

Dec 19th, 2016
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  1. I finally bought a copy of Tryrush Deppy so I'll have the real thing. The only remaining J Saturn game I want is Super Tempo and that is way too expensive at $500. The $300 for Deppy was really weighing on me for the last week or so but I decided to just jump in because I won't be spending money going to AGDQ and I'm not buying any other games for a month (whoa).
  3. The next step is buying a J Saturn, de-rusting on the game, and then learning Keio Flying Squadron 2 to go alongside Deppy. More Rusty practice will be done, a better record will be gotten and that too will be submitted for SGDQ again.
  5. I've got some really good games lined up for my time off in January. Pretty much all stuff I just haven't gotten around to yet. Dragon Quest Builders, ReCore, Exist Archive, Zero Time Dilemma, World of Final Fantasy, (once the PS4 Pro patch fix comes out on the 12th) and Paper Mario Color Splash. I'm at various places in each game and I think I can finish them all.
  7. The third week in January is the eater of worlds though. I still can't get over just how much is bring crammed into that week. Gravity Rush 2, Dragon Quest 8 3DS, Yakuza 0, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Tales of Berseria, Resident Evil 7 AND Digimon World Next Order, all in the space of like 10 days. What. 2017 is looking up for casual most definitely.
  9. Work is very hard but I'm over half way done with Christmas season. The weather has taken a turn for the really nice (sunny and above freezing tomorrow?) and that makes it much easier to get stuff done. That -20 windchill crap is just brutal. My skin's cracked, lips are chapped, my ears hurt, my eyes are really sensitive from the snow, it's just a bad time overall. Just have to get through this. March on.
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