-04 2:02:35 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... *knocks on the door, shouting into the gap between the doors* Hello? Y-you kinda left your door open, that's probably not a good idea.
  91. [2016-03-04 2:05:19 PM] Skilletz: *he hears a few voices calling out*
  93. Claude: Don't worry about it that door's jammed half the time anyway...come in, I'l get you something to eat.
  95. Rachel: Hey speak of the devil!
  96. [2016-03-04 2:09:52 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Thanks, Claude. *walks in, moving to where Claude is* Hey there. If you have any cat food, that'd be great... *indicates Edward in his arms* Not that he's waking up any time soon, I'd guess.
  97. [2016-03-04 2:26:40 PM] Skilletz: *Claude seemed to be manning the stove despite his injury, Rachel eagerly rocking back and forth in her chair*
  99. Rachel: Sooooo I heard you had a special someone you confessed to last night~? What's the story there, are you going out, did she reject you, did you go the distance and make my dear friend a mommy? *she grins and leans on the table*
  101. Edward:zzzz...
  103. Claude:...Don't mind Rach. I'll get him some tuna in a bit, do you want anything?
  104. [2016-03-04 2:31:45 PM | Edited 2:32:01 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *stares at rachel for a moment, slowly reddening, before finally busting with embarrassment* Wh- how do you- d-did she tel- *sighs as he goes to a nearby chair, slinking into it with Edward on his lap* ... She said she had to think about it herself. And I'm good, Claude.
  105. [2016-03-04 2:37:46 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Aw damn I owe Noa a tenner... *she pouts and leans back* But...yeah she did, she called me all frantic last night asking for advice...she stammered like that too so I was sure something's the game plan tiger?
  107. Claude: Right...
  108. [2016-03-04 3:16:00 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... I'll be honest, I've no freakin' idea. Even what happened last night was just me getting caught up in the moment... I'd probably have picked a better time to tell her otherwise. I'm, ah, not the most experienced fish in the sea when it comes to this.
  109. [2016-03-04 6:45:57 PM | Edited 6:46:14 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Yeah but you left an impression at least, and Jo isn't too seasoned either. *she smiles, leaning back in her chair* You're a handsome young guy I just think you need to get to know her better. Maybe carnally. The integrity of my wallet is at stake here!
  111. Claude: She's right...not about the last bit but you only met her a few days ago...
  112. [2016-03-05 3:58:03 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *sitting up a bit, he begins stroking Edward* Yeah, of course... she said she'd be free this evening, so that's probably a good chance.
  113. [2016-03-05 5:04:40 PM] Skilletz: Edward:...*purs slowly looking around...*
  115. Claude: I think you guys are pretty much there, Joan just wants you to know each other better as peole probably, like...mundane stuff, less about the dramatics you dealt with coming in and more about your day to day versions of you....
  117. Rachel:...*Sighs* Yeah he's probably've been through a lot of rough stuff but that's not really the basis of a relationship is it?
  118. [2016-03-05 6:26:09 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, I'm sure that's not how most people meet. *looks at Edward as he wakes up* Hey, you finally woke up. Took ya long enough.
  119. [2016-03-06 2:19:26 AM] Skilletz: Edward: *he looks up and stares a look of fear coming over his face as he tries to scurry out of Sam's arms*
  121. Claude: I mean...*he glances back* ...just take it slow, try to talk about happier things I guess....unno you wanna go out with me and Noa today if you've got nothing better to do?
  122. [2016-03-07 8:41:45 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah sure, that sounds fine to me, not like I have any- hey, hey, Edward, calm down! *tries to keep him from squirming out of his grasp*
  123. [12:24:07 AM] Skilletz: Edward: *terrorfaecs and tries to squirm harder, failing because Samuel is putting in any amount of effort. before slowly resigning himself*
  125. Claude: *He smiles* Awesome, we're going to the arcade to kill some time, I unno if I can push it too hard but I definitely wanna kill some time and get to know ya if you're moving into the area...
