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May 3rd, 2015
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  1. I’ll try make this to the point
  2. Reasons for retirement
  3. 1. Boredom. Since I was removed as a Mentor things started getting boring, when you have no interest in ranks you don’t really have anything to work towards or enjoy. Mentoring was one of two things I enjoyed.
  4. 2. People. A lot of people in VAK act like VAC. I didn’t go through VAC to enter VAK and still be policed by people who are trying to get a promotion. No offence.
  5. 3. I’ve tried to word this the best I can, I hope none of you take offence to it. I’m not exactly the best at wording things.
  7. Shout-outs
  8. Koen500 – You pretty much made me stay in VAC just for the fact I was close on giving up because of all the brattish behaviour then. Pretty annoyed when you retired and lost contact, but you was a great Captain.
  9. Jess106 – Legend. Learnt a bit from you on how to be nicer. However one of the reasons I am retiring is the fact VAK is like a family, and I need to sort my attitude out before I even contemplate returning which is most likely never.
  10. Xxhero – my little buddy. We had some funny times, good luck in the future, talk on steam ofc.
  11. Idrialite – One of my former friends, I enjoyed your company at the time. Funny guy on STEAM, probably won’t read this but if you are. Me>you
  12. Yugitastic – Also a funny guy, it’s a shame you became so *how to phrase this nicely* annoying. It was mostly me I will admit. We had some really good times, and I’d just like to say. You was genuinely being paranoid about that thing.
  13. Fourpapa1 – Another one of my former friends. You was one of those who always talked about your past in VAK. It was fun at times, but I still thought we had some fun times #Fappertus. #undefeatedlegend
  14. Anakin – we had some fun times before you started using me as your personal messenger. Then we became friends again, fyi my castle is better than yours at Pi.
  15. Jonathangolf – you just got on my nerves now and again but I learnt to adapt and I learned to enjoy your company. )
  16. Buff – we had some fun times. Except u started gr0oming me… e.o
  17. Cptjackprice – Good luck in VAK, don’t give up. Stop focusing on the ranks, they come in their own time.
  18. HarbingerXII – God you got on my nerves. I messaged you saying for a fresh start but you went talking behind my back, so from that point I couldn’t be bothered with you. But I wish you luck in your future.
  19. Hunter7777 – I don’t care how many times you’ve told me off. Perfect Vaktovian. Perfect General. Don’t change.
  20. Xerland2 – You was funny, tell Sahonna I said bye ;) oh, and you should learn to be more discreet on pas-tebin :) Sylvester Symaen: I've reported Covertus myself.
  21. Opacor – See you around!
  22. Shads – Good banter, pretty sound guy – and no. I would not like fries with that.
  23. DevilishPyro – You confuse me half the time. But a role model from Helghan I’ve always respected.
  24. Elyygos – Another former friend, good luck in VAK.
  25. Vetix – You still owe me a conjurururururor.
  26. Jclau/Leighzerjet/Felix/Actraz – Lighten up a bit guys. Try and enjoy your experience, learn to interpret things in different ways. 
  27. Maste – You helped me on my first EI assignment, Haha. Gg, you’re a bit ignorant though ;)
  28. Gannex – It’d be rude not to include our very own supreme general. You’re a good S.G regardless of what people say.
  29. AzureSpirit – Promoted me twice in the core, I was pretty bummed when you retired. You was a cool VAK.
  30. Brookelle – Last but not least :’) my “od’er partner” according to those with the same IQ as my left toe nail. Funniest person I’ve met on this game. Talk on steam still. You was pretty much my 2nd reason for not leaving, but seeing as I talk to you on STEAM, I don’t need to stay really.
  31. People who made my experience but aren’t listed – Candiigal, 888min2, Itatchi, Yeller and many more.
  33. - Former Vanguard, Mentor, EI Artist, Corporal, Guard of Koen, Guard of Jess, RHM of Anakin, Apprentice of Anakin and Sage Hound.
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