
qStar and his sister ghosts day: 492 i guess

Oct 26th, 2014
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  1. * Star_ is standing at the very edge of the woods, wondering just how he's going to find one pony in there...
  2. [17:07] * Flora sits under the shade of a tree resting her head on her forearms, taking a pose as if she were some form of a big cat like a lion simply lazing about in content. She stomach looks swollen as she gives a loud belch that echos through the woods. She doesn't say excuse me but has the after taste of a burrito roll across her tounge causing her to smile. She decides to close her eyes and just rest under the tree without her possessions
  3. [17:07] * Flora text wall eats Star's wall
  4. [17:09] * Flora hums a small lyrical tune from her through that gets carried away in the wind
  5. [17:12] == Titus [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  6. [17:22] <Star_> [Sorry, got distracted by youtube!]
  7. [17:23] * Star_ flicks his ear at the loud noise and then song, flicking his ears side to side to locate the noise. Sounds like it's coming fro a little bit into the woods. "...Hello?"
  8. [17:27] * Flora hums along merrily not hearing Star, only the sound of music from yor plays in her head as the sound echos and radiates out her throat
  9. [17:29] == Weathervane [] has quit [Quit: Whoops!]
  10. [17:29] * Star_ tilts his head and follows the song into the woods, looking around while keeping his guard up. "Hello? Hey, wait up."
  11. [17:33] == Weathervane [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  12. [17:34] <Flora> *The sounds dance around Star as they lick around the wind. They seem to grow in intensity and strength the deeper he goes, it's almost as if they are something his senses entirely. It's just him and the sounds.*
  13. [17:36] * Star_ rubs his head and looks around. He feels like some siren is gonna get him if he isn't careful. "You! Whoever's singing, show yourself!"
  14. [17:40] <Flora> *The music takes a more ominous but up beat tone as it progresses but this time they are accompanied by words in a familiar accent that still has a certain flair to it sounding if it comes from foreign tongues*
  15. [17:43] * Star_ looks around, pouting as the force doesn't seem to get his words. "Hmm..." He thinks to himself...maybe making his presence known by other means?
  16. [17:47] * Flora stands up from her roost and yawns getting into the IWTCIF position as her joints pop loudly and frequently as she smacks her lips together ceasing all music entirely. She looks at the ground for a moment before slightly nibbling at it her body heading for a small clearing
  17. [17:48] == Sunny has changed nick to Sunny[work]
  18. [17:52] * Star_ sighs and looks around. Welp, he's gotten himself deeper into the woods than he'd have liked. "Hello? Are you still there?"
  19. [17:53] <Flora> the sound of music falls around Star
  20. [17:53] <Flora> pls roll preception
  21. [17:54] <Star_> !roll 1d20+1
  22. [17:54] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 20 <Total: 20(+1) = 21>
  23. [17:56] <Star_> [Woo]
  24. [17:56] <Flora> *Star hears crunchy footsteps behind him, as they crumnch and munch through the leaves
  25. [18:02] * Star_ flicks an ear and turns around, his magic flaring up. "Hey! I hear you!"
  26. [18:04] * Flora is just standing a couple paces away from Star but jumps back "hold on, hold up! Don't shoot me Star!"
  27. [18:04] <Flora> [if you shoot me you're a racist]
  28. [18:05] <GreenHoof> [Flora din do nuffin!]
  29. [18:07] * Star_ leans his head down as she talks, her knowing his name being the only thing that keeps him from putting a bolt of magic right between her eyes.
  30. [18:07] <Star_> "...Flora?"
  31. [18:11] <Flora> "calm the fuck down nigga, shit. I swear I can't go on a nice burrito filled walk through out the woods without nearly getting mauled or getting my damn face shot off. Aint this some shit?" she says with a shake of her head
  32. [18:12] * Star_ blinks. "Hey! You're the one singing weird shit in the middle of the woods thinking whatever finds you *isn't* gonna hurt you!"
  33. [18:18] <Flora> "the one time i actually sing.." she voice trails off into a grumble as she shifts the conversation in another direction "anyways what brings you to this neck of the woods Star? You know besides nearly making me like the guy from the movie face off'
  34. [18:18] <Flora> "you know where they took that guy's face off"
  35. [18:19] == FoxTrot [~textual@] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  36. [18:20] <Star_> "Well, I was gonna look around for how best to tackle searching these woods for something...rather important to me. I have a few friends to help me look, but it's always good having a plan beforehand."
  37. [18:23] <Flora> "oh? may u ask what you seach for?"
  38. [18:24] <FoxTrot> [the D]
  39. [18:24] * Star_ thinks to himself for a bit...then shrugs. "I suppose I can, since you and I are friends. But you have to promise not to think I'm crazy."
  40. [18:26] <Flora> "Star I wont think you're crazy. Trust me if you knew half the things I've done and seen I would be the crazy one"
  41. [18:27] * Star_ nods and thinks of how to word this. "Well...I'm looking for a walking skeleton so I can bring it back town."
  42. [18:27] <Star_> *back to town
  43. [18:29] == FoxTrot [~textual@] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
  44. [18:31] * Flora arches her brows slightly before smiling softly at Star "oh well you're on the wrong side of town buddy. Last I saw of a walking skeleton was in old, but I highly doubt you want to mess around with zombies and skeletons controlled by a dark magician. Or... maybe you speak of Stalwart, wait wait Stalwart is dust now, Never mind Stalwart"
  45. [18:31] <Flora> "no no no no no you met Stalwart, you were their with me when we went to Dawn Singer's tomb"
  46. [18:33] == Curious|workin has changed nick to Curious
  47. [18:34] * Star_ nods. "Indeed I was. But no, this skeleton is one completely different. She's a friend of mine, a ghost from beyond the grave. She's fading away for some reason and it isn't her doing, so I'm going to try getting her body back from the forest to see if it's just her being too far away from it."
  48. [18:35] <Flora> "oh I'm sorry to hear that Star, I hope you find her... excuse my french 'corpse' soon before she fades away. Would you like some help finding it? Maybe George can help"
  49. [18:36] <Star_> "I would really appreciate the help, and...George?"
  50. [18:39] <Flora> "George, real cool guy or girl im not really sure, crazy knowledge about everything, talking rock? ring any bells?"
  51. [18:42] == Redlight [~MacBook@] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  52. [18:42] * Star_ tilts his head, honestly having *no* idea what she's going on about...
  53. [18:43] * Flora smirks "don't worry about it Star, just let me run home for a moment to get my things and i will assist i the look out"
  54. [18:45] == Liven [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  55. [18:54] <Flora> [star?]
  56. [18:56] <Star_> [Sorry!]
  57. [18:57] * Star_ nods and looks for the way out of here. "Yeah, I'll have my other helpers come by soon, take your time."
  58. [18:58] <Flora> "i'll just assume you'll be in this area" she says scampering off
  59. [18:58] <Flora> [slss? time?]
  60. [18:59] * Star_ chuckles and nods. "I'll be around."
  61. [18:59] <Star_> [SLSS, in an hour.]
  62. [19:00] == Weathervane [] has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
  63. [19:00] <Flora> [to help me with it i mean. i'm rusty with it and i don't even no how many points i have to spend]
  64. [19:03] <Star_> [We have 16 points now, I think]
  65. [19:04] <Flora> can you help me figure out how many ive spent so far? i think i should be ok after that
  66. [19:05] <Star_> [Okay, link me]
  67. [19:06] <Flora>
  68. [19:10] <Star_> [You need to pick at least 3 other perks, skills]
  69. [19:15] == Weathervane [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  70. [19:20] <Flora> oh
  71. [19:30] == Mariel [webchat@] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  72. [19:56] == High_Tide [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  73. [19:57] <High_Tide> mind in a little while I gotta brb for food
  74. [19:58] * Flora squishes Tide
  75. [19:58] * High_Tide yelps!
  76. [19:59] * Whitelight arrives to the woods. walking over to the nearest tree and slowly drawing her sword, looking down at it and slowly swings it around in front of her a couple times before she looks at the tree and stands in front of it, quickly swinging her sword and loudly hitting the tree. giggling as she does so.
  77. [20:00] * Star_ steps out of the woods a ways, using his magic to light his way in the darkening world.
  78. [20:01] <High_Tide> [am I with you, Star?]
  79. [20:02] <Star_> [Nope, I was there with Flora but she left. I just never came out of the woods]
  80. [20:03] <High_Tide> [where do you want me to show up then?]
  81. [20:03] <Star_> [You can show up how you wish]
  82. [20:04] <High_Tide> [can you give me a que or something? Tide'd be at leaving the east woods after grabbing his stuff from his tower]
  83. [20:04] * Flora walks through the town to the woods where she last saw Star, her stomach isn't as full looking the burrito she had having long since been digested. She walks with her light weight equipment in her bag but just appears as a glowing dot in the distance
  84. [20:05] <Star_> [A que for what, Tide?]
  85. [20:06] <High_Tide> [to show up]
  86. [20:06] * Whitelight looks over at Star as she sees her come out of the woods her sword gets lodged in the tree she blushes slightly and quickly waves to him as she pulls the sword out of the tree and looks at her sword.
  87. [20:08] * Star_ chuckles and gets a look at her sword. "While you were trying to pull that out, something would've eaten your foreleg, heh."
  88. [20:09] <Mariel> [protip: use ","]
  89. [20:10] * Whitelight examines her sword for a minute and frowns "y-yeah.." she replies before sheathing her sword and looking up at Star_ "im..still not that good." she chuckles
  90. [20:12] <Star_> "Don't worry, you'll get there eventually. Practice makes perfect."
  91. [20:12] * Whitelight "haven't seen you in a while, Star." she smiles "how are you?" she said as she sat down on her haunches under the tree
  92. [20:13] == Al_Dente [] has quit [Ping timeout: 200 seconds]
  93. [20:14] <Star_> "I've been...restless." He sighs, looking into the woods. "I've been busy all week."