  127. Rachel: Aye just take it easy for now, *she gives a thumbs up* I've got your number so I'll get in touch with you and we'll meet up when Jo gets out.
  128. [12:27:38 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *nods, smiling partially from the kindness of the people around him & partially because he was able to actually calm down a cat* Sure, sounds fine to me, I have a lot of catching up to be doing anyways. And Rachel, couldja let her know I have her cat too, alright? *pauses, his face becoming a little more flat* ... And uhh... I have no idea what a 'buck' is, but ten of them is probably not a big deal to lose anyways. So don't be too mad if you lose.
  129. [2016-03-08 3:45:30 AM] Skilletz: Claude: It's not even enough for lunch....
  131. Rachel: It's the principle of the thing! I want a niece...*she pouts*
  132. [2016-03-08 4:26:07 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... And that's worth about ten "bucks"...? *rolls his eyes* Talk about poor family values...
  133. [2016-03-08 7:57:31 AM] Skilletz: Rachel: Look, I...never claimed I had those. *she grins and gives a thumbs up*
  135. Claude:....*He sighs and serves Rachel looking annoyed* Yeah we're...we're working on that. It's fine, you know where the theater was? There's a building with a star mural a little bit down the block, you can't miss it. I'll catch up with you there in a bit, Noa said he wanted to head out early
  136. [2016-03-14 2:23:57 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Uhh, I think so... *grabs Edward as he gets ready to go* Star mural near theatre, got it.
  137. [2016-03-14 3:19:57 AM] Skilletz: Rachel: Have fun tiger, I'm rootin' for ya!
  139. Edward: *pouts and uselessly mewls*
  141. Claude: can leave Ed here if you want, he gets along with Sasha.
  142. [2016-03-15 12:21:58 PM | Edited 12:23:01 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Would that be alright, though? I wanna make sure she gets back her cat and all... *pouts back at Edward* Look, if you wanna stay behind then sure, don't need to whine incessantly 'bout it though.
  143. [2016-03-16 12:02:47 AM | Edited 12:04:48 AM] Skilletz: Claude: I'll give Joan a call and tell her, she can come by after work, I'm sure Rachel won't mind the company right?
  145. Rachel:...*Sighs* Well...yeah Celia rushed off to the theater so it's probably not a bad idea...
  147. Edward: *He quiets down but seems even sadder looking into Sam's eyes*
  148. [2016-03-16 12:54:30 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *stares at Edward for a bit, breaking away to untie the tie from Edward & his wrist* Sheesh, you almost seem to understand what the heck I'm saying... well, you'll be in safe hands here, so don't worry Edward. *pats him on the head before putting him down* Right then, I'll be off to that arcade place. See ya there!
  149. [2016-03-16 8:13:00 PM | Removed 2016-03-17 10:50:38 AM] Skilletz: This message has been removed.
  150. [2016-03-17 10:50:40 AM] Skilletz: Edward:...*his eyes narrow at the accusation, angerly mewling as he trots off...*
  152. Rachel: *She glances aside then smiles* Have a good one tiger.
  154. Claude: *He gives a wave* I won't be long you have fun.
  155. ++++++++++++++++++++++
  156. *Heading out to the city Noa would spot Noa hanging out of the arcade, his nose buried in a book...*
  157. [2016-03-21 2:19:38 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *as he approaches the arcade, a somewhat confused expression on his face as though he's been wandering around a little lost for a bit, he smiles as he actually sees someone he recognizes & waves at Noa as he runs towards him* Oh, that's Noa! Hey!
  158. [2016-03-24 5:05:54 PM] Skilletz: Noa: *he gave a sleepy look over to Samuel and stared* Oh it's you...hey what brings you here?
  159. [2016-03-29 6:27:51 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I don't have much to do today, so I met up with Claude and decided to join him on this whole 'arcade' thing. Don't have much else going on today, so...
