
Timeline and Current Events

Mar 5th, 2018
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  1. The Poke-Suikoden Timeline and Plot Paste
  3. 30 years ago:
  5. - Martin DuPont of the Order of Gracidea is poisoned and left bedridden.
  7. - The Quiet War begins and ends, as the ghost of the first king of Nolgranda spreads its malevolent will slowly across the land. It's stopped by a small group of rune-chosen warriors, who defeat the spirit and seal its corrupted Rune of the Heavens away to be purified for several years using the Runes of Purity, Ideals, Passion, and Death.
  9. - Mikaela Nightarrow quits the Order of Gracidea and becomes Tsukinoshi no Mika, settling down with the love of her life, Kiyoshi. After only a couple of years their first child, Akemi, is born.
  11. - Rajjaka the Painter and his lover, Elyn, trade their last goodbyes as well as their Runes before sealing them. This causes the Rune of Death to become linked to Rajjaka's spirit, even through reincarnation. Rajjaka creates a home in Rivale to watch over the nearby ruin, while Elyn returns to her homeland of Davadezi to pursue a career in politics. They would never see each other again.
  13. - Robin marries Lucian Isaacs, and returns to her tour of duty in Nolgranda. Her status during that time was listed as "Confidential mission", likely due to strings she pulled within her circles.
  15. - Ashleigh Vanders, a former White Wolf mercenary leader, is left to guard an old fort near the ruin site, though his men don't know why. To support themselves, he tries farming, but finds banditry and hunting with dogs easier to sustain.
  17. - Kiba no Masaru at the age of five, loses his first Pokemon, Nyoromo, in a fire.
  19. - A young man, ousted from his royal birthright, swears revenge against his father and his entire dynasty.
  21. 26 years ago:
  23. - Robin Isaacs becomes pregnant and moved to Ever's Path with her husband. Iltani was born.
  25. 23 years ago:
  27. - On an uncertain day, to uncertain parents, a baby girl was born in Saranga and lead a pauper's life on the streets.
  29. - A beast strikes without warning, dragging Rajjaka into the river. Only a single smeargle was left to mourn his passing.
  31. 22 years ago
  33. - Lekha is born to Daksa and Zura Satyasvapna, a pair of drifters who by all rights should not be parents but loved their daughter very much.
  35. - Katsuo is born to Mika and Kiyoshi. Their eldest, Akemi, is six years old and babbles about how she wanted a sister, but maybe Katsuo will play dress up with her anyway.
  37. 20 years ago
  39. - A beast with an unsettling, familiar aura, attacks Mika in the Tsukino province. It whispers to her of revenge for wrongs committed against it. Mika and Kiyoshi attempt to slay it, to no avail, and decide for the safety of their children and the family they serve, that they must depart. The beast is relentless in its pursuit.
  41. 19 years ago
  43. - A girl is born to the King and Queen of Nolgranda, and is named Regina.
  45. - A forbidden technique rune, the Wild Fang, is stolen by a disgruntled member of clan Kiba, and he exiles himself to wander the lands.
  47. 14 years ago
  49. - Kiyoshi and Mika find their way to Grandbarge, the capital of Ravarra and a massive city on the water. Feeling relatively safe in the city of warriors, Kiyoshi opens a dojo to bring in the money to support themselves, while Mika wanders for any sign of a way to defeat the Hunter. Kiyoshi contemplates trying to retrieve their children from Tsukino to live with them, but both parents eventually agree the attempt would be far too dangerous. As long as the creature is alive it would never be fully safe to see their kids.
  51. - Unable to directly confront Mika and Kiyoshi for now, the beast returns to Rivale and kills Ashleigh Vanders. His daughter Ashley is left behind.
  53. - Kiba no Masaru wanders to Grandbarge and takes tutelage under a fellow ninja in the ways of the blade, the bow, and the kunai with chain.
  55. 10 years ago
  57. - Mika becomes pregnant with Natsuko. She is becoming desperate to be rid of the creature that stalks them - watching for any sign of movement from Grandbarge. Desiring to be with her children once more and realizing the danger to the one she was now carrying, she sought out an old friend with a True Rune.
  59. - Robin Isaacs reluctantly leaves her family behind to help her friend, after spending one last night with them.
  61. - Artifour Alabaster marries Yulia di Surveil and they begin a happy life together. They move to Whisperwhite so Artifour can apprentice under the great Crowley.
  63. - Daksa and Zura leave Lekha in the town of Pava, in a region of Davadezi's Emerald Marsh.
  65. 8 years ago
  67. - On a night of snow storming in Whisperwhite, Yulia died.
  69. - He tried to bring her back.
  71. - Why couldn't they understand?
  73. - He couldn't bring her back.
  75. - But he had to.
  77. - The Snorunt was lost... Another storm blocked his path. Like that day...
  79. - A man's soul began to wither away and die.
  81. 6 years ago
  83. - Kiyoshi leaves Grandbarge - presumably to find Mikaela or to investigate a plot against Elyn. He leaves a four year old in Masaru's care.
  85. - Saranga is burned. Tasman Raeth achieves his revenge and kills his brother in the streets. But one was left...
  87. - The Rakshasa scatter to the ends of the earth.
  89. - Florenta is destroyed by a wake of destruction brought upon by demons. Killjoy is created, and swears revenge against Iltani Isaacs.
  91. - General Hildon McGraw speaks out against the campaign helping Carthas against the indigenous tribes of Girdi. He is derided in public, especially by the new Chief Wizard, Artifour di Surveil. King Esrand pays the old man a private visit and they share a drink. They debate the matter and Esrand eventually notes that they will likely not see eye to eye. He offers McGraw a choice. Let his criticism be silenced, face jail, or quietly leave to spend out the rest of his years in peace. McGraw, an old man, chooses to leave Nolgranda. He becomes the mayor of a small town in Rivale. His outburst is quickly forgotten and the old general remains a hero to the people.
  93. 5 years ago
  95. - Regina Cornellia Nolgranda disowns their birthright and becomes Cornell.
  97. - The homunculus of Regina is created and grown over one year.
  99. - Zahara is acquired by Tasman Raeth. The Rakshasa Project must be completed.
  101. 4 years ago
  103. - Zahara visits Davadezi and infects Larai with a crude parasite that gives her the power to override her thoughts and actions.
  105. Current day: The Twelve Rune War
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