  94. [20:15] * Whitelight "mind if i ask what you have been doing?" she asks curiously
  95. [20:15] * Titus relaxes on the porch of his forest cabin, Arrow off running about somewhere. That somewhere happens to be in the woods, right where Star is looking!
  96. [20:15] == Al_Dente [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  97. [20:17] * High_Tide walks out of the woods some ways away, having wandered around for several hours in the edges of town after having gone in this morning to look for something. He now wanders along the edge of the woods in blue robes fairly regal for someone in a frontier town, with saddlebags and one very tired-looking and sunken bloodshot eye.
  98. [20:18] * Star_ rubs his forehead. "Talking with ghosts, solving otherworldly problems...the usual." He spots a cabin far off into the woods and waves to its inhabitant. He'l have to introduce himself later.
  99. [20:19] * Titus lazily waves back as his dog steps out of the woods, sniffing her way towards Star. It has a slight limp, but it seems really friendly!
  100. [20:19] * Whitelight slowly raises an eyebrow "talking whit ghosts?..oh boy those are thing here in equestria?" she chuckles
  101. [20:20] * Star_ waves to Tide and calls him over, spotting the dog as it gets within range. Such a cutie, that dog!
  102. [20:21] <Star_> "Yeah, there are. I was actually talking with them before you guys showed up. They're going to accompany us this evening, since who else knows how to find a skeleton than the spirit who owned it?"
  103. [20:21] <Titus> Arrow slowly walks up to him, ignoring Whitelight. It tries to sniff his hoof inquisitively. How adorable.
  104. [20:22] * High_Tide stands beside Star, the big blue unicorn glancing at the dog. He's been losing sleep. "
  105. [20:22] <High_Tide> "Misery is coming?" he asks, looking back to Star.
  106. [20:23] * Whitelight rubs her eyes "won't be able to sleep now.." she whispers to herself as she sees Star wave to someone and turns to look at High_Tide, silently looking at him for a minute.
  107. [20:23] * Star_ nods, looking down at the dog and petting it with a smile. " first Company was coming solo, but...when that idea went by Misery, heh..." He shrugs. "No way she was having that."
  108. [20:24] * Flora nears the group of horses and stuff "hey everyone'
  109. [20:24] <Titus> After getting a feel for his scent (and a bit of a pet), Arrow starts running around him, excited! Even though she has a limp, she's fairly fast.
  110. [20:25] <Flora> [1 sec[
  111. [20:25] * High_Tide listens to Star and remains silent, keeping a stoic face. He lazily nods, then hears a familiar friend, turning his head to offer Flora a tired smile.
  112. [20:26] * Flora smiles back and stuff
  113. [20:26] * Star_ chuckles at the dog and waves to Flora. "Hey, you're back. I was wondering if you'd show."
  114. [20:28] <Titus> Arrow rolls onto her back, demanding a belly rub from Star. She's panting from the exertion of running around all excited-like, and obviously is in dire need of one. Who knows what could happen if he doesn't! It could be a travesty!
  115. [20:28] * Whitelight waves to Flora and stands up "hey Flora." she smiles and starts looking
  116. [20:29] <High_Tide> [be back in a minute]
  117. [20:29] * Star_ reaches down and rubs the doges belly, knowing the importance of belly rubs. " now, not all of you have met my spirit friends..."
  118. [20:29] <Star_> [Okay]
  119. [20:30] <Flora> "wouldn't miss it for the world Star, and hi White"
  120. [20:30] <Star_> "I think before we get started, we all get to know each other. Sound fair?"
  121. [20:31] * Whitelight looks at the woods for a minute and chuckles nervously. she takes a few steps back and walks next to Arrow and gently petting her side "o-ok."
  122. [20:31] <Titus> The little mutt squirms in pleasure, before she gets hit by the double-pet! What a move! Two ponies petting one dog! Such innovation! This is truly a wonderful day in the history of all dog-kind!
  123. [20:32] <Mariel> [oh crap, everyone has a pet now?]
  124. [20:33] * Star_ nods and looks back towards the forest. "Company! Misery! I think we're ready!"
  125. [20:33] <Titus> (I have a dog motherfucker)
  126. [20:33] <Titus> (Dog's are better then all other pets)
  127. [20:33] <Titus> (True science fact)
  128. [20:33] <Mariel> [ferret > dogs]
  129. [20:33] <Titus> (Dog > Ferret >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cats)
  130. [20:34] == Aurora has changed nick to Aurora[Spectator]
  131. [20:34] <Mariel> [i like cats]
  132. [20:34] <Mariel> [but yeah dogs are better]
  133. [20:34] <Titus> (Cats have always hated me.)
  134. [20:34] <Mariel> [still my ferret > anything]
  135. [20:34] <Star_> [OoC pls]
  136. [20:34] <Titus> (And I have always hated cats. But I think we're interruption.)
  137. [20:34] == GearBox [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  138. [20:34] * Flora nods at Star is aggrement "yea we should get to know eachother before we set out' she shuts her yap looking over everyone before landing on dog man "you, what's your name?"
  139. [20:34] == High_Tide [] has quit [Ping timeout: 189 seconds]
  140. [20:34] == High_Tide [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  141. [20:35] <High_Tide> [back]
  142. [20:35] <Titus> Titus would respond, but he's quite a ways away, relaxing on the porch of a cabin in the woods! Only his dog, Arrow is present!
  143. [20:35] <Star_> *As Star calls out the spirits names, the air begins to feel...chilly. As if the weather just dropped a few degrees cooler all of a sudden.*
  144. [20:35] <Titus> Arrow, meanwhile, starts whining and barking as the air cools down.
  145. [20:36] * Flora was talking to the dog
  146. [20:36] * Flora hugs her lizard armor tighter
  147. [20:36] <High_Tide> "I've met them.." he says calmly, but his jaw clenches and he bristles, looking around.
  148. [20:36] * Whitelight starts looking around looking a little frightened. she keeps giving Arrow tummy rubs as she looks for the spooky ghosts
  149. [20:36] <Titus> Dogs can't talk!
  150. [20:36] * GearBox slides out of the trees with a rustle, feeling the cold, and a call from the area in general.
  151. [20:37] <GearBox> "ah, hello white."
  152. [20:37] <Flora> they can if you believe
  153. [20:37] <Titus> Arrow is barely comforted by tummy rubs, spooked by the obvious presence of SPOOKY GHOSTS! She keeps barking at nothing!
  154. [20:37] <Star_> *A blue mare's head becomes visible from underground, floating up to the surface and hovering in mid-air as if she were underwater. Her silvery white mane blows in an ethereal breeze no one can feel. "...Hello..."*
  155. [20:38] <GearBox> "..."
  156. [20:38] <Titus> Arrow whimpers and rolls back onto her front, giving a slight growl at the spooooky ghost!
  157. [20:38] * GearBox shows no outward response
  158. [20:38] <GearBox> "hello."
  159. [20:40] <Star_> *As soon as she forms, another spirit shows her face, a bit odd that she's out in the world and visible for such a sneaky mare. Her red coat shines in the darkness, but her jet black mane only embraces it further. She remains silent, an eye on every pony there...*
  160. [20:40] <GearBox> "and who, along with what, might you be?"
  161. [20:40] * Whitelight jumps and as she sees the ghost appear "uhm..." she looks at GearBox "h-hello GearBox!" she said before looking back at Company, she hesitates for a second before talking "hello there." she said whit a low voice "y-you must be..Company..a-and Misery."
  162. [20:41] <Star_> *Both spirits nod and, at the same time, utter softly, "I am."*
  163. [20:41] * High_Tide feels a smile tug at his lips when he sees Company, but his mouth tightens as Misery appears, watching the red mare with a cold glare.
  164. [20:41] <Titus> Arrow backs away from both the ghosts, still barking! And barking! And barking!
  165. [20:41] <GearBox> "i recognise the red one..."
  166. [20:42] * Whitelight casually hides behind GearBox
  167. [20:42] <GearBox> "which i assume is Misery."
  168. [20:42] <Star_> [Gear, she's never visited you silly]
  169. [20:42] <Star_> [But that is a good assumption]
  170. [20:42] * GearBox pulls her back up softly. "face your fears, or they will haunt you forever."
  171. [20:43] <Titus> Arrow doesn't care about their names! She'll bark at them as equals!
  172. [20:43] <GearBox> "which means the other must be Company."
  173. [20:44] <Star_> *"...You assume correctly." The red mare turns to Star, not very pleased. "What are all of these ponies doing here? This was supposed to be a simple retrieval."*
  174. [20:44] * Flora is here and totally not talking to girls about stuff as she gazes on the spirits in reverance if anything, suprisinlgy stuff like this isn't that new to her
  175. [20:44] <GearBox> "i heard the land call, and heeded it."
  176. [20:44] * Whitelight blankly looks at the two ghosts for a minute. she hides behind GearBox again "i don't wanna."
  177. [20:44] <Star_> *"Misy...the more...the merrier..." the chilly mare retorts.*
  178. [20:45] * GearBox lets out a nervous chuckle.
  179. [20:45] <Titus> (I'd just like to say "I came here because I felt I needed to be here." is a pretty bad way to enter an IC situation.)
  180. [20:45] <GearBox> "so, what seems to be the problem?"
  181. [20:45] <Star_> "I don't know what's out there. We need to be sure we have enough pony power to get her skeleton back from...wherever it is."
  182. [20:45] <GearBox> (the land called, not i heard something.)
  183. [20:45] <GearBox> (unnatural magic m8)
  184. [20:45] <Titus> (Yes, still not the best reason.)
  185. [20:46] <Titus> (And it still fits the same thing. 'I came because I felt I needed to be here'. But let's not shit up chat during IC.)
  186. [20:46] <Star_> *That's none of your busin--"*
  187. [20:46] <GearBox> (i wont argue, yes its kinda bad)
  188. [20:46] <Star_> *Misery...*
  189. [20:46] <Star_> *"Be nice..."*
  190. [20:46] <GearBox> "..."
  191. [20:47] <Titus> Arrow circles around the ghosts. And doesn't stop barking. Or growling.
  192. [20:47] <Titus> Brave fuckin' dog.