  160. [2016-04-02 12:52:54 AM] Skilletz: Noa: Oh...*He rubs his shoulder* (....I wonder if....nah, a dumb bet isn't worth it...)....I mean...I guess that's fine....I'm just trying to wait till my sis is off work, it seems like I've come at a kind of busy time for her.
  161. [2016-04-04 10:54:00 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, she seems really busy with her job n' all... you two were gonna do something? Good to hear.
  162. [2016-04-05 2:17:21 PM] Skilletz: Noa:...Nah I just wanted to see her off. The less we see of each other the better.
  163. [8:42:23 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: You've still gotta be like that, huh... *sighs as he looks downwards, shaking his head slightly* Not a fan of long goodbyes or something?
  164. [8:51:00 PM] Skilletz: Noa: Not a fan of goodbyes period Sam. *He leans against the wall...*...What's it to you anyway, aren't you going home soon?
  165. [8:56:09 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Well, maybe, Iunno. I kinda like it here more, honestly. People're a lot nicer, that's for sure. *leans against the wall, holding the back of his head with his arms & one leg propped up against it*
  166. [2016-04-08 9:05:32 PM] Skilletz: Noa:...I mean...the rest of the world can be pretty disgusting, but you stumbled into one of the nicer sections of it for now....(and one of the most gullible, nice...)...*He shakes his head* I guess whatever makes you happy but I can't stomach it here.
  167. [2016-04-08 9:08:31 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: It's an improvement from home in just about every way. I'm sure not everything's great, it never is, but what's so bad about it? *looks over to Noa* Joan can't bother you that much.
  168. [2016-04-08 9:18:55 PM | Edited 9:23:27 PM] Skilletz: Noa: It's...okay she's a big part of it, but not all of it...she's ignorant of the world because she's lived in this city but prejudice can be pretty bad here too species isn't trusted because we can read minds, other species can do worse and demons generally get treated like shit if given enough time...humans tend to get treated like chattle in my homeland so I guess it's earned though
  169. [2016-04-08 11:31:06 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Someone's always gotta be mistreated, huh... I can see that, especially if you're on the oppressed side. I don't see how makes this place so unbearable, though. Is it just especially bad here? Would you rather get to push everyone else around back at your home? *his face becomes a bit sterner & his voice gets a more critical tone later in the questions*
  170. [12:59:15 AM | Edited 1:11:56 AM] Skilletz: Noa:...*He grits his teeth* Oh cute. No I'm a cop smart ass, I try to keep that in check as much as I can, I just don't like the fact that people can pretend this shit doesn't happen...I can't change the laws or stop people from perverting them but I can at least try to uphold them
  171. [1:26:51 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *he goes from stern to almost apologetic* S-sorry, I just... *he trails off* At least you don't participate in it, I can respect that. People pretending it doesn't happen, or pretending they don't notice it... I've never liked that either. It makes me mad, honestly.
  172. [1:40:49 AM] Skilletz: Noa: ...It happens a lot here. Jade...our shared lineage....her reputation is the only reason why I'm even allowed to walk around here without an armed escort, I'm the enemy. *He narrows his eyes*....Seeing my sister...she's smart as hell but when it comes to this kind of thing...she's naive. She thinks all you need are good vibes and determination and everything will come out alright, as if the world is that's like she lives in her own little fairy tale world...
  173. [1:49:28 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Sure, it's not the fix to everything, but that can get you pretty far sometimes, it's helped me a lot already. What's wrong with being optimistic? You can't handle a little sunshine in your life or something?
  174. [1:52:32 AM] Skilletz: Noa:....*His eye twitches and he groans* You too?.... Forget it...tch...Just don't lead her on any further, the girl's in for a rude awakening sooner rather than later and she doesn't need you to make it worse kid...
