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Jun 5th, 2015
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Thursday, June 4, 2015
  3. jacobstoutfm: Hey, Since you have more Rep, I will go first. is that Okay?
  4. Dust: That is perfectly alright with me
  5. Dust: I'll get my steam key ready
  6. jacobstoutfm: Okay. Here is Supraball Key: Supraball: // Rep me on my Steam Profile and And i will return the favor as well
  7. Dust: To The Moon, coming right up:
  8. jacobstoutfm: Thanks for trading. Rep being sent.
  9. Dust: And rep has been sent
  10. jacobstoutfm: thanks
  11. Dust: Np
  12. Dust: Enjoy the games
  13. jacobstoutfm: you too
  14. Dust: Hey, bro, you did realize that Supraball keys were being given away by the devs here, right?
  15. Dust:
  16. jacobstoutfm: Hey bud, saw your feedback on my page and was surprised. Didn't block you though, I don't know where that came from. And no, I did not realize that. I got the Key from one of my other friends and was stupid enough not to check where he got from.
  17. Dust: The "He blocked me" part of my -rep might have come from when I tried to re-add you when you were playing GTA V last night, and saw that you appeared to be offline on my friendslist (Didn't remember that typically, users on your friendslist that have been sent invites appear as offline.)
  18. jacobstoutfm: Ah, I usually get off around 11
  19. Dust: I was stupid enough to not check before initiating that trade with you, so I apologize for that...
  20. jacobstoutfm: It's cool. Want Realms of the Haunting? Lol you probably already have it but I can give that to you for free.
  21. Dust: I already own Realms of the Haunting, but yeah, sure
  22. jacobstoutfm: K. Give me one secf
  23. Dust: These days, I seem to forget alot...
  24. Dust: I'll work on changing my feedback to positive, now that we got it sorted out
  25. jacobstoutfm: Sorry about everything. My -rep will be changed to +rep in a min, but meanwhile here is the key: Realms of the Haunting: // If ever so be it, I would trade again! Let's just make sure everything is official, eh? Ha! Thanks!
  26. Dust: If you still wish to see me as a "fishy" user who lies about being blocked, and provides false info, then go ahead, nothing's stopping you from doing so
  27. jacobstoutfm: Changed your rep, dude.
  28. jacobstoutfm: Everything cool or...?
  29. Dust: Yeah, everything's cool now, still changing my rep on your SG profile
  30. jacobstoutfm: Okay. - I was just mad at the moment and other things were going on at the moment. I apologize. Rep changed, gift given, seems to be in order. Talk to you soon, hopefully.
  31. Dust: Yeah, I was mad too about getting a free closed beta key for a bundle game and not being notified of it
  32. Dust: In the end, we were both at fault
  33. jacobstoutfm: I had no idea. Talked to my friend and yes, I was in fault.
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