  193. [20:47] * Whitelight "wait where are we going?" she asks curiously "i should probably grab my..armor..and some bandages..maybe."
  194. [20:48] <Star_> *Misery sighs and turns to Star. "If you plan to elaborate to all of these ponies and compromise our secrecy, you'd better hope they know to keep their mouths shut after this..."*
  195. [20:48] <Flora> "i got the medical suppiles covered White. I never leave home without them?
  196. [20:48] <GearBox> "i vow not to break the secrecy."
  197. [20:49] <Titus> Bark. Bark. Barkity bark bark. That's gotta be getting annoying.
  198. [20:50] * Whitelight blinks and looks at Misery for a second before she smiles at Flora "alright thats very good." she said sounding kind of relieved.
  199. [20:50] <GearBox> "oy, you, dog. shhhhh. its okay."
  200. [20:50] * Star_ nods. "I'm sure they will. Alright, guys, what we're doing is heading into the woods to find a skeleton. And not just any skeleton, we're finding *her* skeleton," he points to Company, who is currently floating around the doggy, "and they're going to help us find it...hopefully."
  201. [20:50] * GearBox puts out his hoof to pet it
  202. [20:51] <Titus> The dog completely disregards Gearbox, instead focusing on BARKING AT GHOSTS.
  203. [20:51] * Whitelight "Arrow please stop..don't piss off the ghosts." she quickly trots over to the dog and gently pets her "pleaase.." she slowly starts pulling her away
  204. [20:51] * GearBox glares at it
  205. [20:52] <Titus> If Titus hadn't fallen asleep he'd have probably come to see what the fuck's going on.
  206. [20:53] <Star_> *Company isn't upset, moreso...a bit saddened that the dog doesn't like of the downsides of being a ghost...she sighs.*
  207. [20:53] <Titus> Arrow stops barking, but continues growling. She circles around and plants herself in front of Whitelight, standing as if in defense.
  208. [20:53] * High_Tide remains silent this entire time as he stands by Star. He has a plain look on his face but he doesn't take his eye off Misery.
  209. [20:53] <Flora> "so... floating spirits, what are you're names? I wouldn't mind getting aquainted first before we help you"
  210. [20:54] <Star_> "Now, I wanna get through with this quickly, since I don't know if things get worse at night..."
  211. [20:54] <GearBox> "its highly likely that dangerous creatures come out at night."
  212. [20:54] * Whitelight sits down behind Arrow and gently pets her back "don't worry..they are good ghosts.." she nuzzles the dog and looks up at the two ghosts. smiling weakly
  213. [20:55] <GearBox> (brb)
  214. [20:55] == GearBox [] has left #fourcannonwoods []
  215. [20:55] == GearBox [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  216. [20:55] <GearBox> (back)
  217. [20:55] <Titus> Arrow unwinds slightly, but still growls. Mostly at Misery. Must not like the color red, or maybe she has some kind of doggy intuition for the supernatural, or something.
  218. [20:55] <Star_> *The blue mare floats towards Flora, reaching out a hoof. "I'm...Company..." she gasps between phrases, as if she were choking slightly. "This sister....Misery..."*
  219. [20:57] * Flora sticks out her hoof for a shake to see if the physical and meta physical can meet "it's a pleasure to meet you both, my name is Flora" she's glad to meet one of the few ghosts that haven't tried to kill her
  220. [20:58] <Flora> "so tell us what happened and why you're looking for your body. Star only told me that we were looking for your skeleton"
  221. [20:58] <Titus> Arrow slowly, tensely walks towards Company, her leg agitated into an even worse limp by such a spooky coincidence. She takes a tentative sniff at the blue ghost, obviously not trusting it too much.
  222. [21:00] <Star_> *Company's hoof and Flora's do in fact touch, but it causes Flora a great deal of a freezing sensation through her foreleg the whole time she is in contact. All the while, Company grows brighter and brighter.*
  223. [21:00] <Star_> *"I can't...remember...why it...I just...Star...put me body...ran away from this place...but lost control...lost body..."*
  224. [21:01] <GearBox> "hmm..."
  225. [21:01] <Titus> Arrow sticks her nose through the ghost, but can't seem to get a whiff of anything! This is madness, EVERYTHING has a smell!
  226. [21:01] * Whitelight stands up and silently listening to the ghost, she's kind of afraid to talk.
  227. [21:02] * Flora can't into cold, but she bares with it not showing that discomfort "oh.. I'm sorry to hear that Company, but I'm sure we'll find your body. I meant the woods are only so big; plus that dog is around"
  228. [21:02] <Mariel> [what dog?]
  229. [21:03] <Titus> (...My dog?)
  230. [21:03] <Mariel> [havent been following the chat, osrry]
  231. [21:03] <Titus> (The one who's been barking at ghosts?)
  232. [21:03] <GearBox> (Titus' dog.)
  233. [21:03] <Mariel> [oh i see, go on then]
  234. [21:03] <Titus> (Who I'm playing instead of Titus because I thought it'd be fun?)
  235. [21:03] <Star_> *Misery looks around the group as they talk, locking her visible eye with Tide's and offering him a smile.*
  236. [21:04] * GearBox notices the smile, and the look at the navy blue unicorn.
  237. [21:04] <GearBox> *hmm...*
  238. [21:05] * High_Tide watches until his mouth starts to tighten, and he locks eyes with Misery. He watches blankly, before he speaks to no one in particular. "We should get a move on."
  239. [21:05] <Star_> *"My thoughts exactly."*
  240. [21:05] * Whitelight starts playing whot Arrow's ears "just..wondering but how did you become ghosts..after dieing know..not everyone becomes a ghost a-after they die." she asks curiously, shirking a bit as she looks at Company
  241. [21:06] <Flora> "so Company, why do they call you Company?"
  242. [21:06] <Whitelight> shrinking*
  243. [21:06] * GearBox walks over to the three. "i would like to know as well."
  244. [21:06] <Star_> *"Well, I--"*
  245. [21:06] <Titus> Arrow, instead of growly-barky-anger, is now nervous! They don't have a scent! THEY DON'T HAVE A SCEEEENT! She starts running around company, appearing pretty excited.
  246. [21:07] <Star_> *Misery interrupts. "Less talking, more walking. We're burning light."*
  247. [21:07] <High_Tide> "Agreed." Tide says coldly before he turns towards the treeline and starting to walk.
  248. [21:07] <GearBox> "she could explain while going, if need be."
  249. [21:08] * Whitelight blushes and looks at Arrow as she runs around Company. looking at Misery and shudders "i-i see." she starts trotting inside the woods. keepingher distance from the ghosts
  250. [21:08] * Flora sees that she is in the Company of a sassy ghost
  251. [21:08] <Star_> *Misery giggles and dives into the ground, swimming on land as she does a backstroke to keep up with the group as they walk.*
  252. [21:08] <Star_> *Company
  253. [21:09] * GearBox follows the group, slightly behind them.
  254. [21:09] <Titus> Arrow follows Company, curious at her lack of a scent! Imagine what Titus is gonna think when he finds his dog has ran off with a group of ragamuffins for adventure!
  255. [21:09] * Whitelight slows down and walks hides behind GearBox. silently following the group
  256. [21:10] * Star_ leads the group, keeping a soft light on with his horn. This action, however, causes the spirits to walk and swim in ponies shadows...
  257. [21:10] * GearBox pulls white gently to his level behind the group. "remember, fear is not a bad thing."
  258. [21:11] * Flora bumps Star on the side as they walk "so is Company the one flicking out of existence?" she say in a lowered tone
  259. [21:11] * GearBox lights up his horn as well, sending a purple light on the back of the group.
  260. [21:11] * Whitelight nods slowly and keeps walking alongside GearBox.
  261. [21:12] * Star_ keeps the hushed tone. "Well, they both are, but...Misery has learned to burn her energy more efficiently than Company by staying in the shadows and whatnot."
  262. [21:13] * Flora pretty much whispers in Star's ear "Is Misery a dick or is she just anxious?"
  263. [21:13] <Star_> *The icy blue are is proving this point rather well by making exaggerated arm motions for her swimming and giggling at all the fun she's having by herself.*
  264. [21:13] <GearBox> "c'mon, we dont want to be left behind."
  265. [21:13] * Whitelight looks around as they walk through the woods quickly looking behind the bushes and the trees as they walk past them
  266. [21:14] <Titus> Arrow follows along, panting slightly. Still, she limps. Titus should probably get that checked out.
  267. [21:14] * High_Tide glances over his shoulder and notes something as he leads the group. He faces back ahead tugs at his robes, but he briefly glances at Company, his expression softening.
  268. [21:14] <Star_> "Misery is...protective. She doesn't want anyone or anything interfering with Company or her safety..."
  269. [21:15] <Star_> "She trusts no one. She barely trusts me, I think."
  270. [21:15] <Flora> "damn a debby downer"
  271. [21:16] * GearBox finally catches up with the group with white
  272. [21:17] == Snow_Blind [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  273. [21:17] <Star_> *Company floats out of the ground, swimming in mid-air this time, making small loop-de-loop noises as she weaves between the ponies in the group to make her way to the front.*
  274. [21:17] <GearBox> (welcome Snow.)
  275. [21:17] * GearBox gives a shiver as Company touches him on her way to the front.
  276. [21:18] <GearBox> (one moment.)
  277. [21:18] <Star_> *"Turn off...the light...Starry...I have to...lead us..." She sounds a little softer than normal, and her movements are getting slowed.*
  278. [21:18] * Whitelight giggles as she sees that and smiles "i kinda wish i could fly around like that." she whispers
  279. [21:19] * Whitelight looks over at GearBox and smirks
  280. [21:19] * High_Tide 's stride is a slowed a little when he sees Company float to the front, looking stunned for a moment.
  281. [21:20] <Star_> *Misery listens to her sister and furrows her brow. "Can't we speed this up?"*
  282. [21:20] * Flora strays away from Star before his horn backfires and blows her face off, she kinda wants to talk to Misery but she seems too grouchy '
  283. [21:21] * Star_ turns off his horn's light, letting Company and Misery light the way with their ethereal glow. "So...where are we going?"