  175. [2:42:36 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *he becomes a little angry at Noa* Look, I'm sorry for being happy after having had to put up with a shitty life too, okay? At least I'd be around to actually do something about it! If you're so sure it'll happen, why not try and do something about it, huh? She's not in a great place right now, y'know?! *sighs with frustration, muttering to himself* (If you're gonna just pretend she doesn't need you, maybe you should just go and never come back...)
  176. [2:53:35 AM] Skilletz: Noa: That was the plan lover boy! *he slams his fist against the wall* From what Redstroke told me she's gonna get last week's incident public along with her documentation to get herself thrown to the wolves! The last thing she needs is to look like a traitor ontop of an unstable psychopath! Maybe I'm the only one who sees this but when she gets mauled, and you get bored of her she's going to be a broken mess and I don't want you to keep toying with her more than you already are!
  177. [3:10:03 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *pauses, before speaking quietly* ... S-she's going to do that? She's gonna just throw away her life and happiness like that...? *his voice & expression suddenly become deeply angry as he gets off the wall, staring hatefully at Noa* And you'd just let her?! You talk about how you hate how people pretend there's no suffering, yet when it's going to happen to Joan, to your sister, you'll just IGNORE it, being no better than everyone else?! Do NOTHING about it?! *by now, Samuel's shouting in rage* And what do you know about me, anyways?! Who're you to tell me my feelings are fake, huh?! At least I've been there for her! At least I've tried to make her feel better! At least I give a darn about her! And sure, I did only just meet her, but as far as I've seen I've given more of a crap about your sister in the past few days than than you have in your entire life!
  178. [3:28:33 AM] Skilletz: Noa: *he adjusts his wrist, his palm gathering light...* You're just the same! Just because someone was nice to you, you suddenly feel like you get the right to pass judgement and make decisions in their life for them?! Don't make me laugh brat! Anything I try will only make it worse and you know it, had i known she was gonna pull a stunt this dumb I would have stayed out it from the start! Besides she'll probably give some speech on how "it's the right thing to do" so it's not like either of us can talk her out it, so what do you even know about her or me for that matter?!
  180. *By now people were openly giving the pair space and a few spectators had gathered....*
  181. [4:00:47 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Y'know what I know? I know you're a freakin' JOKE who's just given up on her! *grabs the handle of his sword* You could at least TRY caring, a little! *walks slowly to the side, his rather hateful gaze locked on Noa* And don't even tell me that you call THIS caring!
  182. [2016-04-09 5:35:50 AM] Skilletz: Noa: *he reflexively takes takes a step back, reaching for his gun before shaking his hand and walking after Sam, still holding his charge.* You wanna make this personal? Fine let's settle this!
  183. [2016-04-09 7:40:54 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: You've already made it personal! *pulling out his sword, Samuel throws out a wave of water at Noa, before lunging at him sword-first, surrounded in water*
  184. [2016-04-09 8:52:19 PM] Skilletz: Noa: *he releases the charge, Samuel feeling his momentum and the flow of water stop as Noa pushed away Sam's blade with his bare hands., attempting to grab Sam by the throat before he could react* That's it!
  185. [12:36:14 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Gh...! *though caught by Noa's grab, he throws his hand in the direction of Noa's face, attempting to try & freeze him to get him to let go*
  186. [1:28:20 AM] Skilletz: Noa: W-whoa! *He tries to force Sam away but Sam's palm connects, freezing his face as he throws Sam to the floor, trying to tear the ice off*
  187. [3:53:52 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *landing on the ground quickly, he tries to sweep Noa off his feet while he's distracted*
  188. [4:31:03 PM] Skilletz: Noa: *sensing Sam's attack as he broke the ice, he hopped over the attack attempting to stomp on Samuel's chest as he freed his face. Sam would note his left hand glowing again...*
  190. NOTE: This section will end, as we switched to Discord after this. Future updates can be read in "Rust Soaked Winds Pt. 3".
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