
can you shoot me

Dec 19th, 2017
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  1. "Pure Kawoshin Trash" Discord Rules to ensure everything goes smoothly in this server. Anyone found breaking these rules will be punished with their talking/image posting privileges taken away or even banned depending on how many times they've been found breaking the rules.
  4. 1.) Be a decent human being. Don't come here to troll or be an asshole and expect anything but a swift kick. Respect your peers and they'll respect you back.
  5. 2.)Read the channel descriptions to make sure you're not posting in the wrong channel. Messages found in the wrong channel will be deleted.
  6. 3.) Don't talk too much in #the-trashcan or any of the #LEWD channels. Explaining a meme, reacting to it and exchanging a couple of lines about it is obviously fine, but analysing the meaning of Kaworu's right testicle being larger than his left in that one high res image you saw posted is a no-go. Type at your own discretion and don't abuse the admin's leniency.
  7. 4.)The admins(@Nerv HQ) have the final word in any matter in regards to the rules being enforced. If you're asked repeatedly to stop doing something, even if it's not mentioned in these here rules it's wisest to comply.
  8. 5.)No posting nudes of any kind. I don't care if you're over the age of consent in your country, this is an anime server for God's sake. You want to show of your privates, do it in a PM and if the other person consents.
  10. If you have a question, request or any problem arises, the main active admin is @Lasen. If I am not found online, @Shinji-Kun can try to help resolve the matter.
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