  284. [21:23] * GearBox also removes his light, preparing a fireball spell instead.
  285. [21:23] * Whitelight starts trotting a little faster, following the ghosts and gazing at the glowing ghosts.
  286. [21:23] * GearBox speeds up to match the pace of the group
  287. [21:24] <Star_> *Misery walks alongside her sister, opening her mouth to say something but...shaking her head.*
  288. [21:24] <GearBox> "you are running out of energy, aren't you."
  289. [21:24] * Whitelight quickly nips GearBox's ear as she walks next to him.
  290. [21:25] * GearBox doesn't have a reaction for the ear nip, now is not the time.
  291. [21:25] <Star_> *She looks back to Gear. "*I'm* not.**.
  292. [21:26] <GearBox> "but the other one...she is, no?"
  293. [21:26] <Star_> *Company turns to her, still floating in the air. "Misery...I told you...I'm fine...or I will be..."*
  294. [21:27] <Star_> *"Things out...they always do..."*
  295. [21:27] <GearBox> "hmm..."
  296. [21:28] <GearBox> "i have some questions. can you get energy, and if so, how?"
  297. [21:28] <Star_> *"Then will you please at least just walk like a normal pony? Save your energy."*
  298. [21:28] * Whitelight looks over at Company for a minute and frowns, "sorry..trying to calm down.." she whispers to GearBox and trots away from him standing at the back of the group
  299. [21:28] <GearBox> (brb)
  300. [21:29] <Star_> *Misery turns back to Gear. "We can't get energy many different ways...but you ponies would look down on us for them. The most effective way is through contact."*
  301. [21:29] <Star_> *We can
  302. [21:30] * High_Tide glances back ahead and continues to walk, muttering under his breath; "Would we, now.."
  303. [21:30] <Flora> "and how so would we look down upon you Misery?"
  304. [21:31] <Star_> *Misery remains silent...*
  305. [21:31] <Whitelight> "what..kind of 'contact'.." she asks all of a sudden
  306. [21:32] * GearBox has a revelation on the look earlier
  307. [21:32] <GearBox> "ah."
  308. [21:32] * Flora assumes steaing life forces, eh no biggie
  309. [21:33] <GearBox> "good to know."
  310. [21:33] <Star_> *Company lazily floats back to Whitelight and gives her a biiiiig hug! One that makes her feel as if she were dropped in freezing cold waters with nothing to keep her warm. And Company begins to glow brighter.*
  311. [21:34] * GearBox trots up to the two and taps Company's shoulder
  312. [21:34] * Whitelight shivers and stops "C-Company.."
  313. [21:34] <GearBox> "hey, you're freezing her."
  314. [21:35] <Star_> *The chilly mare lets go and spins in the air, good as new! But...Whitelight may be a bit numb for a while...**
  315. [21:37] * Whitelight would like to hug back but she can barely move. she stumbles around for a bit "i-i see..o-ok." she tries to keep up whit the group
  316. [21:37] <Flora> "so... my guess was right" she's thankful she didnt get hugged because she would hve flipped her shit she mumbles now "since your the opposire id your sister " she now projects her voice "Intake it you feel hot to the touch Misery?"
  317. [21:37] * High_Tide sees this out of the corner of his eye and shoots the other ghost, Misery, a hard look.
  318. [21:37] * GearBox picks up White with quite a bit of strength for such a small pone and carries her with him.
  319. [21:38] <Star_> Misery continues to walk forward, as if focused on something...and then she stops. "Wait. Stop right here."
  320. [21:38] * Whitelight lets him carry her and silently hugs him tightly
  321. [21:39] * GearBox appreciates the hug and covers her with his cloak.
  322. [21:39] * High_Tide slows to a halt, stopping by Misery's side.
  323. [21:40] <Star_> *"....."*
  324. [21:40] * Whitelight lays a hoof over the hilt of her sword and looks at Misery
  325. [21:41] <Flora> "guess my question will go unanswered..."
  326. [21:41] <Star_> *Misery slinks into a nearby shadow of a tree and goes out of sight...*
  327. [21:41] * GearBox sets her down and lets his horn glow ever so slightly so he can cast
  328. [21:42] <Star_> *Company sees this and slinks into the ground out of sight. When Misery runs, that means trouble, and she knows that all too well.*
  329. [21:42] <Star_> *Roll Perception.*
  330. [21:42] * GearBox notices them both slink away
  331. [21:42] <Whitelight> !roll 1d20+3
  332. [21:42] <GameServ> Whitelight rolled 1d20: 7 <Total: 7(+3) = 10>
  333. [21:42] <GearBox> !roll 1d20+2
  334. [21:42] <GameServ> GearBox rolled 1d20: 14 <Total: 14(+2) = 16>
  335. [21:43] <Flora> !roll 1d20+1
  336. [21:43] <GameServ> Flora rolled 1d20: 17 <Total: 17(+1) = 18>
  337. [21:43] == Tide [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  338. [21:43] * Tide looks to where Misery once was and frowns, slowly reaching into his robes.
  339. [21:43] * GearBox prepares one of his more...powerful spells.
  340. [21:43] <Tide> [ffs]
  341. [21:44] <GearBox> (shit about to get real sun.)
  342. [21:44] <Star_> [Tide roll?]
  343. [21:44] <GearBox> (tide pls roll)
  344. [21:44] <Star_> !roll 1d20+4
  345. [21:44] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 15 <Total: 15(+4) = 19>
  346. [21:44] == High_Tide [] has quit [Ping timeout: 195 seconds]
  347. [21:45] <Tide> [? what am I rolling]
  348. [21:45] <Star_> *Perception.*
  349. [21:45] <Tide> !roll d20
  350. [21:45] <GameServ> Syntax: XdY [ {-|+|*|/} Z ]
  351. [21:45] <Tide> !roll 1d20
  352. [21:45] <GameServ> Tide rolled 1d20: 7 <Total: 7>
  353. [21:45] <GearBox> (kek)
  354. [21:46] <Star_> *As the party stops, many open their ears to the area around them...and for Star, Flora, and Gear, they hear something a-rattlin'.*
  355. [21:47] * Flora skeletons internally
  356. [21:47] <GearBox> "shit. we got company everyone, and it probably aint friendly!"
  357. [21:48] <Star_> *Ahead of them, off into the distance, shambles 2 skeletons, a pegasus and a unicorn...and they have spotted them.*
  358. [21:48] <GearBox> "shit."
  359. [21:48] <Star_> *Roll init!*
  360. [21:48] <Flora> [what are the ghosts?]
  361. [21:48] <GearBox> (reflex, i belive.)
  362. [21:49] <Whitelight> !roll 1d20+1
  363. [21:49] <GameServ> Whitelight rolled 1d20: 9 <Total: 9(+1) = 10>
  364. [21:49] <GearBox> !roll 1d20+1
  365. [21:49] <GameServ> GearBox rolled 1d20: 9 <Total: 9(+1) = 10>
  366. [21:49] <Star_> !roll d20
  367. [21:49] <GameServ> Syntax: XdY [ {-|+|*|/} Z ]
  368. [21:49] <Star_> !roll 1d20
  369. [21:49] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 14 <Total: 14>
  370. [21:49] <GearBox> (dat simultaneous roll doe)
  371. [21:49] <GearBox> (3spooky5me)
  372. [21:50] <GearBox> (flora tide init pls)
  373. [21:50] <Star_> [Also, I wonder where Mariel is...huh.]
  374. [21:50] <GearBox> (^)
  375. [21:50] <Flora> !roll 1d20+2
  376. [21:50] <GameServ> Flora rolled 1d20: 20 <Total: 20(+2) = 22>
  377. [21:50] == Tide [] has quit [Ping timeout: 200 seconds]
  378. [21:51] <GearBox> (holy shit)
  379. [21:51] <GearBox> (that init)
  380. [21:51] <Flora> [if reflex im pretty sure]
  381. [21:51] <GearBox> (ye)
  382. [21:51] <GearBox> (most PnPs roll init off of re if not calculated seperatley)
  383. [21:51] == High_Tide [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  384. [21:51] <GearBox> (tide init pls)
  385. [21:51] <High_Tide> [piece of shit]
  386. [21:51] <Star_> [Yeah, d20+RE]
  387. [21:52] <High_Tide> [Re? I haven't touched my SLSS sheet in mouths hue]
  388. [21:52] <GearBox> (we got 2 spooky skellys (one pega on uni) comin)
  389. [21:52] <High_Tide> !roll 1d20
  390. [21:52] <GameServ> High_Tide rolled 1d20: 16 <Total: 16>
  391. [21:52] <Star_> !roll 2d20
  392. [21:52] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 2d20: 18 16 <Total: 34>
  393. [21:52] <GearBox> (oh holy shit)
  394. [21:52] <Mariel> [im here]
  395. [21:52] <GearBox> "get ready..."
  396. [21:53] <GearBox> (roll init)
  397. [21:53] <GearBox> (2 spooky skellys one pega one uni)
  398. [21:53] <High_Tide> [where is here?]
  399. [21:53] <Mariel> [but im busy, you took way too long so im busy]
  400. [21:54] <Flora> [bye then]
  401. [21:54] <GearBox> (bibi mariel)
  402. [21:54] <Star_> *The skeletons rush the large group of ponies, letting out a shrill shriek. The unicorn manages to get in range first, a strange purple ball of magic glowing around its horn as it prepares to fire at Tide, one of the biggest targets!*
  403. [21:54] <High_Tide> [k bye]
  404. [21:54] <GearBox> (fak)
  405. [21:54] <Star_> !roll d20
  406. [21:54] <GameServ> Syntax: XdY [ {-|+|*|/} Z ]
  407. [21:54] <Star_> !roll 1d20
  408. [21:54] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 20 <Total: 20>
  409. [21:55] <GearBox> (ohshit)
  410. [21:55] <High_Tide> [ooooh]
  411. [21:55] <Flora> [gg]
  412. [21:55] <GearBox> (crit)
  413. [21:55] <GearBox> (ggnore)
  414. [21:55] <GearBox> (nini tide, rip in magics)
  415. [21:56] <Flora> [can i haveyour stuff?]
