
Chupacabra Part 1 (Revised)

Mar 7th, 2014
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  1. Another day, another cow sent to a crude death.You are Anon, and you work at the local rural slaughterhouse. You have no idea why, but over the years you have gotten used to seeing some really gorey shit and have decided to take up the job of moving livestock animals to their certain and gruesome deaths. Personally, you blame 4chan for that entirely. Damned /b/. The job kind of sucks, what with the place either smelling like shit or guts, and watching as cows that seem friendly are brutally sliced to bits for most likely be put between two buns for some fat fuck to just shove down his throat. But at least the pay is good, the job isn't really that hard besides manual labor making sure all the machines are doing their jobs and best of all-
  3. Suddenly you hear one of the goats bleating loudly before it's suddenly silenced. You can guess why that is, but you go into the goat stable anyway for your job's sake. Several goats are about, some looking as retarded as they can be while others are backed against the fences or the sides as one goat near the back of the pen lies dead with it's eyes bulged open. When you walk closer to get a better look taking a knee, you can see two small and neat holes in the side of it's neck almost hidden underneath it's woolen coat, no blood coming out of the punctures
  4. Of course, this is the calling card of one person you know.
  6. "Okay Chu, where are you? I know you're still here." You raise your voice as you get back onto your feet looking around the pen.
  8. You can hear a gentle huff before the sound of wood crackling from behind you a gently thud followed behind it as you can feel someone land a few feet behind you on the other end of the pen. You turn to see her, a girl standing at about 4 feet and 6 inches her light brown skin showing her in the gentle lighting as he pancho flutters gently just below her waist, the bottom of her thighs just visible as she gets up from her landing greeting you with a small Latino accent.
  10. "I guess I cannot trick you anymore, huh?" She remarked, having a small grin on her face, her fangs showing amongst her teeth.
  12. This is Chu, the best part of the job.
  14. "Well, course you can't trick me like this anymore, Chu. I know how you do it at this point" You scratch your head as you give your honest retort.
  16. "Ay, I wish you didn't call me by such a ridiculous name..." Chu groaned, rolling her eyes as her tail sways gently behind her, it's long bushy fur making some of the goats step back from their predator.
  18. "But what the fuck else CAN I call you"
  20. "Anything that isn't stupid or unoriginal you stupid dolt!" Her ears pinned back as she said that, folding her arms across her chest her brow furrowing just a bit as though she were just insulted.
  22. "Look, Tiny. You said I could call you whatever, so that's what I call you. Deal with it." You claimed. You learned over the the weeks of staying with her that she'll more likely listen with a little attitude of your own. She pouts at your demeanor, stamping her bare foot against the hay on the ground in a fit.
  24. "Tirón!" She butts her head against your stomach lightly, her horns at the top of her head lightly jabbing at you making you stumble back just a bit.
  26. "H-hey! Watch it!" You almost shouted out towards her, but manage to keep yourself quiet. No one has to find out she's here. No else comes here unless they're coming to kill one of the animals, after all.
  28. She merely huffs again at your distress, looking up at you with her slightly dirtied face.
  29. Chu is short for Chupacabra, obviously a lame and stupid name as she says, but there's a reason for that: She never gave you her real name. Apparently, the Chupacabras are actually very withdrawn and secretive when it comes to their society, they aren't supposed to seen or noticed and to never be well known, under the belief that they will be killed for their deeds. So as a result, a Chupacabra may not reveal who they are, much less they're personal information unless it's either needed or you trust the person you're telling. When you met her, you practically busted her eating out of one of the slaughterhouse buckets behind the building itself after having to look around to find out who had been stealing the damn things a few weeks ago.
  31. Chu was either biting and draining the blood of animals in the first place and hanging them up to confuse workers, which was rare due to all the sneaking that involved, at least according to her. The second way with buckets was way easier at the time, seeing as there wasn't nearly as much moving around needed to get to them and she could carry it out of the building.
  32. When you found her after a few days of searching around for minor clues or hints as to where the buckets could have gone, she was gulping down the blood from the bucket like it was fucking beer, not missing a drop before putting it under a large bale of hay. As she turned to probably leave and noticed you were watching, she practically froze up, staring at you with her bright yellow eyes, her irises stuck as horizontal bars The next hour was spent with her yelling, swearing and even begging you to forget what you saw and to let her get away with drinking the blood, resorting to even threatening you if you didn't leave her. This wasn't very surprising, The farm in town would probably notice the livestock suddenly keep dying and the holes in the animals' necks would bring up suspicion, especially with today's science, they could find out it wasn't something ordinary like a wolf. Then again they'd question even that considering the circumstances. After a while, you both came to the agreement that Chu will stop stealing buckets, killing the livestock (and sparing you), you have to feed her yourself.
  34. Chu, apparently failed to mention that she would be living at your home secretly from then on, because that night she was in kitchen eating your fucking hamburger meat ala tacos. When you came in asking what the hell she was doing in your home, she had the nerve to say you had a shitty diet and taste in meats, smacking you with her tail and then demanding where you kept your spices, the complaining the whole time about having to make due with hamburger meat rather than something more fitting. Since that day, she would stay home at your place out of sight, and you would bring home something for her to eat and drink. Though she would help around the house when she was in the mood, it wasn’t often and it quickly became clear that she wasn’t a very good housewife, so she was more of a freeloader in the end, but she behaved herself for the most part after getting her fill of blood.
  36. Which leads to the question...
  38. "So why are you here anyway, Chu?" You asked, as you rubbed your stomach checking your uniform for any holes "You said you wouldn't do this anymore."
