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Apr 21st, 2015
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  1. LOL Starter’s Guide (League of Legends)
  2. League of Legends, or most commonly known as “LOL”, is a competitive game that requires lots of strategies and skills to conquer the game or defeat your opponents. To become one of the best players in this game, you should know first this LOL build and guides that’s presented below. You’ll definitely love and enjoy the strategic and competitive gameplay of League of Legends especially after learning the name of the game. So, get LOL now and vanquish the game.
  3. Early Starter’s Guide (In-game)
  4. After the game had started, the first thing that you should do is to buy 3HP potions and boots. This is basically, applicable no matter what role you take in-game. Buying an early boots will help you retreat or engage with your opponent quickly due to its bonus movement speed and the HP potions will have you to stay in your lane longer. These 2 starting items as your early LOL build will likely assure your survival during the early games.
  5. The Masteries and Runes
  6. Masteries and Runes play a very crucial role in winning your lane during your early game. Usually, the most common mastery build for both AP (Ability Power) and AD Carry (Attack Damage) is 21/0/9 and for tanks is 0/21/9. You might find these useful for you in the beginning but as the time passes and you’ve gained experience, you can customize it for your own contentment. Runes however, are very dependent on specific champions. To know more about LOL build runes, you can have it checked on their site.
  7. Summoner Spells
  8. Summoner spells may depend on what type of champion you’re using but it should normally go like this.
  9. AD Carry (Attack Damage) Champion – Getting the heal and flash spells are the most suitable for all types of AD Carry champions.
  10. Mid-lane champions – These are usually AP champions and they must get the ignite and flash spells.
  11. Top-lane champions - They must get the ghost/flash and ignite spells.
  12. Junglers – Smite and exhaust/flash
  13. You must fully understand the specific roles of the champions. Sometimes, they may change role depending upon your team’s decision. It would also be better if you’re familiar with all of the champions in order for you to know when to play aggressive and when to be careful. Read further to know more about these LOL build and guides.
  14. Junglers – Being the jungler bears the responsibility of supporting the 3 lanes at all times. If you notice that one of your team’s lane is losing, it would be better if you gank them as soon as possible. In other words, jungler’s role is to extend help on those losing lanes.
  15. AD Carry – Staring item for this role must carry at least 2 or more Dorans Blade. This will turn your champion more tanky and will give you passive lifesteal with more damage. If you started out in early game really well and earned enough gold, the next thing you should buy is the BF Sword.
  16. AP Mid Lane – just like the AD carry, AP champions must carry a couple of Dorans Ring. It would also be wise if you buy some wards to be placed on both sides to avoid getting ganked.
  17. There are so much to explain in LOL build and guides. The following information mentioned above are suitable for newbies and starters. If you still don’t have the game, get LOL now and feel its fantastic and enjoyable game experience.
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