  416. [21:56] <GearBox> (^i want it)
  417. [21:56] <Star_> *The unicorn gains a power surge!...strange...*
  418. [21:56] <Star_> !roll 1d4
  419. [21:56] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d4: 3 <Total: 3>
  420. [21:56] <Star_> *The ball of magic manages to hit spot on for a whopping 6 dmg!*
  421. [21:57] <GearBox> (ooooooh shit tide)
  422. [21:57] <Star_> *Flora!*
  423. [21:58] <Star_> [I-I didn't remember the crit, Flora, I'm sorry!]
  424. [21:58] * High_Tide is approaching the tree when he is blindsided by the magic, stumbling to the side in surprise as it collides with the side of his head, silently reeling.
  425. [21:58] <GearBox> (flora, you're up)
  426. [21:58] <Flora> [your fine]
  427. [22:00] * Flora watches Tide bet blasted and cranes her head around to the new threat. Assuming that they are quite a distance away since the unicorn had to use magic she takes the knife out her pocket and hopes to land a cheap pot shot at the inicorm
  428. [22:00] <Flora> !roll 1d20
  429. [22:00] <GameServ> Flora rolled 1d20: 18 <Total: 18>
  430. [22:01] <Flora> !roll 1d6
  431. [22:01] <GameServ> Flora rolled 1d6: 1 <Total: 1>
  432. [22:01] <Flora> mmm
  433. [22:01] <GearBox> (kek)
  434. [22:02] <Star_> *The blade chips its shoulder, knocking a bone sideways but not much else!*
  435. [22:02] == GreenHoof [~GreenHoof@] has quit []
  436. [22:02] <Star_> *Tide!*
  437. [22:03] <Flora> "awww man... I liked that knife"
  438. [22:03] <Titus> (The blade didn't chip, you chipped its bone.)
  439. [22:03] <Star_> [^]
  440. [22:03] * High_Tide turns to face the skeletons, clenching his jaw as his left cheek smoulders. His horn lights up, and he fires a magic missile at the unicorn!
  441. [22:03] <High_Tide> !roll 1d4+2
  442. [22:03] <GameServ> High_Tide rolled 1d4: 4 <Total: 4(+2) = 6>
  443. [22:03] <Titus> Arrow's probably around barking at skellingtons, but really doing nothing of any use.
  444. [22:04] <GearBox> (2spooky4me)
  445. [22:04] <Star_> *Tide returns the favor to the unicorn, hitting it right between the eyes and blowing its head to pieces! The rest of the bones fall in a Dry Bpnes-esque pile.*
  446. [22:05] <Titus> (I have to wonder how much a dog bite would do to a skeleton.)
  447. [22:05] <Titus> (Dogs do love bones...)
  448. [22:06] <GearBox> (prob a d4-1
  449. [22:06] <GearBox> )
  450. [22:06] <Star_> *The pegasus skeleton isn't very happy about the loss of his shamblin' buddy, and he decides to go after what seems to be the weakest link: Whitelight!*
  451. [22:06] <Titus> (If I was actually in the quest I might have Arrow attack, but Star has enough players as is.)
  452. [22:06] <Star_> !roll 1d20
  453. [22:06] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 16 <Total: 16>
  454. [22:07] <Star_> !roll 1d4
  455. [22:07] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d4: 3 <Total: 3>
  456. [22:07] <Titus> (Would you actually mind that, Star?)
  457. [22:07] <Star_> [Hm?]
  458. [22:07] <Titus> (Having Doge attack.)
  459. [22:08] <Star_> *The pegasus breaks through the wall of ponies with a shriek, using its sharpened wing bones to slash at White's upper body!*
  460. [22:08] <Star_> [Yeah, if you wish!]
  461. [22:08] == Mariel [webchat@] has left #fourcannonwoods []
  462. [22:09] <GearBox> (roll init though and join next round)
  463. [22:09] <GearBox> (unfair to roll midfight)
  464. [22:09] <Star_> *Star!*
  465. [22:09] <GearBox> (*mid round)
  466. [22:09] <Whitelight> [c-can i roll?]
  467. [22:09] <GearBox> (not yet)
  468. [22:09] * Whitelight turns pale as the skeleton hits her, she looks terrified and lets out a loud shriek as she's hit, she stumbles away, laying a hoof over her wound and groaning.
  469. [22:09] <GearBox> (one of us is next)
  470. [22:10] <Titus> !roll 1d20+2
  471. [22:10] <GameServ> Titus rolled 1d20: 9 <Total: 9(+2) = 11>
  472. [22:10] <Titus> (Initiative.)
  473. [22:10] <Star_> [I thought I was next]
  474. [22:10] <GearBox> (you gotta wait m80)
  475. [22:11] <Star_> [Oh, that was init]
  476. [22:11] <GearBox> (:P)
  477. [22:11] <Star_> [Yeah, hold up on that, Titus]
  478. [22:11] * Star_ hops forward, as the pegasus has so foolishly gotten in close. He quickly spins and tries a buck!
  479. [22:11] <Star_> !roll 1d20+3
  480. [22:11] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 13 <Total: 13(+3) = 16>
  481. [22:12] <Star_> !roll 1d4
  482. [22:12] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d4: 4 <Total: 4>
  483. [22:13] <GearBox> (r3kt)
  484. [22:13] <Star_> *Star manages to buck the skeleton back a few feet, as it recovers, Whitelight has the chance to get some payback!*
  485. [22:13] <Star_> *Whitlelight!*
  486. [22:13] <Star_> *Whitelight!*
  487. [22:13] * Whitelight shivers and quickly draws her sword and attemps to hit the skeleton
  488. [22:13] <GearBox> (i feel forgotten)
  489. [22:13] <Whitelight> !roll 1d20+1
  490. [22:13] <GameServ> Whitelight rolled 1d20: 16 <Total: 16(+1) = 17>
  491. [22:13] <GearBox> (;-;)
  492. [22:14] <Whitelight> !roll 1d8
  493. [22:14] <GameServ> Whitelight rolled 1d8: 4 <Total: 4>
  494. [22:14] <Star_> *The sword breaks clean through the skeleton, making him a pile of bones as well!*
  495. [22:15] <GearBox> "goddamnit... i hate being caught off-guard like that."
  496. [22:15] * GearBox 's horn goes dark
  497. [22:15] == Mary_ONette [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  498. [22:15] <GearBox> (welcome Mary)
  499. [22:15] * Flora breathes a sigh of relief "wheew, glad that's over" she looks around "you guys alright?"
  500. [22:16] * Star_ looks around the group. "Everyone okay?"
  501. [22:16] * Whitelight grows and hits the skull whit the sword and shatters it "you.b..f-..meanie.." she struggles to put the sword back in the sheath as her hooves are shaking
  502. [22:16] <GearBox> "other than feeling abso-fucking-loutley useless, yeah, im fine."
  503. [22:16] <Titus> Arrow walks over and picks a bone out of the pile, gnawing on it happily.
  504. [22:16] * High_Tide 's horn slowly dims and he braces himself against the tree, gingerly touching the side of his face with a hoof.
  505. [22:16] <GearBox> "oh shit, white, are you okay?"
  506. [22:16] * Mary_ONette finishes work for the day in her trap zones and starts to head on home.
  507. [22:17] == Snow_Blind has changed nick to Snow_Hats
  508. [22:17] * Whitelight "yes!" she yelps as she lays a hoof over the wound "I-im fine.."
  509. [22:18] <Titus> Arrow walks over to Whitelight and tilts her head, taking a glance at her leg (Which has a patch of scar tissue across it) before dropping the bone and nuzzling her.
  510. [22:18] <GearBox> "i can see the wound white, let's get it patched up."
  511. [22:18] <Titus> She's whining softly, apparently worried.
  512. [22:18] * Star_ wanders over to Tide. "Y'alright, man?..."
  513. [22:19] <Star_> *"Whoooooooa...!"*
  514. [22:20] * Whitelight looks down at Arrow and gently hugs her. she looks terrified but also relieved that the skeletons are gone.
  515. [22:20] * High_Tide faces Star with his good side and grunts in confirmation, keeping a hoof over the other side of his face.
  516. [22:20] <Star_> *Company has her head sticking out of the ground, watching the aftermath of such a fight. "You all...were...amazing!.."*
  517. [22:20] <GearBox> "welcome back, Company. i expect Misery is close by?"
  518. [22:20] <Star_> *Misery steps out of the shadows, flipping her hair. "Impressive. Seems you all can hold your own."*
  519. [22:20] * GearBox grunts, he feels a bit useless from being unable to participate.
  520. [22:21] <Flora> "hmm... seems like people are alright" she shrugs her shoulders like that one shaq gif
  521. [22:21] <Star_> *Don't worry, Gear. Your turn would've been next had she missed.*
  522. [22:21] <GearBox> (...)
  523. [22:22] <GearBox> (i missed it all.)
  524. [22:22] <GearBox> (just like every other PnP. damnit.)
  525. [22:22] * Mary_ONette yawns as she walks down the pathway in the woods, enjoying the quiet scenery.
  526. [22:22] <GearBox> (Mary, how deep in the woods are you?)
  527. [22:23] <Star_> *Company looks around the group, a saddened look on her face from seeing her new friends hurt. "...Are you all...okay?..."*
  528. [22:23] * Whitelight takes a few deep breaths and slowly pets Arrow, she smiles and stops shaking.
  529. [22:23] <Mary_ONette> [far from them pretty much]
  530. [22:23] <Titus> Arrow gently licks Whitelight, still whining. She has this really sad expression on her head.
  531. [22:23] <GearBox> "white and the blue one over there *points at tide* got hit."
  532. [22:24] <Star_> *Misery begins to walk, heading to the final resting places of the skeletons and touching their bones, getting the last bit of their life forces. "They're gonna be fine, Company. Let's just get going."*
  533. [22:25] <Whitelight> [damn it my dad is yelling at me..i have to go to bed..]