  40. You had been keeping your end of the deal after all, volunteering to get rid of the buckets of blood only to sneak off with them and putting them in used orange juice containers, then putting them in your backpack and putting the empty containers back into the slaughterhouse. It had a disgusting smell to it and you have taken up the daily routine of washing before and after work everyday because of it, but it kept Chu happy
  42. "Ooooh, but Anon~! Fresh blood taste so much better compared to cold and stale blood." Chu whined poking one of her claws against your chest lightly pretending to pout
  44. Shit, she knows you hate it when she acts all cutesy like this.Makes it hard to say no to her. Either way you swallow the small lump that was developing in your throat and speak
  46. "Look, you know how it is around here." You began, trying your best not to not seem nervous. "I can't afford to let you keep drinking from here. If someone else starts to catch on, they'll start looking into this, or someone else will be told to look into this."
  48. You let your eyes dart down to steal a glance at her face. Her ears have faltered slightly at hearing this, though she's still pouting, no further signs of her feelings on the matter.
  50. "If we both know that if someone else finds out that someone like you is here doing this kind of thing, we're both screwed."
  52. She just looks at you in silence for a moment before sighing and pressing her head against your chest her tail swaying slowly as her ears stay down against her head
  54. "...I know"
  56. "So why do you do this?" You press her to keep answering your questions trying to read her body language.
  57. She doesn't bother moving head away from your chest, and doesn't say a thing, seeing her face being impossible.
  59. "Chu, come on-"
  61. "I get bored, alright?" She cuts your sentence short, her horn pushing against your chest more as she wraps her arms around you lightly. "And...I guess...I've grown to like being around you"
  63. You could swear you can feel her head get a bit hot as her tail sways a bit faster as she keeps her face hidden in your shirt. You can feel your own face heat up a bit as she speaks, feeling her small frame press up to your body, her breasts pressing into you ever so faintly The fact that you know for a fact that the poncho is the only thing she wears just makes this situation more awkward as you look down at her messy brown hair
  65. You aren't very sure how to handle the situation at this point. Do you ease up or stand your ground?
  66. Normally Chu is a bit playful but is normally not to this point. She was the kind of girl to only prank you such as rigging your sink to shoot water at you or the occasional scare. Never really touchy. Hell, when you met, she wouldn't let you get within arm's reach and told you to not help her out of pity. Chu went as far as refuse to use your shower, claiming she preferred using the river near the town because of the lack of people around the area. She was prideful as much as she was sly. Compared to that, Chu is acting really different today
  68. "Uh, Chu. You feeling alright?" You can feel your words almost fumble out of your mouth as you ask that. You were never that much of a social person, much less with ladies.
  70. "Yeah, I'm fine.." Chu mutters out her answer, still refusing to move her head away from your apron. "Just...I don't know. I guess I got bored, and then got a bit curious about what you were doing is all..."
  72. She shifts her weight around, and you feel her body moving rubbing against yours as she does. Despite her small size she had a damn good size on her. You’ve gotten enough views of her cleavage of them from her walking around in her poncho all the time. You can hear her sigh faintly a bit of a shudder mixed in as her tits press down more against you. Fucking balls, is she doing this on purpose!? Your personal pitchfork wants to go through her hay now. You can already tell she wants it to.
  73. Fuck! Cut that out! Now is not the time to make metaphors for your dick! Get this bitch off and tell her straight damnit!
  75. "Look, Chu." You're practically burning up, too distracted by the task of keeping yourself from popping a tent that she can feel. "I’m glad you want to hang out a bit, but I’m at work right now. Maybe we can, uh, talk during my break or something and then we can work things ou-"
  77. “Shhh.” You automatically shut your mouth from blabbering as she shushes you, as she seems suddenly serious again. You can see her ears flick a bit before she pulls her head away from you chest turning her head around, her tail laying down and coming to a stop as her ear move about.
  79. “Someone’s in here. I’ve got to go” Is all Chu whispers before letting you go and quickly running towards the wall, quickly digging her claws into the wall, making as little noise as she could. The fact that a lot of this building is made of metals and thick wood just makes the fact that she can do things like this makes her claws all the more threatening with how sharp they have to be to do things like climbing up the side of the wall.
  81. “Psst. When is your break?” She looks over her shoulder at you, glancing behind her for anyone coming into view. Her clawed feet digging into the wood as well to keep her on the wall.
  83. The fact she was on the wall kind of dulls out when you start to notice that part of her ass is hanging out from under her slightly ragged poncho, its shape seeming way too nice to a girl who probably had to live on road for so long.
  85. "U-uhhh, 1:20" You stammered out your answer, shifting your eyes up to hers when you speak to her, not wanting to her to notice where you were staring at.
  87. “Then meet me out back at that time then. See you later” With that, she scaled the wall at almost professional skill, leaping over to the beams near the ceiling, light taps following before they too faded, making her escape.
  89. You look up for a few more seconds before collecting yourself. You aren't sure how, but Chu was very good at climbing, maneuvering and sneaking through areas. She could always do what she wanted in your room while you slept, and you've had more than one argument over the matter, That that incident when she snuck onto your computer and looked through your shit. You pick up the now dead animal amongst the group of goats, carrying it off to be hung up.
  91. You explained to your coworker that you went ahead and knocked it out before draining the blood. No one here really cares enough about how exactly the job is done anyway, as long as the meat is still good, business will continue on as usual. Lucky for you the buckets of blood are put in the pens as well to avoid too many disgusting smells from going through all areas of the slaughterhouse.
  93. Still, over the course of the day, as it started to reach 1 o’clock, you couldn’t help but wonder what Chu could possibly want to do out behind the slaughterhouse. Was she hitting you before? Were being a bit too horny. She was a bit too unpredictable to just go out on a guess, so the only thing you can do is get through the day until break time and see what she wants. Hopefully, she’ll stop her sneaking around here with enough convincing.
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