
Structure 2013-07-31

Jul 31st, 2013
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  1. Homework (p. 146) Verb lists on p. A-2 and A-3
  2. 2 recommended ordering
  3. 3 volunteered to throw out
  4. 4 stopped eating (=quit)
  5. 5 deserved to receive
  6. 6 tried to decide
  7. 7 admitted to stopping (admit to something)
  8. 8 remembered playing (real past event)
  9. ---
  10. I stopped eating fast food. = I ate fast food before. Then I stopped.
  11. I remember playing there. = I played there before. Then I remembered.
  12. I forgot playing there. = I played there before. Then I forgot.
  13. I regret quitting my job. = I quit in the past. Now I regret it.
  15. I stopped to eat fast food. = I stopped. Then I ate fast food.
  16. (This is an infinitive of purpose: I went to McD's to eat food.)
  17. - I stopped *another* thing, in order to eat fast food.
  18. I remembered to lock the door. = I remembered. Then I locked it.
  19. I forgot to lock the door. = I forgot, so I didn't lock it.
  20. (I regret to tell you this. = I feel bad now. I will tell you soon.)
  22. p. A-3 Appendix 6: verbs followed by gerund *or* infinitive
  23. ---
  24. p. 147
  25. 1 wanted me to have
  26. 2 Andre's choosing to go (about = preposition)
  27. 3 stopped using (=quit)
  28. 4 finding (of = preposition)
  29. 5 to see (happy = adjective)
  30. 6 changing (=subject)
  31. 7 to do (thing = noun)
  32. 8 support their selling (support + gerund)
  33. 9 appreciate my friend's encouraging (appreciate + gerund)
  35. 10 to express (purpose) "Who are you going with to buy food?"
  36. 11 having (at = preposition)
  37. 12 expected to find (expect + infinitive)
  38. 13 didn't expect to see
  39. 14 to bring (wrong = adjective)
  40. 15 eating (of = preposition)
  41. 16 need to have (need + infinitive)
  42. 17 try to stay away (try + infinitive = attempt)
  43. 18 urge the administration to set up (urge + infinitive)
  44. 19 keep on buying (keep on + gerund)
  45. ---
  46. I will go on studying English. = I study it now. I will continue.
  47. I will go on running my father's business. = I run it now. I'll continue.
  48. She went on reading the newspaper. = She was reading. She continued to read.
  50. I will go on to study English. = Now I do something else. In the future, my next step will be English study.
  51. I will go on to run my father's business. = He runs it now, but I'll be promoted when I'm older.
  52. She went on to read the newspaper. = She read something else first, and then she read the newspaper.
  53. ---
  54. Homework: p. 148 (the handout is *optional* extra HW)
  55. ---
  56. - click on "Input/analyze"
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