  534. [22:25] <Star_> [Awwwww]
  535. [22:25] * GearBox picks White up again, carrying her as she slips off.
  536. [22:25] <Whitelight> [sowwy...]
  537. [22:25] * High_Tide faces away from the group, grunting softly. "Tide."
  538. [22:25] <GearBox> "damnit white, you got the same problem as me."
  539. [22:25] <Whitelight> [good night everyone.]
  540. [22:26] <Flora> [sorry m8]
  541. [22:26] <High_Tide> [Hope to see you soon White!]
  542. [22:26] == Whitelight [webchat@] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  543. [22:26] * GearBox extends a hoof in greeting to tide. "gear. good to meet ya"
  544. [22:28] * High_Tide faces Gear with the unharmed side of his face and accepts the hoof. "Hey." he says gruffly, offering a smile. "Don't let the robes fool you, I'm not much of a wizard, as much as I like to think so."
  545. [22:28] <Star_> *"Hey. I'd hate to break up this little introduction, but I'd like to get out of this area before more show up."*
  546. [22:28] * GearBox chuckles lightly. "neither am i, although i know my fair share of spells."
  547. [22:29] <Titus> Arrow whines as White falls to unconsciousness, following Gearbox around. She must really like White.
  548. [22:29] * GearBox patpats the dog, it must be worried about white.
  549. [22:29] <Flora> [she went npc]
  550. [22:29] <Flora> [not ko\
  551. [22:29] <GearBox> "it's fine, calm down."
  552. [22:29] <Titus> (Then why is Gear carrying her?)
  553. [22:30] <Flora> [i dont know]
  554. [22:30] <GearBox> (i carry her, she isnt unconscious, star can npc next fight)
  555. [22:30] * Star_ begins to walk. "Yeah, walking skeletons must mean we're getting close...*"
  556. [22:30] <GearBox> (besides, i was carrying her from when Comp hugged her)
  557. [22:30] <Titus> Arrow runs over to Star and points at White, still whining! She then jumps up and stands on her hind legs, her front on his side.
  558. [22:30] * High_Tide glances at Misery with a cold look.
  559. [22:31] * Flora goes to Misery to retrieve her knife "strange isn;t it? I've yet to see any skeletons so close to town. Usually they are far out away from here the closest in old town"
  560. [22:31] <GearBox> "Arrow. down."
  561. [22:31] * GearBox follows star while carrying the tired white.
  562. [22:32] * Star_ looks over at Whitelight and frowns while he walks. "...Sorry White..."
  563. [22:32] <Titus> Arrow yaps at Gear for commanding her around, following Star closely.
  564. [22:32] * GearBox glares at Arrow. "im the one carrying white, not you."
  565. [22:33] * High_Tide sighs and starts walking again, heading further into the woods.
  566. [22:33] == GreenHoof [~GreenHoof@] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  567. [22:33] <Titus> She yaps again, growling.
  568. [22:34] * GearBox gives Arrow a 'areyoufuckingkiddingme' look
  569. [22:34] <Titus> Arrow returns a look of smug satisfaction. Really smart fucking dog.
  570. [22:34] <Star_> *Misery slows down a bit as everyone manages to keep up, getting to Tide's side. "...Hello, Mr. Tide."*
  571. [22:35] <Flora> "So Misery... you have any idea why-..." it seems she's cut off
  572. [22:35] * GearBox sighs. "cmon, Arrow."
  573. [22:35] <Titus> Arrow walks over, silent. Still seems fairly full of herself.
  574. [22:35] * High_Tide stays at Misery's left side so his uninjured part of his face is looking at her. He spares her a glance, but doesn't say anything yet.
  575. [22:35] <Star_> *Misery flicks an ear back to Flora, still keeping pace with Tide.*
  576. [22:36] * GearBox trots to keep up with them, having a little trouble, damn dead weight is heavy.
  577. [22:36] <GearBox> "..."
  578. [22:37] <Flora> is too late, is always too late
  579. [22:37] <Star_> *"...You didn't deserve to get hurt."*
  580. [22:37] * Flora actually takes slight offense to her just nonchalantly flicking her ear in her genral direction and figures she isn't worth her breath
  581. [22:38] <Titus> Arrow lets a single bark out at Misery, treating a pony with such disrespect. She then moves over to Flora and nuzzles into her side.
  582. [22:38] <GearBox> "we almost there you two?"
  583. [22:39] * High_Tide slowly glances at the red spectre, a hoof kept over his left side of his face. He looks at her quietly for a moment before responding; "...Thank you."
  584. [22:39] * Flora doens't even know whos yappy dog this is
  585. [22:39] <Titus> Who cares? It's a dog! How adorable.
  586. [22:39] * Flora does give it smlie tho
  587. [22:40] * Mary_ONette hears noises in the distant and shrugs thinking its the wild life.
  588. [22:42] <Star_> *Misery then turns back to Flora. "Darling, if you wish to talk to me, just talk. I don't bite...much."*
  589. [22:43] * GearBox chuckles a bit at the remark, he's already gathered that Misery is one hell of a bitch.
  590. [22:43] * High_Tide keeps walking, but a small, genuine chuckle comes from his mouth at Misery's remark. "Hey, be nice... Flora deserves it more th'n me.."
  591. [22:43] <Titus> Arrow barks at Misery, showing her her fangs!
  592. [22:45] <GearBox> "so, anyways, how close are we?"
  593. [22:45] <Flora> "i just wanted to ask if you knew why skeltons were so close to the town. It's the first I've seeen them here and the closest ones I've seen are in old town"
  594. [22:47] <Star_> *Misery looks at Arrow with the biggest Rarity-esque 'bitch, please' look before looking back at Flora. "I suppose I can let my hair down around you ponies, seeing as you fought for us..." She gives Flora a little smile as he responds. "Well, the only thing I know is that there's something powerful in these woods that's reanimating things."*
  595. [22:48] <GearBox> "hmmm..."
  596. [22:49] * High_Tide glances at Misery before looking ahead. "...Just one thing?"
  597. [22:49] <Flora> "could it have something to do with bonecharms?"
  598. [22:49] <GearBox> "must be some really powerful magic in there."
  599. [22:50] <Star_> *"Hm?"*
  600. [22:50] <Titus> Arrow growls at her, but decided not to start shit with an ethereal ghost that could probably ruin her day and keeps walking.
  601. [22:50] <Star_> *Misery looks at Tide, her eyes in their ever half-lidded state.*
  602. [22:51] <GearBox> (gotta go, feel free to npc me.)
  603. [22:51] <GearBox> (nini all)
  604. [22:51] == GearBox [] has left #fourcannonwoods []
  605. [22:51] <Flora> [night man]
  606. [22:51] <Flora> [darn 2 slow]
  607. [22:52] * High_Tide keeps walking as he talks. "As luck would have it, the undead aren't so rare around here... I've met lots of ghosts, twice with Flora."
  608. [22:52] * Flora walks bringing a hoof to her chin thinking more out loud if anything "no that I think about it I know of a lot of things that can reanimate the dead... such a strange place we live in"
  609. [22:53] <Star_> *Roll Perception.*
  610. [22:53] <Titus> Arrow is silent. Oh, the woe of having no speaking ability in a world where pigs and cows can talk! What did dogs do to deserve this horrible fate?!
  611. [22:53] <Star_> *Misery nods and listens to Tide. "Interesting."*
  612. [22:54] <High_Tide> !roll 1d20
  613. [22:54] <Flora> "but Tide you have to remember we haven't seen them this close town before.Were not even that far out"
  614. [22:54] <GameServ> High_Tide rolled 1d20: 3 <Total: 3>
  615. [22:54] <Titus> !roll 1d20
  616. [22:54] <GameServ> Titus rolled 1d20: 8 <Total: 8>
  617. [22:54] <Flora> !roll 1d20+1
  618. [22:54] <GameServ> Flora rolled 1d20: 19 <Total: 19(+1) = 20>
  619. [22:54] <Titus> (Jeez, I've accidentally shanghai'd myself into this quest... as a dog. I can't love this enough.)
  620. [22:54] <Star_> !roll 1d20+4
  621. [22:54] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 13 <Total: 13(+4) = 17>
  622. [22:54] * High_Tide rubs his chin, not very perceptive. "You're right, Flora..."
  623. [22:55] <Titus> Arrow is too busy giving ghosts a leery eye to notice anything.
  624. [22:56] * Flora nods "so it has to be something doing it that's near the town. Could be the bone charm i got rid of about a weeek or 2 ago but i dont know... thing gave me the creeps with its flashing eyes"
  625. [22:56] <High_Tide> "Bone Charm?"
  626. [22:57] <Star_> *Flora, having a keen eye for nature, notices that the trees around here...haven't succumbed to the cold fall weather. They look as strong as they may have in the spring. And come to think of it, so do you...*
  627. [22:58] * Flora doesn't brag but she works out flexing them muscles under her fur. [it's ironic since im eating a burrito for the 2nd time today]
  628. [22:59] <Titus> Arrow barks at Misery again. Can ghosts read minds? Who knows?
  629. [22:59] <High_Tide> [/me prods Flora's belly]
  630. [23:00] * Flora nods ""yup I found it in the woods after I folllowed some bird made of stars. I took it with me and i didn't sleep for about a month. And this is coming from the guy who doesn't sleep often; boy let me tell you that thing had me fucked up"
  631. [23:00] * Star_ looks around, noticing it too. "Why does everything...look and feel so...nice all of a sudden??"
  632. [23:01] <Titus> Arrow, reacting to Star's words, looks around, then starts barking! Bark, bark! Woof!
  633. [23:01] * Flora still has green trees where she lives so it isn't that alarming
  634. [23:02] <Star_> *Misery takes a deep 'breath', looking around. "Be on your guard."*
  635. [23:02] <Star_> *Company slows down and looks around. "I-I...I think...we're ...really close..."*
  636. [23:03] * High_Tide 's ears twitch and he looks around slowly, humming.
  637. [23:03] <Star_> *Rattlerattlerattle...*
  638. [23:04] <Star_> *Rattlerattlerattle...*
  639. [23:04] * Flora appreciates the fact she has to scroll over the words and highlight them
  640. [23:04] <Star_> *Rattlerattlerattle...*
  641. [23:04] <Boris[Ronin]> [Did someone say rattle]
  642. [23:04] <Boris[Ronin]> [ ]
  643. [23:05] <High_Tide> [I like Boris' taste]
  644. [23:05] <Flora> [way2fuckingspooky4me]
  645. [23:06] <Star_> *Company screams softly and points behind a particularly large tree. "Th...There!"*
  646. [23:06] <Titus> Arrow barks and looks the way Company pointed!
  647. [23:07] <Flora> "what what is it?" she says as she quietly flanks the tree around the outside
  648. [23:07] <Star_> *Misery sinks into the ground, Company sinking with her. "Good luck!"*
  649. [23:08] <Star_> *From behind the tree shamble 1...2...3 skeletons!*
  650. [23:08] <Star_> *One of each race!*
  651. [23:08] * High_Tide looks onto the group and curses undeer his breath.
  652. [23:09] * Flora sees obviousn discrimination among the skeletons
  653. [23:10] * Star_ gets into a stance, pulling out his dagger. "Get ready, this is Company's skeleton! Hit the earth one, but don't destroy it!"
  654. [23:10] == Popcorn [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  655. [23:11] * High_Tide blinks, looking to the unicorn. "B- what about Misery?" he asks, slipping a combat knife out of his robes. Very unwizard-like
  656. [23:12] <Flora> [can i go for a sneak attack since im flanking/]
  657. [23:12] * Star_ looks back to Tide. "Her body's back at the graveyard. Company's the only one moved."
  658. [23:13] <Star_> *Roll init! And let's say yes. If you get >15, it works :3*
  659. [23:14] <Flora> !roll 1d20+2
  660. [23:14] <GameServ> Flora rolled 1d20: 10 <Total: 10(+2) = 12>
  661. [23:14] <Flora> damn
  662. [23:14] <Star_> !roll 1d20+4
  663. [23:14] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 12 <Total: 12(+4) = 16>
  664. [23:14] <High_Tide> !roll 1d20
  665. [23:14] <GameServ> High_Tide rolled 1d20: 18 <Total: 18>
  666. [23:14] <Star_> !roll 3d20
  667. [23:15] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 3d20: 9 7 3 <Total: 19>
  668. [23:15] <Flora> [hey Tide I'll trade inits with you]
  669. [23:15] <Star_> *Tide!*
  670. [23:16] * High_Tide snaps to attention and lights his horn, firing a magic missile at the unicorn because he doesn't want the other side of his face to melt
  671. [23:16] <High_Tide> !roll 1d4+2
  672. [23:16] <GameServ> High_Tide rolled 1d4: 2 <Total: 2(+2) = 4>
  673. [23:17] <Star_> *The blast hits the unicorn in the chest, sending bones flying...but the head bounces on the ground, unscathed!*
  674. [23:17] <Star_> *Star!*
  675. [23:18] * Star_ rushes forward, trying to fire a magic missile at the pegasus!
  676. [23:19] <Star_> !roll 1d20+3
  677. [23:19] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 13 <Total: 13(+3) = 16>
  678. [23:20] <Star_> !roll 1d4
  679. [23:20] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d4: 2 <Total: 2>
  680. [23:20] <Star_> *The blast knocks a few bones off, but it is undeterred!*
  681. [23:20] <Star_> *Flora!*
  682. [23:22] * Flora isn't trying to get to close to the body they need and elects to break the unicorn head if it's still a threat. If it's not knife to the bird horse!
  683. [23:23] <Flora> [is the unicorn dead?]
  684. [23:23] <Star_> *The head is still a threat...and can be used as an explosive projectile.*
  685. [23:23] <Star_> *By either party.*
  686. [23:24] * Flora elects to pick up the skull instead to throw at the pegasus
  687. [23:24] <Flora> [rolls?]
  688. [23:25] <Star_> *You now have a skeleton head, roll above 12 with RAB as modifier.*
  689. [23:26] <Flora> !roll 1d20+3
  690. [23:26] <GameServ> Flora rolled 1d20: 11 <Total: 11(+3) = 14>
  691. [23:27] <Star_> *d6 dmg, let's say*
  692. [23:27] <Flora> !roll 1d6
  693. [23:27] <GameServ> Flora rolled 1d6: 2 <Total: 2>
  694. [23:28] <Star_> *Flora launches the head to the left of the pegasus and it explodes on contact, sending bits of pegasus everywhere!*
  695. [23:28] <Star_> *Now there is only one aggressive earth pony skeleton...*
  696. [23:29] <Star_> *Shall you fight it or attempt other methods?*
  697. [23:31] * Flora has some rope she could use
  698. [23:31] * High_Tide would speak but talking outside of his turn is a faux pas
  699. [23:32] <Star_> *The skeleton, in a rage, attacks Flora for killing it's spooky brethren!*
  700. [23:32] <Star_> !roll 1d20
  701. [23:32] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 1 <Total: 1>
  702. [23:33] <Flora> lol
  703. [23:33] <High_Tide> [oh..]
  704. [23:33] <Star_> *The skeleton rushes for Flora but trips on a branch, knocking it over into a pile.*
  705. [23:35] * Flora goes to casually tie it up, she doesnt really feel a threat from it Company not seemig like afighter
  706. [23:35] * High_Tide bows his head and shakes it slowly.
  707. [23:35] <Popcorn>
  708. [23:36] <Star_> *Misery rises from the shadows. "You never were a fighter, Company..."*
  709. [23:37] * Star_ walks up to the tied skeletons, now rattling in anger. "So what do we do with it?"
  710. [23:39] * High_Tide glances to Company expectantly, careful not to show the left side of his face
  711. [23:40] <Titus> Arrow returns from hiding in a bush, grabbing a nice thick earth pony bone!
  712. [23:40] <Titus> She looks so triumphant.
  713. [23:41] <Star_> *Company looks at the dog and pouts. "N...No! Bad dog!...Let me go!..."*
  714. [23:42] <Flora> "no dog drop it!"
  715. [23:43] * Titus looks over, tilting her head. "Huh?"
  716. [23:43] <Titus> (Uh)
  717. [23:43] <Titus> (Omit that huh)
  718. [23:43] <Titus> (Muscle memory pls go)
  719. [23:43] * High_Tide looks away and starts to chuckle, wandering over to the big tree the skebbetins were hanging out at, looking through the area
  720. [23:44] <Titus> Arrow drops the bone on command, sitting there and panting.
  721. [23:45] == Mary_ONette has changed nick to Mary_ONette[pink]
  722. [23:45] <Flora> "good dog" she says rubbing it's head befoe returning the lost femur "so what do we do now?"
  723. [23:46] <Star_> *This tree is *massive,* you could definitely pick it out if you were flying above the treeline. The roots see to be...connecting to other nearby trees like blood vessels...*
  724. [23:46] * Star_ shrugs. "No idea. I guess we carry this thing home and burn that bridge when we come to it."
  725. [23:47] * High_Tide hums and places a hoof on the tree, slowly circling it.
  726. [23:48] <Flora> "i elect to let to let that one guy carry it he doesn't seem like he would complain"
  727. [23:48] * Flora points at gearbox while getting sleeepy
  728. [23:49] <Star_> *As Tide touches the tree, his body begins to feel lighter, as if something were helping him stand. His horn begins to light on its own, shining bright.*
  729. [23:49] * Star_ nods. He can agree with that.
  730. [23:50] <Star_> *Company giggles like a little filly, floating around the pile of bones and inspecting each one for marks or breaks.*
  731. [23:50] <Titus> There MIGHT be a bite mark in one leg bone. Totally not Arrow's fault.
  732. [23:51] * High_Tide blinks and looks up the tree in surprise, the sensation causing himself to gasp.
  733. [23:52] <Star_> *Company pouts down at the dog. "Go...chew on...somepony else...!"
  734. [23:52] <Flora> "so Star help me load her up, unless she has other ideas"
  735. [23:53] * Star_ nods and looks to the spirits. "Any objections?"
  736. [23:53] <Star_> *Both spirits shake their heads, Company going back to rattling her bones.*
  737. [23:54] <Titus> Arrow tilts her head at Company, barking. She does look kinda sorry, though. Must not like being scolded.
  738. [23:54] <Titus> She even walks over and nuzzles the bones into a little pile! Aww, how sweet.
  739. [23:54] * High_Tide ignores the group and closes his eye, steadying his hooves on the tree and using this newfound energy to lift something, anything nearby with TK
  740. [23:55] <Flora> "so bend over new guy these are going in dry"
  741. [23:55] * Flora starts lifting el bonos
  742. [23:57] <Star_> *Tide's horn sparks wildly and picks up every other bone not related to Company and launching them sky-high...*
  743. [23:57] * Titus yelps and hides from the sudden magical surge!
  744. [23:57] <Titus> Except Titus isn't a dog!
  745. [23:58] <Star_> *Gear takes the bones like a champ, carrying the entire skeleton like a boss!
  746. [23:58] * Flora could have shoved so many of them in his pooper
  747. [23:59] <Star_> *
  748. [23:59] * High_Tide blinks in suprise and watches the bones, marvelling. Curiosity takes him and he mutters to himself; "I wonder what's up in this tree...:" he says, enveloping himself in his aura to carefully lift himself up the side of the tree to see what's up in the branches while he hugs the side of the tree.
  749. [23:59] <Titus> Arrow peeks out, then walks back over towards Company's bones! He whimpers and looks up at her in apology.
  750. [00:00] <Star_> *That might make Company upset.*
  751. [00:00] <Titus> She's not touching them and looks super sad though!
  752. [00:00] <Titus> That and she's a dog. A smart dog but even smart dogs aren't too smart.
  753. [00:01] <Star_> *Company looks down at the dog and smiles, air-petting him so as not to freeze him.*
  754. [00:02] <Star_> *As far as Tide can's just a regular ol' tree...but the leaves at the top are more lush and green than any other tree he's seen in a while.*
  755. [00:02] <Titus> Arrow pants and jumps around happily, accidentally brushing against her hoof once or twice and getting chilled.
  756. [00:03] * High_Tide floats himself up onto a branch, marvelling at the site.
  757. [00:03] <Star_> *Misery even manages to smile a little bit, before looking around. "I think we should get outta here. Like, now."*
  758. [00:05] * Flora legs get tired and she decides to mount Star. He shall be her trusty stead today
  759. [00:06] * High_Tide eventually works his way down the tree, floating to the forest floor and staring at the tree in bewilderment. "Is no one else seeing this..?"
  760. [00:06] <Star_> *The tree itself doesn't look all that weird, but just touching it has made Tide feel...good. Like stronger, faster, more magically adept!*
  761. [00:06] <Titus> Arrow runs around, then decides to scratch her claws on the tree Tide's messing about with!
  762. [00:08] * High_Tide chuckles and ruffles Arrow's head, the stallion sounding and looking like an actual living being compared to how he usually is today. "Hey, poocj feels it too.." Tide says, before looking around, looking for a root.
  763. [00:08] <Star_> *Arrow's claws scratch into the tree! And the tree bark begins secreting a clear, sparkly substance down the trunk as if it were bleeding...*
  764. [00:09] <Flora> [/me gets Star's quote]
  765. [00:09] <Flora> [but this is taking awhile and i have to slepp soon can you pm me what else happens later please]
  766. [00:09] * High_Tide pauses, wandering over to the sap. "Hey.." he mumbles, digging through his robes pockets. "Good boy.." he mumbles, giving Arrow another pat as he looks at the liquid.
  767. [00:11] <Star_> *Roll perception, Tide.*
  768. [00:11] <Star_> [Okay, Flora.]
  769. [00:11] <Flora> [thnan
  770. [00:11] <High_Tide> !roll d20
  771. [00:11] <GameServ> Syntax: XdY [ {-|+|*|/} Z ]
  772. [00:11] <High_Tide> !roll 1d20
  773. [00:11] <GameServ> High_Tide rolled 1d20: 6 <Total: 6>
  774. [00:11] <Star_> *The liquid is clear, but it sparkles...which is strange, considering it's the dead of night in the middle of the forest.*
  775. [00:11] <Titus> Arrow has a wonderful idea. She is going to lick up the sap! This can't possibly go wrong.
  776. [00:12] <Star_> *Tide can't seem to find any samples to the tree he can take...aside from the sap, if he has a bottle.*
  777. [00:12] * High_Tide doesn't seem to think anything is off as he produces a glass vial, watching the dog curiously.
  778. [00:14] * High_Tide starts to collect the sap as he watches Arrow
  779. [00:14] * Flora do the npc do but sap is a curiousity
  780. [00:15] <Star_> *Arrow begins to feel...happier. More alive...almost as if that limp were a thing of the past!*
  781. [00:16] * High_Tide watches in awe, and after collecting his sample, curiously reaches out with his hoof to take a sample and have a taste.
  782. [00:16] <Titus> Arrow, energized, starts running around, this time without a limp in her leg! Truly this is a wonderful day! After a small while, she runs up to High Tide and nuzzles into his side, panting.
  783. [00:18] <Star_> *Tide feels the same way, as if that week from sleeping didn't happen. He feels well rested and pumped for nothing in particular! And what's ore, his horn won't stop glowing, even if he tries!*
  784. [00:19] <Star_> *more
  785. [00:21] * High_Tide 's eye goes wide and he wraps his hoof around Arrow, giving her a hug. "...I think you may have just made the discovery of a lifetime.." he mutters, before putting the vial away and eagerly fishing out his three other bottles to fill them with samples too, using his combat knife to extract just enough.
  786. [00:22] <Titus> Arrow whimpers. She must feel bad for the tree, like they're hurting something for their own gain!
  787. [00:23] <Star_> *Arrow doesn't have to worry about the has it's own defense mechanism.*
  788. [00:23] <Star_> *Rattlerattlerattle...*
  789. [00:23] * High_Tide glances as he works, looking back up the tree. "..Don't be sad, bud.. this tree'll probably be here longer than we will.."
  790. [00:23] <Titus> (This tree is, like, nature, correct?)
  791. [00:23] * High_Tide looks down again and deadpans as he hears the sound of skribbitongs. "...See?"
  792. [00:23] <Titus> (Like some kind of spirit of nature?)
  793. [00:24] <Titus> Arrow turns and begins barking at the rattling of bones!
  794. [00:24] <Star_> *rattlerattlerattle...!*
  795. [00:24] <Star_> [Mhmm, Titus.]
  796. [00:25] <Titus> (I'd assume it'd have some way of communicating with an animal, then, but maybe that's just dumb.)
  797. [00:25] <Star_> *Misery calls out to Tide. "Tide, run!"*
  798. [00:26] * High_Tide quickly stows away the four bottles and ruffles Arrow's head one more time, standing up. "Come on, bud!"
  799. [00:26] <Titus> Arrow ruffs in acknowledgement, getting ready to sprint away with him!
  800. [00:26] <Star_> [Well, you both kinda just licked a little. Not like much will happen with just a sample]
  801. [00:27] <Titus> (Also, leave it to Arrow to find an Elixir of Life.)
  802. [00:27] * Star_ and all the other ponies rush away from the stampede of skeletons just in time, at least 10 skeletons shambling from behind the tree!*
  803. [00:28] * High_Tide gets curious and as they flee, turns to fire off a magic missile while he still feels the tree's energy
  804. [00:29] == Aurora[Spectator] has changed nick to AUrora
  805. [00:29] == AUrora has changed nick to Aurora
  806. [00:29] <Star_> *Just for shits and giggles, roll d10*
  807. [00:30] <Titus> !roll 1d10
  808. [00:30] <GameServ> Titus rolled 1d10: 1 <Total: 1>
  809. [00:30] <Titus> Arrow! Noooo!
  810. [00:30] <Star_> *I mean, d8*
  811. [00:30] <Titus> !roll 1d8
  812. [00:30] <GameServ> Titus rolled 1d8: 1 <Total: 1>
  813. [00:30] <Titus> Arrow! Noooo!
  814. [00:30] <Star_> *For Tide's missile power, heh*
  815. [00:30] <High_Tide> oh!
  816. [00:30] <Titus> I still find it funny.
  817. [00:30] <High_Tide> can I get my robes bonus :33
  818. [00:31] <High_Tide> !roll 1d8
  819. [00:31] <GameServ> High_Tide rolled 1d8: 6 <Total: 6>
  820. [00:32] <Star_> *Tide's missile causes one skeleton to explode and another nearby to lose two limbs, tripping 4 others.*
  821. [00:33] * High_Tide starts chuckling madly while they flee the scene
  822. [00:33] <Titus> Arrow, having seen Titus cast a few magic missiles at Timberwolves, is amazed!
  823. [00:33] <Titus> But still keeps running!
  824. [00:34] * High_Tide would be flattered that Arrow mistook him for her master if he could speak dog
  825. [00:35] <Star_> *All ponies manage to get away safely, and they should be back home by...what? Tomorrow morning if they camped? It took a few hours to get there.*
  826. [00:36] * Mary_ONette[pink] yawns a bit and sits under a tree to enjoy the sky
  827. [00:38] <Titus> Titus is probably gonna be REALLY worried about Arrow...
  828. [00:40] * High_Tide feels the burns on the side of his face gingerly, wondering if the sap did anything to help it
  829. [00:40] <Titus> Arrow is feeling awesome about this whole 'not limping' thing!
  830. [00:40] <Star_> *...What burn?*
  831. [00:40] <Star_> *Just kidding, it's still there.*
  832. [00:42] <Star_> *Arrow had better enjoy it while it lasts, that little taste is gonna keep the limp away for only maybe an hour or two.*
  833. [00:43] * High_Tide feels himself chuckle at nothing in particular and looks around, noting the others are oddly quiet. Slowly, he looks to the red ghostmare.
  834. [00:44] <Star_> *Misery is looking around the group, waiting perhaps?*
  835. [00:45] <Star_> *She notices Tide's eye. "...Yes?"*
  836. [00:46] * High_Tide looks at her blankly, his brow raising slightly. "...were you worried about me, back there?"
  837. [00:47] <Titus> Arrow sits in front of Misery and tilts her head.
  838. [00:47] <Star_> *The mare raises her eyebrows. "Would that be so hard to believe?"*
  839. [00:48] <Titus> Arrow gives a sarcastic bark. Somehow.
  840. [00:48] * High_Tide reaches to his saddlebags and produces a waterpouch. "Two nights ago you wrote your name in my blood." he says frankly, sipping the water to seem nonchalant.
  841. [00:52] <Star_> *She looks down at the dog and reaches down to touch her, but...pulls back. "And as I said, you didn't deserve to be hurt."*
  842. [00:54] <Titus> Arrow whines and avoids her ghostly hooves.
  843. [00:54] * High_Tide tilts his head back and forth and considers it, but he wasn't letting the mare off that easily. "If that nick from two nights ago was on a vein I would have bled out in my sleep." he adds plainly, having another sip.
  844. [00:56] <Titus> Arrow continues whining, moving over to lean against High Tide for safety. Must be scared of ghosts.
  845. [00:59] * High_Tide sighs and softens, tipping his waterpouch over and pouring it out slowly to let Arrow have a drink. Maybe he was being a little passive aggressive.
  846. [01:00] == Popcorn [] has left #fourcannonwoods []
  847. [01:00] == Popcorn [] has joined #fourcannonwoods
  848. [01:00] <Titus> Arrow laps up the water happily, stopping her whining.
  849. [01:03] == Liven [] has quit []
  850. [01:09] <High_Tide> [Star?]
  851. [01:09] <Titus> (Star_!)
  852. [01:09] <Aurora> [STAAAAAAARRRRRR_!]
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